Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 901 - Resistance (on)

The time is slightly delayed, Gula Plateau

In the black night sky, there was suddenly a dazzling light rising into the sky. -== Dream ==-

This ray of light suddenly burst into the air, bursting! ” At that time, the dazzling multicolored light shone, covering the whole earth.

It’s time for the Glorious Church to counterattack.

With this glory, the orcs, who had already prepared, immediately launched at the same time.

Countless black shadows seemed to come out from under the ground, they rushed down below.

Under the cover of darkness, a few small orcs successfully broke through the line of defense and broke a large distance.

However, soon, there were countless bursts of fireballs and crossbows with strong winds, shot from below, from all sides, towards these dark shadows that rushed down.

Unlike ordinary long arrows, magic fireballs and crossbow arrows can pierce iron plates and destroy stones. Even if the orcs have powerful ones, they can’t help the destruction of these two attacks. Many shadows fell down, and more shadows chose to lie down wisely.

Their nightmare did not end here. In the sky, countless fireballs broke through the sky, bringing despair and horror. “The Griffon Mage Team turned out to be the Griffon Mage Team!” An orc shouted.

Not only the Griffon Mage team, on the ground, human attacks were almost instantaneously launched, one by one wearing armor figures, rushing fast, they were dancing with weapons in their hands, the next harvest was injured and vulnerable s life. The destructive power of magic soon showed its horror in this night.

The orc’s helpless and powerful flesh, burning in the flames, screaming savagely, became the only music of this night. In this case, pure force has little meaning, and the opponent of magic is only magic. It is regrettable that most of the orcs are warriors and few magicians.

The earth seemed to be trembling, with various colors of light constantly shining on the battlefield. The army of the Lord’s Church of Glory, in the battle with the orcs, recovered its previous confidence. In the moonlight, the cruel side of the battlefield is reflected clearly.

The dark night sky soon shrouded in a blood, no matter whether it is the human side or the orc side, all with a terrible complexion, carrying the blood of the enemy and himself, with hatred and cruelty on his face. >

The main force of the Glorious Lord Church quickly blocked the orc team preparing to break through tonight, facing the group of strong orcs, they did not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, their performance was full of unceasing progress The power of the orcs allowed the orcs to realize the powerful fighting power of human beings. In the middle of the night, in the end, the orc sounded the horn, which was a sign of retreat.

Seeing the orc recede like the tide, at this time, the head of the Legion of the Lord’s Church of Light, took a long breath. After fighting with the elves, the main force is completely destroyed, which has a great impact on the glorious church. There has been a situation where there is no connection. If the battle continues, the loss of the backbone of this generation will be even more serious. Now, this situation is very good. “Encamp to restore the castle, we must intercept the orcs in this line!” An order was issued. “Observe!”

Shengran has not regained its stronghold on the plateau, but it is not easy for the orcs to rush down.

The person in charge was sent on alert. The person in charge and his men returned to the camp’s coach tent, sat down separately, and formed a circle to discuss the battle tonight.

“This group of orcs, the combat effectiveness is indeed not weak. If it is not in our army, there are many combat priests and mages accompanying them, and they have gathered half of the lions in the church. . “Negative young people said with emotion.

“However, no matter how powerful they are, now we are not surrounded here by us? Although we can’t recapture the stronghold of the plateau for a while, it is impossible for them to come down. Don’t believe it, are they still going back? “A knight said with a smile. Hearing his words, everyone present laughed. “You’re right, as long as we are around here and surround them for a period of time, they will naturally retreat. We call this, attack without attack, haha.”

After the laugh, the person in charge said: “In this way, we will bring the news of the victory here as soon as possible to the Archbishops for their knowledge and to make them happy.”

“Yes, since the battle of the elves, the whole church has been a little calm. This time, I can finally raise my eyebrows and exhale once.” Everyone was very happy, so the head of the legion quickly selected a few people as Courier, go back and report.

On their side, the remaining people continued to surround them, controlling the situation on the battlefield and preventing the orcs from rushing down the plateau.

At this time, Archbishop Qi Ji was discussing with the representatives. At this time, the hurried footsteps came from outside the Church of the Glorious Lord. Hearing this footsteps, almost everyone was shocked.

