Heavens Gift Pack: Start with One Punch Man

Chapter 1275: Where is Lin Bei

All in all, in short.

After a disturbance, the Hogwarts first-year freshman basically knows: In their class, there is a ruthless man named Lin Bei who just got off the train.

Just one man alone, sent the three of Malfoy who bullied Neville to the hospital.

This kind of thing...

Even in the history of Hogwarts, it rarely happened.


They also heard.

This Lin Bei likes to tell cold jokes!


Lin Bei had another nickname for some reason, called:

The prince is a cold joke!

Sitting on the bow, Ron looked at Lin Bei with envious expression: "Brother Lin Bei, now you are famous!"


Lin Bei has a toothache: he doesn't care about those who are not well-known, after all, he has already seen through these false names.

But the problem is...

A cold joke about the prince?

What the **** is this nickname!

To know……

In his life in Lin Bei, he has the honor of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, and his nickname is "Demon" and "Devil".

The prince was a cold joke.

What is this naive title?

Seeing Lin Bei's face calm, Hermione leaned against Lin Bei's arms and smiled slightly: "I think it's pretty good!"

Naive is a little bit naive.

But in her mind, Lin Bei, who rescued Neville with one enemy and three without asking for anything in return, is her prince charming.

As for the cold joke...

"This shows that you have a good sense of humor, doesn't it?"

sense of humor?

Lin Bei shook his head and chuckled:

Speaking of this, after so many years, many people have said similar things to him.


Most of these people, in the end, basically died under his hands crying and crying.


A cold joke about the prince?

Lin Bei smiled faintly, no longer entangled: because he believes that everyone will soon change this view.

But then again...

reading a book.

I haven't noticed it when I watched the movie.

Hogwarts, this school, was built on the wrong side!

First, I took the train for a day, and then I made a boat, rowing across the dark, deep black lake.

This is again by car and rowing.

Those who knew were going to school, but those who didn't know, thought they were in which island prison they were going to!


Crossed the lake.

The tall Hogwarts castle appeared in front of the crowd immediately, dispelling the concerns of the young wizards from the Muggle world.

Turn to wonder!

In the silvery moonlight.

At the end of the black jewel-like lake, quietly stood a towering castle as tall as the sky.

The towers of the castle are lined with spires, and the lights show through the windows, like dazzling stars, decorating the night sky!

Even with Lin Bei's knowledge.

I also had to give Hogwarts a compliment!



Ron no longer knew what to say: even he, a kid who grew up in the wizarding world, was taken aback by the majesty of Hogwarts.

In Linbei.

It turned out to be only a good one.

Regarding pretense, you are really good at it!


Now this time.

Ron wasn't in the mood to study how Lin Beiduo could pretend to be forced.


According to his experience from his family, as soon as they enter the castle, they will begin to sort out the courtyard.

To be honest...

Although he wanted to go to Gryffindor very much, but he did not have this confidence, he would definitely be assigned to Gryffindor.

Because the Weasleys...

He is the timidest in it!

Therefore, he is not very sure, he will definitely be assigned to Gryffindor, which symbolizes "brave".


Responsible for sub-housing them.

Still the legendary sorting hat!

To know.

The Sorting Hat, like the admission book, was jointly created by the four legendary wizards who founded Hogwarts. It is a top treasure with an independent mind (tool spirit)!

It is said that...

It can directly perceive the soul of human beings. For thousands of years, it has never misunderstood or assigned a wrong student!

The brave and righteous belong to Gryffindor, the mediocre and low-key to Hufflepuff, the ambitious and evil to Slytherin, and the clever and arrogant to Ravenclaw.

For thousands of years, millions of wizards!

Never went wrong!


Ron was a little worried.

Worried that he was not so brave and righteous, worried that he would be assigned to the ordinary Hufflepuff.

In fact...

There are many little wizards.

At this moment, the mood is similar to him.

Just like Harry...

He could even hear that Harry kept thinking in his mouth: Don't go to Slytherin, don't go to Slytherin...


Ron found out.

