Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 70 - Search (below)

It takes about eight people to enter the underpass.

If the number is too small, if you encounter a danger, not only will you not be able to respond effectively, but all the people who will enter will be involved.

However, if there are too many people going in, then, first, the people who stay on it are left unattended, and secondly, it is true that so many people are currently unable to get together.

All the people from Hayward and Lancaster teamed up, and there were only about 30 people. Excluding the dead people, the current number of people will be enough.

There are seventeen injured, and the rest can have some combat capabilities, so there are only thirteen people.

But the problem is that although the injured people have been rescued by Luo Meng and the wounds have healed, if you want to restore your combat effectiveness, you have to go through a period of restorative rest.

At the very least, before dawn tomorrow, these injured people, their injured parts, it is impossible to return to the state before the injury. Except for a few people who are not injured in the hands and feet, other people can’t lift the sword with their hands now, or they can’t walk for the time being.

Under these circumstances, these people are in danger and naturally cannot cope with it. Therefore, in addition to the people who entered the dark road, people should also be left to protect in this stone room.

Although after checking out a dark road, everyone searched for the stone chamber even more to the point of paying attention. However, no one can guarantee that after inspection, there will never be any problems.

Because of this, among the 13 combatants who can barely be counted, a part of them must be divided to protect these teammates who have temporarily lost their combat effectiveness.

This makes the sparse fighting power less and less. Because Romon was not injured, he should of course join the team.

Originally planned to go down with him, but Captain Lancaster and Captain Hayward disagreed.

They left Fafer on it, and together with several other players, protected other players who needed restful rest.

Not to mention, in the fierce battle with the bear goblin, Fafer was struggling to kill the enemy, and he was also adored. Although the injury was not serious, it still did not meet the conditions for the uninjured people to go down this time.

Because the other party said something very reasonable, although Fafer insisted, in the end, he could only accept it helplessly.

After all, in the Adventurer Squad, unless it is a matter of principle, otherwise, in general, it is definitely not a good thing to have a conflict with your own captain.

Not to mention the fact that the other party said it was reasonable, so although Fafer tried his best to let Romon stay and stay on his own, he still did not succeed. He could only pat Romon’s shoulder vigorously, and then, with concern, Romon was careful.

Romon was very touched by his good friend’s concern. However, on the surface, he just smiled. Then, he told the other party to be more careful and said that he would be careful and so on.

In addition to Romon and Lancassie, there are six other people who are about to enter the underpass. They are:

Kavai Squad 2nd Warrior Kaka, Kawawi Squad Female Shooter Lusha, Blue Kassi Squadron Female Marie Jumari, Blue Kasi Squadron 2nd Warrior Hero, Blue Kassi Squadron 2nd Warrior Peter And professional thief Adam of the Blue Casey Squad.

Small card. Don’t look at his name is quite small and cute, but this person is a strong man with big waist and round waist. This person is good at using big swords, in terms of body shape, and has a match with Sukar of the Blue Cassie team. Before this adventure, he was a member of the Hawawi team, and it was considered an old player. Because there were many adventures and rich experience, he was not injured in this sneak attack of the bear goblin. And, it was very tough to split the bear goblin who attacked him into two halves. Because of his strength, he will be counted as one this time.

Lusha. She is the only female in the Hawawi team. The reason why the famous adventurer team rarely sees the appearance of female players is because these teams do not like to absorb female players. Because a phenomenon occurs. Because of the physical strength and age restrictions of female adventurers, some low-level female warriors or other professional women, due to their talents, are not expected to reach level 5 or above in this life to win the status of nobility. Spend the night with others at the right price. This phenomenon often occurs in many adventurer teams, and even some members of the same team will spend money to have a relationship with it. However, in the team of Hayward, the appearance of Lusha was entirely based on his own ability.

