Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 908 - Duel (below)

“Please sacred oak tree, to witness our agreement, I Baigen / I Sainan, willing, here to sign a duel contract, endlessly!”

This is an oak tree that has been growing for thirty years. Although it was transplanted here, it was only a month, but the roots have been deeply planted into the soil, quietly absorbing the nutrients of the earth, the branches are lush, the leaves are huge , With a mutual weight of $}, with few gaps. At this time, it was already the early summer season, and the oak tree was extremely beautiful under the sunshine.

In the crevices of large palm leaves, some subtle light will occasionally be thrown in, resulting in beautiful patches under the tree.

At this moment, a middle-aged druid and a young druid were standing face to face, and the two of them seemed to be two sculptures, carrying too many thoughts, standing in front of the oak tree, carrying out the ancient The contract is confirmed.

The older one of the two druids has a normal appearance, a light expression, and narrowed eyes. The teenager standing opposite him was dressed in ordinary style.

At this point, everyone had stepped back. Druid Baigen and Senan, the two stood quietly under the oak tree, waiting for something to happen.

The sun is very bright, and the bright sun spreads through the gap between the oak leaves and spreads on the two people, creating a beautiful and beautiful. Both of them waited quietly, and soon, a force was uploaded from the oak tree.

This power shone over Druid Baigen and Senan at the same time, and an ancient song suddenly sounded in the hearts of the two.

It seems that the elves are singing, as if the girls are singing, listening in the ears of people, full of a sense of holiness, but changing hands il is a kind of sorrow, a kind of sorrow reaching the depths of the human soul.

Death in sorrow?

In the passing years of preparation?

Fear of sorrow and death of all things?

For the first time, Senan heard such a misty, so sad song, he was stunned for a while.

The Druid Baigen opposite him, also at this time, revealed a rare staring look.

Afterwards, the sad and sorrowful song gradually disappeared. Instead, a kind of autumn mist, a kind of killing from all things and nature, sounded in their ears.

It seems that autumn is coming and everything is withering. It is the years that are ruining everything in the world, and it is like the wind blowing leaves and snow falling through the Wuqi, and the thick autumn frost that reveals, instantly dilutes the sadness of the two. “Kill!” “Kill!” Shouted almost at the same time, followed by the wave of spells. Outside the court, Master Hua Li Ni and a group of Druids were waiting. “This is the fifth duel this month. I want to ask you, in your heart, what exactly does the druid represent?” Taigen on the side of Huon asked coldly.

As a big druid, Taigen can understand this approach, but he has always been unacceptable, why the two druids of the trade unions have to make an endless situation.

“Everyone has a druid in his heart. What exactly is a druid and what does the druid stand for? At every stage, everyone is different.” Hua Lini looked at the flat ground in the distance, looking between , Actually showing a little feeling. He is not ruthless. “Did you know? The duel under the number of oaks, I once watched it once, it was ten years -… r …”

“Huh?” For the first time I heard Valini talking about the past. When Tygen suddenly stayed, he saw the other person remembering the past. He couldn’t ask well, he could only calm down and listen to the other person’s story.

“… At that time, I was also a light Druid this year, and it was also an early autumn morning. I watched the duel between my teacher and another Druid. I will not say the reason for the duel, mine In the end, the teacher became the winning side of the duel and witnessed the death of the loser … Although the druid has always been called the messenger of peace, if the courage to fight is truly lost, the druid will no longer be It ’s a druid. Any kind of professional, when facing different concepts, needs to judge right and wrong, right and wrong at the cost of blood. This is the law of nature … the survival of the fittest, this natural law, The same applies to us humans … “

At this time, a gust of wind blew past, and the distant branches and leaves gently swayed.

“Ridiculous, the druid’s battle should be for nature, not such meaningless consumption.” Taigen Druid absolutely refused, and said with a sneer.

In the distance, the wave of spells stopped again, and everyone was in no mood to speak.

In film S1, another person came out.

“It’s Senan, we won.

“The people of the Romon trade union cheered.”

“Four wins and one defeat!”

… Bai Gen … No need to grieve for the death of the Druid, the earth is our fate, next year we will be green, this is a natural reincarnation … “

Hua Lini said silently in his heart, but sadness swelled in his heart.

