Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 12 - Prey (below)

“Romon! Romon! Wake up! Romon!” Romon in his sleep felt wet on his face, and someone was pushing his body. He opened his eyes and looked, “Ah!” He jumped at once When I got up, there was the face of a **** dog just now.

“Romon, you are awake.” Not far away was a middle-aged man who wore a cloak of green leaves. The middle-aged man was followed by a big white dog besides the black dog called little black.

“Teacher? Is it a teacher?” Luo Meng felt that he recognized who the other party was: “Is it Teacher Jiefa?”

Druid Jaffa came to settle here a year ago. In a forest outside the town, Romon followed him to learn the druid. Of course, he generally did not come in except for the exchange of commodities.

“Of course I am Druid, Jaffa North.” The middle-aged man said lightly: “But it is not your teacher.”

Romon was suddenly struck by lightning, covered with clothing, and his body was trembling. Was it difficult to find the secret of his soul? No, never, I was clearly not questioned in the goddess’ temple.

“My apprentice is only Wei Huan Mo Qiu Rui.” Behind the middle-aged man, a beautiful girl protruded out of her small head and looked at Luo Meng. Druid Jaffa gently touched her hair.

“Then … What’s the matter with Master Jaffa?” Although the current Luo Meng is not the original one, he was still in a bad mood when he said so.

“I saw firelight here. I was afraid to cause a forest fire, so I hurried over!” Jaffa said.

“Firelight? Is it a bonfire that I and two friends camped in the wild?” Romon’s heart was confused, looking at the druid: “There is no way, I have to ignite the bonfire to drive the beast …”

Waving his arms to explain to Master Druid, his voice became more and more excited, and his inner protection of nature and the use of nature were intertwined.

“Besides, my companion is by my side!” Romon explained: “They look at the campfire and they won’t let it burn the forest.”

He was about to say that, but the latter sentence choked in his throat.

Romon felt that in front of him, Druid Jaffa’s face gradually blurred, and finally turned into Mr. Richard’s vicissitudes of fortitude.

“Yes, your companion is beside you.” Mr. Richard pressed the handle of the long sword hanging around his waist.

Luo Meng looked around, not only did Druid Jaffa become Richard the warrior, but the surroundings also suddenly changed from the wild woods to the school martial arts ground in the town.

The girl who just looked out of the back of the druid was gone, and Richard had only his long sword around his waist.

“Our partner is by our side!” Richard slowly withdrew his long sword from his waist and pointed it at Romon, “What could be more reliable than it.”

“Partner?” Luo Meng also drew his sword in his hand, watching his short sword. “This is my worthy partner.” Then, he suddenly felt that the situation was so strange, and his emotions suddenly became high. “But my partner is not only my sword, but also Fafer and Nick!”

“Your partner Nick was badly injured and maybe died in a blink of an eye.” Richard said slowly. “Your first adventure with both of them is about to die.” Richard hesitated a moment: “Well, it may not be a complete death, but a loss of self-care ability.”

He slowly shook his head: “But what’s the difference?”

He stared at Romon ’s eyes: “You said, will anyone be willing to follow you in the wild adventure, even your companion Fafer, will he be with you? Even if he is still with you, he will be in When did you die? “

“Dear Mr. Richard!” Romon listened, and his heart was surging: “You are an excellent warrior, don’t you believe those who fight alongside you?”

“I believe, but they are all dead.” Richard said lightly, “After thirty-five years of fighting, there are so many brothers I have died!”

He rarely showed a sad look: “All I can do with me is my long sword.”

Luo Meng was unconscious after all, and he didn’t realize that it was unreasonable. Of course, if this is unreasonable, he will not appear in his dream.

“No, I won’t be like this” Romon growled, “I persuaded them to come out, so I will help them with my sword.”

“Really?” Richard wielded a sword with ease. His old swordsmanship stabbed Romon to the ground soon.

Richard’s cold eyes looked down at Romon lying on the ground, he said: “Get up!”

Romon got up, then was stabbed again, got up, got stabbed, got up, got stabbed, and so on, I did n’t know how many times.

“Get up!” Romon listened to this sentence again, but his body seemed to be out of touch with his soul, struggling for several times, but he could only tremble slightly, as if he was crushed by a sledgehammer.

“Get up! Enemy attack !!!” Romon suddenly awakened.

Turned out to be a dream. Luo Meng felt that his head was a little dizzy. He just wanted to take a breath, but his eyes were suddenly opened, and his aim was a spear.

Throwing a spear pierced the three people’s tent and stuck in the dirt! The faint light at night illuminated all around.

“Someone attacked!” Luo Meng’s heart tightened and he hurriedly touched the sword beside him.

Romon stretched his hand, his dexterous body jumped out of the tent, and then rolled on the spot, then he turned up.

