Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 879 - War (on)

“The Glorious Church, which issued the highest-level convening order, is said to be crusade against Tetashaw!” Really, what else? “

“I heard that Earl Tetasha received the elves and slapped the glorious pastor.”

“What, what’s the matter, this Earl Tetasha is so bold!”

These remarks spread quickly, and the entire city of Apps was in chaos. No one knew what Romont was thinking, and no one knew why it became like this. Terta Shaw, Collegiate Hall

This is a hall. In the center of the hall, there is a crystal magic lamp. The white light is shot down from the dome, illuminating a long table. At this time, a series of footsteps, several people walked into the hall, each seated. Luo Meng waited for them to arrive, then slowly entered, and sat up.

Fafer, Nick, Suzhuoer, Haiwa Township {! , Sabid, Warwick, Owena, Lulun, Derby.

The elite in the territory are all here. “Everyone, I have briefed you on the situation carefully. Now, I just want to hold a vote. Are you willing to follow me?” Luo Meng sat in the first place, didn’t say much, just spoke straight away. Everyone couldn’t help but his face changed dramatically. “Now agree to raise your hand.” Romon said. Nick frowned, but raised his hand first, and Fafer followed. Sukar again.

After a moment of hesitation, Hayward, Shabide, Wavik, Owena, Lulun, De Beeru and others also raised their hands to agree.

“Since I agree, I will prepare the army immediately before dawn tomorrow.” Luo Meng said quietly: “The mission has been given, then the meeting will be disbanded!”

With that said, Romon nodded and got up to leave.

The other hall, which is already full of people, only participated in the elders of the inner ring.

The inner ring is the leadership of the Druid Trade Union. It is the president of the branch elders’ meeting and the national branch. The general requirement is that the fifteenth level be the standard for promotion to this level.

There are currently fifteen people.

“Everyone, according to the sacred convention, the legendary convention, the continental convention, our situation is not as difficult as imagined.

“Romon said in a low, slightly ridiculous voice:” If any diocese other than the local Glorious Church participates, or any cardinal archbishop of fifteen or higher appears on the battlefield, that is His great Highness , Violated the sacred contract. “If you understand something, you will know how much money-price God would pay if he violated the contract with God’s name, personality, and fire.” “Every six hundred church troops are extinct. “Chairman, I agree with you above, but, what happens afterwards?” “Just Hudson Station

Of course, what he asked was that in the future, it would be easy to kill these six hundred people, and it would be easy to get through the bright side, but the Glorious Lord Church is, after all, a world reform church. In the future, the secret influence and liquidation will make people think about it. hemp.

“Everyone, your worries are normal, but this time, I am completely in truth, and I am a great Edisian caregiver. The actions of the other party completely constitute blasphemy, so although the church cannot publicly support I, but will also maintain it in the future. “Everyone present could see the layer of grace on Rosso and swallowed. “Secondly, what I want to tell you is that I am now at level 19.” Luo Meng originally didn’t want to say that this time, he had to drop this heavy pound bomb. “What?” All the people present swallowed a spit. These people stayed at the fifteenth level for a lot of time, and now they have entered the sixteenth level.

They entered the sixteenth level at the earliest, and it has been more than a year now. Because of this, they realized the difficulty of advancing.

However, the chairman in front of him, even silently, reached the nineteenth level, only ten months from the last promotion!

This is really crazy.

Vice President Desica yelled in surprise, and he followed, as if to sigh: “President, there have been rumors that you will be the first person in the Druid and will enter the legend, now It seems that this is true. “

Luo Meng smiled and accepted the compliment of the other party. He said: “I can tell everyone clearly today that I will become a legend within three years!”

As soon as this sentence came out, none of the fourteen Druids on the scene could really change color. The following “buzz” made a discussion. Luo Meng smiled vaguely. “For the Glorious Church, attacking my territory, the causes and consequences, I have carefully issued documents to you, including the content of the sacred convention, the continental convention, and the legendary convention.” “My Majesty’s will, I have also shown it to everyone.”

“I think that you have fully understood the course of events, and at this time, I hope that you will raise your hand to vote on whether to participate in the war in this territory.” Deputy Chairman Desica said.

Luo Meng sat still and watched everyone vote.

This is very fast. After the five stations and the middle school, the voting results are displayed.

As for the statistics, Hudson stood up: “Eight votes for those who agree, four votes for opponents, and three votes for abstainers. This union will participate in this union.” “” But the person who agrees and disagrees is written down in his heart, and he will naturally care about it in the future. “Then, prepare to send troops, we will first salute the soldiers.”

