Heleion Archives

All That Glistens II.

23rd of March, 406 of NDE. Kimoirogh, South-East of the Osomi Heimrad.

Selindrae stood silently before the derelict looking warehouse of a mixed Naurdian and Hoshigawan style with thick bricked walls coated in a deep blue paint with sections separated by vibrant oaken lines while the top had all too distinct camber of pagoda’s though the surface seemed to be constructed from a material created through the fusion of cement and some kind of alloy evident from the metallic sheen it emitted while the afternoon sun’s amber hued rays fell onto them.

She was staring at the back of the stocky dwarf merchant whom hired her to clean out one of his warehouses’ infested by a Nure-Onna, an andromorphic serpentine beast with the pale head of a haggard maiden native to the Hoshigawan Archipelago. Though she felt suspicious as most of these monsters tended to not behave like common goblins or drekavacs who set up camp in whatever places.

Nure-Onnas preferred warm places compared to this warehouse which while appeared derelict, still seemed to have a functioning cooling unit. Still the pay was good and if worst comes to worse and it is a trap, Selindrae can fake her death and just bail out and head back to Grauburgia.

The source of her paranoia stemmed from the fact that her last bigger payment – which were enough to upgrade her outfit to a proper dragonid leather jacket and a golden barsoon blouse with stylish wedge-shaped collars and a few drauclar plates covering her arms and legs – came from a job which put the eyes of the Black Roses’ onto her head, that much she was sure of.

In the past half a year since she left mansion, Selindrae was quite sure that the infamous Raven Eyes kept their eyes on her, evident from the few agents, woman too beautiful for the places she tended to visit. Though she herself fell into that group, but she was unaware of this fact.

“Time to see if you’re right my friend or not.” Selindrae whispered as she looked at her gut then unholstered her special wand pistol and pushed open the warehouses door after she inserted the keystone into the lock on the frame.

A pleasantly cold waft of air hit Selindrae as she stepped into the first dim hallway. Crates lined up on both sides, webs sewn at their corners and at their top, slightly building towards confirmation in her head while the floor’s creaking proved louder than the stretching of her tight leather pants and the jacket’s as her leather cuffs pressed and scraped against each other while she aimed forward.

The next checkpoint like cubicle room appeared to be in the same state, and she partially blessed the Gods for making her an alfrith, as her eyes easily saw through the darkness.

In the main area, she slowly skulked towards the stairs ascending directly at the entry point while her eyes remained on the edges of the rows of stacked crates and boxes forming a simple maze similar to bookshelves in a library. Her jacket’s collar pressed against her blouses which in turn kissed tenderly her sheared nape while she stretched her detection spell across the whole area, searching for any presence, vile or not.

Her enticing elven visage contorted as she felt nothing then Selindrae once more glared at her abdomen. “Once more you were right my friend.” She exhaled long then pondered in the dark for a while before she decided to head up.

Just as she reached the top, she quickly ducked down as she saw the air blur in the shape of a leg before her, a leg which planted into the wall on the right. In the heat of the moment, a blurred blast spit forth the barrel of her wand pistol hurled the assailant back a few meters, whom with a feline spin landed on her feet with one hand touching the dusty floor.

When the cloaking spell fell off, her paranoid thoughts proved true in the form of a stygian with a dazzling golden complexion, long marbly grayish silver horns with an acute curve with the tips pointing down at the snow white crown of her lob while their ivory roots were veiled by the bushy wall of bangs. At the end, plum lucks formed a wall as they collapsed onto her dragonid leather coat, the same shade as her wide contoured demoniac eyes.

The coat itself bore the elegant, noble contours of Highborn-Coats usually worn only by the top of the top. This included the oval, tear shaped, notched collar on a elevated neck pressed out all around revealing the glistening snow white faux fur while the lower end, the hemline resembled an stylish pleated skirt while at the center over the veiling panel a belt similar to ribbon tie coiled across her waist.   

Her inner wear consisted of the preferred aetherna satin blouse of a vibrant tangerine and a black bowtie with four ribbons sliding on the glassy textile surface while the loop nested in the marvelous shadows of the sharply angular leaves of the collar. And her legs were simply left almost naked if not for her skintight silken stockings and dragonid leather high heels.

The left side of her luscious gilded lip slightly bent upwards as she glared at Selindrae who for the first time felt a bit of fear as her heart beat at the uncertainty of her enemy’s expertise and capabilities. Instinctively she teleported down into the third lane between the crates and regulated her increasing breath while feeling conflicted. The part of her terrified wished to simply escape and lose the enemy in case of chase, while her more brash side wished to tackle on the gorgeous beast.

In the end the latter won when thick, liquid shadows formed strange puddles on the crate behind her and tentacles pinned her to place, though not for long as she quickly broke free as her body got engulfed in a radiant aura while as she sensed a faint convergence of mana before her, Selindrae’s head forcefully bumped into the gilded stygians who crashed through the wall of filled with eastern and southern spices which quickly formed mounds over her body.

Selindrae’s chest puffed out in the expanding soft confines of her glossy garments as she stood over the apparently unconscious enemy whose broken nose quickly got fixed while her snow silvery blood seemed to evaporate into a saccharine mist.

