Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 95 - Admission as a student

Everyone looked at Professor He who was shocked on the stage. [.Aiyousheng.] Professor He was still elegant and calm, just how suddenly he became so excited now?

Professor He He was also surprised, knowing that he had overreacted. Immediately no longer spoke, but his face was very gloomy, looking at Chen Yu’s eyes, full of badness.

“This classmate, I heard that you don’t come to school very much? And you often fight? Don’t you know that you study hard and improve every day?”

Professor Qi He’s tone was exasperated. When he heard about Chen Yu’s deeds before, he already had a poor reflection of Chen Yu. He did not expect that he would look like him in front of himself today.

Everyone looked at Chen Yu, surprised. I don’t know what caused Chen Yu to anger Professor Ho.

羽 Chen Yu was a little bit confused, so it was a little bit unknown, so she just said lightly, “My affairs don’t need you to ask me.”


When Professor He heard this, he turned red with anger. He was kind and hoped that the student would be able to correct evil and learn well. But I didn’t expect this guy to be so crazy, he said such things in front of himself.

Zhao Yun covered her forehead and saw that He Jianzhong and Chen Yu were upset with a speechless look.

Chen Yu is a big guy in Dongchuan. How can I care about my studies and keep improving?

Everyone in the squad blasted the pan and looked at Chen Yu with a surprised look.

Although they know that Chen Yu is not an ordinary person, it is only in Dongchuan. It is nothing if you go out of Dongchuan and look at the whole country.

I was so crazy before Professor He, a nationally famous Da Na, that I really don’t know what my mind thinks.

Zuan An Xinghao and Ma Jinping both looked at Chen Yu and smiled disdainfully. A high-school student who is a little capable, he really does n’t know the heights and heights, but Professor He has the respect of the mayor of Dongchuan. He is a high-school student who dares to challenge such a person?

The whole class, only Ye Wushuang and Shen Fei, looked at Chen Yu with admiration. Everyone else looked at Chen Yu like a fool.

“Dead wood cannot be carved, dead wood cannot be carved!”

Professor He was furious with his fingers and said, “You look at other people, you are thinking hard, and you are solving the problem seriously. What are you doing? Ah? Have you ever considered the college entrance examination while reading a novel? Have you considered the future! “

The sound of howling growled, shaking everyone. They looked at Professor He with a hint of awe. This old man was not imposing just now, but he was so horrified that he was not angry.

羽 Chen Yu frowned, and said, “How can you imagine my future? The question you sent is too simple to be interesting at all.”

“Jane, simple ?! Do you know what the problem is? How dare you say that the problem is simple? Do you know that even me, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and then I solved it. Did you say it was too simple?”

Professor Qi He rubbed his teeth, and the anger in his eyes was about to spit out.

Jian An Xinghao looked at Chen Yu, sneer. He knew the difficulty of the subject. If it hadn’t been for a related introduction he had read in an academic journal, let alone make a tenth today, it would be difficult to say whether he could understand the title.

虽然 Although you have a high level of force, your studies rely on your brain. Even if you can subdue many big brothers in Dongchuan, you are still just a rough person. It’s a typical simple mind with well developed limbs!

I shook my head, An Xinghao no longer paid attention to Chen Yu, and seriously solved the problem.

“Go out, you go out for me! Such a student is not worth sitting here!”

Professor Qi He roared, flushed with anger. The other leaders were ugly, and looked at Chen Yu with disdain.

Qi Ye Wushuang and Shen Fei shuddered in their hearts. I was afraid that Chen Yu would get angry and do something directly in the class.

But what reassured them was that Chen Yu just stood up a little and walked out.

“Chen Yu, don’t be angry, just go to my office and rest.” Zhao Yun said.

Chen Yu nodded, not even looking at Professor He.

Seeing Zhao Yun’s attitude, He Jianzhong froze, and did not understand how this junior was so kind to a student. He knew that the former Zhao Yun was famously cold.

After Chen Yu left, everyone in the class began to meditate. But with the exception of An Xinghao and Ye Wushuang, everyone’s papers were blank.

“Okay, it’s time, stop now.”

Professor Wu He said faintly, and took all the papers back. He saw An Xinghao’s paper and nodded.

不错 “Yes, the basic skills are very solid. Although it only barely solved one tenth, it has reached a limit that high school students can reach. An Xinghao, would you like to be my registered student?”

Professor Qi He asked with a smile.


When I heard Professor He’s question, everyone was all excited, watching An Xinghao full of envy. Although it is only a registered student, it is also a step up!

Xuan An Xinghao clenched his fist fiercely, flushed his face, and nodded his emphasis.

谢谢 “Thank you Professor Ho, I am willing to follow you and study hard!”

Professor Wu He nodded and looked at the others’ papers.

“咦! This, this is!”

Professor Tong He widened his eyes and looked at a test paper, as if he had found a baby, and was very excited. He immediately stepped down from the podium and came to Ye Wushuang.

“Ye Wushuangye, you have solved two-tenths of the answer! Can you be my student?”


Everyone froze and looked at Professor He in shock. Different from An Xinghao, this time, Professor He took the initiative to invite! Zhao Yun was also surprised. Ye Wushuang turned out to be a **** of learning!

After being surprised, Zuan An Xinghao was excited. If he and Ye Wushuang are both students of Professor He, he will surely make frequent contact in the future. At that time, he can definitely steal Ye Wushuang from Chen Yu!

In the envious eyes of everyone, Ye Wushuang shook his head without thinking about it.


Everyone froze and didn’t understand why Ye Wushuang gave up such a good opportunity.

After hearing this, Professor He was surprised and asked: “Why? Do you have any requirements? You tell me, as long as I can do it, I will help you complete it.”

Everyone took a breath and looked at Professor He. The promise of Professor He is too heavy.

But Ye Wushuang still shook his head and said, “No, no, no. I want to be with the host, how can I be your student.”

“the host?!”

Professor He suddenly said, this girl has a master?

“Who is the owner of your family, tell me, I will let him release you right away!” Professor He looked dull.

Ye Yewushuang laughed, very brilliant.

“My master? It’s Chen Yu.”

(End of this chapter) [This chapter starts. Love. You. Sound. Novel Network, please remember the URL (.Aiyousheng.)]

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