Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 200 - Report (below)

“Romon, this deal is not bad!” Left the room. Outside, Fafer leaned in and whispered, even he was a little surprised by this number.

Romon looked back at the room again and found that the distance was far away. He turned to Fafer and said, “This is what we deserve. It is the price for the fifth-level professional to work, and we are also very Danger, if not retreat at first sight, it is possible to die all inside! “

In fact, even if he is surrounded, Romon still has a certain grasp of escape. He has three fireballs and two lightnings. These five spells, if used properly, can destroy hundreds of small demons.

Not to mention flying, but this way, more of his power is exposed.

“Yeah, in the underground, when he was fighting with demons, he was almost surrounded. This group of demons is very powerful.” Faffer wanted to come now, and had some fear.

Luo Meng said with a bitter smile: “Yeah, these underground monsters are indeed very strong, and the number is very large. If you let them attack, the consequences will be unimaginable. Let’s go back and quickly arrange it.”

Fafer nodded quickly and agreed.

After a while, Pastor Fogel came out all over the face and said hello: “Master Lord, I’ll take you here.”,

Speaking of this, while walking in the front, Pastor Fogel still quite enviously said: “Unexpectedly, the Bishop Master actually treats you so seriously!”

“Thank you, Master Bishop, for your appreciation!” Luo Meng said, politely, “This is my honor and your recommendation!”

Pastor Fogel said with a smile: “This is what you deserve, Lord Tate Shaw.”

The road was not far away, and in a room on the first floor, several priests were busy. Pastor Fogel whispered to one of them, and the man looked at Romon with surprise, “Okay, I will Prepare 300 gold coins! “

After finishing talking, open a locked cabinet door and count three hundred gold coins from inside. Packed in an import bag, and handed it to Romon: “Three hundred gold coins, please take it.”

“Thank you!” Luo Meng took the heavy purse, but did not leave immediately. He counted the hundred gold coins in the purse and divided it into two bags. After waiting for a while, Pastor Fogel came out.

“Pastor Fogel!” Romon stepped forward and handed the bag of one hundred gold coins.

Pastor Fogel said sternly, “How can this be, this is what the Bishop Master rewards you.”

“This is a donation to the great shining lord.” Luo Meng said.

“Oh, since that’s the case, then I’ll accept it.” With reason, Pastor Fogel laughed and got a better impression of Romon. This person was very interested. He protected himself the first time, now Send them again, you can socialize.

A few words of politeness, farewell to the priest, and out of this beautiful building with Fafer.

Fafer went to the place next to the horse. Bringing the two people’s mounts over, they said sadly: “Romon, why do you give him a hundred gold coins?”

“The magic disaster is coming. It is very likely that our territory will have troops stationed there, and it is likely that people with the glorious Church of the Lord will come, but there may not be a bishop. Perhaps the person who comes, the captain is this Pastor Fogel , Make a good relationship, there are many things in the future, it will be convenient. “Luo Meng said with a frown.

“… Where do we go next? Do we go directly to the territory? Or do we have something to eat first?” Fafer was a little hungry now.

Moreover, Romon has just received a reward of two hundred gold coins, which is certainly worth celebrating.

Luo Meng also felt a little hungry at this time. Although there was food in the space and the parcels he carried with him, he had the desire to relax with a drink.

“Then find a pub and have something to eat!” Romon said.

Fafeelton rejoiced: “I heard that in a bar run by the Adventurer’s Union, the food and drinks are very good and the prices are fair. Where are we going?”

In this world, the bar is similar to the bar on the earth, meet a variety of waitresses, but also stage a beautiful show.

“Just go there, but I rarely go to that kind of place, do you know?” Luo Meng said with a smile.

Fafer chuckled and scratched his head: “This, I’ve been there a few times.”

“Okay. Then let’s go there!” Seeing Faffer’s appearance, Romon had to agree.

The two got on the horse and quickly left the Church of the Glorious Lord, riding the horse and heading all the way to the position of the adventurer’s union.

