Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1 - came back

Dongchuan City, the economic hub of eastern China. [This chapter starts-Love-You-Sound-Novel Network, please remember the URL (.Aiyousheng.)]

Dongwanli Middle School, Dongchuan’s most prestigious private high school, many famous people have attended school here.

On Friday afternoon, the senior third (3) class at this time was so solemn and nervous that everyone was struggling to write a good book. This was the first examination at the beginning of the school and it was the city’s senior high school entrance examination. Announced throughout the school and informed parents.

Even the recalcitrant student attaches great importance to this exam.

But only one person seemed out of place. He didn’t read the papers in front of him. Instead, he scanned the surroundings back and forth, his eyes filled with strong shock.

怎么 “What’s the matter, wasn’t I am ambushed by 32 alien peak powerhouses in the meteorite sea, and finally blew my body to be with them all?”

“But here is, school?”

“Rebirth, or hallucination?”

“Chen Yu, what are you doing!”

When Xun Zheng was puzzled, a burst of drink interrupted his thoughts, looked up, and a fat-faced, fat-hog figure was standing on the podium and looking at himself.

“Liu, Liu pig head?”

Chen Yu recalled for a long time before shouting with some uncertainty.

考试 The people who were taking the exam suddenly looked at each other collectively and looked at Chen Yu with a stunned expression. They couldn’t believe it, and some people didn’t even realize they had written it off.

That’s Liu Fali, the director of teaching. This man is greedy and lustful and has a dark heart. It is said that his background is very deep. Black and white are related. Even a cruel student, when he sees Liu Fali, he must be afraid of three points.

It was rumored that Liu Fali had enlarged the belly of a female student. Although the girl’s father found various methods, it was useless. The girl’s father was beaten to hospitalization. Finally, the female student had to transfer to school, and Liu Fali was still mixed. Wind and water rise.

Although everyone called him in private in disgust, no one dared to shout in person.

“I rely on, is Chen Yu crazy, dare to call Director Liu like this?”

“It must be because he confessed to Li Donger yesterday and was irritated.”

Uh …

The class burst into a pan and whispered.

“Xiao Yu, you are dead, and apologize quickly.”

旁边 Next to Chen Yu, a fat man hurriedly winked at Chen Yu.

“Small, fat?”

Chen Yu shouted with uncertainty, the name is too far away in his memory, and the dead party that has never been seen since leaving the earth, now appears in front of him.

喂 “Hey, what’s wrong with you, it didn’t really get irritated yesterday.”

Xiao Xiaotong clenched his fists, his face tense. His name is Shen Fei, and Chen Yu’s only dead party.

Yesterday, Chen Yu confessed to Li Donger in public on the playground, but was ruthlessly rejected. He knows that the inside story is not simple. Now Chen Yu looks obviously abnormal.

Liu Fali on the podium was completely stunned. No one dared to call him like this. He didn’t respond for a while. When he noticed the voice below, his face instantly turned into a liver color.

As a director of teaching, which student saw that he was not trembling and afraid to die, but Chen Yu actually called him like this in front of so many people, it was an insult to him.

He rushed down the podium in a few steps and pointed at Chen Yu’s nose and yelled: “You little hybrid, dare to scold me!”

He said, a fat and greasy hand fanned over Chen Yu.

羽 Chen Yu grabbed Liu Fali’s wrist and looked cold.

How many years have nobody dared to talk to him like this? There was an instant surge of killing intention.

Looking at Chen Yu’s cold eyes, Liu Fali was agitated. Although he was still pretending to be calm, he was extremely shocked.

A small high school student, how could there be such appalling eyes? He felt like he was facing a fierce beast, and it was difficult to breathe, but he still braced his face and shouted frantically.

“You, you, what do you want to do, ah? Hurry up and let go, or I will let the school fire you right away!”

Chen Yu didn’t move, just asked Shen Fei next to him, “What year and day is it now?”

“Ah? Oh, September 15, 2015, what happened to you, Xiaoyu, don’t scare me.” Shen Fei was almost crying.

How did Xiao, who was always gentle, become like this? Shen Fei felt that he didn’t know Chen Yu anymore.

Not only was He ,, the other people in the class also had a ghost-like expression. Chen Yu has always been relatively peaceful. This time, facing the fear of Liu Fali, he was so strong that it completely overturned their three views.

I heard Shen Fei’s words, Chen Yu’s heart was shocked again, and he felt his body in a hurry. The surging divine power that was enough to destroy the sky and the earth had disappeared at this moment.

He finally determined a thing, he was born again, and returned to the senior year!

After a long pause, he finally accepted the fact of his rebirth, boasting endlessly.

“Unexpectedly, my Cang Yu Tianzun was reborn and returned to the senior year.”

Chen Yu was originally an ordinary person. Although he was enrolled in the prestigious Wanli Middle School, he didn’t fly like Huang Tengda, but he was framed by people and experienced the darkest decade of his life.

Twenty years later, Chen Yu was destitute and impoverished. His parents had already died. If it was not for his 27th birthday, he would be taken away by the worshippers who passed by the earth, and it might have become a cup of loess.

Chen Yu, who had left the earth, has embarked on a path of practice since then, showing her extraordinary talents. It took only 800 years to become the strongest king in this era, making the starry tribe bow down to the court.

However, I did not want to encounter the alien ambush in the universe of Jedi meteorite because of my rescue. Although I tried my best to send the Lord out, I ran out of fuel and blew up, and finally blew himself up to destroy the 32 All alien kings are buried.

I did not expect that not only did I die, but I was born again and returned to high school!

“Yes, when I left the earth with endless regrets and regrets, when I returned, it was already a sea of ​​vicissitudes, but in this life, I want to make up one by one!”

“Dad, mom, in this life I will not let you suffer any more grievances and suffer a little bit more.”

“Xuaner, this time I won’t let you leave me again!”

“There are five big families, the Northern Capital Chen family, I want to return all your shame back then!”

“Those regrets and regrets of the past, I will never allow them to appear again!”

In the last life, I left the earth with infinite regret.

In this life, I want this world to follow my heart!

The sunlight outside the window was sloping on Chen Yu’s body, a kind of unrivaled domineering rose up, although the repair was lost, but his invincible momentum still existed.

Everyone looked at Chen Yu in horror, all of them felt a very small self.

连 Even Liu Fali has an urge to surrender. But he immediately became angry.

He taught the director in a dignified way. He also knows a lot of people in black and white. He is also the number one in Dongchuan. How can he be afraid of a little fart?

“Little king bastard, I let you let go quickly, you hear nothing.”


Chen Yu slapped Liu Fali to the ground with a slap.

“Presumptuous, next time there is disrespect, the deity must kill you!”

Chen Yu looked indifferent and stepped out of the classroom irrespective of the test being taken.

发 Liu Fali was completely stunned. The others even stared desperately, and suddenly a loud noise broke out after Chen Yu left.

Chen Yu, not only did he not take the exam, he also hit Liu Fali!

Suddenly, Chen Yu, at this moment, identified a direction to run away, and his face was no longer indifferent, but unexplainable excitement.

(End of this chapter) [This chapter starts. Love. You. Sound. Novel Network, please remember the URL (.Aiyousheng.)]

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