Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 150 - Fame (below)

The breath of autumn gradually became clear. Luo Meng is still practicing.

After practicing, gently pull the bell rope, and the five big Lori who waited outside for a long time came in with a basin and a towel, and prepared breakfast.

It’s rich early, milk, bread, fruits and vegetables, cheese …

In the morning, it was to go to the alchemy hall collectively and continue to work as a potion.

In the wide hall, at this time, there will always be a smell of herbs. Although basically these are not toxic, for the sake of regulation, the Lolitas also wear masks and white clothes when working.

They are busy in and out of various utensils and bottles.

Luo Meng looked at it and nodded in satisfaction. The five Luo Li all worked very hard. The procedures now configured are completely skillful. Illegal spell potions can be self-made. Spell potions must be processed by Romont.

The bell carefully pinched the glass rod. Stir the liquid in the beaker at a steady speed. After five minutes, the liquid gradually changed color, and Romon did not hesitate. He immediately cast the spell and a little green light fell.

Then everyone watched, and saw that the green light fell into the liquid, and the liquid gradually turned red, and gradually solidified, becoming a red translucent liquid.

The Lolitas breathed out and divided it into three bottles. These are the three medicines.

Today’s task was completed, Luo Meng wanted to go out, suddenly remembered something, turned around and walked back, and began to look at the five Luo Li with his eyes.

“Are you familiar with the operation steps of the potion?” Luo Meng asked with a sigh in his heart.

The five Lori immediately stood up and nodded cautiously.

“That’s good, since today, you will have a formal salary.” Romon announced: “Every independent making of an illegal potion, you will get 3 silver coins.”

“Ah!” Luo Li, all exclaimed in a low voice, you know, even a magic apprentice. During the apprenticeship, the income is also owned by the teacher, and unexpectedly, Luo Meng even paid them a salary.

“As for the magic potions, each one made independently will get 5 silver coins.” Romon said.

This, five Lolita looked at each other, unclear why, for a moment, the bell shuddered and seemed to remember something.

“Yes, it’s you, bell, you go into meditation!” Romon said: “You can already meditate on the heart of nature and imagine the power of nature.”

The bell foresaw something, and was shocked and happy, and the body was shaking, just a moment, before entering meditation.

The other four Lolita held their breath nervously, and they also foreseen something.

Luo Meng glanced again, in the spirit eyes. I saw the aura of the five people. Most people don’t have any aura, gray, but after hard training of meditation, the five people more or less showed a layer of light.

In order to change their own destiny, the five Lolitas worked very hard, but their achievements were still different due to their qualifications.

Among them, the bell has the most light color, but in the past few days, her light color has suddenly increased greatly, and has reached the standard that can be advanced. Romon is very strange. Is it a woman to have this effect?

At the beginning of meditation, Luo Meng clearly saw a little green light. Although thin, it did float from the outside naturally and entered her body. She seemed to feel it too, and her body was shaking.

“You’re doing well, don’t be excited, go on, condense according to Druid’s entry method.” Romon said, he suddenly heard the sound of teeth fighting, and strangely, the other four Rory seemed to be more than bells tension.

The green light continued to pour into the bell’s body, unable to break through. Luo Meng had only one point, a green light plunged into it, and a moment later, a sudden shock was clearly seen in Luo Meng’s spirit eyes. A green core appeared in the body and body of the bell, and almost seven or eight appeared at the same time. A mysterious mantra

This is a sign of Druid’s achievement.

The bell stayed for a moment, and suddenly opened his eyes, screaming excitedly.

“Congratulations, from today on, you are a druid!” Gently patted the bell, Romon said with emotion: “I will hold a banquet for you today.”

The other four Lolitas, having seen this, had to show a smile and congratulate the bell, but they were naturally sad.

As a druid, the bell will formally obtain the documents of the free people, and its status is basically equivalent to that of the general knight class, and it is relatively equal to the priest and the wizard.

At this time. It was close to noon, but at the command, more abundant food was prepared. The bell was a little uneasy and wanted to follow along, but was discouraged.

An hour later, when he entered the restaurant, Luo Mon looked around and found that there was a long dining table in the center.

The decent figures in the territory, Fafer and Nick. Sukar is present, and Fudi, who was recently promoted to agricultural management, can also join in.