The vassal bar of the Adventurer ’s Union was not difficult to find, and it was only a distance away from the Adventurer ’s Union that they had seen the bar.

The area of ​​the bar is not small, and the decoration outside is also very good. The two-storey building has red brick walls and is very clean. The door is made of wood like yellow. There are two doors. The door was constantly shaking. At the top of the second floor, there is a sign that says “Adventure Bar”!

Probably only the bars affiliated with the Adventurer’s Union dare to use this name.

Romon and Faferle lived on the horse’s reins, Romon first turned over and dismounted, and then said, “Is this right?”

“That’s right here.” Fafer immediately turned over and dismounted.

Because they were all well-dressed, a waiter soon came out to help lead the horse. Romon threw a silver coin to the waiter, and the waiter immediately couldn’t smile.

“Two distinguished guests. Please go up to the second floor.” Romon pushed the bar’s door open, and Fafer followed, as the two were observing the surroundings.

A waitress from the bar came by and looked at the two of them for a few moments, then smiled and said to them.

The location on the first floor of the bar was indeed a bit noisy and noisy, and some of the better locations were already full. Romon asked casually, “How is the environment on the second floor?”

“The second floor is relatively quiet. The two gentlemen can enjoy the food and wine quietly. The people who go to the top are all grown-ups. I have just seen that there are several empty tables near the window. There, you can see the streets and pedestrians below, the environment is very good. “The waitress answered with a smile.

Fafer, he was a little emotional when he heard it, and he naturally knew that the environment on the second floor was good and the level of consumption would be relatively high, but once it was rare, he nodded and said, “Go to the second floor!”

“Okay, two distinguished guests, please come with me.” The waitress smiled brighter and led the two to the stairs.

The staircase of the bar is all wooden. It seems that it is still the kind of good wood. When you step on it, there will be a very pleasant sound. Romon and Faffer, led by the maid, have been on the second floor. .

Indeed, from the first floor to the second floor, the noisy feeling on the first floor has indeed disappeared. The high-quality floors, clean and tidy tables and chairs, and bright windows really give people a very comfortable feeling.

On the second floor, there is also a sales desk selling wine and food. Romon ordered two drinks and two foods there, and found a place by the window with Fafer to sit down.

“Romon, the wine here is really good.” Favrezan said with a sip.

Seeing that Fafer liked it, Romon also tried a sip. The wine tastes delicious. With an extremely comfortable lubricating sensation, it tastes sweet and has an intoxicating fragrance: “Well, it’s really good. However, the price of the wine is a little more expensive.”

Looking around while drinking wine, I found that the people sitting here are not all senior professionals, and some people choose this quiet place for business.

The noisy feeling below made many low-level mages and druids also disgusted, and naturally would not stay below.

The two were eating and drinking. In a place not far behind Romon, the two guests seemed to have just negotiated a business. Both stood up and walked outside.

“Mr. Rolek, I hope everyone can be satisfied with this cooperation. Although you can rest assured that the magic materials I provided are absolutely first-class, how can I dare to deceive Master Master?” The fat man seemed to be a businessman. The man said with a compliment.

“Hopefully, as you said, the quality of the material this time is indeed as you said. Then I will look for you in the next business.” Opposite the businessman was a young man wearing a mage robe, flowing hair, and beautiful The facial features, as well as the thin figure and the gentle breath exuded from him, seem to be telling others that this is a well-educated person with a good background.

His hands were clean and white, and the nails on his fingers were also trimmed very neatly. A black mage robe had a pattern, indicating that this is a first-level mage and has a humble look.

“Romon, you see, Rolek has really changed.” First noticed this man, it was Fafer.

Luo Meng was looking down to eat beef. Suddenly he heard Fafell’s exclaimation and raised his head. He saw Fafer staring behind him. Luo Meng turned around and looked at it. The mage who became a young man came to this side.

