Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 37 - Wash white (on)

In the space of Shennongjiao. A ball of light hangs in the sky about thirty meters high, exuding golden light.

Luo Meng was in it. Although he has been here for countless times, he still feels incredible.

“Fine rice grass.” He shouted into the void.

So the materials of fine rice grass emerged. This is a kind of herbal medicine on the earth. Because it has the effect of treating snake wounds in the wild, Romon planted some. Luo Meng looked at the information of this herbal medicine, and the content in it was not the same as what he had seen on the earth before. This is probably caused by the different laws of the two worlds, but fortunately, this is still an effective snake medicine .

Luo Meng took a plant from the space that had been dried in the dark.-In the space of Shennongjiao, there is a small piece that seems to be specially prepared for storing plants. Some herbs are placed in it, and they will remain in the state they were put in. . Then he withdrew from Shennongjiao.

Returning to the small room provided for apprentices by Sackville, Romon looked at the fine rice grass in the palm of his hand and a smile appeared on his face.

The magic lamp emits a very faint white light, which only illuminates the surrounding area about one meter.

Romon pulled a small wooden box from under the bed. Inside was a set of pharmacists’ tools for healing herbs. The small bowl for grinding can also be used for juice extraction, the knife is for cutting, the guillotine is a convenient batch cutting tool, the scissors can be used to take the most tender leaf buds, it can also be used to crush some things, and there are small Clay pots can be used to soak herbs. -This was given to him by the pharmacist Anson in the shrine in Rika town.

Romon took the knife from among them and began to repair this fine rice grass in the same way as the world repairs butterfly grass.

For the initial treatment of herbs, remove the less medicinal parts, retain the essence, or divide them according to the different medicinal properties of different parts of the herbs, and then give appropriate treatments to enhance the medicinal properties or make subtle changes in the medicinal properties, or increase the herbs The shelf life of these is the most basic part of herbal medicine.

On the earth, the ancient Chinese medicine developed in the past two thousand years, called this knowledge as processing science.

Although herbal medicine has developed in this world, it has to be attached to alchemy pharmacy for a long time, and it exists as a basic branch of alchemy pharmacy. There is no other reason, this is a real world with magic.

Luo Meng carefully trimmed the fine rice grass. Although he knew that he was not a poison such as butterfly grass, he always made some people think that when a thief was collecting herbs, he accidentally mixed with a butterfly grass. Similar new species, then the thieves were killed, and all the harvest was taken away by the victorious druid, so the druid, who was fully sensitive to nature and plants, discovered a different plant in the butterfly grass.

This is the bizarre story that Romon tries to show others.

Romon thought this way, but he was still not very happy. The species on the earth was one of the cards he did n’t want to expose. But, otherwise, how did he get the recommendation ticket from Old Velen in the black market? Without this recommendation ticket, how to launder the money in your hands? If money cannot be laundered, you will not be able to repay your debts, let alone improve Nick ’s future life.

Not much time, the fine rice grass in hand is repaired according to the method of butterfly grass, retaining all the hypertrophic leaves, but the roots need to be carefully scraped off. This root system is exactly the difference between the two herbs. Fine rice grass is a plant with a straight root system and has an obvious main root, while butterfly grass is a fibrous root system and has no obvious main root.

Romon put the repaired fine rice grass into a small wooden box prepared in advance, and the wooden box carefully filled the gap with some hemp. Then Romon put the wooden box in the space of Shennongjiao, turned off the light, and went to sleep with peace of mind, without a dream all night.

In the evening of the second day, when the sun fell behind the west horizon, Romon carried the wooden box prepared yesterday and went to Old Velen. Along the way, the sky was slightly dark, and the night air was like a drop of ink in the large pool of water. It just spread out in the dim light, and people walking in the distance looked a little blurred.

Luo Meng smiled and greeted someone who was already acquainted, and suddenly had a different feeling in his heart.

Thinking while walking, Romon saw that the old Velen’s shop was closed. He walked up and knocked on the door. Yvette opened the door and the girl was cleaning the bar in her apron.

