Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 73 - Mutation (on)

Romon came out of the prayer room at the end. In his arms was the little goddess taken from the prayer room.

For the power that came out of the little goddess, why did it shake with a certain potential power in his body, Luo Meng has not understood very much.

The more I thought, the more strange I felt. If it was n’t for someone around him at this time, Luo Meng really wanted to investigate the little statue of the goddess immediately to see what its origin was.

Originally, it was already strange enough to find the ruins of a temple in such a remote forest of thorns.

Starting from the statue of the smiling goddess on the stone wall, the more Luo Meng touched the things here, the more he felt the ruin. In the past years, there must have been an extraordinary experience.

Even now, this thing left from that time still makes him feel incredible, and he was confused.

“God idol, who the **** are you? And what illegitimate relationship did I have? Actually, when I met, the sky thundered …” Luo Meng sighed secretly as he stepped out of the prayer room.

Because no valuable things were found in the prayer room, after they came out of the prayer room, they continued to search in the basement outside.

And with the thorough inspection of this time, one was so small that it was hardly noticed by anyone, and was finally found by a team member.

It is a figure of a triangular star hidden on a stone floor. The process of its discovery is actually very simple.

When a team member searched the wall to see if there was an organ, he stumbled upon a floor tile in front of his foot, which actually had a triangle pattern of the same color.

Because there are several examples in front, so after discovering this anomaly, this team member didn’t let it go easily, but squatted down and looked carefully.

On this inspection, I found that apart from this pattern on the floor tile, all the adjacent floor tiles were blank and there was nothing.

Since this is different from others, it is likely that there is a mystery on this floor tile.

The team member reached out his hand curiously and touched it with his hand. Then, he was surprised to find that the position of the triangle star was actually movable.

Such a stone floor that looks tightly stitched, actually has a movable organ on it.

So, he quickly called everyone, and everyone saw that they also thought that this place might be an institution.

Because I do n’t know if other things will happen after the organ is moved, everyone has discussed it first, and then has some countermeasures for what may happen.

Then after discussion, everyone agreed to touch the suspected organization.

I only tried it once. With the slow movement of the triangle star, at a position not far away, a stone wall that was originally smooth and without any cracks suddenly split into two in a vertical direction, and then the stone wall was divided to the left and right, slowly After the Kaka, the two stone walls became bigger and bigger. In the end, the entire wall was vacated.

The empty space, looking inside, was actually a hall so large that it could hardly be seen from the side.

“Go in, be careful.” Heiwawei is still the first to bear the blame, while watching the surroundings with vigilance, while leading everyone across the gap vacated by the stone wall and walking towards the hall.

And Romon is still walking at the end of the team this time, walking with the same vigilance, paying attention to the surroundings. However, unlike the road conditions observed last time, Romon walked at the end this time, but he was not worried about giving his unguarded back to others.

Because when fighting against the vampire bat, Romon once again sensed the kind of hostility that Lan Cassie had against him, so judging by the fact that most of the people are now teammates of the opponent, he really needs to be extremely careful. Respond to all possible dangers.

Understood that he walked behind automatically. He had seen Romon’s bravery in the last adventure, so this practice of Romon, in his view, is a sensible act. What’s more, in a strict sense, Romon is not a full member of the Adventurer Squad. He and Fafer are one for drawing maps and the other is for exercising to improve combat skills. For the two of them, Hayward has always been less demanding. When fighting, when others can cope, they will not take the initiative to let them fight. Even, Romon will provide protection while treating his teammates.

However, in the view of those of the Blue Cassie team, this is always behind the crowd and looks too timid. In addition to having a fairly good skin, he has the past treatments that are still quite good. , Almost useless. Whenever I think of such a person, I can be compared with his captain in the town, and the members of the Blue Cassie team feel that they do not understand.

However, no matter how much they do n’t like Romon, and how much they do n’t like them, at this moment, they are teammates, so after entering the hall, while walking forward, the distance between the nine people gradually Closer, in order to cope with various emergencies that will occur.

