Hegemony of all Dynasties: Get the Zhao Yun template at the beginning

Chapter 840 Qin Jun Wang Jian

Chapter 840 Qin Jun Wang Jian
Starting from the Central Plains to the camp where the Qin army was stationed, it was a wild land along the way. There were a lot of powerful birds in the sky, and there were monsters with soaring breath in the mountains and forests.

These monsters that grew up in the barren land fought with each other, tempering a monstrous hostility,
But all human beings who came to these places basically became the blood food of these monsters.Every ninth-level monster beast and bird can grow to the ninth level, and it is an existence that devours countless living beings.

These monsters have regarded humans as one of the prey in their diet.

After bumping into Yang Dayan's flying boat, they all rushed forward to prey, which caused Xia Jun a lot of trouble.

The flying boat can hide the line of sight, but the energy and blood of many soldiers on the flying boat can't be concealed. In an emergency, Yang Dayan can manipulate the flying boat's magic circle to shield the breath and avoid the sight of others.

But manipulating the magic circle needs to consume Yang Dayan's strength, it is impossible to open the magic circle all the time, and it is normal to be spotted by some sensitive monsters and birds during the long-distance speeding.

Yang Dayan felt very bad, and seemed to recall the time when he was running back and forth in the Monster Suppression Division to hunt and kill monsters.

at this time.

As the flying boat approached, a rainbow light suddenly roared out from the Qin army camp in front and appeared in front of the flying boat.

"Who dares to spy on our army?"

The rainbow light dissipated, and a heroic and extraordinary general appeared in midair.

Yang Dayan immediately activated the flying boat, the invisible circle of the flying boat was closed, and more than a thousand flying boats seemed to suddenly appear in the sky.

"I am Daxia Yang Dayan, and I was ordered to escort the flying boat here. I don't know who the general is?"

Yang Dayan stepped forward and said loudly.

When the flying boat appeared in the air, the eyes of the opposite general Qin Jun became extremely bright, staring closely at the flying boat scanning back and forth, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This general Wang Ben, the general has been waiting for the general for a long time..."

Wang Ben's attitude became very polite, and a smile appeared on his face.

This is normal. Anyone who sees someone who gives him a gift will smile.

After knowing the other party's identity, Yang Dayan also took a look at the other party. The other party was also one of the famous Qin generals in history.

Wang Ben's father, Wang Jian, was one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period. The father and son led the army to destroy five of the six kingdoms in Shandong, and their merits were even higher than Bai Qi.

Bai Qi has made countless military exploits, and he has made great contributions to the Qin State. In terms of his ability to command troops and his record, he is far ahead.Even Wang Jian himself is one of Bai Qi's admirers.But no matter how many achievements he has made, it is not as good as the achievement of destroying the country.

Wang Ben can be called a top star based on the record of destroying Wei and Qi.

He led the way in front, Yang Dayan commanded the flying boat, and followed the other party to land in the army camp that had been prepared on the right side of the camp.

After the flying boat landed.Wang Jian, with white beard and hair, came with all the generals of the Qin army.

Daxia's Deputy Envoy Shen Tianzi was also following Wang Jian. The role of Shen Tianzi's Deputy Envoy was to protect Zheng Envoy Pei Ju just in case.

At this time, Pei Ju was still in Xianyang, so Shen Tianzi came to the front line to assist Qin Jun in receiving the flying boat.

By the way, urge the Qin army to send troops according to the agreement.

"Is this the flying boat..."

Wang Jian looked at the flying boat in front of him, his eyes flickered, and in an instant, many strategies and tactics of using flying boats to defeat powerful enemies emerged in his mind.

Yang Dayan stepped forward and said: "This is the flying boat I developed by the master. Each flying boat can carry a maximum of 300 people. If it is fully transported, a million troops can easily cross the mountains..."

The maximum load he said was when all the soldiers were loaded and nothing else was considered, but in fact, in addition to the soldiers, the airship also needed to be loaded with grain, grass, weapons, and various bows and crossbows.

If there are only soldiers without food, bows and crossbows, and they are thrown into the enemy's hinterland, the soldiers will attack the city empty-handed... Of course, this situation cannot happen.

So under normal circumstances, a flying boat can carry about [-] to [-] people.

And only 30 people are needed to control the airship...

Listening to Yang Dayan's explanation, Wang Jian walked to the front of a flying boat and touched it with his palm, as if observing the details of the flying boat through his own induction.

At the rear, Wu Yong, who came with Yang Dayan, noticed that behind Wang Jian were several middle-aged men with simple clothes and calloused palms.

Qin Mo.

In just an instant, the identity of the other party emerged in Wu Yong's mind.The Mo family is best at making all kinds of equipment, and Qin Mo's branch has brought out the ability to make equipment to the peak.

The flying boat fell into their hands, and it would take less than two or three months before Qin would be able to create a great summer flying boat.

