Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 826

Chapter 826
When Yang Dayan left the city, the sky was already dark, only a little moonlight penetrated the night and fell on the ground, bringing some light to the originally dark night.

Traveling out of the city overnight is only possible for elite soldiers with sharp eyes and strong bodies.

Ordinary people are malnourished and have night blindness, which becomes blind at night. Soldiers in the army can restore night vision after special training, but this is only able to see the road normally.

Once you get on the horse and run wildly, your eyes can't keep up with the reaction, and if you are not careful, you will fall off the horse and get injured.

Cavalry that can run overnight is rare in the Great Xia Army.

Yang Dayan first crossed the river, and after an hour, he arrived at the powerful manor who provided the clues. He ordered his troops to camp outside the manor, and the owner of the manor was also very knowledgeable, and had already prepared tents and felts in advance.

"I'm Kong Yuan, I've seen the general!"

A well-dressed man was brought by his personal guards, bowed his hands to pay respects to Yang Dayan, and his attitude was a little humble, as if the ninth-rank general in front of him was not enough for him to salute.

Yang Dayan didn't care, he waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be too polite, you said that you have seen Cao Jun's soldiers and horses passing by, but do you know which city they went to?"

Kong Yuan said: "Before the general arrived, I sent someone to investigate again. I can only judge where the other party is going. It may be Yucheng or Linyi."

"Two places?"

Yang Dayan frowned.

"If the other party escorts the nobleman northward, the most likely way is to go to Linyi. However, the journey is far away, and it is very likely that they will pass through Yucheng to settle down. The general might as well go to Yucheng first..."

Kong Yuan suggested.

Yang Dayan's brows stretched out, and he said with a smile: "You are very good, good, very good! If it is true as you said, you have made credit for Da Xia, and I will record your credit, and we will discuss it later. Reward for meritorious deeds is indispensable for your benefit!"

Kong Yuan cupped his hands in thanks.

After arranging for the soldiers to rest, Kong Yuan took his servants back to the manor. Yang Dayan did not go to the manor to rest, but lived in a tent with the generals under his command.

This is also Yang Dayan's style of leading the army.

"What is the origin of this Kong Yuan, have you found out?"

In the big tent, Yang Dayan's expression returned to calm, and he called the guards to inquire.It seemed that he was more aggressive when he left the city overnight, but in fact he was more cautious in leading the army.

Especially now that Xia Jun is stationed not far outside the manor, what if Kong Yuan is hostile to Xia Jun and suddenly attacks at night?
Yang Dayan didn't think that the other party could pose a threat to himself and the elite under his command, but he still had to be careful.

"The villain found some people nearby and found out some news. This Kong Yuan seems to be a descendant of Kong Shengren, but it should only be a branch. He used to be a magistrate under Gao Qi's command... After Gao Qi fell, he stayed at home. , did not continue to serve as an official!"

It was very smooth for the personal guard to inquire about the news. After all, the other party has lived here for a long time, and the people around him all know about Kong Yuan.

"It's still the descendants of the sage Kong... I remember that the descendants of the sage Kong, the one who let Li, was killed by Cao Cao, and the whole family was directly killed. I remember it right?"

Yang Dayan thought for a while and said.

The attendant quickly said: "The general remembers correctly, it was Kong Rong of Rangli, who is the descendant of Kong Sheng just like this Kong Yuan, and his whole family was killed..."

Yang Dayan smiled smugly, he did not read in vain during this period of time.

"It seems that Kong Yuan has a grudge against Cao Wei. Otherwise, with his family fortune, he wouldn't take the initiative to provide us with clues in order to offer a reward!"

Yang Dayan felt relieved.

However, if the army camps and rests, there are still sentries that should be there.

the next day.

Yang Dayan asked Kong to find a guide and galloped towards the north.

a day later.A thousand cavalry crossed the villages and towns of Wubao and quickly approached Yucheng. At this time, many cities and villages on the north bank of the Yellow River were still flying the flag of Cao Wei.

However, the troops in these cities and villages were very weak. After seeing Xia Jun's cavalry pass by, they all closed the city gates tightly, not daring to stop them in the slightest.

The defense of Yucheng is relatively strong, and there are still a thousand county soldiers in the city.

Yang Dayan galloped his horse straight away, and under the terrified eyes of Yucheng soldiers, he led his troops to the gate of Yucheng, swung his long spear and stabbed across the air, blasting the heavy city gate open with a bang.

The city gate was shattered, and Yang Dayan drove straight in.

Soon, the county magistrate and county lieutenant of Yucheng was arrested and brought before him.

