Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1054 - Rumors (below)

Chapter 154 Rumors (Part 2)

“His Royal Highness, become a god?”

The sanctuary world also boiled, and those sanctuaries that had dealt with Romon received a lot of gifts from Romont after receiving this news.

And those holy domains that were not familiar with Romon, not to be reconciled, expressed their congratulations to Romon in various ways.

For a time, the warehouse used to store gifts in the lord ’s villa was full.

The butler had to order to build a new warehouse overnight.

On the mainland, all major churches have shown great shock at the fact that Luo Meng became a god.

In their eyes, Luo Meng is a legendary incarnation. His rise and take-off can completely compose a legendary poem and spread it to the world.

Seeing that the Glorious Lord Church, which has always been in a hostile relationship with Romon, also sent people to congratulate Romon, other churches naturally will not give up this opportunity to associate with the new God, and have also sent valuable gifts.

The gift from the Pilgrimage Business Association is particularly valuable. It turned out to be a sapphire statue that is as tall as Romon. The carved **** will naturally not be someone else. The appearance is exactly the same as that of a real person. In time, it is a good-bye person who knows you well, and you will be amazed when you see it.

Blue, just opposite to Luo Meng’s divine attributes, symbolizes the blue sky and the sea.

Finally, I got the news that Romon became a god, but it was the royal members of the Kingdom of Esk and those local nobles.

The nobleman who had always made good contact with Tetasha was naturally very happy after receiving this news.

Those nobles with delicate relations with Luo Meng could not help but feel lost and fearful.

In the royal palace of the Kingdom of Esk, a sick old man was leaning on a soft chair, panting while reading the report.

His body is already weak to a certain extent. Although he has the most precious medicinal herbs in his life and the best priests to help heal, how can he get rid of overwork and aging life?

It ’s true that he is a king, and he has a lot of priests and pharmacists under his hands. It ’s true, but he has reached the final stage of aging. Even if he uses more healing techniques, he is at least lingering. See Come, really not long.

Sighing secretly, and then looking at the secret report in his hand, the king’s eyes suddenly dimmed again.

“I really didn’t think that in my lifetime, I can still see the birth of a god. For me and the Eske royal family, is this lucky or unfortunate?”

After playing the secret report in my hand, my mood became a little bit complicated at this moment. At this time, my throat itched again, and the old man couldn’t help but cough again.

“Your Majesty, you should take medicine.” The middle-aged waiter standing next to him lowered his eyelids, covering up the complex emotions in his eyes. Seeing the king’s face was not very good, he stepped forward and reminded in a small voice.

“Should I take the medicine again? Alas, bring it up.” The sullen chest made the king uncomfortable. He put the paper roll in his hand aside, nodded, and said.

The middle-aged attendant carefully lifted the king back to the bed and slapped the king’s quilt, and then gently retreated from the room.

As soon as he walked out of the room, the middle-aged attendant’s bent waist straightened, and his humble expression disappeared.

There were several young waitresses standing outside. The middle-aged waitress glanced at them, and very coldly told them: “I will take medicine for your majesty. You are here to serve me well.”

“Yes.” The several young attendants were all respectful and said in unison.

The middle-aged attendant nodded and stepped away from here.

After passing through a corridor, there is already a medicine fragrance floating in front, and then go forward for a while, which is the medicine room.

However, he did not rush directly to the herbal diet, but after seeing no one left or right, he walked into the remote palace next to it.

“You’re here, how is he doing now, Father?” There, he was waiting for a man in his forties early. When he saw him come in, the middle-aged man walked over and asked.

“His Majesty, Your Majesty’s mental state is not very good these days. After using the medicine, the condition has been temporarily restrained, but the time should not be too long …” The middle-aged attendant said in a low voice.

What he said “it won’t take too long” is already clear enough.

But will this news be good news for His Royal Highness who wants to be a king?

“Isn’t it long?” The middle-aged man had been looking forward to this day, but when this day was really coming, he couldn’t be more excited.

When he thought of the mess of the kingdom, a flash of trouble flashed on his handsome face, and he sighed, “I don’t know, what will happen in the future, it is really upsetting”

“By the way, Your Highness, there is another message, which should be very important to you.” Seeing the word “Future” mentioned by His Highness, the attendant suddenly remembered the news he had just heard in the King’s room and whispered more and more. With.

