Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 164 - The first battle (below)

This night, Luo Meng was sleeping soundly.

Wake up in the morning. Standing on the balcony of the small building, there was an endless plain in front of me.

The weather is very good, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the wind gently blows Romon’s new robe, take a deep breath, feel the fragrance, this is the natural taste …

The bell silently offered it earlier.

“Adult, be careful.” Luo Meng was eating, and suddenly stopped, he heard such a sentence.

Romon nodded, and answered gently: “Thank you.”

Speaking, I finished this early.

Before going out, I saw Fafer and Sukar, and there were oil tanks on the horses. Romon saw it, nodded, and said, “Let’s go!”

Turned over and ran straight out.

The road in the hills is not easy to walk. Fortunately, it is not very high. Luo Meng is the first one. Fafer and Sukar followed.

Lightning flew into the air, patrolling vigilantly.

Because of the lightning, Romon and other three people do not need to be guarded, so the speed is very fast. When they reached the outside of the mining area, the three men got off their horses. Romon ordered a few words to release the horse reins and let them graze nearby. Drink water and wait.

The Druid had this advantage, but the three large cans of oil were carried and carried by Fafer and Sukar.

“Going further is the entrance to the mining area.” After a while, Romon kicked the scattered copper ore on the ground and said.

Sukar followed him. He looked at these ores with regret, and said, “When you go back, you must bring these stones with you. It would be a shame to expose them to the ground. The territory can also forge some tools. “

Luo Meng chuckled, Nick was like that, Sukar was like this, but his mind was very delicate.

“Yeah, get some when you go back, and maybe you will come in handy in the future. In fact, many people will be confused by your appearance when they see you on the first side. When it comes to being home, in the territory , Except Nick is you. “Sukar smiled after hearing Romon’s words.

Faffer walked at the end, and was looking around vigilantly at this time. He heard Romon’s ridicule, and also rarely smiled: “Yes, Nick’s guy must still be worried about us now, we must this time. Hurry up and end the battle. “

“However, you shouldn’t be too quick to get quick results. The few black spiders are not so easy to deal with. By the time, the three of us will cooperate well.” Luo Meng said in front.

“Relax, I’ll be careful.” Faffer knew that Romon was worried about himself and promised.

The three continued to march in, although they were talking on the road. However, the three of them looked around with vigilance, fearing that a monster would come out from where it was all right.

Finally, at the end of the path, an entrance that was about two people wide and one person tall appeared in front of the three.

Luo Meng saw the abandoned tools and broken stones that he saw last time, and they are still piled up there, and today’s self, whether in terms of status or other aspects, has changed too much from its own at that time. Somewhat sighed in my heart.

However, now is not the time to sigh: “Okay, now you can go in. Be careful. It is likely that the few black spiders are inside. Don’t relax your guard, remember, follow me!”

“Understood.” Both Fafer and Sukar nodded at him.

Because there was no one for a long time, the underground passage was dark, and there was no popularity at all, which made people creepy.

“Note that these mining areas are very narrow, so I thought of a way, that is, the oil tank. Once the trace of the black spider is found, the best way is to burn it with oil fire, Sukar you shoot, Fafer You hardly intercept. I cast the spell behind. “Romon said nervously again.

This was already said, the two nodded quickly.

Luo Meng lit the stamen in the lantern he was carrying, and the light flashed in the channel. When it was critical, he could not waste his natural mana to engage in luminosity.

The three pass through the tunnel. The tunnel is narrow and can only accommodate one person. In order to prevent unexpected situations, Faffer becomes the striker and holds a small wooden shield in his hand.

The speed of progress was not fast. Luo Meng’s eyes were faint and his spirit eyes had already been launched.

This is a new type of spirit eye combined with the zero-level spell “Scout Aura”. When focusing, you can notice the aura of magic and life within 30 meters, but you need to focus, which is to spend Romon’s power.

The mining area is very quiet. In addition to the sound of dripping water on the stone walls and even their footsteps, it seems to be a solo here. This kind of forced quietness makes people feel depressed.

Since the time since the last visit was not long, the markings that Romon made on the fork last time are still there. So, according to these marks, they checked one by one relatively easily.

