Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 968 - Choice of Destiny (Part 2)

In the Shennongjiao space, the sun is still so bright, and the golden brilliance is full of everything. However, in the space, it is almost winter, and it is synchronized with the main world. The main world is now winter.

Whether it is hills, valleys, plains, or forests, the green has faded, but the hills with world trees are still like spring and summer.

On the hills, countless trees are lush, green and very green. Each piece has aura and is crystal clear.

Luo Meng walked up the hills, recalling the knowledge and history he had just acquired.


Bishop Kamrongpa

Elven Palace and Golden Dragon Elnor

80,000 believers and religious wars

Luo Meng couldn’t help laughing, and he couldn’t think of the accidental coincidence that had such a large foundation. Since he had so many believers at once, and even had religious wars, he had fought several times.

Walking up, Luo Meng had just appeared in the high hills, and a few cute little girls ran out not far away.

“Master, you are here.” A few cute little Loli ran towards him bouncing around.

The trees growing in this area are all parasitic trees.

Facing the cute and innocent little Lori, Luo Meng leaned down, touched their heads, and smiled: “What are you doing?”

“Let’s water them, by the way, big tree, just opened a flower!”

“Just bloomed?” Luo Meng asked, moving.

“Look, where is it!”

Luo Meng raised his head, and sure enough, a flower bloomed on a branch.

The flowers are four-color petals and the core is golden yellow.

On this leaf, there are countless dense lines of faith, and golden energy circulates in the line of faith. At this time, Luo Meng just felt the sense of divinity when he just looked at it.

“It turns out that this is the branch that has always represented my faith? This flower … is for the result?” Luo Meng looked at it blankly, and thoughtful, his heart rolled.

For a moment, he smiled bitterly, and Shennian established a connection with one of them.

Almost at the same time, Saran led the main temple hall.

The area of ​​this hall is very large. Behind the altar, there is a two-meter-high idol.

At this moment, Bishop Kamrongpa was gathering in the hall with a group of priests. They prayed religiously and held a noon prayer ceremony to carry out their homework.

Suddenly, a golden light appeared on the idol, and Bishop Kamrongpa was shocked and knelt down quickly: “My lord, what is your metaphor?”

The idol’s eyes lit up, and a message came through. At this time, the prayers of other priests became higher.

After a moment, Bishop Kamrongpa heard the metaphor, and was surprised and happy, and when the ceremony was all completed, he commanded: “Immediately in the church, draw a group of reliable priests and warriors, go from the sea, I personally bring team.”

“Master Bishop, do you want to inform Lord Lord?”

“No, this is not the case!” Bishop Kamrongpa said: “This is entirely God’s will.”

… Almost at the same time, in a foggy world, Romon’s eyes opened slowly, and his eyes fell on this area.

“The lords and false gods here are dead. In any case, they must be captured. They have rushed. Before that, the tree spirit will control some of them.”

Thinking of this, Luo Meng sneered: “Tree people, give me the entrance to the valley, no one is allowed to enter, no one is allowed to leave!”

“Yes, master!” Said Shuren in response.

Suddenly, this territory changed.

Seven days later

“Mother, I’m hungry …”

“Hush! Come on quietly, I’ll find it for you … The package of dry food I took yesterday has already been eaten up. You have to bear with me first. When it’s dark, I’ll get some food for you when no one is outside. How about coming back? “

“But, I’m really hungry …”

“I still have some dry food here, you eat some …”

In a dark cellar, several people were carefully huddled together. At this time, the mother felt very embarrassed, but the child’s cousin, handed over a packet of dry food.

“Qianya, this is not good, you haven’t eaten much this day …” The child’s mother didn’t take the food, and the tone of expression was even more grateful.

“We are all grown-ups. It’s okay to be hungry for one or two meals. The child is still young. He can’t be hungry.” The child’s cousin stuffed a small bag of dry food into the mother’s hand.

“Then, okay, thank you, Qianya …” The child’s mother sighed and finally took over the package of dry food.

“Come on, child, eat a little.” Take out a piece of dry food from the inside, and the child’s mother hands it to the child.

“Oh! I’ve eaten it!” When I got the food, the child became happy and rushed to eat it.

“Slower, slower.” The child’s mother lowered her voice and persuaded.

The light here is very dim, because it is in the cellar, there is only a little light, from some cracks above, most of the people inside are hidden in the dark, looking at each other, at most it is a blurry profile.

“You said, what’s the situation outside now?” A male voice asked lowly.

“I don’t know, but it must be very chaotic. Let’s hide here for two days and look at the situation outside.” A female voice said immediately.

There are seven or eight people hiding in this cellar. They are all considered to be a family. They usually live in a village. Yesterday, they suddenly got a message that something was wrong in the Terra collar where they were. .

What ideas can they have as civilians?

As soon as I heard that there was a big mess in the territory, I immediately took the child’s wife and hid in this cellar. In a hurry, I didn’t even take too much.

After hiding in this place, they heard that there was a hurry of footsteps on the ground, a voice of someone talking again, and the sound of hacking and screaming. They scared them not to move all night.

As soon as it dawned today, first of all, the little children hiding in the cellar could not bear it first, and adults could be irritated by the influence of the children.

“Otherwise, shall I go out and see what is going on outside now?” Another man suggested.

“No, no, it’s not safe now, wait again.” Everyone else objected.

At this time, the clutter of footsteps was heard again, and the people in the cellar were silent.