Lin Bei's expression was calm from beginning to end, as if he were a good student who was firmly on Tsinghua University.


Speaking of which...

"With your guts and abilities, Brother Lin, going to Gryffindor is indeed a certainty!"

A cold joke about the deeds of the prince.

Isn't it the embodiment of courage and justice?

I thought of this.

Ron suddenly felt a little sour in his mouth: when he came, he seemed to have eaten a lot of lemons.

Watching Ron eat lemons.

Lin Bei didn't care about it: From the beginning, he hadn't worried about sorting out.


He does not think either.

He will be assigned to Gryffindor.


He was quite curious about the Sorting Hat.

A hat of life!

What will it be like?

With such curiosity, Lin Bei followed the Hogwarts freshman team led by McGonagall and pushed open the gate of Hogwarts Castle.


The blazing torch emits a dazzling light that does not fit the size of its own flame, brightly illuminating the ceiling that can hardly be seen.

Looking away from the dazzling ceiling, in front of Lin Bei, there was a luxurious marble staircase leading straight to the second floor.

Follow the marble stairs all the way up.

Professor McGonagall stopped in front of an unusually luxurious door with light and human voices exposed from it.


This is the banquet hall for the freshman banquet, and the senior students are already seated.


Before taking them in again, McGonagall had one more thing to explain to them these little wizards.

That's right!

It was the sorting ceremony.

Not every little wizard from the (Muggle) world has a friend like Ron.

You can learn about the branching ceremony in advance!


Before going in again.

McGonagall would also popularize science to the little wizards and arrange them in a single row according to the order of the enrollment list.


Go in neatly again!

(This is the way to bring a child. Don’t be sloppy at all, otherwise you will make a mess if you are not careful)


The famous bear boy Malfoy.

He was sent to the hospital by Lin Bei already at the station, and this process did not delay too much time.

The little wizards quickly lined up in order, and Lin Bei was not unexpectedly the last.

Speaking of...

He is also considered a transfer student!

However, these are digressions.

In fact, as soon as the line was lined up, Professor McGonagall pushed open the door that stood in front of everyone.


A magnificent one arrives.

The banquet hall that makes people feel incredible is presented in front of a group of little wizards!

Look up.

Above the head is a wonderful magical star!

Looking down, thousands of candles floating in the sky, like falling stars, light up the banquet hall that is so big that it is infinite.


It's just the ceiling and lighting of this banquet hall.

Lower your head again.

Red, green, blue, and yellow, representing the color matching of the four colleges, are full of bright gold plates and wine glasses on the long table.

The old students from the four colleges also all dressed in formal dresses, sitting around the long table belonging to their own college, nodding, smiling, and applauding to the freshmen!


Seeing such a scene, all the little wizards couldn't help exclaiming, and felt their legs soft.


Every old student.

The gazes looking at them were earnest.

"Come to Gryffindor, we are the strongest academy!" "Hehe, we Slytherin haven't said the strongest yet, when is your Gryffindor's turn?"

"Smart people, will join Ravenclaw!"

"Hufflepuff... I hope you can come!"

In addition to these. There are many more, senior elder sisters, ridiculing them personally...

Like Lin Bei and Harry.

"Yeah, isn't that the savior Harry Potter?" "The one next to him, isn't the prince who is famous for making jokes in the first grade today?"

"Little brother, chubby, terrible!"

Even some five or six years old, Gryffindor's bold seniors, openly yelled to Lin Bei: "Primary school brother, do you want to deal with the seniors? The seniors don't cling to others!"

To be honest...

If it weren't for Hermione, she would be watching.

Lin Bei really wanted to let this senior sister know what is the end of "hi" and let her give herself a good hello.


This expectation will eventually come to an end.

Because McGonagall waved his hand, the bold senior sisters all closed their mouths in awe.

The branching ceremony officially began.


That's it!


As McGonagall waved his hand.

In front of the first-year freshmen, there was suddenly a half-person high four-legged stool. On the stool, there was also a tattered, patched pointed wizard hat.

"The Sorting Hat!"

