Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1002 - Late news (below)


In the blue sky, seagulls are soaring.叶 ^ 子 # 悠 * 悠 m

Standing on the deck, Ensem looked at the island that appeared in the distance-Xilia Island.

The sailor gave a cheer, and everyone was excited.

Gradually, I was able to see the coast and the pier.

From a distance, Silia Island is not large, with an area of ​​about 25 square kilometers. It is lined with cliffs on three sides, reefs, and a sandy beach on one side.

Although the island is not large, there are more than a dozen ships in the small port, most of which are small and medium ships.

At the pier, there were people approaching, Ensem ordered the sailors to work, and he got out of the boat himself. The pier was covered with planks and crunched along the way.

Opposite the pier, a small town is built, which is the port and core of the island.

Ensem walked up. Naturally, the scale here is not as great as that of Yuanfan Port, but surprisingly, there is still a spacious avenue built around it, which is a standard wooden house.

To Ensom’s surprise, it was quite lively.

“Boss, the most opened here is a hotel, but in fact, the hotel is a place where people with a bit of money live, there are people waiting, there is wine and meat, and the rooms upstairs are also clean.”

“Every cabin here can be used for accommodation, and the price is much cheaper than that in the hotel. It is very suitable for general sailors, but it can’t violate the law. If it is violated, there will be arrests by the inspection team.” The sailor, who followed, introduced.

In a row of wooden houses built along the road, there were loud and noisy sounds, some doors were open, and it was common to see several sailors gather to drink together, and some were drunk.

“How come there are so many ships?”

“Boss, Silia Island was originally a pirate island, and it is the only way to go through the route. Although the island here is small, the road is supplemented with food and water, and it is still satisfying to get a drink. Many merchant ships are used to staying. Overnight, so the business is good. “

“In the past few years, three manors were opened on the island to grow food. Now the food can not only be self-sufficient, but also supplement the food for the merchant ships.”

“The most important thing is that this is one of the three fruit producing areas. Boss, didn’t you just come here for this?” Said the sailor chief, leading the way.

Ensem smiled awkwardly and asked: “Although it is not prosperous, but it is a bit oily, is there no pirate robbery here? Or ***?”

“Boss, the master of the island of Sylvia, Lord Silia, is the wife of His Royal Highness. Besides, the navy of Tatasha is very powerful and often patrols. Who dares to ***?”

Ensom nodded silently, at this time, the hotel arrived. ^^ leaf * yoyo_starter

Before pushing the door in, a team of patrolling soldiers passed by. This team, all dressed in red straight uniforms, had long swords on their waists, and when they saw them, Nsem couldn’t help but sigh.

Although there are no knights inside, they are elite soldiers. No wonder the security is so good.

As the sailor chief said, this time he came for fruits.

The three new varieties of Guajin lychee, Cangxueguo, and Jinye pear have attracted a lot of attention as soon as they are launched, and the degree of attention they have received is surprising.

Not much time, news about these three fruits circulated among the nobles of the Esk kingdom. In addition to the kings and big nobles of the Esk kingdom, some well-informed legends have also received news, and they have sent The representative arrived in the territory of Romon.

These nobles and legends have successively issued high-priced orders.

The price of Romon is set very high, plus the first year, the output is not high, so although everyone does not order much, most of them are immediately cleared.

For a time, the wealth on the territory rolled.

Ensem was the representative of one of the nobles. At that time, he only ordered a little bit. At the time, he was praised by the nobility. He wanted to buy it again, but there was no more goods in the market, so he had to go to the place of origin.

Pushing the door of the hotel, he could not help feeling, this Highness Druid, would really make money!

There is a saying that is very good, called a few happy and a few sad.

While the wealth of Tetashaw was rolling over, several countries adjacent to the Kingdom of Esk saw mild or severe diseases and insect pests. Not only the fruit production was affected, but the crops to be harvested were also greatly affected.

Although the pests and diseases have been curbed, the grain output has to be greatly affected, which is definitely a great blow to the grain-producing kingdom.