“Miss Lorry, you see, this family … is not here either. I don’t know if they are hiding.” A sound that sounded familiar was suddenly passed down at this time.

It turned out to be the head of the village … As soon as he heard this familiar voice, the person hiding in the cellar immediately knew it was broken.

This time, the head of the village is actually the head of the village?

Outsiders may not know the situation in the village. As the manager of the village, how could the head of the village be unclear?

I’m afraid, this time it will be discovered.

All the people in the cellar couldn’t help but lift it up.

“Really?” A female voice sounded at this time. The person listening to the voice should be a young woman: “I think they should still be in this house. Let’s find it.”

The Miss Lori said that the order made the people in the cellar terrified.


Finished … After hearing such an order, the people in the cellar were all tense. At this moment, their hearts were full of fear. They did not know that if this group of people were discovered by the people above, they would be How to deal with people.

Thinking of the nobleman’s means of dealing with the disobedient people who had heard of them, these people are now breathless.

However, it was useless. I should have come sooner or later. After a while, the cellar suddenly lit up, and the lid above them was lifted.

“Everyone inside, come out.” Someone said shouting.

Are there other options at this time? The villagers of this family climbed up from the cellar in despair.

As soon as it reached the top, the dazzling sunlight made these people get used to it after a while.

“A few of them are the missing Sika family?” Lori stood not far away and asked an old man standing beside her.

“Yes, yes, Miss Lori, they are the Sika family.” With a hundred thousand points of care and respect, the old man replied carefully.

This old man is the head of the village, and this time he received news that he had changed the territory, which surprised him greatly.

But before he could take action, a representative of the new lord came to his house and killed several old fighters.

No way, in this case, he can only show respect and obedience.

Fortunately, the people sent were three young and beautiful female priests, which made his fears slightly reduced.

“Tell them, don’t be afraid, as long as they don’t make excessive actions, we won’t hurt them.” Seeing that the family was very scared, Lori said to the village head.

“… Yes, Miss Lori, please rest assured, I will appease them, their family is very honest, there will be no trouble.” Hearing this beautiful pastor, the village head could not help wiping his head. The cold sweat, the meaning of the other party can’t be more understood. As long as you don’t make excessive actions, we will not hurt you. If you understand the meaning of these words more clearly, that is, if you make excessive actions , It’s hard to say …

Who said the tree spirit would not threaten people? Being able to perform favors on others and achieve the desired results is the standard of a good pastor.

Watching the village head man ran to appease the villagers in a panic, Luo Li turned her head and asked a sapling next to him: “Xiaoling, how is the situation in the territory? You just came from the castle in the morning. New order? “

“There is not yet. The owner is to let us stabilize the situation in these villages first. In the castle and the valley, the lord has other arrangements, so we don’t have to worry about it.”

“Well, the master said this, it must be well arranged, we just do what we should do.” Hearing the tree spirit’s answer, Luo Li sighed and said with a smile.

“Sister Luo Li, what are we doing now?” Another Shu Jing asked.

“Isn’t several missing villagers found one after another? Notify all the villagers in a while and gather at the village square.” Luo Li thought, and said.

“Yes, this is the case.” The other two tree spirits looked at each other and said at the same time.


“Hurry, run!” More than a dozen soldiers ran toward Taniguchi with fear.

“Can we, can we escape?” A soldier said breathlessly while running.

“Aren’t they not catching up? We’ve been running all the time, Taniguchi can already see, as long as we go out of the valley, we will be free!” Some soldiers answered.

The dozen or so fighters are the backbone of the family in the old castle fighters. They are the most likely to watch the wind and rudder. Yesterday, such a big thing happened, and they hid as soon as they saw nothing.

Because the place where they hid was a very hidden place that was not discovered by those people for a while.

Early this morning, while no one was around, these soldiers spread their legs and ran towards the valley entrance. Once they came out of the valley, they were free!

“Captain, there seems to be someone in front!” Suddenly, a soldier stopped alertly.

Seeing him issue a warning, the other fighters also stopped one after another.

“Really there are people running in front of them, are they the people on the territory?” A warrior with good eyes looked at the group of people running in front and said, not sure.

“It should be the people on the territory. Forget it, don’t care about them. When you get out of the valley, grab them for money and talk.” Some soldiers said.

When others heard it, they thought it was the truth, and they all moved on.

The physical strength of the soldiers is obviously much stronger than that of the leaders. After a while, these dozen soldiers have already surpassed the group in front.

At first glance, these people are really territories, and some of them are quite familiar. They are a group of lords and relatives. Perhaps because of this, they all hurried away and wanted to leave the territory.

In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of divinity, in the replacement of the gods, the original descendants of the gods should be all beheaded.

Because both sides are in their lives, as soon as the two meet, no one talks nonsense, and advances together.

Soon ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Taniguchi is coming. Both the soldiers and the people of the former family who are busy running because of fear are happy.

Finally going out!

“By the order of my Lord, you humans are not allowed to go out … Come back quickly.” Suddenly, an urging voice rang out in the valley. The voice was loud, and the echoes were dialed.

“What’s this ?!” After seeing the giant beast that appeared in the valley, everyone’s face turned pale.

“Okay, it seems to be a big tree …” a soldier said stutteringly.

They saw that the five huge treemen were standing at the valley entrance, and its body had blocked the valley entrance firmly.

This does not count, these tree people are looking down on them with majesty at the moment, which makes them unable to bear their cramps.

“It’s over, it’s dead …” Seeing that there are several monsters blocking the only exit, everyone is desperate. (!)

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