Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 1246: Kneel down and sing to conquer

"The enemy won't move, I won't move, the enemy won't move, I won't move!"

As time went by, shouting high-spirited slogans, the atmosphere slowly became embarrassing.


It's been a long time now, and the enemy hasn't moved!

From beginning to end.

Lin Beidu has been lying on a chair, blowing the mountain breeze, drinking tea, watching comics, and sleeping.

I didn't pay any attention to them at all!


The Antelope captain of the track team looked at Louis hesitantly: "I said Senior Louis, did we make a mistake?"

"What's wrong?"

Louis gritted his teeth, reluctant to admit his mistakes.

Just at this moment...

The scout he sent out earlier is back.

"How about it?"

Louis quickly turned his head and looked at the scout, hoping to get some good news from him.

for example……

I found Lin Bei's ambush!


"Stop it!"

The scout was not polite: "We ran all over the back mountains, let alone ambushes, we didn't even have root hairs!"

at this point……

Even Louis had to admit that he was really thinking too much, and there was no ambush at all.


I can't blame him!

It's not that he is stupid, but that the enemy is too treacherous.

Who could have imagined that Lin Bei drinking tea and reading so calmly was just a bluff?

Smart as Sima Yi, he didn't expect that the villager Zhuge played on the castle tower with an empty city plan!


How can you blame him?

He just made the same mistake as Sima Yi!


Please rest assured.

He was the last time at most.


He will prove this with practical actions.


Standing at the foot of the mountain.

See Lin Bei drinking tea?

No matter, this is a mystery, everyone rush to me!

Waiting to rush up the hillside.

Found that Lin Bei was watching a movie?

Hehe, want to repeat the same trick again? No matter, keep going!

Waiting to rush to Lin Bei within ten steps.

It was discovered that Lin Bei not only didn't look at them, but even turned over and pointed the back of his head at them.

How to do?

"Call me!"

Pull out the steel pipe, the table legs, and are ready to do it!


The sound of the insurance opening sounded.

Louis was surprised to find that, I don't know when, there was a black and thick barrel that hit his forehead straight!

Slowly moving his head, everyone present was stunned by everything in front of him!

Bill of the former drama club, Akin of the former track and field club, and the orangutan of the former basketball team. I don't know when.

Suddenly appeared around Lin Bei!

All of them are fully armed like special forces!

Holding the black hole wound, like the eyes of a **** of death, aimed at all of them.


What's more terrifying is not the weapon.

It's the aura exuding from them!

That is the murderous aura that can only be cultivated through countless lives and deaths and bloodshed on the battlefield!

"One step further, death!"

Holding the ferocious Gatling, Bill's voice was cold and cruel, which made people no doubt, but anyone dared to take a step forward.

He would definitely shoot without hesitation, and blast that man into a pool of meat sauce!

Even if...

Two days ago.

They may still be good friends who say nothing!

"See, hell..."

Everyone present couldn't help swallowing hard, and their brains fell into a sluggish state for a while.

Recovered a little bit.

Then it was filled with endless question marks!

I haven't seen you for a few days.

What's wrong with Bill and them?

On them.

What happened.

In these two short days, can they turn them from cute students into unblinking Schwarzenegger?


Where did they come from?

These problems have caused the vast majority of people present to lose their basic ability to judge.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?


Everyone gave up thinking and put their eyes on Louis: aren't you Sima Yi?

Get an idea!


Louis looked sore: Even if he is really Sima Yi, Lin Bei is not Zhuge Liang!

Why are you asking?


Have you ever seen Zhuge Liang sing the empty city plan, halfway through the singing, will take Gatling out to shoot?


Captain Orangutan scratched his head, his brain is not good, and history is not well studied, so he doesn't know what Zhuge Liang is.

He just wanted to know one thing.

"Shall we fight yet?"


Louis was angrily laughed: The orangutan captain of this basketball team is simply stupid than the one who can't help him.

Even if it's a pig, don't you dare to hold a few broken table legs and compete with the blue fire Gatling?

simply put.

"Lin Bei, you are ruthless this time, I admit it!"

Louis decisively raised his hand and surrendered. He was not stupid enough yet. He really took a few table legs and went desperately with Gatlin.


Give in to defeat.

"I don't accept this loss."

Louis haha ​​sneered: "After all, everyone is a classmate. If you have any problems, you should use your own ability and school methods to solve it."


"You actually used the power of the family!"

"Use these guns to deceive others. If you lose this way, even if you die, I won't be convinced!"

The rest.

Needless to say.

This is a very simple truth!

Society has social rules.

Schools also have school rules.

Two students have an appointment.

One of them, relying on calling the parents, has the upper hand, and the other is obviously not convinced.

In fact...

Not only won't be convinced.

The shameful person would be the one called the parent instead!

Lin Bei now.

This is probably the case!


After Louis said so.

Almost everyone believes that Lin Bei's guns were obtained by his own family.

in other words……

Lin Bei called his parents, and won dishonorable!

"Cut, this Lin Bei is really a despicable villain!" "Only relying on the power of the family, what kind of hero?"

"Louis, I support you!"

For a time, the people who ate melons were filled with indignation, shouting for Louis and others, and shouting for support.

Seeing this, Louis couldn't help grinning, and laughed at Lin Bei: "Hahaha, Lin Bei, have you seen it? This is what the people want!"

"I am the real winner!"

Heard this.

The other presidents and captains also cheered up: Yes, look at the cheers of the mountain whistling the tsunami.

Who dares to say that they are losers?

Senior Louis.

It really is Sima Yi, who can turn defeat into victory with just a few words, it's really amazing!


Smiled and smiled.

Louis's smile solidified.


Lin Beiyouyou rolled over, put down the comic book, and casually snapped his fingers at Bill and the others: "Let these guys kneel down and sing Conquer!"


With a deathly silence.

"If you dare not sing, just kill it!"

Lin Bei's voice is not loud, as if he is telling the chef: I want to eat braised pork today.

Everyone present was stunned.

It seems that a long time has passed...

Captain Orangutan opened his big mouth and said everyone's heart: "Go on, are you kidding me?"


Bill opened Gatling's insurance.

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