Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 929 - Lead the snake out (Part 1)

“Is this how it is?” Habba stood in front of the French window. Asked without looking back.

At this moment, the floor-to-ceiling windows were half open, and a gust of wind was blowing in from the outside, blowing up the thin curtain in front of the windows, and touching him on the body at once, and Habba ignored it.

Only under the cool wind can his mind be a little sober.

“Yes, Lord Lord, this is how things are.” A messenger in a uniform was kneeling on the ground on one knee. Hearing the Lord Lord’s inquiry, he immediately bowed his head and answered respectfully.

As a trusted subordinate who often dealt with Lord Lord, this person naturally heard that Lord Lord at this time was in a bad mood.

In fact, you don’t have to listen, just use your head to think, and guess what a bad mood the Lord Lord will have at this time!

“Actually failed … We actually failed …” Sure enough, after listening to the reports of the subordinates, it was difficult for Habba to recover his usual calmness.

Although the battle failed, in his view, there were signs already, and he also had some psychological preparations. But when he heard the exact news, Habba still felt uncomfortable.

Habba couldn’t help sighing, and still had a trace of disbelief in his tone: “It’s unbelievable, since the other party has five territories and five false gods!”

Happa shook his head, annoyed by his rash decision.

It is precisely because of this rash decision that it will bring a heavy blow to the territory!

“Master Lord, look, is this news released …” The messenger raised his head in embarrassment and asked.

“No! Don’t reveal it first, let me think about it again … By the way, our team has retreated to the port city?” Habba suddenly remembered something, he turned suddenly, looking at the messenger, Asked.

“Sir Lord, has arrived at the port and retreated to the city. It is estimated that it will be there tomorrow.” The messenger answered quickly.

“It seems that things can only be like this, well, you have been working hard for a day, let’s go to rest first, when I call you, you come again.” Waved his hand, Happa said weakly .

At this time, the mood has been greatly affected, it is really difficult to be happy. He needs to be quiet and think about it.

After the messenger retreated, Happa stood in front of the window, looking at the beautiful scenery outside, and his heart was rolling with waves: “What should I do? This defeat is the first defeat since the territory ’s external battle. It ’s hard for people ’s hearts to see such a big loss! ”

Just thinking about the countermeasures, Habba’s brow suddenly wrinkled, and there were vocals coming out.

“Pastor Chote is here …” Hababa’s already frowned eyebrows immediately loosened and a smile appeared, and he still wanted some demeanor to outsiders.

Sure enough, after a short time, Pastor Chot came.

“Master Lord, I received a letter from Bishop Kamrongpa. Please watch it.” Pastor Chot saluted the letter and handed it over.

Habba took the autograph and after reading the first half of the letter, Habba almost dropped the cups on the table.

“How could this be the case?” He looked at the letter. I was very angry.

The first half is the result of the notification of the war situation, which has been counted.

The result of this battle is already clear, they failed.

This is the first defeat of the Lomonoss territory. In this battle, 500 soldiers were killed and the dragon was seriously injured. Although before, 10,000 lords were rushed back, but this battle was Lost, it is really difficult to say.

“Five hundred fighters were killed? This is five hundred well-trained fighters! In a battle, so many people died. This is really something that I didn’t think of before.”

“Although there are now two thousand troops in the army, the death of 500 backbones has already caused the army to lose half of its fighting power!”

“Master Dragon has been seriously injured. I really can’t think of it. Isn’t the glory of my Lord yet to illuminate this area?” Hababa was worried.

You know, unlike other gods on this plane, the time of the appearance of God Luo Meng is really too short, too short to be precipitated by years, and so short that it has not really taken root in people’s hearts.

Once encountering something that undermines everyone’s confidence, people’s trust in Luo Meng will be somewhat doubtful.

This situation is naturally inevitable, if another 180 years. When the faith of the Roman **** is spread over several generations, this faith will basically not be shaken again.

However, after all, Habba was the chief of government in this territory, and there was such a disrespectful thought in his heart that he was busy extinguishing.

“No, I’m afraid people’s hearts will be disturbed.” Although he himself extinguished this kind of thought in time, he realized that this matter might be used by people in other territories. I was afraid that his own On the territory of the film, a storm is coming.

However, the second half of the content calmed Habba again.

“Is the snake attracted?”

“Well, Bishop Kamrongpa not only was not punished, but was promoted one level to reach the ninth level? This proves that our Lord is a powerful god!”

Seeing this, Habba finally smiled.

