Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 964 - Ambush (below)

In this world, there is basically nothing that lasts forever. Anything will change gradually over time.

“Time passes by like a shuttle. Time passes by like a river, and it just keeps flowing.”

Time can really be regarded as the most persistent and essential among constantly changing things. If we can use time as a metaphor.

Just in a blink of an eye, spring has officially passed.

It is already July of this year. It has long passed the cool season of spring. The current weather can be described by the words “hot and unbearable”.

The black sun in the sky does not give up the light and heat because of the black, it also becomes more dazzling, and the temperature becomes hotter. It hangs in the high sky like this, every day is like the work point to the general, according to The world below freely releases its light and heat.

Within a hundred miles, there has been no rain for more than two months, and the soil on the ground can be dried.

Just grab a handful and blow them at them. The smell is dry, and there is no sense of moisture. This phenomenon shows that the water on the surface of the earth has been evaporated.

The water in some rivers and lakes also shows signs of drying up, and everything in it makes the people in the territory uneasy.

Some plants that just came out of the spring at that time have become half dead in this dry and hot weather.

However, these wild plants are better because they have adapted to the laws of nature, so it is not a problem to sustain them.

However, the crops in the farmland are much more precious, and under the double suppression of drought and heat, they have become somewhat depressed.

The leaders were all anxious. If the crops were not harvested because of the drought, or it was more tragic, and finally there was no harvest. How should they spend the winter of this year?

However, this is not the case in all villages.

At a border location in Tebira, in a newly built small village, residents are in a good mood.

“Everyone is slower, slower, they can hit the water, don’t worry.” Lori stood next to a newly dug well, continuously commanding the order.

There are two tree spirits who are keeping order here with her. In front of them, there is a long line, and people’s attention is concentrated on the well not far away.

This is already the third water well dug in the village. According to his exploration technique, Luo Meng explored the good location. The drawings were drawn by Luo Li and they were done by the villagers.

The well water of this well is very sweet, and the water volume is sufficient. Not only can the residents of the village use it daily, but it can also be used to irrigate crops during such drought.

The other two wells are also guarded by a group of tree spirits. Next to this well, Lori personally entered the battle.

“Miss Luo Li, I really don’t know what to say. If there is no Highness, without you and your pastors, this summer, I am afraid that we will have to get rid of the grain again.” Gesuo put a pole down and took two A wooden barrel, he walked to the well, shaking the water from bottom to top, and said gratefully.

Lori stood aside, she smiled and glanced at the people who were full of hope, and at the Gesuo who was fetching water, and said: “Yeah, all this is given by the master, his strength and Wisdom allows us to easily find the location of the water source. Without him, there would be no such wells. “

“Miss Luo Li said, however, Miss Luo Li and the pastors and adults are also very hard. These days, you have been busy to solve the drought, and all of us are very grateful, but it is a pity that these of us Except for helping the leader, digging some soil, there is nothing else … “Gesuo has shaken a bucket of water at this time, carrying the bucket, and pouring the water into a wooden bucket of his own , He put the bucket that fetched water down again, and sighed and said.

“As long as you can live and work here and develop this village, the owner will be very happy.” Luo Li said, stepping forward, intending to help Gesuo start shaking the second bucket of water.

“Miss Luo Li, let me come by myself, I will come by myself!” Seeing the honorable priest and grandmaster actually want to help himself, Ge Suo quickly refused sincerely.

Seeing that he insisted, Lori was not forced to continue to stand aside, chatting with other residents one after another.

Similar to her approach, the other two tree spirits on duty here are also talking to the villagers.

These tree spirits are not humans, but their appearance is indistinguishable from that of humans. Coupled with their beautiful appearance, gentle attitude, and rich natural breath, humans will be close to them unconsciously.

Ordinary saplings will use this advantage to charm humans. However, saplings that grow up in the space of Shennongjiao will not easily use the charm technique. They have much stronger power than ordinary saplings. Now, as a pastor, they are more cautious in their words and deeds in their lives with human beings.

“… If my daughter grows up and has one-fifth of your temperament and looks, I will be content.” A woman could not help saying this when chatting with a tree spirit words.