Yang Dayan made a gesture with his eyes, and his entourage immediately stepped forward to press for information. The county magistrate and county lieutenant trembled all over, fearing that he would accidentally offend the other party and lose his life. What the entourage wanted to know, they all turned their heads quickly, knowing everything. Even if you don't know, send people to collect information quickly.

After a while, he came back with a happy expression on his face and reported, "General, there is news. About half a day ago, about five or six hundred Cao troops guarded several carriages and headed northward, and they were on the way to Linyi."

"it is good!"

Yang Dayan was refreshed, and finally caught the opponent's tail. "Command, speed up the pursuit!"

It would be best if Cao Rui could be caught this time, even if Cao Rui could not be caught, it would be a great achievement to intercept Mrs. Zhen Zhen Mi.

It is said that Mrs. Zhen, Zhen Mi, is said to be as beautiful as a fairy, with stunning beauty, and was compared to Luoshen in later generations.

Having captured such a stunning beauty, Yang Dayan's first thought was to dedicate it to His Majesty...

As far as he knew, Xie Hui from the Xie family in Chenjun secretly sent beautiful women to invite His Majesty to favor him. Now that Xie Hui has received His Majesty's family, although he can't become the prime minister of the three provinces because of the black history in the history books, he has already established a firm foothold in the The Privy Council has a lot of power to speak.

Xie Hui can take the road, he can also try it.

At least through this method, His Majesty can feel his sincerity.Let your name be remembered by His Majesty.


The cavalry was galloping, but Yang Dayan didn't leave any soldiers and horses to guard Yucheng. These cities were so weak that they couldn't even take a blow from him, and there was no threat.

There are two rivers between Yucheng and Linyi.It is inconvenient for war horses and carriages to cross the river, and it takes more time.

On the north bank of the second river, hundreds of cavalry guarded several carriages and walked slowly.

Zhen Mi was in the carriage, gently stroking her heart with jade hands, her black eyebrows were slightly frowned, a trace of uneasiness arose in her crystal clear heart.

She opened the side curtain of the carriage and glanced outside.

At this time, the convoy was driving in the wilderness. There were no obvious roads along the way. Two teams of cavalry guarded the two wings, and the speed of the carriage was neither slow nor urgent.


Seeing this, the maid beside her showed a questioning look.

Zhen Mi said: "You go and tell General Xiahou to be careful in case of thieves and robbers."

After hearing this, the maid hurriedly took orders.

After Zhen Mi's order, the cavalry on the two wings became more cautious, and even released a lot of probing horses forward.

Shortly after.

The ground trembled faintly, and the dull sound of horseshoes came from far away.

"Defensive formation, line up to meet the enemy!"

Xia Houjie, who was the leader of the guards, roared sharply.

Inside the carriage, Zhen Mi's expression was a bit uneasy, her spirit was strong and her senses were keen, and when the sound of horseshoes came, she keenly felt a tyrannical aura, like a sharp arrow, heading towards the place where the carriage was. The direction rushed.

A person with such an aura is very likely to be a ninth-level powerhouse.

"Cao Jun thief, stop for me!"

There was a long howl in the distance, and a thousand elite cavalry soared into the sky, like a tiger descending the mountain. Yang Dayan, who rushed to the front, found the target, his eyes became bigger, and his blood was almost condensed into smoke.

Xia Houjie's face turned pale, and before the other party arrived, the domineering aura rushed towards him, severely suppressing his mind.


He just uttered a word.He saw Yang Dayan get away from the cavalry behind him and speed up. From a long distance, he waved his long spear and stabbed him. In an instant, his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

The Cao Jun cavalry beside him saw very clearly that a fierce divine light tore through the void and pierced Xia Houjie's chest in an instant.

Yang Dayan, the ninth-rank powerhouse, made the move himself, and Cao Jun's hundreds of elites had no strength to resist.

The elite Xia army who followed immediately took control of the situation.

Yang Dayan saw the carriage surrounded by everyone, turned over and got off the horse, and stopped when he got close to the carriage, showing a rare courtesy.

"May I ask if Mrs. Zhen is in the car?"

After a while, there was a voice from inside the carriage, "I am the Zhen family, how dare I ask the general's name?"

"Don't dare, this general, Yang Dayan, also asked his wife to return to Jinan..."

Yang Dayan said.

Inside the carriage, Zhen Mi sighed softly, now that Cao Wei's situation has been defeated, she, as a woman, can only go with the flow.


At this time, Wang Jing had already led his army past Zhangqiu.

Cao Wei and Gao Qi once confronted each other in this land, fighting again and again, and there were still many corpses and broken weapons left in the wild grass.

The Northern Qi Dynasty, which occupied Qingqi land at the beginning, was quite powerful, but within a few years, it completely disappeared.

The three heroes of the Northern Qi Dynasty who are known as famous generals also turned into weeds.