“First of all, I will use the right of the lord to refuse more than one hundred horses from the Glorious Church to enter my territory. According to the mainland convention, the lord has the right to prohibit other parties from entering the territory.” The violators can be regarded as intrusions. “

“If the Glorious Church refuses, it will give us a completely justified reason. My order is to kill all the invaders!”

When he said this, Romon’s murderous spirit came up.

The druids present all changed their faces and got up and bowed slightly.

The net lady L finished the discussion, and the night had come.

“God said that if the devout believe me, he will enter the Kingdom of Immortality after death …” After all the orders were completed, Luo Meng stood on the balcony and looked up at the sky.

The sky is not pure black, and there is a boundless deep blue in the black, which extends all the way to the distance.

Luo Meng couldn’t help thinking, after this shady scene, what is the end of the sky?

Are there countless small universes?

The sky is too vast and unpredictable, staring at the sky with hundreds of stars, Luo Meng couldn’t help moving.

On the earth, the sky is vast, the stars are densely packed, some flicker, some are frozen, some are dull and dull, some are blazing. However, in this world, every star is blazing and swaying, all represent

The ice and snow sage is a descendant of God and a legend. There are many materials, some of which are about gods. Thinking of this, Luo Meng suddenly shivered.

Even if the ice sage has a plan in his heart to close the half plane, it is difficult for even the **** to detect. And his soul was also swallowed by his own space. But his death could not be concealed for much time. If you are known by the **** of ice and snow, how will you be hit?

According to the data, any incarnation of God can only maintain the level of demigod, but although the power is the same, due to the different supernatural powers formed by the priesthood, there is still a power gap between the incarnations of deities. But no matter what, this is a god! This time, he will offend the glorious Lord. Well, here, Luo Meng couldn’t help smiling, his heart was more urgent. If you can get promoted to the legend as soon as possible, even God can resist one or two

Luo Meng is confident that he has a Shennongjiao. He will become a legend within three years and a flaming fire within ten years. The key to this is priesthood and esteem.

After igniting the **** fire, according to the sacred convention, you can develop believers yourself. This is not regarded as a pseudo-god, but to meet the requirements of condensing the priesthood, not to mention the knowledge, generally need 5,000 faithful believers and 50,000 followers, which is very Difficult.

And if you offend the brilliance of the Lord, you will be thorny in the future.

That being said, it is because of this that he cannot succumb as before.

At this moment, someone behind his back gently wrapped his waist, this is the female body.

“How’s the situation?” Roseau gently embraced the wife who had accompanied him.

“The situation is very bad. Although the Archbishop of our church came forward, the other party refused, unless you are guilty of guilt and accept whipping in the square.” This is Eleanor’s voice.

“Understood, as expected.” Luo Meng said with a wry smile: “Right, the church’s response?”

“The church has its own difficulties and cannot directly support it, but if you win, you will use the convention to further interfere with the glorious church to prevent further reactions.”

“Understood!” Romon nodded, as expected, and had to say that at this time, the church of the agricultural goddess did not abandon himself.

This gave Romon some goodwill.

“Romon, I’m sorry I can’t continue to help you …”

“Don’t talk, I know, you’ve tried your best.” Luo Meng said, hugging her: “You can rest assured that this force will not knock me down!”

As a bishop, Alini did her best.

Embracing Eleanor, I don’t know why, Romon suddenly felt a little emotional, he remembered fifteen years ago.

Fifteen years ago, I went to the temple by myself. The woman was coming out of the temple. She was wearing a priest’s robe and had a relatively high opening, exposing her long and snowy thighs, and wore a green ribbon. Delicate and slender waist, soft eyes clear bottom.

At that time, I was shocked.

Now, although she is one year older than herself and 31 years old, she is still quite beautiful.

Perhaps it is the divine power of God that nourishes her.

Thirty-one years old, not only did not have a woman, but showed the woman’s style and charm.

Luo Meng suddenly smiled, took her to the room, turned off the magic lights of the balcony and the hallway, the two came into the room, felt Luo Meng’s message, a slender Bai Zhe’s hand, slowly Crawl slowly, stroking slowly down the chest. After a while, the two intertwined tightly, making a slight sound.

Outside the window, the autumn wind blew, although countless people in the city were dispatching and preparing, and in the distance, the members of the Glorious Church were also dispatching, but the room was only spring. (To be continued, if you want to know the future, please log in more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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