Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 1079 - Hold the throne high (on)

The whole Shennong $ space is still shaking.

“You become the true God, gain God Gebu, gain two extraordinary powers, and change reality and growth


“Change reality. You can have the power to change reality as you want. You can temporarily create non-magic items. These created items can only exist for one **** level per day. You can also use this divine power to create permanent non-magic items. Ten times the divine power, you can temporarily create magic items, which can only be maintained for 1 hour per divine level. With this divine power, you cannot create permanent magic items. You can change a place with divine power. It takes ten seconds. “

“Growth creatures one by one you can make specified species of creatures stronger, mature and grow quickly

Great, because you are the Lord of Nature, no matter what you can do. “

“You become the true God, gain divine personality 2, gain an extraordinary divine power one-by-one natural mastery +

“Naturally master one by one. You can get the Force Plus in any area where the water and light are dark.

Complete, and control the metamorphosis from the six major areas, unless encountering the other six main gods. “

“You become the true God, gain Divine Personality 3, and experience an extraordinary divine power, one wild master. →’

“The lord of the wild can command all animals and plants, and can strengthen or weaken them, so that they can obtain the wisdom equivalent to human beings. This effect can only maintain 1 Yao per god.”

“You become a true god, and you get a divine personality 4. Based on the field of discipline, you get an extraordinary divine power-one true trial.”

“True Judgment 10 You can see all lies and force all brothers to tell the truth. If they are also gods, you know if they deliberately lied.”

“You become a true god, gain divine personality 5, and gain an extraordinary divine power shield.

“The Divine Shield lives in your area of ​​protection and makes you and your followers stronger defenses.

“Because you are the Lord of Nature, the three supernatural powers of growth creatures, natural mastery, and wildness are returned to condensed into the supernatural power of the same name, and merged, you can more naturally manipulate the essence of nature, the supernatural power of nature Advanced to the second stage

The data hub continues to flash.

Name: Chen Pinji (Romon)

Holy Horn: Lord of Nature, Lord of Discipline

Personality: 5

Shenguo: Shennongjiao

Kyo: Absolutely lucky

The priesthood: nature, discipline

Believers: 200,000

Field: Nature, Discipline, Protection

Occupation: the first master of space, Meng-level Druid

Race of Life: Primitive Deity

Divine Art: Level 7

Attributes: Strength Li (“○”), Sensitive Du, Constitution I, Intellectual Prostitute, Perception 4, Yun Li Du (“○)

Extraordinary divine power: change reality, true judgment, divine shield, nature master.

“Warning, warning, the gate of faith shifts, you will handle the faith yourself.”

Between speeches, 200,000 beliefs and prayers have been passed on to Luo Meng’s heart

Rosso went into nothingness again.

“His …” Luo Mengyun didn’t know how long it took before he opened his eyes.

The Godhead nurtured by the world tree is still quite powerful, and Rosso finally took over the faith through it.

Primitive deities do not rely on faith, but they also benefit more, if they are not afraid of the responsibilities and troubles caused by faith.

“Five levels, it’s not enough.” Luo Meng’s eyes were empty, but he saw through the void again, and passed

The empty boundaries projected far away …

There, the fierce battle ripple continued.

“Really? The Lord of Glory is even dispatched? Also brought all the angels and half

God. Rosso smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, it only took three days instead of seven days, otherwise, the four goddesses could not resist much time.

In its eyes at this time, a round of the sun emerged from the kingdom of brilliance, and it began to come towards the misty world. This power was extremely powerful, but it did not know that this was the result of the collapse of the Seventh Holy Mountain, which forced the lord of brilliance to break the ship

The four goddesses even started to move out of their real bodies, but because the elements are everywhere, they still get half-field effects.

“Can’t go on like this. If we go on like this, our primitive Protoss will break out and lose both sides.

The civil war will only make the gods who watched the delay more “Instinctively, Rosso understood this.

“Let me carry out my monastery”

The misty plane, the palace where the sun was originally in the sky, a powerful force suddenly emerged into a star.

Romon floated in front of the palace.

After becoming a true god, it shone with holy flame.

“This misty place full of original sins, in the name of my punisher, grants you the final judgment.” Romon roared, and the gun of the judgment suddenly became larger, turning into a huge spear in the sky, Romon I feel that the power of the entire world tree is blessed on it.

