Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 132 - Look forward to (below)

Luo Meng closed his eyes and could hear the sound of eating in his ears. And the sound of vomiting that people around can’t bear.

After waiting for a while, I heard the voice of Baron Galle vomiting: “Miss Alina, Miss Alina, Jacob’s body fell down, can those ghosts … be purified?”

Suddenly, Luo Meng felt a little ashamed, opened his eyes, and looked up.

Everything fell into his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, because the situation was not as terrible as he imagined, except for a piece of blood on the ground, there was not even a little scum

Only Jacob’s body fell to the ground and his stomach was soaring … Luo Meng removed his eyes and didn’t understand how the body could eat a whole person …

Eleanor’s face was pale to blue, and her eyes looked at the following: “The living sacrifice only relieved most of its resentment. You see, their resentment is dissipating! After a certain level, I can ask God to give grace.”

“Oh, yes, then please ask Eleanor to send them back to the Kingdom of God as soon as possible!” Baron Galle said urgently, and he regretted following this time.

Luo Meng looked over. Sure enough, in the faint green light, the faces have risen up, turned into light black silhouettes, they wander outside the real light, both eager and full of fear.

Eleanor nodded and stood there, holding the holy symbol in her hand, and began to pray.

“Growth and harvesting are both part of an eternal cycle and the most natural part of life. The harvested crops should return to the earth to maintain fertility and fertility, and new seeds should be planted to reproduce green.”

“Oh, my lord, I pray for your grace, let them relieve the pain and return to your kingdom of God!”

Listening to Eleanor’s prayer, Luo Meng felt for the first time that this weak girl, with a strong and pious heart in it, soon, with prayer, Alene gradually lingered in green and white light. Make people around retreat.

One of the most powerful undead inside, wandering outside the brilliance for a long time, finally took this step, and touched the brilliance of Eleanor. Then, it suddenly showed a sudden look and uttered an inaudible hiss .

“… He said he remembered, his name was Gensiu, his wife was Libai, and he was carrying his children … he worked hard, just for his wife and children, to be able to have an extra piece of bread … “

“… My Lord, please listen to his cry, please wipe his tears, please illuminate his life, please take him to your kingdom of God, to reunite with his wife and children …”

“At this time, who can I rely on? My Lord Edis, I am here to read your holy name to welcome your grace!”

The green light on Miss Ellini was getting brighter and brighter. The center showed a pure white brilliance, and then turned into a beam of light in the sky, sprinkling the stars of light …

A kind of poetry that has nothing to do, sings in the air, does not leave for a long time …

Among the hymns and holy lights, hundreds of ghosts plunged into them one by one, the black gas disappeared from the body, revealing a transparent body, their faces were a little vague, but everyone present could see that they were full Joy, slowly rising in the beam of light, eventually disappeared.

As they disappeared, the breath of death quickly subsided …

“They have returned to heaven, and the problem has been solved.” The baron said, full of joy: “Miss Aleni, thank you very much … Miss Alini?”

At this time, Miss Eleany closed her eyes and did not move. The light on her body not only did not subside, but became stronger.

At this moment, Miss Ivici pulled La Romon, and if Romon understood, she quickly followed her back. He moved to another underground space before stopping.

“what is this?”

“It’s a promotion! At the same time, I received the grace.” Miss Ivici said plainly: “She had already saved a lot of money. This time, this matter has attracted the attention of the goddess, so she was promoted.

Ah, advance to level 4!

Luo Meng looked closely and saw the Holy Light, condensed into a sphere of light, which was slowly falling into her body, exuding sacred waves.

The entire space around the altar was rippled.

“When you are promoted, it is best not to get too close.” Miss Ivesi continued: “Because when promoted, there will be a trace of God’s will connected with the sense of being near.”

Romon was shocked, thinking of her Shennongjiao, and had not had time to speak. Miss Avisi said again: “Of course, this will is very small. Under normal circumstances, only pay attention to the priest who is promoted. If something special is too close, it may still be noticed. “

“If it’s not your own god. It’s better not to get the attention of God.” Miss Avicy said lightly, as if referring to, or seemingly casually speaking, but her cape was pulled tighter, No expression.

This made Luo Meng feel a little cold in his heart, and he suddenly understood that there were many secrets hidden in Miss Ivesi.

A moment later, Luo Meng answered, “Thank you.”

The joy in Luo Meng’s heart faded away, and he remembered it. Not only does he have the secret of Shennongjiao, but he is also a natural druid, and he can’t rely on the **** too close. Perhaps, here also includes the priest of God.