The young man who was talking with the businessman while walking suddenly froze, then saw Romon and Fafer, and immediately stopped, his expression very complicated for a while.

“Is these two your friends? Then I won’t disturb you.” Seeing the sign on Romon’s robe and knowing that the other is a fifth-level druid, the businessman immediately showed an expression of sincerity, He looked more and more awed when he looked at the nearby Rolek. He probably felt that a first-level mage actually knew such a fifth-level druid, proving that the mage had a good network.

However, it is not known whether Rollek thinks this way.

Seeing the businessman leaving, Rolek sat next to Romon and Fafer, and remained silent for a while before saying, “Romon, Fafer, have been missing for a long time.”

Seeing him again, Luo Meng didn’t know what to say. The youth in front of him had completely changed his appearance, and it was not the same as the man in his impression.

When Fafer saw the silence of the two when they saw each other, he quickly rounded the field: “Rollek, I didn’t expect you to be a first-level mage. Have you learned hard? This is your long-cherished dream. . “

“Well, I got the recommendation of the baron and became a disciple of Alec Master. Last month, I passed the professional examination and became a first-level Master.” Rolek said in silence, said: “Now, by Ya Entrusted by Master Alec, he bought and sold materials needed for the spell. “

“Oh, that’s great, congratulations.” Romon said, and the three fell into silence.

For a long time, Rolek raised his head, looked at the logo on Romon’s robe with envy and some jealousy, and then said, “Unexpectedly, are you already a Level 5 Druid? Congratulations, Romon!”

Rolek has a talent for spells, and even within a few months, he successfully learned a first-level spell-magic missile.

Alec Master is surprised, and now he is very cultivated, and he is required to focus on the basic homework of the Master, so as to lay a solid foundation, and give him the materials needed to buy and sell spells.

However, compared to Romon, these results seem to be nothing.

“Well, thank you.” Romon said.

The three chatted for a while, and Rolek left on the pretext that there was something else. When he left, he didn’t know whether he was negligent or really didn’t want to. He didn’t leave Romon and Faffer their own contact information.

“Romon, let’s continue to drink the bar.” Seeing Romon’s face sullen, Faffer said quickly.

Seeing the appearance of Fair, Romon suddenly smiled: “Okay, let’s continue to drink!”

“Romon, Rolek is really having a good time. I just saw that I didn’t dare to recognize it. Almost noble noble master’s mage.” Drinking and drinking, Faffer suddenly asked such a sentence.

The wine glass held by Luo Meng paused for a moment, and then he sipped the wine into the fluent movement, and said with a smile: “Well, remember he always wanted to be a noble mage, maybe he will soon be able to do so!”

To Luo Lake, Luo Meng felt a little strange, somehow disgusted and vigilant. This kind of feeling had no reason, but made Luo Meng secretly sigh.

The meal was a bit tasteless because of the sudden appearance of Rolek, and the two of them hurried to finish the meal, and they went downstairs after checking out.

Downstairs, the attendants led their horses, and the two turned their horses without talking, and headed out of town.

Luo Meng watched carefully ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and found that although the streets were still full of noise from people coming and going, from time to time there were the sound of scattered horseshoes and wheels rolling, but, compared to before, it was already There is a little deserted.

Although the average person does not feel it at all, the intentional person can notice that this is due to the fact that there are some upper classes that have moved away.

On the street, the bluestone slabs that had been paved are now in dilapidated condition, and along the way, Luo Meng deliberately looked at it, but he couldn’t find the whole piece of bluestone.

The same is true of history, Romon thought so.

It is said that this city was also established after the last magic disaster. Hundreds of years later, it will have to bear a new test.

Time and time again, almost like reincarnation, of course, there are a lot of heroes and legends, enriching the entire history.

Thinking of this, he was already out of the city, and Romont spurred his whip, enjoying the feeling of fog and fog, and Fafer behind him laughed loudly and followed.

The two horses flew across the ground quickly and ran towards the distance. (!)

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