Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1063 - Reclamation (on)

When spring comes, the trees stretch out the branches of yellow and green leaves, and gently flutter in the slight spring breeze. Some trees also have bright flowers. The floral fragrance attracts many bees, singing buzzingly. dance.

The breeze blew, and a fresh and fragrant breath greeted us, shining bright sunshine everywhere.

“Madam, the port ship … is ready!” Shakat saluted. He was old and pale, but still the governor of the fleet.

“Of course, Lord Shakat, the navy and the fleet are at your disposal. Among these ships, please choose one as the flagship and choose the fleet governor of this fleet.” Elini said: “Although I follow the fleet, But it is not a commander at sea. “

“Yes, Madam, Governor Bick is competent!” Shakat said aloud.

Bick is actually forty, this may be his chance.

“As you wish, Governor Pike, the fleet will be under your command.”

“Yes, ma’am, please be assured that the fleet will go away safely and return safely.” Bikdu Governor saluted.

Alini looked up and smiled, ten battleships, tons, full of food and seeds, and even some animals.

Of course, what is more noticeable is that the total number of soldiers on each ship is 500, and they have already occupied all the navies.

Behind are dense commercial ships. Most of the ton-class sea ships are not large. They have horizontal sails and spinnakers. They can easily use various wind directions and are very flexible.

There are also large commercial ships, tons, loaded with supplies.

It seems that the Pilgrim Chamber of Commerce and the related chambers of commerce, on Lomon’s face, did not care less about this fleet. The sum of these supplies and ships is worth 500,000 gold coins.

There are a group of special personnel, all pirates, criminals, unwelcome dissidents. After the lords and even the kings of the various regions learned about the expedition plan, they sent additional workers.

Governor Bick did not sympathize with them at all, these guys were scumbags in his mind.

The pilot said a flag, and as soon as the boat started to move forward, Alina stared at the pier with some emotion.

However, the church in the territory has become formal and can be assured, and the newly opened kingdom is the foundation of the next few hundred years.

Governor Bick gave a solemn salute to the command room on board.

With a horn, the ship slowly began to move and sailed out of the port.

… Beach Governor inspected the ship and saw cans.

However, this process is not difficult, popularization is difficult.

Now all the cans are made of pottery. The same kind of coarse pottery is fired. The food is processed first, then put into the cans, all placed in a steam pot for heating and sterilization, and then covered while hot, and then sealed with wax dead.

In this way, food can be preserved for a long time without spoilage.

This method has greatly enhanced the fleet ’s voyage, can store a large amount of vegetables and meat, and basically eliminated scurvy.

Open the lid of the can, which is actually a vegetable, and dig a spoonful into the mouth.

“Does it taste okay?” Eleanor said.

Governor Bick nodded and said, “It tastes good, ma’am.”

“These canned goods are finished goods, and the condition is very good.” Eleanor took the canned goods. “On the road, you don’t need to worry about seafarers.”

There are five priests belonging to Romon now. Although the priest can cure scurvy, it is not affordable now.

“Yes, ma’am!” Governor Duquektor felt distressed by this waste.

Eleanor shook her head and smiled without speaking.

“Ma’am, I will take advantage of this voyage to conduct naval training.” Governor Beck changed the subject. The fleet of two thousand people in this era can already be regarded as a huge scale.

“Oh, Governor Bick, do you have any plans?” Eleanor asked.

“Yes, ma’am, we must keep the naval practice as planned, the sailors clean, patrol, and scrub the deck every day, the soldiers must have military training every day, the captain must command the ship, the training semaphore and the cooperation between the ships It is a good opportunity to strengthen the quality of the navy. “

Eleanor listened, nodded, stood up, and looked away from the window.

Even when the sea is far away, even if it is calm, the waves are turbulent, roaring and roaring, the sound of white waves rolling, and the sea water is so blue, making people feel like sapphire.

After waiting for a while, Eleanor saw Pike Dudu’s expression a little nervous, and said with a smile: “You are the commander, these are up to you, I believe you are an excellent navy governor.”

“Dr. Shakat, because of his outstanding talents and merits, was named Lord, I believe you can also get it, in the territory of the sea!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Said Bicker Dudu, his eyes lit up.