The little wizards who know how to do it all read silently in their hearts, and those who do not know how to do it, all stared at the hat closely.

Wonder what will happen next!


The entire banquet hall was silent, and everyone was staring at this tattered wizard hat in silence.


The hat twisted suddenly, as if he was a slacker who just got up, stretching.

And then...

He grinned and sang:

You may think I am not pretty, but don't judge people by appearance, if you can find a hat smarter than me.

I can eat myself.

Any thoughts hidden in your mind can't hide from the golden eyes of the magic hat, put it on and try it, I will tell you.

Which college should you be assigned to?

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried in the heart, their courage, boldness and chivalry make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, the people here are upright and loyal, the students of Hufflepuff are persevering and honest, not afraid of hard work;

If you are savvy, you may enter the wise old Ravenclaw, those wise and knowledgeable people will always meet their colleagues there;

Maybe you will enter Slytherin, maybe you will make sincere friends here, but those cunning and insidious people will do whatever they can to achieve their goals.

Come and put on me! Don't be afraid!

Don't panic!

In my hand (even though i don't even have a hand)

You are absolutely safe.

Because I am a thinking magic hat!

to be honest……

The songs sung by the Sorting Hat are not good, but they basically let the little wizards understand the status quo.

"This is a magic hat!"

"A magic hat that can perceive human souls!"

Under such panic.

McGonagall started to sign up one by one: "Hannah Abbott, Susan Burns Terry Bout..."

Every time a name was reported, a little wizard stepped forward and put the Sorting Hat on his head.


With a short period of one or two seconds, and a long period of three to five seconds, the Sorting Hat called out the college where the little wizard was.

The old student where the college is located.

Applause for the little wizard!

For example, Hannah Abbot, who was the first to go up, was assigned to Hufflepuff, and the old students cheered for her.

"A good start!" "You are welcome to join Hufflepuff!" "Don't be surprised by the evaluation, Hufflepuff's students are the best!"

With such cheers, the little wizard has been welcomed back to the long dining table belonging to Hufflepuff, and it will end.


The whole process was very fast and lively, giving Lin Bei a feeling of getting together with good friends and buying scratching music!

The only difference.

Scratch music can only make laughter if you win the lottery!

Four colleges.

No matter which one is scratched, there is a burst of cheers!

Of course……

In the eyes of Ron and Harry, Gryffindor was the best choice after all.


Also let them do what they want.

Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Harry were all assigned to Gryffindor under the Sorting Hat.

At the time of Nawei.

The Sorting Hat hesitated for a while.

Obviously, it is considering whether Gryffindor, which symbolizes bravery and justice, is suitable for Neville.


It still made a decision!

this means.

In the depths of Neville's soul, he is equally brave and righteous!

This discovery.

Many people are surprised.

However, no one will question the Sorting Hat.


The Sorting Hat has been around for thousands of years.

Never made a mistake, pay attention, never!


The people of Gryffindor.

Neville was also warmly welcomed.

What was surprising was that the Sorting Hat hesitated longer than Neville when making choices for Harry.

No matter how you look at it.

Harry is braver than Neville?

To know……

The reason why Lin Bei shot.

It's because Harry is going to make a move first!


After Harry came back.

Also explained to them.

The Sorting Hat hesitated.

Not because I think he is not brave enough, but because I think it's not bad to let him go to Slytherin!



But where the bad guys gather!

Speaking of this, Harry's mood was a little depressed.

Could it be that……

I'm a badass by nature?

Seeing Harry think so, Ron quickly comforted: "In addition to character, it may also be a matter of descent. Pure blood is more likely to be assigned to Slytherin!"


"Didn't you end up being assigned to Gryffindor? That says everything, doesn't it?"

Heard this.

Harry's mood also improved a lot.


no matter what.

He is now sitting on Gryffindor's table, which is enough to explain everything.

But at the thought of this.

He suddenly remembered something: "Where is my brother? Which college is my brother assigned to?"

"Lin Bei!?"

Speaking of which……

Hermione and Ron couldn't help but stunned: Yes, where did Lin Bei go for their wandering effort?

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