Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 17 - Block the road

These people are not others. They are Liu Fali and others. They asked about it early in the morning. Zhao Yun asked Chen Yu to eat here, so she had been here for a long time. [.Aiyoushen.]

发 Liu Fali was holding the cigarette, straightened his beer belly, walked two steps forward, looking at Chen Yu in the shadow, with a sullen smile.

“Little bastard, I didn’t expect you to be quite capable, and you didn’t say it, and you had a leg with Zhao Yun. Today I will let you know what is the consequence of offending Liu Fali!”

Qian Ming also sneered sneerly: “Chen Yu, I know you can fight, but this society doesn’t just rely on fists. You, a poor boy, think that you touch the Ye family and dare to pretend in front of me? Ye Wushuang but It ’s fun, do you think she will cover you? Really idiot! “

Zhao An Xinghao looked at Chen Yu and was holding Zhao Yun with a slight aversion in her eyes.

“Chen Yu, I didn’t expect you to be such a person. Teacher Zhao is kind and you drunk her. Today I will never allow you to touch her!”

Zhao Anxing Haoyi was right, but listening to Chen Yu’s ears, he looked strange.

Drunk Zhao Yun yourself? Obviously it was she who put down herself! Want to conspiracy? Obviously she wants to do me, OK?

Xu shook her head and Chen Yu sighed secretly.


Upon hearing this, Zhao An Xinghao blew his hair instantly, his fists pinching, and he was so good, who dare to judge him in this way!

Can be the most humble kid, but most despise himself!

Chen Yu looked at the three with a playful smile on her face, but they did not expect that these people would be together.

“What do you want to do?”

Chen Yu asked lightly.

Liu Fali slammed his cigarette **** on the ground, and said, “Td I want you to have one hand, and then you will be stripped and thrown on the street!”

Chen Yu looked at him with a smile, “Oh? Is this enough? Would you like to add more?”

Liu Fali froze, then sneered, and said, “Xiao Wang Ba Dan is very arrogant, then I will satisfy you and use your two hands!”

At this time, An Xinghao frowned: “Director Liu, although Chen Yu is despicable, there is no need to be so cruel.”

发 Liu Fali gritted his teeth, his eyes were spitting fire, “I can’t wait to directly kill Chen Yu, this little bastard!”

At this moment, Zhao Yun, who had been lying on Chen Yu’s shoulder, woke up stupidly, and just heard Liu Fali’s words.

“Liu, Liu Fali? Who dares to touch Chen Yu, sister, sister has picked his skin!”

“Chen Yu, don’t be afraid, yes, there are sisters to protect you!”

韵 Zhao Yun drank Jiuyu, patted Chen Yu’s face, smiled drunkenly, then hugged Chen Yu again and fell asleep.

Chen Yu was helpless, but also a little touched. Since rebirth, there are not many people who are really good to her. Zhao Yun counts as one of them.

发 Liu Fali saw his eyes straight, he always wanted to drunk Zhao Yun, and then enjoyed this iceberg beauty, but he did not expect to make a little fart kid!

Especially after seeing Zhao Yun’s dress today, Liu Fali even had a wicked fire, and kept going from the lower abdomen.

“Hum, protect Chen Yu? No one can protect him today!”

发 Liu Fali screamed fiercely, thinking in his heart how to get Zhao Yun away.

Chen Yu looked impatient, “Okay, I’m in a hurry, hurry up!”


The three men scolded in unison, Chen Yu was too arrogant.

“Lao Zhao, you heard that, it’s up to you today.”

“Old Zhao, what’s wrong with you?”

发 Liu Fali glanced back at Zhao Kai proudly, but found that the latter was shaking like a sieve, and his face was scared with concealment.

The younger brothers Zhao Kai brought were all like a ghost, and didn’t dare to move.

“Lao Zhao, what are you doing, hurry up!”

发 Liu Fali screamed anxiously, Qian Ming and An Xinghao were also confused, not understanding what happened.

Chen Yu looked at Zhao Kai with a playful expression.

“Zhao Kai, how dare you stop me?”

When he heard this, Zhao Kai was shocked, and ran to the front of Chen Yu. He lowered his head and trembled and said, “Master Chen, I don’t know it was you.”

Just because the light was not good, Zhao Kai had not recognized Chen Yu. When he saw Chen Yu’s face later, and then recalled Chen Yu’s name, he remembered things in the park.

At this time, Zhao Huanli had scolded Liu Fali three times. Chen Yu’s ability, but he has seen it with his own eyes, and made a hole in the tree with one finger, which can he deal with? This is a lesson for a high school student, this is clearly to play him Zhao Kai!

Liu Fali’s three eyes were straight. Zhao Kaishi was too abnormal. Before he came, he said arrogantly that there was nothing wrong with him in this area. Now that he saw Chen Yu, he was scared.

“Lao Zhao, what the **** are you doing! Hurry up, I will give you 10w after it is done!”

发 Liu Fali had some bad feelings in his heart. When he opened his mouth, it was 100,000, so that Qian Ming and An Xinghao were stunned. The eyes of Liu Fali were full of disbelief.

In order to deal with Chen Yu, it cost so much!

But Zhao Kai didn’t move at all, instead he roared: “You shut up for me!”

At this moment, Liu Fali was completely dumbfounded. So much money, Zhao Kai doesn’t want it?

After Zhao Kaigang scolded Liu Fali, he nodded and asked Chen Yu: “That, Master Chen, what do you do now?”

Chen Yu said lightly, “Did you not hear that, interrupt Liu Fali’s hands and then strip them and throw them on the street.”


开 Zhao Kai quickly agreed, after turning his head, he looked at Liu Fali with a smile and squeezed his fists. Zhao Kai’s dozen younger brothers also stepped forward and surrounded them.

发 Liu Fali was so scared that he stepped back a few steps. Qian Ming and An Xinghao are also panic-stricken, at best they are only students. How have they seen such a battle?

“Old Zhao, you, what do you want to do!”

Liu Fali asked in a trembling voice.

开 Zhao Kai kept shaking his head: “Director Liu, if you blame, you can only blame the person you should not provoke. Brothers, do it!”

In the shocked eyes of the three, Zhao Kai and his younger brother rushed towards them as if they were starving.

Although Qian Qianming and An Xinghao have practiced Taekwondo, actual combat is not enough. It is comparable to a person who often fights such as Zhao Kai. The momentum is already a lot worse.

Liu Fali, not to mention, he has been prestigious and blessed all year round, and his body is very empty.

After a short while, the three men were beaten with bruises and swollen faces. Liu Fali even pulled his hands together and was broken.

Three people were stripped of their clothes. Zhao Kai and others drove the car and threw the three together to the most prosperous pedestrian street. Curious people picked up their phones and started taking pictures.

At this moment, a man in his forties with a dark face was shopping with his daughter. After seeing the three of them, he suddenly stunned, and then suddenly changed his face, and flung him fiercely, hitting Liu Fali again and again. kick!

Not only did his daughter not stop, she cried and rushed up, biting Liu Fali with her teeth, her hands gripped Liu Fali’s lower body and tearing wildly. Will Liu Fali be completely scrapped!

少女 This girl is the girl student who was forced to transfer to school after being pregnant by Liu Fali!

There was a mess at the scene, and only Liu Fali’s wailing rang through the entire pedestrian street.

At this time, Chen Yu, carrying Zhao Yun, came to a hotel!

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