Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 15 Breaking the Wall (Please recommend for collection!!!)

Chapter 15 Breaking the Wall (Please recommend for collection!!!)
"Brother Zhang, are we going to wait here until night and then attack at night?"

While resting in the hideout, Wang Jing asked in a low voice.

Li Shuo, Jiang Zhixiong and the others also turned their heads to look at Zhang Hun when they heard this.

"how is this possible?"

"Night raids are usually done when there is no other way... No matter how good your eyes are at night, you can't see far away, and there are as many as ten thousand people in the White Lotus Sect camp. If there is a riot in the camp, we are likely to be kidnapped !"

"To deal with this mob, the best way is to find the right time to rush in suddenly, behead the leader, and scare the rest of the people."

What Zhang Hun said was not very clear.

But Wang Jing understood what he wanted to express.

Night raids are a last resort, and night raids are often aimed at well-trained elite soldiers, and they are used to turn the tables when they are weak.

If one side is strong, the opponent is a mob.

Using a night attack will cause the opponent to bomb the camp. In this case, there is no need to count on prisoners. Most of the enemies will kill each other and then flee indiscriminately.I can't control it at all.

The Qihuo army sent troops to the north this time, on the one hand to relieve the threat from the north, and on the other hand to receive the people captured by the White Lotus Sect.

The population of nearly [-] people, plus the original [-] population of the begging army.There are more than ten thousand people.

At this scale, in the era when the begging army was in place, it was already possible to set up a county.

"Just wait, according to the previous practice, the captain will probably launch a surprise attack when the opponent is lighting a fire and cooking!"

"You all get ready!"

Zhang Hun said in a low voice.

As he said, towards evening, the team leader Sha Zhen came in person and asked everyone to prepare for the battle.

At this time, the reddish sunset glow reflected the sky.

In the distance, on the outskirts of the White Lotus Sect's camp, a large number of old and weak women and children were lying weakly in the shacks with pale faces.

Most of the soldiers of the White Lotus Sect built fires and cooked in the Zhalan camp, and no one paid attention to the elderly, weak, women and children outside.

Among them, some frail old people and women quietly exhaled their last breath in the torment of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and pain.

Compared to when Wang Jing came last time.

The interior of the White Lotus Camp has not changed much, and there are even many more houses.

A man's rough breath and a woman's panting could be heard faintly from the house.

As for the ordinary people who were forbidden to enter the camp outside and were still suffering from oppression, their expressions were extremely sluggish.Only a small number of attractive women can enter the camp.

Their eyes lost their light and became a little numb.

Wang Jing even saw a row of bloody corpses hanging on the wooden stakes at the edge of the camp.Apparently it was a rebellion against the people who were killed and hung up to frighten others.

"Sure enough, he is a thief!"

After merging some inherited powers, Wang Jing's physical fitness is comparable to that of Zhang Hun and others, and his five senses and six senses, such as his strength and hearing, have also been comprehensively improved.

He could clearly see the movement of the camp from a long distance away.

The members of the White Lotus Sect in front of them are soldiers and horses of the Red Turban Army, but they don't have the ambition and responsibility to plead for the people and save the people from suffering.

Ordinary people who were originally at the bottom, after gaining power through violent means, often acted more excessively than those corrupt officials.

Robbing people and humiliating women, killing innocent people indiscriminately, oppressing people, burning, killing and looting...

Only those who are truly ambitious and have goals will appease the people and win the hearts of the people!This is also the fundamental reason why many insurgents and peasant armies in history were unable to seize the world.

"Prepare for battle!"

Sha Zhen ordered in a low voice.

At this time.

The school lieutenant Ran Liang led the dismounted cavalry in the rear, and the five hundred soldiers and horses on the left were divided into two directions, entering the White Lotus Sect camp from the left and right.

Wang Jing followed Zhang Hun, bent forward and walked quickly.

After a while, they left the hidden area first and came to the west of the camp.The old and weak women and children on the periphery, someone saw them, their expressions changed a little, but no one shouted.

Sha Zhen quickly arrived near the camp with his 50 people.


As soon as Sha Zhen waved his hand, Zhang Hun and other people who were good at bows and arrows immediately raised their longbows. Wang Jing was also among them. More than a dozen people bent their bows and drew arrows, aiming at the sentinels on the edge of the camp.

Swish Swish Swish!More than a dozen feathered arrows pierced through the air and immediately hit the target.

More than a dozen sentinels of the White Lotus Sect uttered pitiful screams and fell to the ground one after another.

They were all hit by arrows, and they gradually lost their breath after screaming a few times.

kill!Sha Zhen rushed to the front with a ring-head knife in his hand, slashed on the hemp rope that bound the fence, and kicked hard, blasting a gap in one side of the fence.

"Rush in!"

Zhang Hun put down his bow and arrow, greeted the people around him, roared angrily, and rushed into the camp after him.Wang Jing followed Li Shuo carefully and never left the team easily.

"Someone attacked the camp!"

The Bailian priests in the camp were lighting a fire and cooking, their military discipline was lax, and they had no defense against the attack at all.It was only after the two begging troops entered the camp that they reacted like waking up from a dream.

Many Bailian priests hurriedly searched for weapons and became a mess.

At this time, the elite begging army had already entered the crowd.


The elite soldiers of the begging army were all very calm, their swords turned into horses, and those who chopped melons and vegetables quickly beheaded the white lotus priests who stood in front of them.

Blood splattered, limbs and arms flew, and dozens of people fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

The fighting power displayed by the elite of the Qihuo Army made the other Bailian priests extremely fearful.They were just ordinary people before, where have they seen such brave elite troops?

The sound of shouting and killing, the sound of screams, and the noise shook the sky.

After all, the core elite of the White Lotus Sect is a minority. The ordinary White Lotus soldiers do not have too much ambition at all. They were quickly killed by the elites of the begging army and retreated again and again. They were constantly driven away and fled towards the back.

On the other side, the elite begging army who launched an attack also rushed into the camp and killed the Bailian priest and retreated again and again.

At this moment.

Qianhu from the White Lotus Sect finally appeared.

He put on his armor and stood in the center of the camp with a spear in his hand. He looked coldly at the two elites, who looked like crabs and fiercely stretched out their pincers to attack the camp.

The sudden appearance of the enemy, the elite soldiers, will kill him in a short time.

"Pass my military order, and those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"Zhang Qianhu, Zhou Qianhu! Each of you bring [-] elite soldiers to secure the camp and block these people from me!"

Seeing that his subordinates had gathered a good team, Qianhu of the White Lotus Sect quickly dispatched the only elite in their hands.

The two deputy Qianhu of the White Lotus Sect immediately took orders, and each led people to support them on the east and west sides.

At this moment.

Ran Liang, who had been observing the movement of the camp from a distance, showed a smile on his face.

There was nothing around Qianhu of the White Lotus Sect.

"Get on the horse!"

Ran Liang let out a low cry, then turned over and boarded a war horse.The twenty cavalry also got on their horses in unison, raising their spears.

Ran Liang charged into the battle in person, the horseshoes trampled the ground, and there was a dull vibration and roar, which could be heard even in the camp where the shouts of killing were so loud.

"not good!"

Bailian Sect Qianhu is also a veteran on the battlefield. Before coming to this world, he had heard the hooves of the Mongolian cavalry. When he heard the sound of the ground shaking, he immediately realized the danger.

He really didn't think so.

When you come to this world by yourself, you will also encounter cavalry raids!
 Thanks to the rest of life book friends Z, Ming Youxinsheng, Bazhanghe, and Humble Family for their proud rewards. . .thanks

(End of this chapter)

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