Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 887 - Trade (Part 1)

Soon, the ship drove to the opposite side and kept parallel with it. -== Dream ==-But on this ship, no man came, and there was no one on the deck. “Shout!” The captain ordered. “We are Mary, is there anyone?” A sailor shouted loudly at the other party. Three times in a row, there was no one on the deck, and there was no answer. This time, the seaman’s. : F feeling suddenly became uneasy. “Ship … Captain, isn’t it a ghost ship!” A sailor shuddered, his teeth fighting. “Nonsense, first mate, take the man to see it!” The captain shouted and ordered.

The first officer reluctantly ordered to take two sailors and jumped up to see what happened.

The people present looked at the three people with anxiety and fear, and jumped onto the deck, but no one on the ship came out to ask.

As the mooring line was broken, the sail swayed with the wind, hitting the mast for a while, and hitting the crossbar for a while, chopping.

The first officer shivered a few steps forward, and found that the front cargo compartment was open, and the hatch cover was placed on the deck towards the sky. Looking down again, there was a “ah” sound. “What’s wrong, what happened?” The captain roared and ordered the ship to go up.

“The captain, not the ghost, but the people inside, were killed.” After exclaiming, the first officer calmed down. As long as it wasn’t a mysterious ghost ship, it wouldn’t be terrible to die some people. “Rely on it, pull it up, let’s go and see!” The captain frowned, thinking for a moment, and commanded.

At this time, the two ships were officially close together, and the sailor was very skilled in pulling up with rope, close together, and jumped on the springboard.

The captain jumped over with a man, and at first glance, it turned out that inside the ship, there were corpses everywhere, and the first officer was checking the corpses.

“How are you doing?”

“It’s probably not more than a day since I died.” The first officer shouted below.

“Check it out,” the captain ordered.

“On the ship, the cargo compartment here is full of cargo!” The first officer walked around and saw the warehouse wide open. When he looked inside, he said aloud.

“Goo … that’s true!” What the captain looked at, and when he ran to see it, he knew that the ship’s cargo was valuable. “Secretary, take someone to take a count.” “Sailor, you take someone to collect all the corpses and put them on the deck.” Yes! “Everyone should answer. The captain opened the hatch and quickly stepped towards the captain’s room.”

The captain ’s room was very bright, the portholes were inexplicably open, everything was tidal, but the furniture was good, the hammocks were tightly fastened, the clothes were still hanging on the bulkhead, and there was some curling sea on the table Figure.

The first officer opened the first officer’s cabin again, and the portholes there were closed, looking dry, and everything was in order.

The captain didn’t have much time to think, so he concentrated on looking at the open logbook on the table.

The date on the last page above is yesterday.

The logbook says everything is normal.

In the upper drawer of the desk, the first officer saw a jewelry box set with pearls. There was no upper bunk, and there were rings, bracelets, headdresses, pearl necklaces set with precious stones, and many small jewelry. > There is also a small wooden box with some silver coins in it. This shows that the ship was not robbed by robbers.

Check again, in the kitchen cabin, pans, spoons, dishes, plates are all in, and there are many foods in the storage room: ham, bacon, dried fish, vegetables, flour and large pieces of butter. The inventory is sufficient for the whole ship for half a year. “Captain, what shall we do now?” The first officer asked.

…… This ship and cargo are a lot of wealth. Listen, everyone is tight-lipped. We even drove this ship together to Yuanfan Port to dispose of both the ship and the cargo. Too. “The captain thought for a while and ordered.

“Yes, Captain!”

Yuanfan port, dock.

“Look, another fleet is coming, ha! Some are busy today.

“Yeah, it’s really fun. Since the route was opened, Yuanfan Port has started to be lively again. The reward we get home this month will definitely make the whole family live well.

“Not only this month, I heard that these countries along the coast have already signed peace agreements with the elves. As long as we do a good job here, and wait until next year, I can save enough money for my wife.” “Haha , You kid, I said why did you work so hard, it turned out to save money to marry a daughter-in-law! “Rest assured, when I marry a daughter-in-law, I will never forget to invite you to drink! “

At the port terminal, there are constantly ships docking, a box of goods, being moved up and down, a group of porters, working there, talking and laughing.

They are all strong, young and powerful. Although the weight of each box is not very light, they are so light in their hands.

In particular, at this time, they just took a long break, and now they have a job to do again, and they are naturally in a good mood.

It has been a while since this route was reopened, and those long-lost merchant ships have returned to Yuanfan Port.

In the past, because of the interruption of this route, some people doing business in Yuanfan Port City also returned, but now, with the reopening of this route, these people have returned here. It is not just the bustling of Yuanfan Port that has become new again, but also the city of Yuanfan Port has become prosperous again. “Hey, look over there, come over there, is it an adult in the city?” At this time, a porter suddenly put down the goods in his hand and whispered to his companion. “What an adult?” His companion saw a little excitement on his face, so he looked back.

I saw, just a few hundred meters away from them, a carriage came, and the carriage had stopped on the open ground.

From this car, two officials came down, one was a little thin, but had a good temperament, one was very burly, and his face was British, and he wore fine clothes.

Under the protection of the guards, they are talking with the person in charge of the dock, because they are far away, what they are talking about, people here cannot hear.

