Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 882 - Shangjing (below)

The next day, the sun was shining.

Romon read a book in the small living room upstairs. The large floor-to-ceiling windows are enough to let full sunlight shine into the small living room.

Everything is so peaceful.

At this moment, the door opened.

“Elina, are you back? How is it going?”

Eleanor looked tired, and said softly: “The representative of the Glorious Church, Archbishop Carrett, has already come. At present, he doesn’t want to move his mind.”

“It’s impossible to make a big move. Even the glorious church must have a reason.”

“What you said is, but it has a great influence, and may not be able to restrain, Romon, I think you can avoid it for the time being, even if the upper class wants to restrain, but if there are fanatics below, the situation is difficult to control “Alanie sighed and said.

“This is also the meaning of the church?” Luo Meng raised his head and said.

“Romon …”

“Don’t get me wrong, I know you have done your best … It just so happened that I have left with the right reason-escorting the princess and the envoy to Beijing.” Luo Meng stepped forward. Holding Alina, patted: “Also, Alina, you can rest assured that as long as a few years, you will not feel how serious this matter is.”

Sure enough, he was not disappointed. Everyone on the scene obviously didn’t recognize the origin of this gift. The servant even thought that Eleanor nodded and smiled: “I know, I believe you … yes, when you left?”

“Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, the glorious church I want to come to, won’t it be so fast?”


The next day, the prepared ship had stopped at the pier.

Luo Meng and Princess Qiannia are all the people who accompanied Avisi and others into the capital.

However, the ships that these people are riding on are not elven ships, but Romon ’s own battleship. There is only one. With Romon ’s current strength, the several ships brought by Miss Ivesi have not been taken by him. In my eyes, in addition to the necessary entourage, there were few extra people.

The boat traveled fast on the sea. A few days later, he arrived at Wangdu.

After getting on and off the boat at the pier, they first moved to the hotel closest to the palace. Princess Qiannia returned to the palace first to explain this to her father. Of course, it was not only an elf but also a monk.

After a day of waiting, the following morning, Princess Qiannia brought a message to them that the old king of the Kingdom of Esk was willing to meet Ivisi.

“Miss Ivesi, I can only be sent here. I met the king. It is up to the king to decide whether to fight or to be at peace. You must pay attention to your safety.” Romon did not enter the door of the palace, but instead Outside the door, she said to Miss Ivesi.

He did not receive an order from Jin Jian.

Romon understands this.

Luo Meng did a big thing. At this juncture, the royal family can acquiesce him to the king capital, which is already very good.

Direct summons may be blamed by the glorious church in anger.

“Thank you, Romon, I will pay attention.” Miss Ivicy said gratefully to Romon: “No matter what you think, I really appreciate it.”

After talking to her, Luo Meng went to Princess Qiannia again and said, “His Royal Highness, I will be delivered here. I will go back to the hotel and wait for your news. When things are done, we will go back to Teta together. Xiao Ling, presumably at that time, things are about to be resolved. “

“Good.” Princess Qiannia nodded and responded.

Subsequently, the two women rode together in a carriage and entered the gate of the palace.

After Luo Meng kept watching them go in, he called a carriage and sat back to the hotel.

Along the way, Romon did not consider himself first.

I thought about the situation after they entered.

What will happen? Although he intellectually believes that peace is necessary, he is also somewhat uncertain. After all, even if he is intellectually clear, he will be emotionally impulsive.

What will the king choose in the end? Whether to fight against the elves, or choose to negotiate with the elves, in fact, as of now, it has not been completely determined.

Of course, for reconciliation and for the stability of the entire country, the king ’s most beloved son died in the hands of the elves. This choice is cruel for a person like the old king who has just experienced the pain of bereavement.

Today, war and peace can only depend on what the old king thought.

After thinking about it, I couldn’t judge how the old king would react. Lomon simply didn’t think about it, but focused on the outside scenery.

To be honest, the scenery of Wangdu that he sees now has not changed much compared with many years ago, that is to say, the development of Wangdu is currently in a slow state.

It would be hard to tell the future of the Kingdom of Esk when I think that a crown prince, such an excellent prince, is dead.