“A lot of goblins!” Under the bonfire, Luo Meng was too lazy to pat the dust on his body. His eyes narrowed at once, trying to make himself clearer in the dark night, and his eyes flicked left and right.

Fafer held the pot lid of the soup in one hand as a shield, while the other hand grabbed it, pulled a spear from the ground, with the spear head down, and held it in his hand. “We’re stared!” He said, roughly checking the spear in his hand. “Huh? The spear head wasn’t damaged?” He had intended to use this as a stick.

The spear thrown by the goblin is obviously not a good product.

Generally speaking, in order to prevent the enemy from throwing back with a spear, a metal piece of spear should be used at the interface between the metal spear head and the wooden pole.

In this way, after receiving the impact of a throw, the spear cannot be used directly. If it is not designed like this, wouldn’t it be a gift to the enemy?

“One, two, three …” Romon quickly counted the number of each other through the light of the campfire and celestial bodies.

But before he finished counting, Romon moved his ear.

“Romon! This way! Back to back.” He heard Nick’s voice coming from behind, and he hurried backwards a few steps before colliding with the other two backs.

Luo Meng felt a chill flow all over his body. His thoughts that had not been fully awakened because he had just woken up from a nightmare also became clear. The faint tiredness was immediately removed from his mind.

After being surrounded by the other party, they must deal with it calmly. If they cannot adopt the correct strategy, they will be vulnerable to all-round attacks from all directions, while ordinary humans can only resist attacks from one direction at a time.

As for the masters who have been killed for a long time, they can seek to break through the siege by consuming a lot of physical strength and generating extremely high movement speed.

As Romon, who was just awake, looked at the situation, Fafer slanted the end of the spear and inserted it into the bonfire. He vigorously flicked it out, and several pieces of burning wood were suddenly thrown out in front of him .

“Breakthrough from here!” Fafer roared, then exerted force under his feet to break through first.

Then Romon and Nick immediately felt that there was no more people behind them, and the two hesitated a little, then took awkward steps and moved closer to Faffer.

Then several spears were heavily inserted in the place where the three had just stood.

Many creatures are afraid of fire, and goblins are obviously no exception. Goblins in that direction saw firewood flying around and suddenly made a mess.

Romon and Nick both caught a goblin as a meat shield.

The three men fought and walked away. They broke through the defensive circle in a short while, but did not remember to return to the attack immediately. They also ran awkwardly and ran away a little before they stopped.

“Rubic! Rubic!” The goblins behind the three chased for a while, and were killed a few more, so they couldn’t catch up, just shouting vocabulary with no meaning, it seems to be celebrating victory.

“What shall we do next?” Nick threw the dying goblin on the ground and gasped against the tree next to him. His shirt was cut a few times and hung scars. “Just keep going back to town like this?”

Romon pierced with a sword, and the goblin screamed sharply, and then the horizontal sword came ahead, and wiped the neck in his hand. He looked up at the position of the stars and said, “Wrong!” He pointed in the direction when he was going, “That’s the way back to town.”

“Ah ~ why go this way?” Nick coughed and turned his head to look at Fafer strangely.

“Which just managed so much! You can’t stop at the same place and be beaten all the time.” Faffer spread out his hands, “It’s a big deal.”

“Walk around. It’s better to go back and kill him.” Luo Meng smiled, “I just fell asleep, and I didn’t have much preparation to be caught off guard.”

“That’s right, Umon read www.uukanshu.com. Romon and I have just fallen asleep.” Nick remembered the strategy shift just now, and was a little bit annoyed. “Why should we be afraid of them.” He became more annoyed. “Those goblins still No fifteen-year-old is tall. “

“My short bow was also thrown there. It was someone else who gave me it. It was very important to me and I had to get it back.” Fafer lit up the small shield on his left hand. This wooden shield was originally used as For the lid of the pot, “The other party also has weapons, each of us must have a shield.”

Romon reached into his arms, took some hemp rope from the space pocket, neatly tied the goblin corpse to his arm, made a veritable meat shield, weighed it, and laughed: “I can use it.”

“Good, good idea!” Nick took a piece of rope, tied it up, and shook his arm, but felt that the dragged head and four small arms and legs on the body of the goblin were a bit obstructive, so he planned to use the sword to cut it down, leaving only The next torso serves as a shield.

Luo Meng was a little hesitant, but then thought about it, anyway, there were more or less blood stains on the three of them, and they were not afraid to add this **** smell, which attracted the attack of the meat-eaters.

Romon also modified the meat shield like Nick, and asked Fafer: “How many are there?” The three chatted for a while, and naturally knew that Faffer was just on the vigil.

Fafeel feels a little scary with meat shield like this, but he doesn’t say anything about it.

“Well, at least ten or more, and twenty is not impossible,” Fafer thought for a moment. Some were unsure, and he said that he was not very clear with two hands in one hand. Go to count the specific number of each other. “

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