“Adult in the city? Let’s see, ah, that, eh? Isn’t that the Master Faffer? Look at it, is the guy in black over there, is it Master Faffer? I remember last year When they came to the port, we have all seen them. “The porter said with excitement after seeing clearly. “Let’s see … It seems, it really seems to be Master Faffer, then the one next to him, will it be Master Nick? At first glance I saw the two adults in the legend, these young people are all excited Got up.

They have n’t worked long at the docks, and they usually do n’t have the opportunity to meet higher officials. Gufer and Nick, as Romon ’s friends, are giants led by Te Tasha. They are curious.

But the gulf between civilians and nobles is really big. In addition to the busy work of these two people, most people do n’t even want to see Luo Meng. .

“… Well, you have done very well before, but since this month, more and more merchant ships are calling at the port. Safety and security work must be done in place. There must be no mistakes. Your future The task will be even heavier. “Fafer stood in front of the person in charge of the dock and said seriously.

“Yes, yes! Please be assured that Master Fafer, these issues, I will notice. The person in charge is older than Fafer, but in this world where status is determined by status and official position, Fafer said If he is an order for him, he naturally only has the right to respond.

“However, please rest assured that I will send another **** team to assist you in security work, plus the presence of the Master Tower, there should be no big problems, small problems, you have to solve . Seeing the other party a little nervous, Fafer smiled, tattooed his tone, and said. “Thank you Master Fafer! “Seeing this adult did not embarrass himself, the person in charge said very gratefully.”

“Okay, Nick, I’ve finished my business. Do you have anything to ask, let’s do it.” After the business in his duties was completed, Fafer said to the youth on the side It ’s Nick.

Today, Nick’s physical condition is getting better and better. The disease roots left as a teenager have basically gone to the roots over the years.

Although you can’t engage in any occupation, some routines for physical fitness can be practiced every day. He has already been a child father, and looks much more energetic than he was when he was younger.

Seeing Jie Fei finished the question, he smiled and said to the person in charge of the terminal: “My thing is actually very simple, so I walked over to look at the situation of the terminal. By the way, take a look at the transaction directory this month. “” Master Nick, why do you come over in person if you want to see the trading day record? You sent someone to say it, and I will send it to you. “The person in charge said panic. “Mainly I want to come here today to blow the sea breeze, but it’s just the way, it doesn’t matter.” Nick said with a smile.

With the growth of age, Nick and Fafer have become more and more mature in dealing with the relationship with their subordinates. “Then-I’ll show you over here.” Seeing Nick said this, the person in charge was busy and diligent. “Turn around the wharf first, and then look at it after reading it,” Nick said. “Faffel, what do you think?” Then he turned around and said to Faffer. Fafer also wanted to inspect the security work of the pier, and nodded: “Okay, go 0 bar.

The person in charge accompanied them, and the two walked and walked on the dock soil. Around them, the guards patrolled the surroundings carefully.

These two people, apart from Romon, are the two people who have the most important meaning for the territory of Tertashaw, especially when Romon is absent, they cannot tolerate a problem.

When inspecting the Yuanfan Port terminal, Nick’s attention was mainly placed on those merchant ships, but there were exceptions. “Huh, what is this?” His eyes suddenly fell on an open box.

This is the rule of Yuanfan Port. When there is a commodity that needs to be transported into the city, it needs to be unpacked and checked. This is to protect the safety of the city. When Nick walked here, this box of goods was unpacked and checked. “Oh, Master Nick, this is a caravan. I just arrived from other kingdoms. I heard that it was a cargo ordered by a commercial firm in the city.” The person in charge of the wharf said busyly. “Good workmanship.” Nick bent down and reached out to pick up a small object from the box. He watched it carefully and couldn’t help saying with awe. “Yeah, this kind of workmanship is really exquisite. Looking at Lei, it’s a bit like a product of elves?” Faffer came over and read it with a sigh. “Two adults, I really don’t know that they are elven products, so the people let them seize them all!” Hearing the words of the two adults, the person in charge of the wharf said busy.

Nick smiled faintly: “You don’t have to be so nervous, that’s how I said, who said it is a wizard product-7? I mean, such a product is exquisite.”

“Besides, even if it is a product of elves, the kingdom of Esk is already in alliance with the kingdom of elves, and it is no longer a hostile relationship. Even if there is an influx of elven products, don’t be so alarmed.” Fafer said aside. “Adults say yes, adults say yes.” Even so, the person in charge of the terminal is still nervous ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Now, is there a large number of such products? “Nick put the small object in his hand back into the box, and said at the same time.” The number of products is not much, it should be only these boxes. The person in charge replied. “Oh, then don’t worry about it, just let it go.” Nick smiled faintly and mildly. Only Faffel, who was familiar with him, could understand how much Nick paid attention to this issue just now.

The elves and the kingdom of Esk have reached a peace agreement, but if it is a normal transaction, business, and exchange, there is no problem.

Judging from the current situation, the elves just want to conduct normal trade with the human kingdom, and need not worry too much. As for what will happen in the future, it is not something they should worry about now. “Okay, let’s go.” No longer entangled in this issue, Nick and Fafer led the negative youth to the office. When their figure was gone, the porters just recovered their sunlight.

“Wow, great prestige, look, Lord Nick and Lord Fairfield are not much bigger than us, but they are so amazing, and we can only move boxes here, which is really incredible!” A porter couldn’t help but initiate With emotion. “However, we have our difficulties, and they also have their difficulties. It’s good to do our part well. Well, there is life coming again, and we have started work!” Said another. As a result, several porters devoted themselves to work again, and the port of Yuanfan was full of excitement.

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