“Master Hua Lini, do you still want to witness the sixth and seventh games?” Taigen Druid asked coldly. Although Senan won, although four wins and one defeat, it was beneficial to his side, but Still unable to hide his anger. In his view, it was a shame that the Druid died here in this way. “No, I’m going back to report my job, and I won’t be here in the future … However, there will be new master witnesses until the order is stopped above.” Hua Lini smiled bitterly and said. Hua Lini sighed softly and put away the sentiment: “I should leave …”

He looked back at the winning boy. In the bright sunshine, the winning boy was staring at him with complex and hateful eyes. It seems that he is a butcher.

Hua Lini sighed again, and did not hesitate to see the young man, and hesitantly stepped away from the place covered by the lush oak. The boy’s voice came from behind him before he even took a few steps. “Master Valini, if there is a similar duel, I will definitely take it, and try my best to

Although it was just a sentence, I did not see whether the other party ’s face had a firm expression. “But from the words, I have already felt the other party ’s determination to face the battle.” This year ’s oak is very beautiful, appreciate this post-war oak … “Hua Li did not care whether the other party heard this sentence, Hua Li Ni continued to walk slowly on the path, one

The grassland in the distance, the ruined patterns spreading on both sides of the road, and Hua Lini walking in the middle, the back of it seemed so lonely. Senan was not touched by the slightest bit, and he took a sip in the far direction. The forest of the college is located in a remote place, and the scenery throughout the year is extremely beautiful.

One, two, three-, pull! “With a loud noise, a big tree was laid down. When the light of dawn fell on the baby, the townspeople had been busy. For ordinary people, it is impossible to cut down the wood. Every spring and summer season, trees are always cut down, and there are many lumberjacks in the town.

Timber is constantly being transported to various parts of the territory to provide the needs of the territory. The only difference between it and other territories is that it is supplied with species.

The wasteland after logging will not become farmland.

This situation is worthy of appreciation.

But for a girl sitting outside waiting for a feed, she didn’t mean to appreciate it at all.

The warm wind blew gently across her cheeks, blowing up her long hair, and around her, accompanied a young man today.

At this time, the two didn’t seem to know what to say. Shen had been around for a long time, but it was the girl who spoke first.

“Huon, is the Druid’s duel really so important? Why did Dad go to the duel? At this time, the girl lowered her head, as if she didn’t want the other person to see her look at this moment, but she was slightly trembling. The voice has betrayed her.

Hearing Aleni ’s question, Huon sighed, not knowing what to say.

“I don’t know if it matters, but since I have chosen to fight, I can only welcome the results of the fight. As for the meaning of the fight itself, sometimes it doesn’t matter.

Huon is not at all interested in the contradiction between the two major trade unions, but since it has reached the point where it is now, this duel is absolutely inevitable. “Really, can’t you change?” “Yes, at least me and you, can’t be changed …” Huon whispered, as if to the girl, or to himself: “However, the teacher must Will win! “

This time the union sent someone to discuss the matter. After several considerations, Bai Gen agreed to take a shot and find a reason to duel with the new Druid of the Romon union. This matter was opposed, but Bai Gen still chose the way.

Once the union was promised, there was no way to go back, but to continue until victory and death.

“Well! Huon, I believe that my dad can come back alive!” The girl lowered her head ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Shen for a while, trying to smile. The time is gradually approaching noon, but the hot sunlight can’t give the girl a sense of warmth in the distance. Someone has come over. The girl suddenly closed her breath, looking at the distance in fear and expectation. “Don’t move, I’ll see!” Huon gritted his teeth and said, he hurried up. Film S1, he came back. Just look at the expression, you know the result. “Liar … Dad, you are a big liar …” The girl’s tears burst into a sudden. “You said that you would win, and then take us together to live a happy life, and then again.” You said, you are experienced and you can win. “” You said one by one one by one “

Druid’s duel was destined to be an endless battle … The young girl slowly returned to her seat and picked up the robe that fell to the ground. This is his father’s robe … and still carries his father’s breath.

She hugged her father’s robe, and suddenly burst into tears, her cry suddenly filled the nearby space.

Four chapters, and finally made up for the original chapter, my body was relaxed, ah! (To be continued, if you want to know ‘s. What’s the matter, please log in more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

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