Soon, after Yang Dayan introduced to everyone, he finally said: "General, our army has sent the flying boat as agreed. I don't know when the general will be able to send troops?"

Wang Jian chuckled and said, "General Yang, don't worry, the general has just sent the flying boat, and our army has to get familiar with it, and it won't be too late to send troops after the drill is familiar!"

Yang Dayan thought for a while, and felt that what the other party said made sense, so he nodded and stopped talking.

Wu Yong, who was standing behind, glanced at Wang Jian from the corner of his eye.

He didn't dare to stare at the other party with his eyes. Too obvious eyes would arouse the reaction of strong people like Wang Jian.

"Sure enough, as His Majesty expected, after Qin Jun got the flying boat, he wanted to delay the time..."

Wu Yong thought to himself.

It is normal for Qin Jun to behave like this. After all, from Qin Jun's perspective, the purpose of Daxia's sending of the flying boat is to let Qin Jun enter Hanzhong and Shu Han lose both, and contain Shu Han's troops.

The purpose of Daxia itself is not pure, so it is only reasonable for Qin to choose to eat the sugar-coated shells and spit out the shells after getting the sugar-coated shells.

Wu Yong didn't speak, but followed the crowd around the flying boat a few times.

When Yang Dayan was invited by Wang Ben to drink, he quietly boarded a flying boat... These more than 1000 flying boats were not all given to Qin, and there were more than a dozen of them that belonged to Yang Dayan and Wu Yong. of.

After all, to return to the Central Plains, Yang Dayan and Wu Yong have to go back by flying boat.

"It's time to deliver the message..."

After Wu Yong returned to the flying boat, he quietly opened the sound transmission altar, and gave orders to his subordinates who were placed on the road when they were on their way.

Two days later.

Inside the Qin army camp.

Wang Jian was holding the military book and flipping through it intently,
What he reads are the military books and war strategies written by those famous historical generals after the Qin and Han Dynasties. Whether it is Cao Mengde's Meng De's new book or Tan Daoji's 36 strategies, he often reads them to absorb the essence...

There is no end to learning. A top star like Wang Jian can quickly make up for his own shortcomings after absorbing and learning the art of war and experience of later generations.become stronger.

When the Qin State ruled the world, the chariot had not completely withdrawn from the stage, and the cavalry had not shown the kind of power to look down on.

The Qin State fought in all directions, relying on the infantry formation and the sharp Qin crossbow.

If Wang Jian didn't improve himself and knew little about cavalry, he would have very obvious flaws when he went to the battlefield to fight against generals from other dynasties.

Not only Wang Jian, those generals who were more advanced in the era had more to make up for, and Li Mulian, who was as famous as Wang Jian, was no exception.

"Father, Yang Dayan from Xia Kingdom has come to urge our army to send troops again!"

Wang Ben walked into the big tent and said softly.

Wang Jian didn't put down his book of war, his eyes didn't change, he just said indifferently: "Don't worry about it, I have my own plan when to send troops."

Wang Ben hesitated for a moment, and said: "I understand what my father thinks. I don't want to take risks for the country of Xia, but flying boats have spread all over China. After a while, other dynasties will also be able to develop flying boats..."

"At that time, the flying boats will spread, and our army will have no advantage if we go south!"

Hearing this, Wang Jian put down his military book and glanced at his son, and said, "You are right. If you want to take Hanzhong, the sooner you use the flying boat to make a surprise attack, the better."

"As a father, I also want to capture Hanzhong for His Majesty, but as a general who commands hundreds of thousands of troops, my father cannot easily mobilize the army just because of other people's words... Even if you want to send troops, you have to wait until you are fully prepared!"

Wang Jian didn't think about deceiving Daxia.

After all, he is a general, not Zhang Yi and Fan Sui, who is good at plotting and scheming in the court of Qin Dynasty. After he got the flying boat, he didn't delay the time like Wu Yong thought.

In the past two days, he sent many soldiers to familiarize himself with the flying boat.

Even if you want to send troops, you have to wait until your own soldiers are familiar with the operation process of the flying boat, right?

According to Wang Jian's idea, after the soldiers and horses under his command are proficient in flying boats, they will send troops south.

But Wu Yong had a prejudice in his heart, and only thought that Wang Jian wanted to delay the time... This was also the result of Qin and Daxia having their own thoughts and lack of sincere communication.

At this time, a personal guard came to the big tent and reported: "General, there is an urgent report from Hanzhong."

Wang Ben immediately went out, took the urgent letter from the personal guard, and sent it to Wang Jian.

"Hmm... There are rumors in Hanzhong that Zhuge Kongming has already researched the secret of the flying boat and is building a flying boat belonging to the Shu Han!"

Wang Jian's face changed slightly.

