Heaven’s Intention

Chapter 988 - Cleaning (below)

“Master Lord, the lord has come to see you.” The servant said politely.

Now Lu Lun is completely a leisurely old man. After eating every day, he drinks tea, walks and reads books.

When he first retreated, he was still not used to it, but after a long time, he began to like this kind of leisure life, and after a few years, his body became better.

At this moment, he was sitting in his very well-decorated study room reading a book, heard the servant’s report, and raised his head indifferently.

“Master Lord is here?”

“Yes, Lord Lord, Lord Lord came to see you.”

“I’m here to meet …” Lulun Scholar stood up, closed the book in his hand, and said.

“Student Lulun, I don’t need you to greet me. I came in myself.” A light laughter sounded at this time, and Romon had walked in from outside.

“Lord Lord.” Lu Lun bowed and saluted. Now many people have called “His Royal Highness”. Only the old man who is close to him and the lord is also a symbol of closeness.

“It’s been decades, why are you still doing this kind of politeness?” Romon said with a wave of his hand.

“You go down first, I have a conversation with Lord Lord, don’t call you, don’t ask any of you to be close to the study.” Seeing Luo Meng arrived, knowing that there might be something to talk to him, Lulun scholars will all the servants around him. Dismissed.

“Come on, drink this tea, it’s okay for me to think about it myself, the taste is very fresh, there are several kinds of plants, and it has a refreshing effect.” Let Romon sit down, Lu Lun scholar walked aside, took two small from the small table Put the cup, and from the small stove on the other side, the tea pot is boiling, and then, poured out two small cups of tea, and returned to the front of Romon, put a cup in front of him, give Romon a cup, sit To the opposite of Romon.

“The taste is really good. Every time I come to you, I can drink this kind of good tea. After I go back, I don’t think it tastes anything.” Romon took the cup in front of him and tasted it. It is said that this refreshment is already close to the Chinese tea drinking method.

“Oh, if I like it, I can give you the recipe … But, speaking back, is the adult coming here for the sake of the Ice Kingdom?” Seeing Luo Meng nodded slightly, Lu Lun did not continue to taste tea. Instead, he put down his cup and asked seriously.

“Well, the things that should be dealt with have already been dealt with, and it is time to make an end.” Romon then looked at the Lulun scholar.

Of course, he also knows that Nick came once in the morning. Even so, he still pretended not to know: “Unexpectedly, Lulun scholars can guess so accurately at home. How are you doing? “

“Adult intends to let me do this?” Lu Lun scholar asked.

Seeing Luo Meng nodded, Lu Lun scholar immediately said without hesitation: “Please rest assured, I will definitely handle this matter!”

In this tone, as with ten years ago, Luo Meng appeared smiling.

“In your opinion, how should this plan for the fight against the ice kingdom be drawn up? What should I start with?” Seeing Lu Lun scholars agree to take over this task, Luo Meng was very happy, and then asked.

“If you want to fight against the Ice Kingdom, the first thing is that you can’t make it clear. This is no reason to take it … Lord Lord, if you have a suitable reason, you can talk about it.”

“… No!” Romon thought about it. It was hard to tell these repeated incidents. He had to say it with regret.

“In this case, those who start the trouble first may not necessarily occupy the vanguard. Once the war starts, it will be difficult to stop when the time comes.” Lu Lun scholar said.

“I suggest that we start with their influence in the Kingdom of Esk. Not only do we not only nail our eyes, but also avoid the possibility of expanding the post-conflict scale, let these people have an opportunity, and secondly, we can control the scale of the conflict and give each other a ruthless one. Shock. “At this point, Lu Lun scholar smiled.

“Well, what you said makes sense.” In fact, Romon didn’t plan to make a big move at the beginning. He just made a big move as soon as he was crowned, or he would have a bad influence on a kingdom.

It’s better to destroy the opponent’s stronghold in the Kingdom of Esk, and wait for the opponent to shoot first, and then his own side will fight.

Thinking of this, Romon nodded and agreed with the Lulun scholar’s suggestion: “Then, this matter will be left to you to do. I believe in your ability, spying and intelligence system, let you dispatch.”

“Thank you for your trust.” The smiling old scholar opened his eyebrows and happily responded.

So, from this day on, the old Lu Lun temporarily said goodbye to his leisurely retirement and began to preside over the plan to combat the snow kingdom. As soon as he intervened, the first thing he did was to dispatch a large number of intelligence personnel.

“The only task I have entrusted to you is to find out the strongholds of the Ice Kingdom in all parts of the Esk Kingdom. It is not only our Tertasho territory, but also other territories and strongholds such as Wangdu. I found out that the movement should be fast, and if necessary, I can cooperate with the royal intelligence organization. “

“Lord Lord Lulun, don’t worry, we will not lose our lives!” With the latter sentence, the people of the intelligence organization should be very confident and said.