The Kingdom, which is not a big grain-producing country, is definitely under pressure. After all, the season is about to be harvested. Almost all the leaders are waiting for the harvest of grain. Suddenly encountering this kind of thing, it is really anxious.

As the main food-producing kingdom, in the royal palace of the Kingdom of Spruce, the atmosphere is very tense at this time, because the prince of a country is furious inside, and his anger is loud and clear, and it can be heard clearly far away from the hall. A few moments later, several ministers who were scolded by dog ​​blood sprinklers and faceless came out from inside.

“Master Lokonde, what can we do about this? We have tried our best. The problem is that the powerful druids in the country have already been dispatched. Although the pests and diseases have been contained, it is too difficult to increase food production. People can solve this matter! It is not easy to keep the basic harvest achievements. It is required to increase the harvest by at least 20% within the next year. Isn’t this a problem for us? “A minister of the count said with a sigh. m

Walking next to him was a middle-aged fat man. As the Secretary of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Spruce, Lokonde’s face was even uglier than that of the others. The other party spoke in a sighing tone, and his tone was all Cried soon.

“Who says no, adults, we are all on a boat now. Although you are not in charge of agriculture, it is also related to this matter. This year’s harvest is ruined. If your next harvest can no longer satisfy your majesty, estimate Our future is over, not only we are over, our family will also be unlucky … Everyone must find a way. “

“What can we do? Hurry up and send someone to continue to stare at this matter. Some time ago, instead of asking the two big druids to come over, they are both amazing druids. There should be a way! In addition to doing this, What else can we do? Alas! “Several other ministers sighed.

“It seems that this can only be the case.” Knowing that there was no better way for them, the Agriculture Minister Lokond sighed, and his gray face was no longer asking more.

In the open space outside the palace palace, there were several white carriages parked, Lokonde got on one of the carriages, and the driver raised his whip, and the carriages hurried out to the outside.

Along the way, Lokond leaned against the car wall with a somber face, without saying a word.

He is in a bad mood right now. As the Minister of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Spruce, Lokond is in a difficult situation this time.

A sudden insect pest left him blamed for almost all night, and he had seriously resolved this matter, but his position as the Minister of Agriculture had begun to become less stable.

Now, with the help of several great druids in his own country, the pests and diseases have been contained, but his remarks made him more worried. Within a year, the territory ’s grain output increased by 20%. This kind of thing , How can it be done?

Not to mention that it ca n’t be done in peacetime. Now that the territorial farmland has been damaged, how can it be possible to make such achievements on this basis?

“Sir, what’s the matter with you?” As soon as Lokond arrived home, he leaned back into the seat with a disgraceful face and even said nothing. Seeing his appearance, his wife was taken aback.

“What can I do? Nothing, even if it’s something, can you manage it?” Lokond said coldly, feeling very bad.

Just about to let her go, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

“What’s this?” Lokond looked sullenly, looking at the tray on the table in front of him, which contained a few very beautiful fruits that he had never seen before.

“This is a place where the nobility has just sent it. I heard that it is a new fruit variety led by Te Ta Shao. It is very sweet.” His wife said cautiously.

“Huh! If the official position is gone, who will send the fruit in the future?” Lokond said coldly.

Although he is an earl, he is actually a court noble. If he is still a minister of agriculture, some local nobles can have some relationship with him. No, who will care about him?

“Then I will carry it down …” Seeing her husband’s ugly face was terrible, the lady quickly asked someone to carry it down.

Seeing the next man carrying something to go, something suddenly flashed in Lokond’s mind.

“Wait a minute!” He suddenly shouted, and made everyone startled. Fortunately, the servant was quick and his hands shook, but he didn’t fall to the ground.

“Adult, you are …”

“You mentioned Tertashaw just now? Oops! How did I forget such an important person!” Lokond said to himself: “I heard people say that this Highness used to I have cultivated wheat for increased production! I have forgotten such an important thing! Listen, I will go to the palace now, and I will eat dinner alone, so you do n’t have to wait for me! “

After he finished speaking, he strode out, called the carriage, and hurried to the palace.