“I can’t lurch, I have given everything, I am really busy!” Sighing in my heart, Happa settled down now.

“It seems that things are not too bad. Let’s execute this plan first!” He thought.

After he had an idea in his heart, Happa was not depressed anymore. He hurriedly wrote a letter and sent someone to Bishop Kamrongpa.

The day the port team returned, the weather was clear, the warm wind hit people, and there were quite a few pedestrians on the road.

When an army, with thousands of foreign leaders, came back from the outside, the crowd on the road soon increased.

At the beginning. People thought that this time they had won the battle again, but looking at a corpse pulled from the car behind them, people began to panic.

“My son … son …”

“Boy, why did you go …”

“Master Father, Father Father …”

Some of the leaders have heard the death of their loved ones in battle, so the crying began to wander continuously on the road, making people unable to bear the sour heart.

Among the onlookers, there were also some people who deliberately fanned the flames, so news of the defeat of this battle began to spread quickly among the crowd.

Those who had not yet figured out what was going on, also understood at this time, that this time the battle was defeated by one’s own side.

“Have you heard? In this battle, we failed, and more than 500 fighters died. Not to mention, I heard that even our Dragon Master was seriously injured …”

“Are you talking nonsense? How can Lord Dragon be injured? But it is the messenger of God Lomon, how could he be injured?”

Regarding this matter, the leaders and the people all talked about it, and they refused to believe the truth of this matter, and their hearts have been shaken.

If Zhen and the temple said that God Luo Meng is the true **** and the other gods are all false gods, then why would Lord Dragon be seriously injured by the false gods this time?

This matter simply does not make sense!

In particular, Bishop Kamrongpa ’s faceless appearance led to a floating heart.

This floating human heart in the Luomeng’s territory was immediately discovered by people in other territories and used for it.

Suddenly, in the former calm and serene Lomon God territory, the undercurrent began to surge.

“Can these terribles spread some fake news, can they ruin the territory? They think the beauty is beautiful, I will not let them do what they want! Spread my orders. Who is continuing to spread this kind of news, grab it immediately!”

After learning of this situation, Habba was very angry. In this case, he also ordered a group of people to be arrested.

As a result, instead of suppressing this floating situation of people’s hearts, the situation of shaking people’s hearts has become more and more serious.

The early morning sunlight came in through the window and fell on Pastor Fukangsi’s face. He bowed his head politely and prayed. The storm outside was no more serious. In front of the sacred altar, everything was calm.

Bishop Kamrongpa is even more calm. The grace of God, for a few days, let him break through the shield between the eighth and ninth levels. Now, he has successfully been promoted to a ninth level pastor!

In this plane, a ninth-level pastor is very rare. To be a ninth-level pastor, not only his own talent and piety of faith, but also the powerful power of the **** he believes in.

There are too few gods who can grant fifth-level magic, so too few priests can be promoted to ninth level.

At least five false gods around, no one can grant fifth-level magic.

This incident itself proves the power of God Luo Meng.

“How’s the situation?” Bishop Kamrongpa asked after asking his prayers.

“We have conducted a survey of the entire staff through the devout backbone and the pastor. Although there may be some leaks, the investigation has been completed.” Pastor Fukang said with respect.

“You are doing very well.” Bishop Kamrongpa clearly admired him very much. When encountering this matter, he insisted on his belief and quickly established an organization to investigate the 70,000 people. The belief and talent of this young pastor is beyond doubt. .

This week, people from different territories secretly connected, and all the priests were dispatched to investigate and supervise the believers in the territory, and silently recorded that they did not act. Now, it has been completed.

“Okay ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Now it’s time to close the net, the dragon’s injury is almost healed, and I will now make it public. Immediately, I will spread the news of my successful promotion to the ninth level. The news that the Lord is the mighty **** has spread, and I want to take a look at what tricks those who want to fish in muddy water can do! “

“When the territory is calmed down, we will one by one remove the shakers, gangsters, and instigators.” Bishop Kamrongpa said coldly.

“Follow your orders!” At this point, Pastor Fukangsi fully understood that he left with respect.

Behind them, a few pairs of eyes are following the back of Pastor Fukangsi.

The news spread quickly this time, and soon spread to the entire territory.

Originally, because of the failure of the battle, the hearts of the people in the territory were somewhat shaken, but the news of Habba’s promotion, but in a timely manner to restrain the spread of this emotion.

He was able to successfully advance to the ninth level, which has proved the fact that God Lomon is a powerful god!

Suddenly, all the territories were calmed down, and the territory was calmed down. (!)

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