Of course Romon sat down first, followed by Fafer, Nick, Sukar, and again, Fudi, and now there is another bell

After everyone was seated, the servant served the dishes

First course: soup, grilled meat, ham

Second course; beef

Third course: cheese, flan, apple

He served rich white bread and butter, and opened a small bottle of wine

“We celebrate the bell, and today became a druid, and I will issue a free citizen’s card tomorrow!” Romon said at the beginning, and watched the large group of people congratulate her, and couldn’t help thinking of three years ago.

“Cheers!” Everyone toasted together.

Romon finished drinking and was about to speak. Hearing Nick said, “Bell, you are now a druid. What are you going to do?”

“Yes, are you going to the clan, or will you stay here?” Fafer then asked.

The two sang together and asked her whereabouts. The first-level druid, also a druid, had a completely different status.

The bell glanced at Romon secretly and said, “I’ve only become a druid, and I want to continue studying with my adult!”

Nick and Faffer immediately smiled at the exit of this sentence.

“In this case, the original Miss Avisi’s residence, you live there? There is no need to move.” Luo Meng said casually, glanced, but saw the other four Luo Li, waiting as a maid, standing There, Qiang Yan laughed and hurt herself.

Indeed, one step up. The status is very different.

But this is no way.

In the same way, the news spread faster than he thought. Before he finished eating, there was a lot of vocals outside. When the bell was finished, he only walked from the lord ’s villa and was about to walk to the alchemy hall. Someone noticed her immediately.

“Bell, I heard you became a druid, is it true?”

“Bell, you are so lucky.”

“Bell, you are moving, I will help you.”

Amidst the clamor of the crowd, the bell couldn’t help himself and was huddled into the alchemy hall.

Luo Meng stood on the steps and smiled. He remembered what was happening back then. It was so similar to three years ago!

“Romon, do you say she will change in the future?” Nick looked at the scene and asked.

“Of course it will change. She is a member of Barnell. Presumably tomorrow, Barnell will hurried over, but it is estimated that she will not leave now, but she is carefully learning the skills of Druid. Will leave. “

“Will you leave?” Faffer asked.

“Of course, unless I married her, or which one of you married her, otherwise, when she always left, the professional could not be a maid for a long time.” Speaking of this, Luo Meng felt a little sad and sad.

Romon was unwilling to let Nick and Fafer marry. After all, she is her own woman, but this world, also as a professional, can have countless lovers, but there is only one wife.

Let the bell be the wife? Luo Meng didn’t know why, she always felt that she was missing something.

If you are not a wife, you can stay for one year, two years, and three years. Yes, no more.

Every professional, especially a similar legal office, has its own status and dignity. This status and dignity are not conferred by anyone but brought by the legal office itself.

Soldiers can only destroy, not create, which is why their status is relatively low.

And a mage, a priest, a druid, it may not be easy to make big money, but earning some money to feed yourself is more than enough. Not to mention, a potion manufacturing is enough. Most of them will accept the title of lord, and most of them will be the title of consultant, and they will receive gold coins.

This is also the reason for the mercenary union, which basically has no legal position-for example, on the earth, with a monthly salary of 10,000, who will go to the pier to carry big bags?

“What about them?” Nick whispered thoughtfully, looking at the four Lori behind him.

“Their talents are not good ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It is estimated that this life is unlikely to become any kind of legal profession, of course, it is not absolute. If they are not discouraged, continue to work hard, maybe accumulate three or five years It ’s a first-class druid, but it ’s very difficult to grow in the future. ”Romon glanced sadly at them and said.

“That bell is a gifted druid?” Nick asked.

“Well, if she didn’t have an accident, she could go up to level 4, but she wouldn’t know if she got up to level 5.”

“Romon, then you accept it later, just like the latter.” Nick said after thinking about it.

“Oh, why?” Luo Meng stunned slightly.

“Hey, think about it, like a bell, after you have taught it, she ran away. It is better to teach the later batches, some results, thank you for us, but will not run out.” Nick carefully calculated for him : “And, in this way, the alchemy hall can be maintained. If it’s like a bell, we can’t make any money.”

After hearing this, Luo Meng was speechless. His eyes glanced at the people present and shook his head and said, “I will stop talking later! Now, you prepare some fruit wine and send them to the territory. Everyone present today, all Have a cup to celebrate. “

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