I don’t know how long it took before Alina sobered from her promotion, and the light in her body had disappeared.

Luo Meng came in from a distance, with a smile on his face, and said softly, “Congratulations, how are you feeling?”

Alini is full of joy, and this joy has penetrated into her heart. She said: “Very well, thank you Lord for giving me more power, and I will return it more religiously!”

Looking at her expression of joy to the deepest heart, Luo Meng did not know what to say, only to feel a deep diaphragm and a little bit of desolation: “Congratulations!”

At this moment, the baron couldn’t wait to say: “Miss Alina, congratulations … let’s go out!”

At this place, he didn’t want to stay for a while. Of course, he would not forget to send relevant personnel to conduct a comprehensive investigation of this vein to find out if there are other minerals.

When a group of people left the mining area, the setting sun gradually fell, spilling countless golden lights on the world.

All the people breathed heavily and breathed out, including the knight.

No one wants to stay here more and ride back to Jumu Town. At this distance, you can return to the town before the night really comes.

The wind blew up, with the fragrance of trees and fields, making people very comfortable and comfortable.

Although Luo Meng was in a bad mood, he gradually relaxed under the wind.

No matter how things go. Must be optimistic, this is the mentality that Luo Meng has maintained until now, running on the road, watching the last sunset, shining on the branches, and the sound of the river flowing in the distance, the sound of Dingdong is abnormal Crisp and sweet.

After coming out of the hills, the eyes gradually widened, and at a glance there were endless fields.

Between the crevices of the field, there were bushes of small shrubs, sometimes dotted with blue and white flowers and grass. Now it is clearly time for rest, and those farmers have already started walking towards their homes.

The baron speeded up the horse and rushed to Romon, who also slowed down the horse.

“Romon, did you say the matter was completely resolved?”

“Solved, I have felt that the breath of death is declining rapidly. Although there are still a lot of breath of death on the earth, the earth can already accommodate them. As long as the last week, the breath of death will all retreat and will not affect the crops. You can rest assured that it has grown, “Romon said.

“Very well, it’s all you and Miss Eleanor this time.” The baron was very happy, paused, and said: “I can’t think of Miss Ellini, she has been promoted to the fourth level, how young and how much. Promising pastor, it must be not far from level 5! “

When speaking of the fifth grade, the baron showed an envious look.

It can make the masters of dozens of villages with a mastery of 200 square kilometers show this look. These five levels are of course different from Fanxiang.

It is said that no matter what occupation, the fifth level is the most important level. This information, Luo Meng originally did not know, but he looked back at Miss Ivesi, and his heart was grateful.

These vital messages were told to him by Miss Ivesi, and Jaffa did not disclose them at all.

The priest has a test of piety, without condensing enough faith, it is less than five levels above, and the second level is the bishop, you can manage a church organization, the eleventh level is the archbishop, and the fifteenth level is the cardinal archbishop!

Masters are said to have condensed the heart of Austrian law at the fifth level, and the same arrangement, officially obtained the title of the master recognized by the whole continent above the fifteenth level!

Even a druid can condense a true natural heart at level 5 or higher. That is the rule that the druid follows throughout his life. It can be different for everyone, but no fraud is allowed. If you reach any big dru of level 15 Yi, in any country, can occupy Lin as king-no matter who it originally belongs to.

As for knights, that is a large number of the most common level 5 professionals. When the fighter is below level 5, it is a human ability. No matter how good the skill is, no matter how strong, it will not exceed the limit of ordinary people.

Only when there is a breakthrough at the fifth level will there be grudge. The strong with grudge can wear heavy armor and sweep 100 people. UU reading www.uukanshu.com folks basically will not have mercenaries. In the mercenary team, because each fifth-level fighter can be conferred as a knight, each knight will receive the land granted by the nobility or the king, and have his own serf, while also serving as the core backbone of the army!

Throughout the world, the importance attached to Level 5 professionals is evident.

Therefore, the baron also showed an envious look.

“Master Baron? Knight of Navavik, now at what level?” Romon asked curiously.

“Oh, the Cavalier Warwick has served my family for generations. He is a genius. He is only twenty-eight years old this year. He has almost broken through the sixth level. Maybe he will hope to become the upper knight in his life!”

At eleventh level and above, it is the upper knight. At fifteenth and above, no matter what color the grudge was before, it will generally turn into gold color, so it is generally called the golden knight.

“That’s really congratulations,” Romon said, thinking in his heart.

With the support of Shennongjiao’s strength, promotion to level 5 is not a problem in terms of strength. Then, what is the path of struggle and fulfillment?

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