Everywhere, Romon first sensed with inspiration whether there were black spiders.

In this case, the space suddenly expanded, looking at an empty space in front of him. Luo Meng sighed and said to the two of them: “I have checked, there are indeed traces of life in it, and you all stopped.”

“Understood.” The three stopped talking and all lightened their steps. Luo Meng opened the spirit eyes with all his strength, and slowly stepped forward in the darkness. For a moment, several firelights appeared in his eyes.

The first time the spiritual eye can discover magic or life aura, the second focus can understand the amount of aura and the strongest brightness, and the third focus can understand the intensity and position of each aura …

“Five, be careful, we can’t deal with it, we must use a magic trap!” Luo Meng calmed his face and slowly crawled back. The spider’s feeling was very sensitive. If it wasn’t for the spiritual eye, it was necessary to get close to it.

“How to do?”

“In the druid spell, there is the flame trap spell, which can create some spell flames, but the time is very short, but if it is combined with an oil tank, it may burn for five minutes.” Romon said: “Wait for the trap to be made Now, we are tempting the enemy. Note that the spiders are fast, so we ca n’t fight back. We have to return quickly. Anyway, the corridor is very narrow, and there is a fire wall blocking them. If you die, hit the second one! “

Fafer mentioned the long sword and the wooden shield in his hand, and his expression became more solemn: “I understand, Romon. You do it!”

“Be careful.” Luo Meng urged him to concentrate on creating the spell of the flame trap. With three oil tanks, Luo Meng could ignite at any time due to his grasp of the fire field.

After finishing, Luo Meng took the three of them as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Turning the corner, an empty space half the size of a basketball court appeared in front of the three people. The space seemed to have been occupied by spiders. Five huge black spiders were winding together. They looked very similar to spiders. Similar, but it is almost a hundred times that of an ordinary spider. When such a large spider appears in front of human eyes, the visual impact can be scary.

It didn’t even need to lure enemies before approaching, and the five spiders suddenly moved and noticed.

“Rewind!” Romon yelled, turning his head and running.

The three of them were already prepared, and quickly backed away. Fortunately, they were about 15 meters away from the spider. In addition, the three of them were very fast, and they quickly retreated to the side of the corridor. .

“Fire!” A flame suddenly appeared on Romon’s palm, and fell a bit on the trap.

“Boom!” The flame power of the oil tank and flame trap suddenly burst out.

Almost at the same time, Sukar turned back, bent his bow, shot the arrow, and then let the arrow violently.

The flame slammed into the black spider monster, and the arrow shot into its body almost instantaneously. The black spider monster made a scream, and then jumped up, rushing towards the three people with the fire on his body. .

Fafer showed a sturdy look, jumped up sharply, raised the wooden shield, and the long sword stabs.

Luo Meng ignored the battlefield at all, whispered the spell, and inspired the second-level natural summoning spell.

It was only half a minute, and with the sound of “Peng”, there appeared three and a half wolves with a terrible tooth and half a human height.


Luo Meng is very pleasantly surprised. Although in theory, the summoning spell can summon one to five summons of one kind at a time, but in fact most of them are one, and three of them are really unexpected joys.

“Kill!” Luo Meng thought, pointing to the black spider.

The three alien dogs are brutal in nature. Of course, the only thing called is the projection. When they heard the order of the temporary master, they roared and threw them up, as if the flames did not hinder their agile movements.

Luo Meng noticed the battlefield just now, and found that the first black spider was hit by flames, arrows, and swords, and was killed in just half a minute. The black blood immediately flowed from under the black spider. And then spread around.

The other four, because they were not grilled by flames, unlike the first dog hurriedly jumped over the wall, instead, hovered outside the flames, daring to rush over, but caused Sukar to repeatedly shoot bows, “poo poo poo” shooting three arrows.

The distance is close, the target is large, and it is difficult to not hit. The second black spider even hit a few arrows, the animal’s big hair, and finally couldn’t bear it, and braved the flames.

Faffer was on the side of the flame, and the tiger pierced his sword in spite of the delay.