"Your Majesty, there is military information from the sea route. The sea route troops have landed in Jiaonan, captured the cities, and sent troops to attack Qingzhou..."

Yang Kan urged him to go forward and report to Wang Jing.

In order to communicate effectively with Jinling, Han Xin, Yue Fei and others, Wang Jing carried a sound transmission altar by his side, so that he could receive news from behind even when he was on the march.

At this time, the military report from the sea came into his hands immediately.

"Got it, they did a good job!"

Wang Jing praised casually.

It was the general Lu Dai who led the warship to land from Jiaozhou by sea. With Lu Dai's ability, he would not have any problems commanding the navy and infantry.

"There is also a military report from Guide that Cao Ren and Gao Aocao have already captured Shangqiu, and they are forcibly recruiting strong and strong civilians in Shangqiu, and they are also wantonly searching for food and grass supplies."

Yang Kan brought Guide's military situation again.

"Cao Ren, Gao Aocao... Hehe, don't pay attention to them. As long as I take Qingzhou, they will lose their foundation. Without sufficient food and grass, they will not be able to keep their current soldiers and horses."

Wang Jing tapped the palm of his hand with the whip, and said lightly.

Then there was the military report from Han Xin of the East Route Army and Yue Fei of the West Route Army not long ago. After Han Xin defended against Cao Cao's surprise attack and learned that Wang Jing personally led the army to raid Qingzhou, Han Xin slowed down the speed of attacking the city.

The more than 1000 flying boats that have been refined also flew directly through the air, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and quietly landed in Xinzheng.

Xinzheng has been captured by Han Xin.

The general who came with the flying boat was Yang Su. He originally followed Yue Fei in the West Route Army, but when the West Route Army was in a stalemate, he was ordered by Wang Jing to bring the Feitian boat under Han Xin's command. .

"The flying boat has been sent to Xinzheng...Just wait for the news that I have captured Qingzhou to reach Cao Cao's ears, and the East Route Army can start the next move!"

A smile appeared on Wang Jing's face.

Qingzhou fell, and Cao Wei's great cause collapsed. Wang Jing didn't believe that Cao Cao could still laugh out loud. Even if Cao Cao still had the intention of continuing to fight Xia Jun, the morale of his generals and soldiers would be ruined, and they would collapse without fighting.

Without Cao Cao, the spoiler who threatened the flanks from the side.

Han Xin can concentrate on dealing with Liu Xiu... More than 1000 flying boats will surely catch Liu Xiu off guard.

"By the way, you should write back to Lu Kang and ask him to send someone to contact Li Tang to see when Li Tang will leave Taihang. Liu Xiu will definitely be on guard!"

"At that time, the effect of our army's surprise attack will be gone!"

Wang Jing ordered.

Yang Kan immediately took orders, and when Wang Jing himself acted as the general, he became a deputy assisting Wang Jing in handling various military affairs.He also assisted in handling military documents.

The army rolled all the way to the east.

The Cao Wei city on the road is basically waiting for the wind to surrender. The Cao Wei Dynasty has only been around for decades in history, and has not cultivated so many loyal ministers and filial sons.

In history, when Cao Cao was in power, there were frequent rebellions in various places, let alone after he came to China.

Of course, this is also too empty for Cao Wei's rear, making these county magistrates want to resist, and they don't have many soldiers and horses in their hands. In desperation, they can only protect themselves first.

As the army continued to approach, Cao Pi's response in Qingzhou also spread to Xia Jun.

Cao Pi is gathering soldiers and horses from all over the country to fortify the walls and clear the country, preparing to defend Qingzhou to the death.

For Cao Wei, Qingzhou is the last foundation of Cao Wei. If this place is lost, the foundation of the Cao Wei Dynasty will collapse. Cao Pi understands this truth very well.

So he has a reason to fight to the death and defend the city.

Cao Pi's reputation in history is not very good, he is cruel and forbearing, and his heart is not broad-minded, but at critical times, he does not lack the determination to fight to the death.

Cao Jun's strong walls and clear fields saved Xia Jun from some troubles.

When Wang Jing was about to lead his army to Qingzhou.

Another military report came from behind.

"Yang Dayan discovered Zhen Mi's whereabouts, and personally led the troops to invite Zhen Mi back to Jinan?"

When Wang Jing saw the military newspaper, he subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

Luoshen Zhen Mi...a stunning woman who was as famous as Xiao Qiao during the Three Kingdoms period.She is also Cao Pi's official wife and Empress Wen Zhao in history books.

Some curiosity arose in Wang Jing's heart, and he wanted to see this woman known as Luoshen with his own eyes, and see how she looked, and how she was praised so highly by Cao Zijian.

Well, pure curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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