After I finished speaking, I probably thought that I might have offended the young pastor in front of me. The woman’s face suddenly appeared regretful.

“Oh, how lovely *.” Touching the head of a little girl, the tree spirit smiled very gently.

“Sister Sister!” The little girl nodded violently, feeling that this pretty sister was so beautiful and gentle in front of her.

If I could really be like these sisters in the future, that would be great.

In a young heart, the admiration and envy of the tree spirits were buried.

The other party ’s easygoing and tolerance made the woman very grateful. She just came to this village. She and her husband and daughter, a family of three, suffered a lot of suffering outside. They just came to this place yesterday. Where, for the situation here, they are still not very clear.

However, even so, she knew clearly that the person he was talking to was a distinguished priest.

“Maybe, this is what a true pastor should be …” At this moment, she had a lot of faith in the village and the gods who believed in it.

Not only her, but all the residents in this small village are now full of respect and affection for the group of priests.

“It’s raining, it’s raining, and if it doesn’t rain, the crops will be completely finished!” Unlike these villagers, in the densely populated area of ​​Tebira, hundreds of miles away from this new village Sorrow hung on his face, and every leader’s heart kept praying.

“Father, what are you?” A little boy stood by the road, pulling his father’s hand and asking.

The farmer looked at the direction of the farmland, with a deep frustration on his face: “Son, the crops in the field are fast, and it will not rain again, we will starve to death.”

Death, what a terrible word this is.

If it was cut with a knife and died directly, this kind of death would be considered neat and clean.

However, the feeling of letting hope a little shattered and waiting to die slowly is really uncomfortable.

“Are you all stupid? Report this kind of thing to me? Could you tell me if I can make it rain? If I had to think about something, what would I want you guys to do? Raise it and eat it? “In the castle of Count Tebira, a man was furious at officials in several territories.

The man is dressed in gorgeous clothes, and the inner and outer layers are all made of high-quality materials. Such a dress is not hot in the old castle.

Even in the summer season, the castle is full of cool atmosphere.

This is a middle-aged man with a pale face, and his face is quite handsome, except that because of his anger, his face is somewhat distorted.

His territory officials were trained to dare not lift their heads one by one, but their hearts were inevitable.

Recently, the Count Lord ’s temper is getting worse and worse, and they are also very depressed in the case of drought. Presumably, the Count Lord ’s mood will not be too good. After all, the crop harvest is not good, and the interests of the old castle will also be affected. Now, I can only hope to rain soon.

Coincidentally, perhaps their prayers had an effect. At this time, there was a dull thunder outside and it suddenly sounded.

Luo Meng raised his head fiercely, frowning: “Huh?”

A dark cloud came rushing from the horizon, and there was also a flash of lightning and a thunderous thunder.

Then the bean-sized raindrops fell down from the sky, hitting the ground slammingly, and the rain was sprayed from the air to all corners, and finally connected together to form a water column.

The wind was blowing, and the rain was falling.

After a while, all the white flowers in the sky were filled with water. When a gust of wind blew, the rain was blown into smoke.

Luo Meng thought for a moment and flew out in a blink of an eye.

Tebira collar, a small village, close to the mountains, is in a depression, further away, along the road to the left and right, is the dense forest.

Luo Meng flew here ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ At a glance, he looked at twenty giant trees, forming some arrays.

A little further away, a trace of invisible light is circulating, this is the divine magic circle.

Luo Meng approached. On a giant tree, the bark suddenly twisted, and a face appeared: “Master!”

At this time, the trees near by also appeared one by one.

“How is your strength prepared?”

Hearing Romon ’s question, the giant tree replied: “Master, we have recovered our strength. Taking advantage of the summer sun, the Divine Circle also has accumulated a lot of power. Once unfolded, it can maintain the sacredness for thirty minutes. Light field. “

“Enough is enough. I can’t think of the pseudo-gods here, even at the cost of exerting divine rainfall.” Luo Meng looked into the distance, it was a secluded forest near the old castle, even in bright sunshine, the old castle looked from a distance It was still a cold cloud, entrenched with the beast.

Sighing quietly: “However, this great power consumption is the God-given opportunity!” (!)

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