Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 899 - Killing (Part 1)

Just when Romon and Nick were talking about it. Several directors at the headquarters of Yuanfan Port Pilgrimage Business Association are also discussing this matter.

This is a moderately sized conference hall. The place is small, but it is neatly tidy. There is a long table in the middle, with high-backed chairs on both sides, and a simple map of the mainland on the wall. The rough topographic mark of a territory looks simple and clear.

Several stewards sat together and discussed things in a low voice, while the vice president of the business association, with his eyes closed halfway, sat on his seat and nurtured the gods.

“… According to the information we have received, many business associations have participated in the cooperation with the elves. Some people. They didn’t even talk about the strategy. The entire business association has cooperated with the elves. In the future, the war between the elves and humans will start again, and the first one will be the one who is unlucky, in the name of the enemy-can’t they think of this? “A manager said with a sigh.

“Yeah, these business associations have also experienced some things, anyway, why is it so calm in this matter?”

“They are not unexpected, but the interests in front of them are too large, and enough interests can make people go and take risks, don’t they?” The vice president, who has been closing his eyes and raising his mind, suddenly opened his eyes and sneered. Talking.

His appearance was very kind, and a face with correct facial features always had a faint smile, but at this moment, there was only a slight ridicule and disdain on his face.

“Vice president, but seriously, this time, the elves have really invested their blood, and actually put forward such good conditions to change to any business association. They will not be able to bear the trade with them.” A manager said The author: “The elves restrain pirates, they can reduce the cost of the coastal passage by 20%, and trade, processing, and circulation in that port will enjoy a variety of preferential treatment. I looked at it, and I felt excited! “

The vice president nodded: “You are right, the conditions they gave are indeed very generous, and it is difficult for people to be uneasy. In this way, the elf family not only fights and has strong manufacturing technology, but also has a business. It ’s a pity that their peace with humanity ca n’t be maintained for a long time. At most 100 years, a new war will start again. At that time, the business associations that are closely related to them will all become victims of war. In a realm. “

“Of course, this is an optimistic estimate. I think that even they can’t make a profit for a hundred years. After all, the Glorious Church will not sit back and watch. These business associations are inexplicably encountering various kinds of troubles, and even encountering some robbers. No surprise, as the business association of the goddess, we cannot take such a risk. “

“You are saying, but, just let this profit run away?” Businessmen are all profitable, and naturally they will feel the loss of such a large amount of income.

The vice president bent his right index finger and tapped a few times on the table, saying, “Of course not, I didn’t tell you to send some outside staff to form a few new business associations? Are you ready? Is that right? “

“Yes, Senior Vice President, they are all assembled.” The manager replied.

“That’s fine, we can’t trade with elves clearly, and we can’t trade with elves using the pilgrimage business association brand, just use those newly formed business associations to trade, remember, although they are vassals of business association Products, but when doing business, we must do it carefully. Each business association sends an internal person to manage it. The income and capital mobilization are determined by us. In the selection of other personnel, we must enable those uninformed external Personnel, when dealing with elves, you must not pull in the headquarters, you know? “

“The vice president’s decision is really wise, so that we can achieve the best of both worlds.”

“Yes, my wise man.” The manager agreed with praise, and things were arranged like this.

One month later, in Yuanfan Port City, in the villa of the lord.

“Romon, this is last month’s trade account book. Please take a look.” At this time, at the end of March, the temperature was already very mild. Nick, dressed casually, sat in front of Romon and said.

In the study, there were only him and Romon. Originally, Romon was reading a book, and when he saw him put an account book in front of him, he had to stop.

“If I remember correctly, are you taking a rest today?” Luo Meng said with a smile: “After rest, are you still so busy?”

“No way, I’ve sold it to someone long ago. I didn’t sell my life well, and my heart was not at ease.” Nick patted his heart exaggeratedly, and said with a smile, when they were only two people. He also jokes appropriately.

“Talk!” Luo Meng smiled and said.

“Oh, just look at the trade records of last month. The custody surprised you.” Seeing Romon didn’t even turn over the books, Nick was anxious.

“Why, is there anything surprising in this book?” Nick’s reaction made Romon somewhat curious.

He opened the account book and looked at it seriously. Because there was only one month of accounts, Luo Meng looked very quickly. After reading it, he not only took a long breath.