Governor Shaqat was noble and had envied countless admirals, and Bick was no exception, but he was also very clear that it was difficult to be a knight except when it was founded.

The only thing is that the distance is too far, but Governor Pike did not care too much. The news of Luo Meng’s feud has been publicly disseminated, and everyone knows that there is a great future to follow.

“It’s just that regular training, will it affect the supply of materials?” Elini asked this question.

“Madam, according to the materials I inspected and the fisheries along the way, these are no problems. The only concern is the supply of fresh water. You know, the long-term work and activities on the ocean make fresh water nervous, and this time, some animals also need Precious fresh water. “

“And, this time, I see the amount of fresh water, it seems very little!” Bick Dudu finally couldn’t help it, asking doubts.

Ships on long voyages must bring fresh water and food, and compared to the food that can be backlogged, the area that holds fresh water is the main space on the ship.

“You don’t have to worry about it. The water tank that your Highness gave me can supply five barrels of fresh water every day to maintain the shortage of the entire fleet, but our ten ships alone are enough.” Alini smiled, in her room, Once opened, a can of sweet water will keep pouring out. Although there is not much water pouring out, three barrels are more than one barrel full, at least five barrels a day, and there is still time for the “endless water tank” to restore its magic.

The accompanying druid can also be used to plant a piece of vegetables.

These vegetables grow rapidly under the power of the Druid, and a batch can be picked in almost three days, so that the highest level, at sea, can enjoy fresh vegetables.

This is undoubtedly extravagant.

Now that this question was resolved, he no longer doubted and bowed.

“Ma’am, some chamber presidents and jazz, want to see you, will you see me?” The fleet was sailing, but they could be connected to each other. At this time, someone told me.

Eleanor frowned and started again. This time, with the exception of Tertashaw, all other territories took an active part. They took thirty ships.

According to statistics, they have sailors and soldiers, a total of 551 people.

These people actively participated, not only in order to do business with Te Tashao, but also wanted to thoroughly investigate the geography, area, soil, and properties of the islands in the future.

It should be said that these nobles and chambers of commerce have no desire to expand. Only expansion can have the right to land and become nobles.

Many of the second sons and nobles of the nobles resolutely abandoned everything and followed, in an attempt to gain huge benefits through this cooperation.

In the huge fleet, half of the nobles and servants prefer to come without any payment. They only want to get an opportunity. Even because these people swarmed in, they tried to break their heads and squeeze into the fleet. , Had to be personally asked by Alina.

Eleanor frowned because of the fanaticism of these people, but she had her own considerations.

The establishment of the Kingdom of Sarant, the first generation of kings is Habba, the second generation of kings is queens, the third generation of kings is queens, and the kings are descendants of gods.

Alina couldn’t object to Habba’s kingship, but she was also unwilling not to interfere at all.

When the country is newly built, it is the easiest to divide up the benefits. Although Romon now does not care about this interest at all, because it means nothing to it, but for Alina, she must consider it.

In fact, Fafer and Nick, and the sons of some close nobles, most of them follow, and they will also become part of the new nobility.

But how to arrange it was very painstaking for her. After all, she knew that the original principality of the Salent had its own ruling class.

The only thing for Alini is that the noble class is also very young.

Besides, with the second sons and three sons of these nobles following, the new Kingdom of Salent will establish close ties with the mainland, which will benefit the future.

Alina couldn’t help but pay attention. She was silent for a moment and said, “Please send them representatives to come, and I will talk to them personally.”

Talk about how to plan and build, and divide some interests ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ even the spread of faith.

“Fifty years of monopoly in faith is not enough!” She learned of the sacred treaty, thinking.

The sacred treaty stipulates that the kingdom of the new **** has a 50-year period of monopoly spread of faith, during which foreign faith can be prohibited from spreading.

Fifty years, three generations of mortals.

The three generations of a family grandfather, parents, and children all showered under the glory of a god. In theory, they can barely build the mainstream of faith, but in reality, the faith is not stable.

Thinking of this, Eleanor even worried. For her perception, faith is the root of God.

How can she not plan ahead for Luo Meng?

After a sigh, not far away, there were footsteps on the deck, about twenty people, representing the nobles, chambers of commerce, and even several churches, entered the reception room.

Alini’s contemplative contemplation, facing the door, waited.

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