Heleion Archives

All That Glistens V.

28th of March, 406th of NDE. In the forest surrounding the Landing Base of the Black Rose Order.

The shadows shrouding the steeped land slowly retreated as the sun slowly arose the horizon, rising over the Eptirrion’s menacing range as Ilsarei wearing a long and golden collared dress of aetherna satin with the imposing, pyramid shaped collars poking out from the aperture of her southern shoulder piece of a loose metal adorned with rings of rubies and onyxes, and four velvety sheets followed the curve of her sitting form.

Her face lit by the warm light, reflected her anxiety as she stared out from the window of her Weindighkeit Class-Alicorn Limousine – a magicraft vehicle long and monstrous in its frame, crafted from the second highest grade alloy one can allow themselves called Orychinite. Its black hull reflected a dark glow giving a menacing but noble presence to itself while the windows were enchanted to show only an infinite blackness from the outside.

The interior itself consisted of a front driving section while the back was relatively spacious with two silken cushioned seatings and a retractable table that grew out from the polished silvery floor.

Ilserai herself sat on the right side facing their destination and the three agents borrowed by her business friends disguised as Oyuun and her two Skjaldmaerith bodyguards. The one wearing Oyuun’s visage and uniform conversed telepathically with Kiri and the other goons spread beneath the catacombs of the former Ur-Hersith – or whoever built that system thousands of years ago.

“Everything seems to be in order. The Black Roses still know nothing, at least when it comes to those on the base.” She said after placing her hand into her lap elegantly. “Are you excited?” Then she asked noticing Ilsarei’s hands shaking in the stable interior.

“A little. The Raven Eyes no doubt figured out we’re here so I can’t shake off the feeling of walking into a trap.” Ilsarei said after a bit of silence beget of hesitation.

“Even if they do suspect us, the gas is waiting to be unleashed. The few guards within the walls can easily be taken care off.”

“I know, just don’t forget to leave them alive.”  She said while placing her mask onto her face and draped the hood of the dress over her head. “Don’t worry. The three of us are experts in incapacitations more than killing.”

The Weindigkheit limousine slowed down at the same pace as the two cars ahead as they reached into the forest surrounding the base and through a bit of magic, she peered far ahead noticing the same amount of guards patrolling front of the gate and in the two watchtowers. Ilsarei took a deep breath. 


The landing base of the Black Roses was built in the last few years of the Great War, where it mostly functioned as waypoint for Sky Vessels heading for the southern fronts. After it ended, the base maintained its function though now it mostly sent vessels to the colonies of the Draunneth Alliance.

For this reason they erected numerous hangars near the south eastern wall, where Mana Fuellers, a magicraft device resembling a small spire with a mana sapping stone in its center collecting motes of particles and capable of redirecting them through a retractable tube.

One such vehicle was the Lodhbrok-II, one of the new Valkyr Class-I vessels capable of coursing through the chaotic Void Between Worlds where magical storms equal to the highest grade spells only a select few are capable of casting form and linger besides also strange beasts whose teeth easily break through even adramantyrium.

The Valkyr Class-I Void-Vessel was medium sized cruiser possessing a wide wedge shape with two scaled wings placed at the back points vertically, framing the cylindrical turbines. From the center a wide disk shape protrudes, housing the navigational, command center. At the front a rectangular crescent decorates the vessel, housing the shield engine projecting the ward around the vessel raven black and snow silvery hull.

On the ground, eight flat footed legs crawled out from closeable apertures at the back, center and the front just before the shield engine area. The residence of the crew itself is located in the back, including the diner and bath area while the armory and the golem-engine both are located beneath the command center.

“So why does she want to inspect our vessel right now?” Agertha a snow-blonde naurdian holding the rank of Ginnungriarh within the Voidfarer Branch asked as she parted her voluminous silken hair over the right side letting it spread out over the shoulder of her Valkyrieth Type-VI short coat consisting of large angular, pleated broads with the wide straps resting on the smooth surface.

The oversized collars of the double breasted coat reached high towards her mildly narrow jawline tapering towards her softly contoured chin while folded out at the front exposing the snow silvery satin lining as the large angular parts draped tautly over her chest, the back curve on the other hand stood stiffly even as the gentle morning wind breezed against her lithe, well-honed petite figure.

