Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 34 - Magic Workshop (Part 2)

“Fezia, you are too polite.” Alec smiled. “That way, you are too expensive. That’s where Kaizi went.”

“It should be, it should be.” Fezia also smiled and said: “That’s it, let me go first.”

“I’ll send you.” Alec followed.

“No, no.” Fezia waved his hand: “Romon, you have to learn more from Master Alec.”

“Brother Fezia, I will.” Luo Meng bowed and said to him.

After Fezia left, Alec came back from the door of the workshop.

“Romon,” he pointed to the young men in the compartments. “These are your companions. Now they are still working. I won’t introduce them to you. Anyway, you will know them later. I Take you to your room. “

Romon nodded silently. Then Alec showed him the room: the room was not big, but the bedding was neat and tidy, there was a small table with a small lamp on it, which was also a magic item, and a zero-level light was constant on it Surgery.

“Will you use this stuff?” Alec asked, pointing at the magic lamp.

“Yes.” Romon replied that he had seen in the shrine in the town of Rika. It was a small thing that was convenient for the caster. It only needed a little magic power to start and use for a while.

“As for lunch, it was sent from the old Velen.” Alec smiled towards Romon, a little bit of Meimei in his smile. “Yvette is a good girl, but she’s a little hotter.”

Romon bowed his head.

Alec thought he was shy and laughed.

Finally, Alec took him to an empty compartment in a workshop, “This is where you will work in the future. Do you need me to demonstrate the preparation of the potion again?”

“Okay, please.” Romon took a breath and tried to concentrate his energy.

“You wait.” Alec said that he left, and after a while, he took a glass vial and a box.

Alec sat by the test bench. “Look, Romon, because the curing agent is not active for a long time after being formulated successfully, so the curing agent is divided into two parts by my teacher,” he said to Romon, and opened the small box, which revealed A pill, “It is very simple to use. Pour the pill into a glass bottle filled with liquid. When the pill is completely dissolved, that is, when the curing agent has the highest activity, do you understand?”

“I heard clearly.” Luo Meng replied, but his heart was awe-inspiring. He heard Jiefa and Anson talk about methods to judge the degree of curing agent activity. The most frequent word in these methods is “experience”. In Alec ’s mouth, the activity index of the curing agent can be determined by visually observing the dissolution degree of the pill. Such a simple design shows Sackville ’s achievements in alchemy.

“So, Master Alec, how long does it take for the pill to completely dissolve.” Romon asked.

After listening to this question, Alec frowned: “The teacher had done the test, and the result was fifty-six magic seconds. However, you know that this result is useless because you don’t have a tool for accurate timing. “

“Who said Lao Tzu did not?” Luo Meng looked up to the sky in his heart: “There is a stopwatch in the space of Shen Nongjiao in Lao Tzu!”

However, a very curious smile appeared on his face: “Is the timing tool expensive?”

“It’s expensive. I also want to have one. It’s much more convenient to do the experiment.” Alec smiled with a longing.

“I will not give it to you.” Luo Meng said in his heart.

“Okay, can I start the demonstration?” Alec asked.

“Please wait.” Luo Meng closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, then his spirit entered the space of Shennongjiao and found the mechanical stopwatch.

Romon opened his eyes, and at the same time the druid costume had wide sleeves, his right hand was already holding the stopwatch. “Fortunately, for today’s meeting, I wore a formal dress.” He thought of it this way.

“Please start.”

Alec smiled, opened the bottle cap, threw the pill into a colorless liquid, and Romon secretly pressed the timer button.

The pill gradually melted away, the medicine began to turn red, Alec looked solemn, he began to read words, and bound his hands into the corresponding seals.

Romon also concentrated all his energy on Alec Shiwei.

The moment the pill in the vial completely dissipated, the last note of the spell in Alec’s mouth just stopped and Romon pressed it in time. At the same time, in Romon’s vision of aura, it can be clearly seen that the aura gradually begins to flash in the medicine bottle, and the spell is being stored by the curing agent.

This situation lasted for a little while, and then, in the naked eye, Luo Meng saw the potion blinked suddenly and suddenly.

“It’s done.” Alec breathed a sigh of relief. “Then, I should sign my name,” he said, pointing to the blank space on the label of the vial. “And then, let me check it and check the quality of the medicine on the spot Give the appraisal result. In the end, I paid according to the result. “

“I know.”