After the flying boat appeared, Daxia used the flying boat to attack the hinterland of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Li Tang used the flying boat to go out to Taihang, cutting off Li Mulianpo's retreat, leading to the defeat of the two top famous generals, only to escape.

Whether it is the situation in Daxia or Hebei, Qin has long been concerned.

The results of the great battle between Li Tang and the Ming army in Hebei had already spread to Guanzhong and to the ears of important national generals like Wang Jian.

Both Li Mu and Lian Po are Wang Jian's acquaintances, especially Li Mu... Wang Jian commanded an army to attack the State of Zhao, and he was invincible against Li Mu many times. As a last resort, he used Guo Kai, the "No. Removed the boulder that stood in front of us.

The confrontation between Wang Jian and Li Mu was like two warriors competing in martial arts, and one of them was at a disadvantage, so he asked someone to use a dump truck to kill his opponent.Some of them won't win by force.

Wang Jian himself knew that it wasn't his ability to surpass Li Mu, but Zhao Guo's treacherous ministers self-destructed, which made him win.

As an opponent, Wang Jian knew how powerful Li Mu was.

So when the news came that Li Mu and Lian Po joined hands and were defeated in the end, Wang Jian was extremely shocked.
At the same time, he also attached great importance to Daxia Feizhou, which caused the loss of the prestige of the two famous generals.

"Mr. Belly!"

Wang Jian immediately sent someone to summon Qin Mo.

Soon, the master craftsman representing Qin Mo entered the big tent. After he came in, Wang Jian did not hide anything, quickly told the news he had received, and then asked, "If Mr. leads all the master craftsmen to try their best to imitate the Great Xia Flying Boat?" ,how long it takes?"

The belly is Qin Mo's son. Hearing this, he said cautiously: "If it is fully imitated, with the flying boat as a reference, it will take about a month, but the flying boat produced is definitely not as perfect as the Great Xia flying boat."

"Zhuge Kongming... If it is him, I can only say that it is not surprising that he imitates the flying boat whenever!"

I knew what Wang Jian wanted to ask, so I directly expressed my opinion.

Obviously, Fu admired Zhuge Liang's ability in making various organs and equipment.Even feel ashamed.

"Zhuge Liang..."

Wang Jian's expression became a little dignified.

He has dealt with the Shu Han a lot in these years, and he is very familiar with the name of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han.The opponent's ability to govern the country far surpasses his general.

As for the ability to lead the army, it's hard to say that he hasn't personally experienced it.
But Zhuge Liang's military training ability, and the eight-form map laid out by Taniguchi leading to Hanzhong, Wang Jian personally experienced, it is very difficult.


Wang Ben called out.

Knowing what his son wanted to say, Wang Jian waved his hand to tell him not to speak, and sent someone to call Yang Dayan to inquire about the situation.

Yang Dayan thought for a while and said: "Before I came, I heard that our army's flying boats were sunk by Zhang Fei, Jia Fu and others of the Han army... If Zhuge Liang has the flying boat wreckage for reference, he should be able to imitate it Get out of the flying boat."

When Wang Jian heard this, he took a deep look at Yang Dayan.

This kind of important information, the other party actually said it now.

However, after all, Daxia and Qin had just joined forces, so they were not allies. He couldn't blame the other party for saying or not.

"General, it shouldn't take long for Zhuge Liang to imitate the flying boat. I think the sooner your army dispatches troops, the better!"

Yang Dayan reminded.

Wang Jian suddenly smiled and said: "General Yang is right. If we send troops now, there is one thing that needs the help of the general. Our army is not yet proficient in operating the flying boat. We need the general to take people on the boat together..."

"If the general agrees, the Japanese general will order troops tomorrow!"

Yang Dayan froze for a moment, his mission was to escort the flying boat, but Wang Jian asked him to go south with Qin Jun.

He thought for a while, but he didn't dare to make a rash decision, and said: "I dare not make a decision on this matter, please wait a moment, the general, I will reply after I ask Pei Shangshu."

"Then I will just wait for the good news!"

Wang Jian nodded slightly, watched Yang Dayan get up and leave.

When Yang Dayan's figure disappeared, the smile on his face slowly disappeared.

"Oh, time is running out!"

Wang Jian said with emotion.

Forget it, he couldn't just wait for the Shu Han to make the flying boat. Once the Shu Han mastered the power of the flying boat, it would be like what Wang Ben said just now, and the advantage Qin Jun had just gained would quickly disappear.

If you want to attack Hanzhong again, the difficulty will double.

After hearing the verification of Qin Mojuzi and Yang Dayan, Wang Jian believed [-]% of the news that the Shu Han had researched the flying boat.


"What did you say? You sent people to spread the rumors in Hanzhong?"

Yang Dayan, who returned to the place where Xia Jun was stationed, was about to discuss with Pei Ju through the altar of sound transmission, when he heard a sentence that shocked him.

(End of this chapter)

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