“Who knows honestly with noble folk. Though I heard that the Raven Eyes are keeping a watch on her.” Her fellow Ginnungriarh, Faye a winterborn with soratanese blood said while she placed back her headband over her purplish black short, sharply trimmed hair while finishing her cigarette.

“I guess then you better watch out for the illustrious lady and her entourage.” Agertha said with a chuckle as she loosened the tightly coiling wide belt around her waist.

“I should say that to you. You know she wants to inspect all three of these vessels.” Faye said as the bluish violet high collars of her aetherna satin blouse with raven black lining graced her sharp, angularly delicate jawline while smoke poured forth her glossy, narrow lips.

“Shit. Well then, I better return to my post.” She said with a mocking tone as she threw her finished cigarette into the grated aperture outside the hangar. Agertha slowly walked back, though before she entered, she took one last look at the caravan of cars lined up in front of the imposing edifice that housed a vault filled with the southern gold found in the former sultan’s treasury.

As her Khriss Type-VI Rapid Mana Gun landed in her arms, held by the lamb leather belt, it collusion of leather and metal gave off an ear-pleasing sound while her knee-high leather boots signaled her approach to the vessel which ramp grew from the right center.

Inside she peeked around the winding corridor of polished metal raven black metal walls and snow white floor, finding the lack of fellow echoing thuds odd. This oddness slowly shifted into portentousness when she dwelled further into as she searched for the Nadidhte – human feyfolk of the woods and earth – whom she had to relieve yet found no sign of her on the first and second deck.

Furthering the portentous feeling hanging over her shoulders, Agertha felt a cold gaze focusing on her as she decided to check the storage area located on the lowest deck, sharing it with the cell area. Stepping out from the elevator, this feeling worsened ever more when she faced utter blackness and stood pensively as she debated to just leave and report this situation to her superiors.

Then just as her fingers reached the button on the elevator’s pad, she heard a muffled sound coming from further in and she exhaled deeply. She pointed her gun forward, and from below its barrel light cut through the darkness she barely saw through thanks to her half-elven nature granted by the concoction.

Aisles of stacked metallic crates blinded her for a short moment before she turned and peeked between the first row. Though to her relief and mild horror there was nothing there so she continued further in, silently cursing herself. Then at last near the door of the short corridor separating the two areas, she found the source of the muffled noise.

The Nadihte Ginnungriarh and four others of the same rank sitting on the floor, bound together with golden tape with strange runes painted over at certain intervals. The very same glinting tape covered their eyes, lips and cheeks resulting in the muffled moans, that were less a warning or way to seek help, more of an accidental noise as their heads slumped onto the embrace of their soft collars.

“Shit.” Agertha exclaimed just as she was turning around for aid, though before she could have a shock wands’ four pointy ends pressed against her abdomen, and shock coursed through the layers of glossy clothing and knocked her out cold on the floor. “Bind her, and you check if there is any further visitor.” The masked figure standing over her said in his deep, hoarse voice.

Just as he finished saying that, they heard the ring of the elevator followed by it opening letting the silvery white light break the rule of the protective dark. In the next moment, a severe pain assaulted their chests as their hearts popped into a pulpy mess, and they collapsed one by one. “You..who..are..” Were the last things their leader, a sturdy dark elf mumbled beneath his masked visage as life faded from him a bit slower than from the others.


“Must have been the wind.” Daenoris, a dracorith Skjaldmaerith whispered to herself as she continued passing in front of the warehouses. She was blessed with small elven eyes of a bright violet, pale skin and silvery scales adorning her soft, unblemished face and long snow silver-gold hair parted to the back and braided.

As her steps became distant Margarynath, a fellow dracorith with thick, softly curving brown hair and scales became even more distressed while her short, slender body went completely numb while her glossy pink lips were covered by the leathery gloved hand of her captor who on the other hand let out a sigh filled with relief. “She don’t pay me that well.” The masked assailant whispered, the tantalizing hot breath of hers scraping against the tips of Margarynath’s ears poking out from under her cascading long hair.