“Okay. After making the potion, just ring the bell on the table, and I’ll take it. Here are two parts of the curing agent. You first take a try.” Alec took out two parts and placed them on the table. Then left.

Romon watched him leave, walked into the compartment, and closed the door. He took out the stopwatch hidden in his sleeve. The time shown on it was fifty-four seconds. It seems that the magic seconds and the seconds on the earth coincide exactly.

Luo Meng’s smug smile appeared on his face. With this, it must be easier to prepare the medicine.

A week passed quickly. During this week, Romon met several apprentices working with him, three masters, a druid, and himself, a total of five people. Everyone’s age is not far from each other, and their life experiences are also close. Basically, there are no fixed mentors, or although there are fixed mentors, those who do not get the mentor’s favorite. At the same time, all people have a direct and indirect relationship with Sackville. They all came to the studio through the recommendation letter of the recommender.

“The entire social structure is similar to that of medieval Europe. Apprentices follow masters to learn art through guarantors. There is no public recruitment that is common in modern society. It is rare to see so-called self-recommendation. This is still a society that relies on acquaintances to weave relationships. Although the power possessed by a few spellcasters is not inferior to modern times, spells and divine magic are always the privileges enjoyed by a few. “

Has the experience of the era of information explosion, Romon’s insight into this society is extraordinary.

However, Archimedes can only lift the earth after finding a fulcrum. As a Druid Romon, he still puts most of his attention on the deployment of potions. The rest of the time, attention The progress of the plants in Shennongjiao, and the other is to do martial arts discussions with Yvette who often comes to deliver meals.

Romon now lives very comfortably. Even for debt repayment, after not seeing the deadly ugly face of Rika Town’s tax officer Bakas, Romon also had an idea, but he had to wait for a suitable time, and at this time, he focused his attention When he reached Yvette, he got closer.

And others have different impressions of Romon.

This week, Romon set all three of his first-level spell slots every day to treat minor injuries, which is completely different from Jacob ’s idiot wasting a first-level spell slot to show off in the palm of flames for showing off.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, Romon showed an amazing talent in making alchemy potions. His success rate in making potions for the treatment of minor injuries was second only to Alec. About nine times every three days, only one missed. And the result of the miss is all the defective medicines, not completely scrapped. This kind of defective products equivalent to the “hemostasis” effect of the zero-level spell can also be sold in the previous store, so Romon does not need to do this. Payment of compensation for curing agent-this is of course the result of Romon control.

Faced with the jealous eyes of his colleagues and the praise of Alec Master, and Yvette’s apparently changed attitude, Romon’s answer was very simple: “I am very sensitive to the passage of time.”

With the power of the stopwatch, Alec even once sighed and said to him: “Romon, if you choose the path of the Master, I think we can cooperate to do some research.”

For all of this, how about being jealous of Umon reading www.uukannshu.com? No one dared to do anything in the workshop. As for the workshop, Romon’s life was very regular. At most, he went out to practice sword with Yvette. Without much time, his feelings became more and more harmonious.

Moreover, the most important thing is that his colleagues, because of the difficulty of learning art, have more experience, so they are especially cautious. In this world, after all, there are the most mediocre people, they dare not move hands.

This day is the day of the sun. At noon, Romon walked out of the shop after listening to Sackville’s lecture. He had a rest for half a day today. Of course, ordinary apprentices can’t enjoy it, but after all, these people have the identity of a caster. Their treatment is naturally completely different from that of apprentices in general shop workshops.

Then, he saw Yvette standing pretty outside the door.

The girl has long golden wavy hair, which sparkles in the sunlight. Her nose seemed to be crafted by skilled craftsmen with fine jade, and the tiny Yao nose was slightly upturned. On her chest, a pair of pigeons lay quietly, showing the beautiful curves of the girl.

Luo Meng suddenly remembered an ancient poem on earth:

The quiet girl and his wife, as long as I am in the city corner. Love is not there, scratching his head. Quiet girl is swaying, and I am in control. Tong Guan Youwei said that she is beautiful. Since shepherds return, Xun is beautiful and different. The bandits are beautiful, and the beauties are beautiful.

Showed a kind of fluctuation in her heart. Since the last time she vaguely revealed the news, she waited for three days before she came.

Although there is a little talk, but I can’t care about it.


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