This hall is almost as big as three football fields. After walking a short distance at the beginning, soon, Romon and others found human bones and some scattered objects on the ground.

Because the road surface was uneven at the beginning, no trace was found. Continue to move forward, the ground began to level, and some traces of the bear gnomes walked before they began to appear on the road.

As the crowd walked deep into the hall, after the first bear goblin appeared lazily from a corner and was instantly killed by the crowd, a battle finally began.

Obviously, after this hall was abandoned, it became a nest of bear goblins. Although after seeing the emergence of humans, many bear goblins rushed out from all corners of the hall.

However, their fighting power is much worse than the bear goblins who appeared in the stone room and attacked the adventurer squad. Therefore, although the number of bear goblins in this lair is not small, it is difficult to resist the attacks of these nine people.

The power of nine people is absolutely powerful compared with the power of bear gnomes. Therefore, although the actual number of Luomen and others is less than that of bear goblins, from the strength point of view, the attack of Luomen and others on bear goblins is already a siege.

Nine people control the four directions respectively to avoid the escape of fish that have leaked the net.

Because of this battle, it is much easier than nine people expected. Therefore, in the process of encircling and suppressing the bear gnomes, the tension that people had at the beginning gradually disappeared.

“They are going to run, don’t let them run!” At this moment, a member of the team suddenly shouted, and then the bear goblin who fled towards the corner of the hall bear the brunt.

Controls the direction of that corner, it is the Julie Marie of the Blue Cassie. She has a good fighting skills, and she is also easy to fight with the bear goblin.

But even so, when she looked up, she suddenly found that all the bear gnomes still surviving on the field were rushing towards her, and could not help but scream and jumped aside.

And the position she left was enough for the bear goblins to escape.

Has found the bear goblin’s lair, and sees that they are all going to be encircled, but at this time, there are fish that are missing.

Under such circumstances, Hawawi and others will naturally not be reconciled, so everyone headed by Hawawi immediately raised his weapon, shouted, and chased the bear goblins.

However, maybe the current constitution is more sensitive, maybe it is a kind of Druid’s special alert to the dangerous situation. When Romon followed the crowd and chased down together, suddenly, a kind of thought rose in his heart. disturbed.

“Captain Hayward, stop for a while.” He shouted quickly.

However, it was too late. At this moment, the bear goblins had fled to the southernmost end of the hall.

At the southernmost position, there seemed to be some other organs. I saw a bear goblin pulling on a stone statue on the ground with his hand. Then, a string of light immediately shot from the stone wall next to it, pulling it horizontally between them and the people who were chasing behind.

Apparently, this kind of light rope seems to be seen only by the initiator and the caster, and after Romon yelled this sentence ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ also saw this light.

And everyone else, but did not seem to see the general, rushed toward the light rope.

Alternatively, they heard Romon’s shout and saw the light rope, but at this moment, their bodies were like a detached horse, and they could not take it anymore.

Haiweiwei rushed to the front, naturally the first person to touch the light rope, and at the moment when his body touched the light rope, the light rope suddenly burst into light ten thousand times stronger than before.

At the same time that the dazzling light was shining brightly, several figures flew upside down from the front of Romon’s line of sight, and then they all fell heavily on the ground.

And a great momentum, after the light dimmed, but still did not disperse for a long time.

After a while, Romon’s vision recovered, from the invisible state to the scene in front of him slowly becoming clear.

Appeared in front of Luo Meng’s eyes, which made him a little stunned for a while.

Saw the bear goblins who had just fled. At this moment, their bodies have become coke.

However, judging from the fact that they only came to touch the organs at the end, they might know that such organs would hurt themselves while hurting the enemy.

But a creature as fierce and fierce as a bear goblin, when he knew he would die, he chose to die with the enemy. Probably can hit the enemy, in their view, it is also a victory in disguise.

Luo Meng was stunned. Suddenly, several moans sounded beside him.

After hearing the painful groan beside him, he woke up and said: “Really, I still think about something, it is important to save people. The serialized works are all in ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~

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