This group of people was sent, and Lulun scholars sent another group of people.

“Your task is to strengthen the defense work in the territory during this time, the defense of the army is bright, and your defense is dark. During this time, remember to ensure the personal safety of the lord and the noble adults, and, Every major aircraft must be placed near our heavy ground, and our people must be plugged in and protected in the dark. “


After the two groups of people were sent out, Lulun scholars settled down a bit.

According to his speculation, after Romon’s coronation is successful, not only his own side has to take action, but the Ice Kingdom will not stop too much.

“As long as you act, we will be famous.” The Lu Lun scholar, who was not worried about this, smiled faintly. He actually expected the other party’s actions to come sooner. In this way, his own actions against the Ice Kingdom , There is a good reason.

“Master Lord, the tea is ready.” On that side, the servant had already made the tea.

“Well, I know.” While busy, Lulun scholars who do not forget the combination of work and rest no longer think about these things and go back to leisurely tea tasting.

The host of Luo Meng’s side is in a leisurely state, but the principal of the Ice Kingdom sent to the Kingdom of Esk is already out of luck.

“Master Fangka, this is the order just sent by the queen. Let us take an action as soon as possible to buy a group of senior officials of the Esk Kingdom to strengthen the power of the intelligence system.”

The deputy principal, who was installed in the general stronghold of the Kingdom of Esk, took a magic letter and walked into the main room of Lord Fangka.

“Things are not easy to handle. Recently, their king is a little abnormal. It seems that they have noticed something and then act rashly. It is easy to go wrong.” Fangka took the magic letter and read it, burning it over the fire, and said.

“Master Fangka’s concerns are not unreasonable, but this is the order of Her Majesty the Queen. Some time ago, Romon was not just crowned successfully. The people of the Kingdom, there are changes, it is normal, even if we are not, we have to respond, Queen It is not completely unreasonable for His Majesty ’s order to accelerate the penetration of the king ’s forces. As long as we can control some situations, the situation may not be too bad. For these reasons, if entanglement wars can be carried out in the enemy country, this will actually not cause much loss.

If you give Romon a shot, the loss will be even greater.

“It can only be so. It takes a lot of money to establish a good relationship with them. Are the gold coins ready?” Fangka sighed and asked.

“It’s all ready. This time, Her Majesty not only sent a lot of gold coins, but also some treasures such as pearls for us to use at a critical moment.” Said the deputy principal.

“If you have money, you can handle things.” Fangka knew that his opinion could not control the overall situation, and simply made a decision to execute Her Majesty’s order.

The official they were preparing to corrode this time was a close minister of the old king of the Esk Kingdom. He was okay, but he was a bit greedy. If the gift was heavy enough, the other party would be easily fooled if he did not show his feet at first When the other party collects money and receives a soft hand, another threat is made.

“Please help me to contact our people in Wangdu, and then, find an opportunity to contact this person’s family first.” Starting from the officials themselves, this trick is not very easy to use. When you first start, you will probably choose Their family.

“Yes.” The deputy principal retreated after receiving the task.

Two days later, the vice principal returned with news.

“I have contacted a person and heard that it is the official’s distant cousin, and the official’s home often moves around. Starting with him, it should be much easier to handle.” The deputy principal mentioned a person. “However, he asked to see you, and I said to him,” We are a big business firm. The boss wants to do some big business in Wangdu, and he wants to take the official road. He has already believed, but he wants to see you. ” Probably want to get more benefits. “

“It’s fine to see the previous side, and I need to know more about him.” Fangka agreed.

A few days later, at the arranged dinner, Fangka saw this person.

This is a young man. At the beginning, the conversation was not bad, but when some faint movement came from the outside, he felt that something was wrong.

“Who are you?” He roared and began to be alert.

“Hey, it’s too slow to wake up now.” The young man said with a sneer.

“Who the **** are you?” The other party’s sneer made him startle, and as he stood up, his head began to faint.

“I’m from the capital of the king. With the will of His Majesty, cooperate with your highness ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to clean you.” The young man smiled: “Don’t struggle anymore. This alchemy medicine is very expensive. , At your level it is impossible to get rid of. “

With that said, he calmly started and inserted a dagger into Fangka’s heart.

“Sir, what should I do now?” After he solved the Fangka, a dozen young men dressed up in the room came to the room and asked.

“Destroy all the strongholds of the king’s capital and kill all of them!” Although the young man looked handsome and soft, and gave orders, he was unrelenting.

“Yes!” The young men responded, drawing their swords and rushing towards the remaining people.

“Kill, kill all of them!” Someone shouted and rushed to the family members of the intelligence personnel, even some locals who didn’t understand the truth.

Blood splattered, corpses everywhere, and half an hour later, all sounds disappeared.

The young man glanced around, and happened to see the two women on the ground, with a look of surprise and fear on their faces. They couldn’t help shaking their heads: “Unfortunately, who offended your Highness?” (!)

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