For such a situation. Luo Meng could not help secretly sighing.

However, life is so helpless.

To survive the wonder, you must also be promoted to legend as soon as possible, and then pass this sensitive period.

Hope Island

“This contact with humans, I don’t know, will it be as we wish.” A slender middle-aged elf, standing on the pier, looking at the sea in the distance, said with some uncertainty.

He is an elder in the elven clan and a Druid professional himself. The status in the clan is very honorable, and among the many elders, they have a certain decision-making power.

“Well, you know, the human coalition has been completely wiped out by us, and their strength has been greatly damaged. If you do not choose to negotiate with us peacefully, waiting for them will be a more tragic consequence. Think, they will not be so stupid! “

Beside this elf, there are several elves, all in a fitted elder robe, next to the elf elder who was closest to the elf before, thought about it and said.

“Not necessarily, it affects the result. Not only is it sensible, but also has feelings. As for faith, it is the most important thing.” The elf chuckled and said before hearing this companion’s words.

“So … Elder Duck, you have no confidence in this peace talk with humans?” Several other elders were a little surprised: “Why do you agree to send messengers to negotiate with humans?”

Elder Duck sighed: “Isn’t it because … you are also for this reason?”

He looked up helplessly at the sky without saying anything.

The other elders looked up at the sky, all of them suddenly understood, all nodded, but said nothing.

The fact that they did not confess their minds was naturally about the order of God Anyon.

The previous war with mankind and the struggle for independence have a very close relationship with the formation of the **** Anyon and the promotion of the deity.

Now it is also the will of God Annion to seek peace.

These elf elders, although they say nothing in the family. But as a believer in God, it is necessary to obey the will of God. This is something they cannot change.

“By the way, of the messengers sent this time, Ivesi, right?” Duck suddenly remembered something and asked.

“Yes, when you made the decision last time, you happened to be closed, but you must have heard about it later,” another elder replied.

“She’s actually a very talented child, but it’s a pity that some elves resent her.” When he thought of the child with a very good druid talent, Elder Duck couldn’t help but shook his head, regretting it.

“Her druid practice talent is indeed good, but unfortunately, her relationship with humans is a little complicated.” Other elders also said with emotion.

“The reason why she was sent this time is because she spent a lot of time in the kingdom of Esk, and let her be in touch with the royal family of the kingdom of Esk, and you will have more control.” The elder who spoke with Elder Duck before The author: “Except for her, the other envoys sent are also similar. They have all dealt with human beings. For this kind of task, they should be better than other people.”

“How many messengers are sent this time?” Duck couldn’t remember. “Is it ten or nine?”

“It’s nine dials, have you forgotten? The kingdom of Dranya has been completely captured by us. The coastal kingdom only needs to contact nine and reach an agreement with them to get the desired result.”

“I don’t know how their tasks have been accomplished.” Thinking of the years of grievances between his own family and mankind, Elder Duck had little confidence in the peace talks with mankind.

“They just tried their best. If there is no peace in the human kingdom, send troops to fight, otherwise, what else can we do?” Elder elders looked at each other and looked at each other with cold smiles. .

At the same time, the Nine Dial Elven Messengers rushed to nine areas. Basically, these elven messenger groups began to come into contact with the coastal countries and all forces in the kingdom.

In addition to Miss Ivesi’s contact with King Esk’s royal family ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The other eight-spot elven messengers also achieved some results.

In the king capital of Tongkedan Kingdom, such a messenger was ushered in.

“Several messengers, please here.” In the magnificent corridor of the royal palace, six elf messengers, under the leadership of the servants, walked towards the reception hall.

These six elf messengers, all dressed in green robes, four men and one woman, all of them are good-looking, walking at the front, is an elf with a more slender body than the others, hanging on his face, always hanging With a faint smile.

The gentle smile won him a lot of attention.

The five elves walking behind him are all very attractive and attractive.

Along the way, the maids and servants who passed by them couldn’t help but aim at them secretly. Although they had taboos and fears for the elves in their hearts, the love for beauty was incapable.

This is an elf, making his first diplomatic appearance in the mainland kingdom! (!)

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