“Father is waiting for you inside.” Yvette said to him, “Romon, are you ready for your stuff?” When he went back yesterday, Rummon showed Yvette slightly, so Yvette Curious and worried about Romon’s coming out.

Luo Meng smiled and sorted some messy hair on his forehead for Yvette, then walked through the tables and chairs that were not well-organized and walked into the room.

Old Velen was sitting by the fireplace in the small living room waiting for him.

“Is something brought?” Old Velen threw a piece of firewood into the fireplace, and the “snap” Mars burst out.

Romon put the wooden box on the wooden table in the living room: “Bring it, please take a look.”

Old Wei Lun got up on the rocking chair, and the fire in the fireplace shone behind him, pulling out a long black shadow.

He stretched out his fat palm leisurely and lazily, and opened the wooden box that Luo Meng placed on the table a little carelessly. Suddenly, he rounded his eyes: “This is not a butterfly grass!” And joy.

Romon was horrified: “Old Velen actually had good herbal attainments!” The idea flashed through his mind, and in an instant, Romon thought of the fruit wine and coyote secretly made by Old Velen. This man is by no means as simple as a level 5 warrior!

Suddenly regretted it, is it appropriate to expose the cards to such a person?

Next, you can only expect your relationship with Yvette. Romon thought of this, the hands under the table could not help clenching his fists.

Old Velen slammed into the inner room, and then came the sound of rummaging for something, and then he rushed out again, slamming tweezers with one hand, still wearing on his right eye A crystal lens.

Old Velen held his breath on the edge of the table, carefully turned the herb out of the wooden box with tweezers, and observed it carefully with crystal lenses, and at the same time, he made a “booming” sound from his mouth from time to time.

Finally, Velen took off his lens and whispered: “Damn, the root part is destroyed.”

Luo Meng stood respectfully: “Mr. Wei Lun, is my item eligible for a ticket?”

Old Velen looked at Romon. There was a meaningful smile on his face: “I had wanted to see what the child that Yvette’s favorite child was capable of, and now it seems that luck is also an ability.” He patted Romon on the shoulder. “I want this thing. I have heard from Yvette about your things. I can wash all the cash and goods for you. The commission is converted with this grass.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Velen.” Luo Meng bowed, and finally handled the matter properly. He thought so.

Time passed for another week or two. On the morning of the day, it was still dark. On the street, the soldiers on night watch kept rubbing their eyes, yawning, and they were exhausted all night. By this time, they were really sleepy. Too.

Suddenly, a group of soldiers patrolling the east of the city found that a person wearing a long hooded cloak, who could not see his face and gender, came from a distance.

“Who is it!” The captain shouted loudly, pressing the subconscious hand on the hilt of the waist.

“Boom!” Throwing something in front of the captain.

The captain took a look at the light from the torch left behind by the soldiers in the back, and immediately picked up the things under his feet.

This is a metal token with the family crest of the city’s Adel family, which is a special pass issued to the VIP by the lord.

The captain quickly wiped the token on the clothes, and then bent over his hands and handed it to the cloak man who walked in: “Sir, please.”

The man in the cloak reached out and took it. The hands under the cloak were very well maintained. A very conspicuous sapphire ring was worn on the owner’s right hand.

The captain saw the cloak man walk to the old Velen’s bar and knocked on the door.

“These big guys full of strange hobbies wouldn’t want to have a drink early in the morning.” The captain scratched his head and finally ordered the brothers to continue patrolling along the street.

In the morning, Romon walked into the workshop of the magician Sackville as usual. He walked to his compartment, closed the door, sat on the edge of the workbench, took out a bottle of curing agent and put it in front of his eyes, and then began to adjust the spirit with the power of breathing and started the day’s work.

Outside the door of the cubicle is the envious and jealous look of his employees.

Everyone knows that Luo Meng got the legacy left by some uncle he never met. Although it is not clear how many specific figures there are, but since this legacy can be solemn by the temple under the holy symbol of the Lord of Glory After signing a contract, and then entrusting it to the Adventurer Union to publish a task, then obviously, there are probably a few hundred gold coins. All in all, Luo Meng got rich.