At this time, the atmosphere in the palace was still tense, and the king was in a bad mood, which caused many people to touch the mold, the ministers were scolded, and the servants were more severely punished, and everyone was in danger.

However, it is surprising that the Minister of Agriculture, who had just left, came back quickly, and after entering the hall and talking to the king, the king’s mood actually began to improve.

“Okay, as you said, immediately invite Luo Meng to come down to visit my kingdom!” An excited voice sounded in the hall.

Teta Xiao collar, Yuanfan Port City.

“The Kingdom of Spurs invited me to visit?” Romon looked surprised when he received a letter from the temple of the goddess of agriculture.

However, when he understood the nature of the kingdom, his expression gradually returned to normal.

“Yes, it was an invitation from their royal family. The wording was very polite, and I repeatedly asked the temple to persuade you. I hope you can come to be a guest.” Alini said with a smile.

Her husband’s status is getting higher and higher and more and more respected. Of course, the wife is very happy.

“Did they say it was because of something?” Romon thought about it and asked, so there was always a reason to invite him politely to go on a state visit.

“The Kingdom of Spruce is a country that produces food as its main economic source. Some time ago, their country had just suffered serious diseases and insect pests. Although it has been curbed now, the whole kingdom has been seriously injured. Perhaps they want to invite them over. , Please ask about agricultural problems. “Eleanor explained.

“Does the grain production kingdom?” Thinking of some of the information he had received before, Romon already probably guessed the other party’s intentions. “It seems that it is okay to go there.”

After making up his mind, Luo Meng said to his wife: “Then please ask the temple, I will arrive on time seven days later.”

“Okay.” Alini was also very happy that Romon could get better and better with the temple. Her husband did things through the temple. She didn’t find it too much trouble.

So, soon, Luo Meng returned to the other party through the shrine of the goddess of agriculture, saying that he was willing to go.

After receiving this feedback message, the other party was very happy and immediately began preparations for the reception ceremony.

Seven days later, Romon rode a warship and arrived at the pier outside the capital city of the Spur Kingdom on time.

The weather was nice and windy on this day. Since the morning, the nobles of the Kingdom of Spr have been waiting at the pier. When the ship arrived, Romon stood on the ship and looked ashore. What he saw was a long wait The people in the dress are all gorgeously dressed and the team is neat.

This doesn’t count. When Romon arrived at the pier, he found that from the pier to the distance, there were red carpets. As soon as his boat arrived, there was loud music on the shore, which was clearly used to entertain guests. Band’s sonata etiquette.

“So grand?” Luo Meng also knows some etiquettes, knowing that such welcoming etiquettes are already very grand, this is a national hospitality.

When I got off the boat, I saw that the group of people on the pier greeted them with two people.

“You are His Royal Highness? I am the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Spruce Hammudun ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is our prince, His Royal Highness Lehine, Your Majesty has already hosted a banquet in the royal palace, let us welcome you In the past. “Prime Minister Hamuton saw Romon, and he paid a salute, then said enthusiastically.

This person’s knighthood turned out to be a duke, although he was a court noble, but also very grand.

There was also a prince who cooperated with him. Although the prince was much more immature, but the etiquette was no more grand than the king.

After receiving such a grand reception, Luo Meng was still quite satisfied, and his thoughts turned around in his heart. Luo Meng gave back slightly: “Prime Minister Hamutun, His Royal Highness Lai Heng, is very honored to receive this hospitality.”

The capital of this kingdom is also a port city, so it is a city not far from the pier. -For more surprises, please visit m-

The city is very old. Without planning, the streets look narrow and dark. When you get in the carriage, there is a team of cavalry guarding your progress. When you reach a city gate, the city gate suddenly opens.

“This king is really a corporal of Lixian!” Luo Meng received this treatment, thinking silently.

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