When the spider passed the flame, Luo Meng took a breath. Because the flame trap time is only about half a minute, so now only the fire is burning. When the black spider passes, the black fluff is indeed burning, but in fact the flame The damage is limited.

There were only three alien wolves. Welding and fearlessly rushed up, desperately biting, making this black spider strange, and the black spider also desperately resisted, waving eight claws.

Fafer’s face was sullen, his long sword cut, black blood splattered, and some splashed on his skin. Obviously, he frowned sharply.

Toxic is a matter of anticipation, and it does not matter.

Under such a blow, the black spider finally screamed and stopped moving.

“The flames are still two minutes away. Let’s kill one more!” Romon yelled. At that moment, only the sound of “Peng” was heard, and the three alien wolves disappeared out of thin air.

This is the reason why animals cannot be summoned to work. In theory, Romon can summon alien cattle to cultivate fields, and the strength is several times that of ordinary cattle, but the summoning time from half a minute to a few minutes makes this kind of summoning Only works in combat.

Even shooting five arrows, Sukar’s hands were shaking, his chest kept undulating, no grudge, he was the limit of ordinary people.

But at this time, he gritted his teeth, took out another arrow, pulled the bow, bent the arrow, and shot the third one again.

Romon is also calling for the second time. He now has a second-level natural druid spell three times a day. After using it, he must rest for a full day unless he forcibly absorbs the power of Shennongjiao to instill the natural heart to form a spell-but this It is detrimental to Shennongjiao and the heart of nature.

Rather than using painless and itchy combat spells, it is better to summon. On Earth, Romon ’s favorite is to summon, using human tactics to crush the other party is king.

“Peng!” Turned out to be the appearance of four alien wolves. Luo Meng didn’t care about the surprise and pointed forward with his hand: “Kill!”

The four alien wolves rushed up, biting at the third black spider, and suddenly, the blood splattered. The three behind were dumbfounded. The power of the four second-level alien wolves was already Very powerful.

Until the monster stopped moving, there was still some time when the four alien wolves rushed to the fourth again, and Romon said: “There are ten more seconds to fight for the third summoning spell to wait for the flame to extinguish. It ’s up! “

“Romon, you can rest assured!” Fafer said with a clenched arrow.

At this moment, with the sound of “Peng”, the four alien wolves in the battle disappeared in the bite, the black spider was scarred and dizzy, and there were no three people separated by a faint flame several meters away. Launch an attack.

Unexpectedly, things would go so smoothly, Romon called for the third time.

The three Peng wolf wolves appeared again, launching an attack, biting at the fourth black spider monster, and the fifth black spider monster hurried up, but the passage was narrow and could not be opened.

Sukar panted fiercely and shot an arrow again.

“Kill!” Romon pulled out his sword. At this time, the fire in the oil tank was basically only a little bit. Fafer quickly followed, and everyone stepped over and threw it up.

Fafer raised his wooden shield, blocked the spider’s legs, and besieged the fifth.

After a few seconds, there was another roar behind, and the three wolf wolves had not yet reached the time, and they rushed to the fifth.

Luo Meng glanced back, and the black spider behind him, who was already dead, could not die anymore. Unexpectedly, the battle was ended so quickly. Only Sukar gasped loudly and could not lift his hands.

Then there is one left ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Unfortunately, here is the stone bottom, entanglement is difficult to play a role, otherwise, a large piece of grass grows to entangle, it is really beheaded.

During the battle, blood was dripping. When the three alien wolves disappeared, the last black spider was dying, and the two rushed up, desperately hacking.

For a moment, the spider finally stopped moving, and Romon and Fafer were all hot.

Although he had soft armor, he was injured.

“Drink!” Romon said, throwing a bottle. This spider’s toxicity is not very strong, but there is a kind of toxicity in it. It is strange to treat it as soon as possible.

The two grumbled down the antidote and recovered after a while.

“Come on. Cut the legs of the black spider, this kind of thing, but it’s an expensive material!” Romon said, since he came here, he couldn’t fail, let alone, they killed this Only monsters always bring back something to show them, to prove that they are true.

When going outside, Sukar and Fafer were very happy after the battle, but Romon was more worried.

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