The so-called inheritance, which is actually to wash away the stolen goods robbed from the Rika town thieves union, on the same day, Romon paid off the hundred silver coins owed at the adventurer union.

With Aps City as the center, with the support of Viscount Iger Adel, the Adventurer ’s Union spread over his territory and his vassal territory, so some cash operations and the unified management of adventurer information were gradually established. Woke up. Of course, if the debt-risk adventurer ran outside of Aps City, then the Aps Adventurers ’Union would have to consider the cost of debt collection.

Romon did not intend to return to Rica Town immediately after paying off his debts. In fact, if it was not for the responsibility and guilt of the wounded Nick, if it was not for the hatred of the tax officer Bakas and the priest Tenis, Romon even felt that using his own property to buy a property in Apps City, then working to make money, paying taxes on time and in full, and finally obtaining the rights of free people in Apps is also a good choice. Pu Si, in the bar of Old Villeneuve, there is a girl who loves him will practice sword with him, will grab and take away his dirty clothes to wash, and will give him more food when he is served …

However, Romon felt that he had to go back. The elder husband had a clear grudge. He could not leave Nick, nor could he give up his hatred.

In this way, when to choose to go back is a question worthy of consideration and attention. Romon vaguely felt: As spring approaches, as the blue grass in the Shennongjiao space gradually flourishes, he is promoted to the second level Dru The opportunity of Yi has become more and more obvious, that is, this batch of blue grass is mature, the space gets energy from plants, and the upgrade is completed!

Therefore, in the current situation, probably only the stupidest person can even achieve such patience.

I chose Romon who stayed in Apps before the beginning of the spring, and I was relieved to do the work of making potions in the magician’s workshop, but next month, Romon did not intend to do it here, although it does You can learn a lot from Sackville.

“The druid is different from the mage after all,” Romon thought lightly, looking at the healing potions that had been successfully prepared in his hand. Under the illumination of the magic lamp in the compartment, the potions in the glass bottles radiated like rubies. Glossy, many ordinary people believe that this color means the essence of blood and the never-ending flame of life.

“Every magic product, even a meager medicament for the treatment of minor injuries, is a miracle.” No one believes this more than Romon from Earth. Romon changed the glass bottle at an angle, and the shaking red liquid really turned out. Jumping like flames, “Unfortunately, I am not a mage, the druid should be close to nature.”

Luo Meng simply leaned his body on the workbench, and he suddenly remembered his former teacher, Jaffa, the middle-aged man wearing a cloak made of green leaves all year round. The first lesson is: Druids should be close to nature.

“Druid should be close to nature!” Romon muttered to himself: “I asked Alec, what is the mage, Alec told me, UU read books www.uukanshu.com Sackville gave him the first The lesson was to tell him that the mage is a person who pursues knowledge and truth. I also asked Yvette what a warrior is, Yvette told me that the first lesson Velen gave her was to tell her that the warrior is you Death or I die. Every profession has its own beliefs and ideals. I know what is knowledge and truth, and what is survival and death, but who can tell me what nature is? “

Romon felt a little distressed. He remembered the reason why Jeffa expelled himself. The nature he understood was balance and guardianship. The druid should carefully maintain the balance of nature, instead of using this ability to destroy it. ——What about your own nature?

Romon put the prepared medicament on the table, and then pressed the bell. Today, I am feeling bored, so I can go out and relax. He thought of it, go to Yvette.

After Alec’s inspection, Romon successfully got seven silver coins. He walked all the way to the bar of Old Velen.

“Huh? Old Velen’s bar closed so early? Or did he not open the door at all today?” Romon saw the bar locked tightly.

He stepped forward to knock on the door. No one answered.

“Romon, don’t knock, the old **** of Velen is not here, Yvette is not there, I don’t know where their father and daughter ran, and they didn’t open the door today.” It was a regular in the bar who was speaking Complained.

Romon felt more depressed, he decided to go back and continue to make medicine …

But, this morning, Luo Meng is definitely not the most depressed person.


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