She doesn’t usually like talking, but when fighting, she can always play a huge role, and most of the arrows she shoots can hit the target. Although she is a woman, she lacks strength, but her flexibility and her fighting skills still make her famous among adventurers. And some people who tried to beat her idea will often be swollen and bruised. It is precisely because of her decent personality and good strength that she will be accepted by Hayward’s players and become a real part of the team.

Jumari. Unlike Lusha, this woman was born to be a restless master. She is not pretty, she even has light spots on her face due to the sun and the wind, but her body is very sexy, and her voice is soft, making her very popular among her teammates. . However, unlike the care of Lusha by the team of Hayward, the care of her teammates is mostly for a colored purpose. Because bear gnomes are naturally obscene, when dealing with women, they often don’t fight hard at first, which also allows her to survive this battle. Because of the various purposes for her current captain Lan Cassie, she took the initiative to participate in this operation without Lan Cassie saying.

Hero. A strong third-level fighter in the Blue Cassie team. Combat experience is rich. During the battle, the tricks are fierce, and once you start, you will never be merciless. Is a ruthless character. In the Lancassie squad, in addition to Captain Lancassie, martial arts should be his highest. Therefore, in the battle with the bear goblin, he did not suffer a little injury.

Peter. The second-level fighter in the Blue Casey team. Not very young. In the entire team, only Romon and Fafer were slightly smaller than him. Four years ago, he started to come out and participated in many battles. Fighting power is very good.

Adam. Occupation, thief. For this person, Romon has always been guarded, because the other party’s profession, so he did not like it at first sight. Because he has dealt with people from the thieves ’union, in Romon ’s impression, thieves are a very disgusting profession, and the people engaged in this profession are all cunning and misbehaving. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, although Adam’s dealing with people is slick, he has not found any bad behavior. Although this person’s assassination technology is not as good as a professional assassin, but because of his agile skill, he also protects himself very well in the fight with the bear goblin. Therefore, this action is counted as him.

Overall, the current eight people, except for Romon and two Haywards, are all members of the Blue Casey team, and because Blue Casey is perfect for people, these people can be regarded as blue. Cassie ’s confidants, especially the woman named Julie Marie, were even more blessed about Lan Cassie ’s words. This comparison of numbers gave Romon a strange feeling in his heart. However, given that he was not completely incapable of coping, and there was no evidence of the other party’s deception, Romon did not show much discomfort and opposition.

Only increased his vigilance to deal with the unfavorable situations that might appear to him after reaching the underpass.

However, after the initial identification of the personnel in the underpass, Captain Haywawi, whose left arm was injured, suddenly came over from the other side. “I will go down, too.” He said in a low voice. Originally, at the beginning, Captain Haywawe did not object to letting the injured person rest on it, but when everyone discussed the undercover matter, he looked at the player’s body alone in a daze, and then, When I came back, I changed my mind.

This time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was not only opposed by Lancaster, but even Xiaoka and Lusha also expressed opposition to the captain’s decision. “Captain, your injury is just right, you need to rest, and it is not safe in the dark. You should wait for our news on it.”

“Yeah, Captain, you just got injured, don’t go on.”

However, out of the sense of responsibility of the captain, Heiwa strongly urged to join in. Everyone persuaded to be invalid, knowing that he felt guilty because of the death of the team member.

The captain of the other team, Lan Cassie, also changed his face for a while, and agreed that Hawari went down with the eight of them. As a result, the team that went down to view has changed from the original eight people to the current nine people.

Because after going inside, you may encounter some unexpected things.

For example, ignite a torch and bring enough tools and materials for the fire.

This kind of torch can not only illuminate, but also check the air condition of the aisle. Although there has always been wind blowing from below, showing that the inside is not a closed space, but be careful not to be wrong.

And weapons are what people hold tightly in their hands.

Until everyone prepared everything, the captains of the two teams made some arrangements for the above situation.

At this time, it was time to go down to investigate.

Nine fully armed people walked into the top of the stone steps carefully one by one, following the long stone steps carefully. Romon walked at the end of the team, and just before he went down, he looked at Fafer, who was watching him, and waved at him.

Then, went on.

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