“Last month, how much did it increase?” The number summarized later surprised some of Romon.

Nick smiled and said: “Yes, the trade is good recently, because the elves are involved in the trade, this month’s trade volume can be comparable to the war economy.”

“It’s not bad, but the Glorious Church, should you react?” Luo Meng put down the account book and said, thoughtfully.

At his present point, money is no longer a problem, he pays more attention to the reaction of the Glorious Church.

At this time, Temple of Lights, Temple of Light

In a secret hall, the ground is filled with complex and thoughtful symbols, and a faint light of light is constantly flowing between the symbols on the ground.

In front of the hall, a primate, with a group of priests, waited with his hands held in breath.

Since the last time the Archbishop of this place, with the priest of level 5 and above, and the Knights of the Holy Sword, all jade broken. Had to mobilize the archbishops of other parishes to come and clean up the aftermath.

However, the lost power cannot be compensated for a while.

The Archbishop hasn’t moved in the past six months.

At this time, there was obviously a big move.

A “buzzing” sound rang, and in the middle of the hall, a remote portal appeared.

After a while, first of all, ten priests appeared. These priests, unlike ordinary priests, even wore gray robes. As soon as they appeared, they automatically walked to the left and right of the light gate and lined up.

In a moment, twenty knights in armor stepped neatly to the center of the hall.

Twenty knights!

And these knights, although similar in appearance to holy sword knights, wore the same standard armor of the glorious knights, but their badges turned out to be **** sun and moon.

The knights were distributed right and left, standing with their hands down, and a chill filled the hall.

“The law enforcement priest of the heretics referee!”

“Sanctioned Knights of the Heretic Tribunal!”

Even the priests in the same camp couldn’t help bowing their heads and dared not breathe.

In a few moments, this time it was Cardinal Cardinals, and the big figures up to level 15 and above, even within the Glorious Church, were also decisive.

Suddenly, with the new Archbishop waiting in the lobby, everyone bowed to salute.


Cardinal is intended as a hub, key, and important.

The cardinal is the second member of the Glorious Church, second only to the Pope.

Five thousand years ago, the number of cardinals was strictly controlled, only seven. After five thousand years, the number of cardinals was only seventy.

In the last millennium, the church lifted the cardinal number limit, but there are only 120 cardinals among the glorious believers across the continent.

All the people in the hall respectfully saluted the Cardinal, even without praying. The Cardinal was surrounded by the Holy Light, and there was a faint chant.

This is a sign of being holy with God.

Unlike other magistrates and warriors, the holy spirit of the priest is relatively early, but this kind of holy spirit, strictly speaking, is not a real holy spirit, and there is a qualitative gap with the twenty-first level holy domain.

As soon as he came out, the Cardinal did not give any instructions. He took the man to the prayer hall in front of him, facing the altar of the Lord of Glory, he kneeled down with his hands folded clasped across his chest and prayed.

Everyone, whether it ’s a priest or a knight, knelt on the ground and prayed the same way.

When all the voices of prayer disappeared in the prayer hall, the Cardinal Architect stood up and asked, “The Earl Tetasha, did you participate in the elf trade?”

“Cardinal, although Te Ta Shao’s leader vaguely excludes my lord’s beliefs, my lord’s believers are everywhere … and he didn’t notice any traces of his participation in the elven trade.” The archbishop replied with pity in his words.

Only then did everyone see clearly what the Cardinal looks like. This is a tall and thin old man.

“In this case, it is not the time to move him … Has the situation along the coast been figured out?”

“I have figured it out ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ This is the sixty-nine coastal business associations that trade with elves.” The archbishop took out a list and handed it up.

The Cardinal glanced, his sullen face finally relaxed, and said, “This matter will be handled by the heretical trial office, Bishop Kang Youge!”

“Yes, at your command.” A priest in a gray robe stepped forward.

“According to the list, deal with these, the knight is dispatched by you.”

“Yes!” The Kang Youbi said with a command, his eyes could not help revealing a trace of blood.

For a time, the entire hall was empty and no one dared to speak.

“For the penetration and penetration of Tertashaw, to further strengthen, I need complete information.” The old man said casually to the archbishop.

“According to the order, I will speed up the processing.” The archbishop did not dare to neglect, said.

If it were n’t for Rommon ’s title as a goddess of agriculture, the method would be sharper and more direct. (!)

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