People looked in the direction outside the door, and no one was a fool. In this case, they all guessed one thing, that is, important news came back!

At this time, what else is important?

Naturally, it was the news on the battlefield. People were always waiting for the news. At this moment, the whole hall was quiet.

The footsteps became clearer, and soon a knight appeared at the door.

“The news came back?” Cardinal Archbishop asked.

He had recognized it and appeared at the door. It was one of the legions he sent. Now that he rushed back, he must have brought back some news.

The Cardinal Archbishop of the Church of the Seeing Light Group asked this question, and all the people present no longer spoke, and their eyes were all gathered on the knight. They were waiting for a result. “Archbishop, we have won!” The knight finally said the answer that Cardinal Archbishop had always wanted to hear in the daylight that everyone was nervous and expecting. Cardinal Cardinal took a long breath. “Tell me about the situation on the battlefield.” Cardinal Archbishop smiled and looked at the knight. “Yes, Archbishop!” The knight commanded naturally.

Afterwards, he simply told the archbishop about the situation on the battlefield: “Our army has won a lot, defeated the orcs, and killed five thousand orcs.” Not only the archbishop was alone, everyone in the room was listening and listening. According to this news, “anyone who couldn’t help but was on the issue of dealing with orcs was very rare and consistent.

The brutal tyranny of the orc clan is well-known on the mainland. No one wants to see an orc figure on their land. They are very happy to hear the victory news of the Church of the Glorious Lord. “Congratulations, this victory of your church is really very popular!” The mood of the Archbishop of Cardinals who swallowed everyone could not help getting better. Ever since the great defeat in the war with the elves,

In this battle with the orcs, it proves that the strength and will of the Glorious Church have not been weakened, which is quite meaningful.

However, as the Cardinal Archbishop of the Glorious Lord Church, he naturally has a castle in his heart. Although he also feels happy, the most important purpose of calling these people today has not been achieved. He does not want to immerse in the praise of everyone Flick past.

“Everyone, although the Lord’s Church can do a lot of things under the illumination of my Lord’s God, it is not enough to go out in a boat, and it is not enough to rely on the power of a church to completely drive out the orcs. Only when everyone is united can we achieve such a goal … “At this point, the archbishop’s gaze turned to everyone present, and the meaning was already obvious. In this matter, the Glorious Lord Church has set an example. Everyone was quiet for a while, but soon, they all expressed their opinions one after another. “We will send a knight to join the battle!” We will send two knights. “” Our holy grail priest group will join the battle later! ” “

In their view, the orcs did not mean to attack aggressively, and the Glorious Church has already won the battle with the orcs. The following things will not be too serious. In this case, why should everyone refuse this kind of icing on the cake? Anyway, it won’t lose too much strength, it’s all about seeking a peaceful environment for yourself.

Seeing everyone’s position, the Cardinal Cardinal nodded in satisfaction, and then the banquet was held for a while and then ended.

With regard to the orcs’ failure, the propaganda of these people quickly spread.

÷ In the morning, the sun was shining, the birds were cheering, and Romon woke up from the study ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Before he went out to eat, there was a crispness of the birds coming from the window I just opened Cries.

Luo Meng didn’t pay attention to it. After all, there were countless birds barking in the morning, and occasionally one or two louder, no wonder. This little bird is particularly different. Seeing Luo Meng ignored it, its mushroom flapped its wings. “Flying birds pass books?” Seeing this little bird hovering above his head, how knowledgeable is that? The person immediately recognized the name.

Soon after confirming Romon’s identity, the little bird suddenly made a very cheerful cry, and immediately spit out a piece of paper, fluttering and falling into Romon’s hands. Luo Meng took the letter into his hand, looked closely, and immediately pondered. What was written in the letter was exactly the news from the battlefield ahead.

The main force of the Glorious Lord’s Church, the Great Orc, although he did not regain the stronghold on the plateau, he also suppressed the orcs from coming down. “I didn’t expect that the battle of the Lord’s Church of Glory was pretty beautiful.” He felt his chin. Although he had a deep grudge between him and the Church of the Glorious Church, but the other party could break the orc army, let Luo Meng felt admiration. Orcs are the common enemy of mankind.

It must be said that on the front line of human enemies, there is always the figure of the Glorious Church.

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