Not wasting anytime, she grabbed the unconscious stygian and dragged her out from the slowly growing mound and searched through her elegant coats’ and blouse’s pockets where she found nothing except for a roll of silver sealing tape. Without thinking, Selindrae quickly crossed her wrists and bound them into a few crossing strips before looping it around her ankles and thigs.

After she finished by smoothening the last wide piece over the lips and cheeks of the stygian agent, she grabbed her and placed her into one of the empty crates she found under the stairs, then left hastily and confirming once more her paranoid beliefs, the merchant and his entourage was long gone.


“Mm hrmhhm hrcm!” Selindrae slowly awoken her whole body aching for two reasons. One was the high grade spell still poking her muscles, nerves and soul even now while the second was the thick enchanted rope coiled around her waist, digging into her leather and barsoon clad torso, the no longer pants clad legs at her thighs, knees and ankles, and at her wrists forcing them onto the metallic chair’s arms which was mostly fine thanks to the cushioned seating.

On the uppermost part of her body – at her head to be precise – her words became a muffled mess of syllables and sounds thanks to the wide strip of black sealing tape – which nicely matched to her fair face – adorning it. As her lids slowly slid up, her vision proved to be blurry and dim though she managed to make out the two delicate figures before her.

Closer to her stood one wearing a long, layered trench coat of gleaming dragonid leather and typical elvish asymmetrical articulation with notched and overlapping lapels, a short neck on the outer layer while the inner which resembled a vest ending on the top with a collar fashioned in a funnel shape slightly pressed outwards while halfway zipped down.

The further one a familiar face belonging to the changeling Raven Eye whom she left trussed up in the cabin with two drengriars in the same predicament. Her moderately long white hair now though was bundled into a large, high bun with bangs feathered outwards while her pale, hauntingly handsome face reflected the dissatisfaction which born from the fact that she once again lost to Selindrae.

After she left the stygian agent behind, Selindrae rushed back foolishly to her room in the city’s shady district not expecting the changeling agent to be waiting for her in the garderobe part of her small room like some creep. Selindrae even cursed herself as the moment she arrived to her rented apartments’ door, she sensed the very faint presence of the changeling.

Though this sensation lessened a bit after their short scuffle she stood victorious over the pale agent clad in her dragonid leather padded parka with a cushiony and similarly funnel shaped high collar. And once more she ended up bound excessively with black sealing tape to the lone chair of the apartment, while a wide strip contrastingly ran across her face.

The only saving grace of Selindrae was that she had no chance the moment the two agent’s superior decided to complete their task and knocked her out with a high grade spell which even her outfit could not ward off in any way. Which led to her own current predicament.

“I say we should execute her now Opaque Sister!” After the long silence during which her sight got fixed by said outfit, she stared at the striking combination of infernal and elven lineaments which only the Goddess of Beauty and Magic herself chiseled to perfection, adding a little of the dragons’ spice to it.

Astrydril stared at her with an enticing coldness sporting an angular bob almost matching Selindrae’s except it was lightly sheared on the side of her singular dragon horn while on the other it flowed down with the ends curled slightly.

“Hmrrhnhrr!” Selindrae blurted out another muffled word as beats of terror shifted their tune and pace to the beats of adoration, devotion, while the coldness of it seized to be as the waves of warmth spread like a plague swept through Selindrae.

“Won’t be necessary. And you said she just tied up our Sisters anyway.” Astrydril’s voice further deepened Selindrae’s devotion to her and like a good puppy she nodded along.

Astrydril put her fingers on her chin and pondered for the while before she reached and tore off the gag in one go. “Let’s hear her defense!”

“Want to grnh n nrnnh?” And with the same speed the tape went back on. “Maybe wait for a bit.”

Two bangs broke the awkward silence, then the door slid into the wall revealing the lithe figure of the snow blonde Lyaldis whom bundled her luxuriant hair into a franchoin twisted bun, a quite prominent one thanks to the icy blue dye while garment wise, she wore a quite featureless dragonid leather coat of elven asymmetrical contours and a high funnel shaped collar slightly bent outwards revealing the inner lining of icy silver satin.

Though it did not impair her beauty, the worry mixed with frustration was profound on her face. “They haven’t reported yet. The mission is a failure so far.”

Silence settled on the room and even Selindrae cooled down when she noticed the somber expression on Astrydril face. “N'm crrr nrm, mrr crn hrchm nh rhh!”

“Is that the Seeker?” Lyaldis asked masking her worry and frustration with a brighter attitude as she circled around the bound and sealing tape gagged Selindrae, tapping her glowed finger against her stylish new jacket’s shoulders. “She ain’t bad.” Her frosty breath against her long and sharp contoured ears made her squirm adorably.

“Wait she haven’t calmed down yet.” Astrydril noticing Lyaldis reaching for the upper right corner of the tape pressing onto Selindrae’s soft cheek said in her husky voice.

“Shit. If possible, I’d like to aid in whatever is your task or mission is.”

“We shouldn’t trust her Opaque Sisters. Like many others, she just wants to bed Astrydril!” The changeling glared wary of the alfrith Seeker.

“I mean yeah. But more importantly, if it wipes my slate clean that would be nice too.” Astrydril and Lyaldis looked at each other waiting, the former waiting for the other to decide. “Should be fun.” Lyaldis said and at that moment the rope fell off quite unceremoniously.

“Keep an eye on her Sim!” She whispered to Simhriolag the changeling as they left the cell on the Nightingale lowest deck.

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