“What news?” I heard that it was very important to myself. The middle-aged man saw him with a dignified expression.

“That’s it, Your Royal Highness. Just now, I was by His Majesty’s side, and I saw him receiving a secret report, the content of the secret report, about the leader of Tatasha,” the middle-aged attendant said.

“Tetashao collar? What do you mean? What happened to Tetashao collar?” Now when someone mentioned Tetashao collar, the look of His Highness would be ugly.

“Count Tetrashaw … became a god.” The middle-aged attendant said complexly.

“God of God? Are you, are you kidding me?” His Highness opened his mouth, and it took a long time to react. He said in disbelief, because the news was so shocking that he stuttered.

“If you don’t believe your Highness, you can send someone to inquire about the news. However, from the reaction of His Majesty just looking at the private report, the source of the private report should be very reliable.” Reminder: “I heard that Your Highness has a good relationship with Earl Tetasha, if …”

After a difficult silence, His Highness suddenly looked pale.

If there is no world of God, maybe father or coup may be killed, but in this world of God, God ’s eyes can see everything … His Royal Highness even shuddered.

“Your Highness …”

“You don’t need to say anything, I understand, I will think about this matter, if the matter of becoming a **** is true, I will voluntarily give up the throne, and before the result has been reached, I request an automatic give up In exchange for a better title and territory. “His Highness, who was in a very painful mood, waved his hand and said decadently.

“…” The middle-aged man could not help but sigh.

“Will the uncle really give up the throne?” Prince McDonnell, who has grown into a handsome boy in the Princess Mansion of Yuanfan Port City, is asking with uncertain tone.

Opposite him, sitting one of his guardians, Princess Qian Ni Ya, two people sitting in the study, is analyzing the situation of Wangdu.

“Of course. Brother, although he acted recklessly, he was not a fool. A mortal aristocrat went against a god. He would only do this unless he wanted to die.” Princess Qiannia said with certainty: “He The only way out now is to automatically give way to a stable life. “

“But will His Royal Highness really be on our side? I heard that he was very upset that we were in contact with Miss Alice.” When he thought of this, Prince McDowell felt a little bit lost.

Of course, he knew that this happened because Miss Alice was bored with herself, but he pursued her. Although the big reason was for political marriage, he really liked her. Why did she have a chance? Don’t even give yourself?

Carefully concealing his inner loss, Prince McDowell looks calm on the surface, and continues: “And, even if he will support us, can a **** really intervene in the political struggle of mortals? There are many gods, but I have never heard of gods intervening in royal battles. “

Princess Qiannia glanced at him admiringly, and the child was very pleased to be able to think of this.

“You are right, there are really few gods who really intervene in mortal battles, but, do you know why?”

Before Prince McDowell answered, Princess Qiannia asked herself: “That’s because the life and wealth of mortals are too trivial for a god, how could a noble **** be A little bit of the interests of mortal people will intervene in the mortal struggle? This will not only waste their time and energy, but also destroy the order between the gods. “

“But we and Lord Luo Meng are in a special situation. First, he is a new god, and he has not yet completely divorced from the interests of the world. He will not completely give up everything in the world like other gods. Second, we have a relationship between him and him. The friendship is there, and your father ’s relationship with him is also very good, which is different from the relationship between the general aristocracy and the gods, and … “Speaking here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Princess Qian Ni Ya paused and continued: “Moreover, I already have an idea, an idea that can increase our chances of success. I plan to abandon my original faith and convert to Romon ’s faith, but you ca n’t do it. If you change your faith, you will automatically lose your right to the throne. “

“Change your faith?” Prince McDowell was a little surprised, and immediately came to understand: “You mean that after you changed your faith, you are a believer in Lord Romon, so that your highness can support me?”

“That’s right, you don’t think I am a sacrifice. In fact, I automatically give up the royal power, which is only good for you.”

Princess Qiannia said with a sigh: “The country is the kingdom of the Goddess of Water Springs. I am a member of the royal family. After leaving the royal family and my faith, I can still make some efforts for the new church, and this is also the beginning of compromise and cooperation. I believe Father Wang understands my heart. “

“After His Highness Luo Meng became a god, this move was almost a must.”

In fact, there is still a little Princess Qiannia said, and she was embarrassed to say to her nephew that in this life, she did not marry and live with Luo Meng as she wished. Then, just after death, she arrived in his **** kingdom, not with him. Separate again

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