The spear fell heavily and hit the palace. This palace, which is the core of the crystal walls of the Mist plane, is also the source of the rules. There was a roar,

The palace swayed, and at this moment, the entire plane of the fog shook, and all people and animals immediately instinctively knew the end and wailed.

A few remaining divinities stared at the sky with a roar. Second hit

The palace cracked, the entire plane of mist split instantly, magma soared into the sky, the world became a **** of light and fire, and countless beings were killed in an instant.

“I curse you” This is the last roar of divinity. On the third strike, the palace shattered, and the entire mist plane instantly became countless fragments, floating in the void. On this day, the misty world has come to an end.

Countless black air rises into the sky, this is the resentment of the dead.

Just then, ripples appeared in the void, and the power of death, like the surging ocean, penetrated the endless void.

Under the influence of death divine power, no matter how much resentment, unless they reach the level of the Holy Spirit, otherwise their souls have to obey the rules of death.

A neat queue of souls stretched out in the void, even to the point where Romon could not even see

Seeing the distance, they finally entered the Ming JL, where they will become residents of the Ming JL.

One by one, marching straight, the fish with neat soul running through.

Most souls and black qi continue to go away along the void, Luo Qin looked at the small part of black qi condensed on his body and couldn’t help laughing.

Almost at the same time, the huge original, poured into the corner of the Gods table.

In the space of God’s corners, blossoming colorful flowers keep falling, all the plants and trees grow rapidly, and grass and flowers grow on the empty ground. The short trees immediately grow into tall trees, and the forest is dense at once. It looks like a forest more than 100 years old.

In streams, lakes, and oceans, a variety of water plants and corals grow out. Large groups of fish grow from nothing, from small to large. On the holy mountain, the world tree swings, transferring its joy to every part of the space.

It grew rapidly at the speed visible to the naked eye for the first time.

The branches and leaves with crystal luster quickly grow together with the new green leaves, and dance and extend to become thicker. On the thick branches and leaves, new branches and leaves are extended.

In a short and half hour, the world tree has been thickened for a long time, and, under the transmission of the huge force, it continues to grow, and the powerful green light generated envelopes the world tree, and also covers the entire Shennong Ming.

Luo Meng was dumbfounded. After coming to this world, Luo Meng saw such a powerful energy for the first time, surging and surging like an endless sea.

“The Shennongjiao is full, and the energy has exceeded the safety line. Is the throne lift plan implemented?” $ Material frame is constantly flashing: “Warning, warning, once the throne lift is executed,” this space will not be hidden. “

“Is the throne holding up enough energy?” Luo Meng murmured.

Although Luo Rong knows that the existence of the misty world is a circulating tumor of this universe, he never expected that there would be so much power.

After a moment of hesitation, the influx of the original force even gave a sense of dignity in the space. Romon never dared to hesitate and immediately said: “Execute”

“The throne is held high and executed, drawing the necessary force and village subjects, and rules.” Shennong I $

Space immediately said.

At this moment, the entire space, with this center as a center, diffused huge ripples outwards, a huge space, just like a mourning star.

There is no need to deliberately absorb it. The gravitational force alone itself has caused hundreds of miles, the fragments of the original foggy world, to continuously enter the Shennongjiao space, like Baichuan and Nahai.

But Luo Meng noticed that it only sucked the fine fragments, once it exceeded a certain range, it would not suck.

The Shennongjiao space is expanding rapidly, and its body is shining brightly. It is roaring and rising. This is a round of the sun. The whole space is full of brilliance.

“You get a leap, get a divine personality 6, and a full attribute +5, you can choose a new area, or

Strengthen the original field? “The information frame emerged.

“Strengthen the original field.” Rosso said that its priesthood is nature and discipline ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The field is nature, discipline and protection

For Romon, in fact, naturally includes the six major, choose more areas-, it does not make much sense.

“The original field has been strengthened, and two extraordinary magical powers have been obtained. One cannot avoid attacks and insights.


“You cannot avoid the blow-you live in the field of discipline, and you get this divine power with discipline

If the magic weapon strikes, the opponent will not be able to avoid it, only hard resistance “

“Insight is private. You live in the field of nature and discipline, so that there is no secret in front of you. You only need to look at the mortal to know everything it has done in the past and present, whether it is trivial or correct. It ’s a very important thing. You can even get some secrets from the gods. “

The data hub is constantly flashing, two crystal-like divine lattices, rotating around Roseau’s fire, they are also rapidly increasing.

However, this is not over yet. (To be continued, if you want to know what happened

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