Her large eyes shimmering in a brownish golden shade reflected her terror and her crimson collars within the confines of her arched ones trembled softly as she gulped while dragged through the wall and into the dark interior of the warehouse which she was assigned to guard before she went out to investigate a faint noise her elven ears picked up on and then led to her current predicament.

Nausea washed over her momentarily as the petite assailant placed her against a crate, then her body tinged pleasantly whilst her pockets were inspected. Her captor quickly grabbed her wrists and folded them over each other after she procured her peculiarly decorated golden sealing tape, which she winged across and between a few times before wrapping her hands too.

“Don’t worry it will be over before she makes her circle.” The assailant whispered beneath her Koh mask to herself whilst she looped the attached roll around Margarynath’s ankles, then thighs before grabbing her forearms, her fingers digging deep into the leathery surface as she gently propped her paralyzed victim forward. Then she affixed the peeled end of the roll to the Black Rose patch and with great haste, circled around the roll which quickly tightened around the uniform clad body of Margarynath and she groaned sibilantly as the tape exerted its unremitted tautness. 

Instinctively she hushed at Margarynath as she reached down to her abdomen where she severed the long, coiling strip with her fingers then quickly tore a short strip off bearing the mark which she quickly pressed against Margarynath’s teasing lips. “Now stay here, don’t make any noise.” Margarynath listened to the faint footsteps fading whilst her head slumped into the cold and soft embrace of her crimson collars, the metallic horns of the dragon head part of the necktie poking into her sharp chin.

Though before she could have reached far, a flash of silver blinded her and the next time she opened her eyes, the world spun while before darkness swallowed everything.


The main building of the base faced the landing runway in the center of the base. It was a four-storied gloomy structure with the windows iridescently dazzling as the sun’s ray shone on them on all sides. At the corners four twisting columns fashioned after the scaled bodies of ophidian dragons native to Hoshigawa’s mountains and volcanoes brimming in a snow silvery shade while the edges of the finely hewn scales were painted in raven black.

The roof pentangular of overlapping purple tiles reaching towards the central spire embedded with a large crystal emanating motes of magical energy giving off a signal to the approaching Sky and Void Vessels.

The floors themselves go by top housing the office to the local Thegrith and the operational visual room in which additional aid is given to the navigators of the vessels traversing the sky and the boundary beyond it. Directly below it are the offices where the documentations and the data center are located while the second floor houses the armory, cafeteria and a lounge for the stationed soldiers, guards of both Branches assigned to the base.

On the bottom elevated first floor, most of the space was carved out for the entrance hall where a golem-surveyor gate stretches from wall to another, and from its metallic wall grows the front counter where three clerks register the visitors. The floor itself is large marble tiles of snow white and raven black and four northern styled columns decorate the center of the hall.

Directly facing the entrance is the elevator leading further down into the treasury while on the sides and behind the counter doors lead to rectangularly winding hallways and a few more offices for the floors’ guards. In one such office, Rubyneth watched as the limousine carrying Ilsarei and three of her Elevated-Sisters stopped right in front of the stairs leading up to the ornated birch doors.

Rubyneth herself was a pale white hradaherith Ryodhaeth of the Voidfarer Branch with long, silken hair shimmering with a frosty shade of blue and a few locks knitted into a pointed tail hanging down the right side, her prominent, tenderly contoured eyes the same shade. A thick wall of bangs swathed over her wide elven forehead.

Her delicate, lithe elven body draped in the loosely and smoothly cascading Kunningrieth Type-III long coat which asymmetrical hemline with a slit front opening scraped against the tiled floor. On the upper side, from the round neckline rose the oversized open collar which extended into a loose leathery cloak draping over her thorax and shoulders, covering the broad pieces of the upper welted part of the coat.

“Time to greet our guests.” With a sigh she whispered to herself while fidgeting with the metallic dragon head slide shadowed by the magenta collars, from which jagged jaws the silken black bottom part slid over the corset vest hugging the snow silvery chest of the blouse.

“Is everything alright?” As soon as she stepped into the hallway from the door behind the counter, she heard Ilsarei’s worry leaden voice muffled by her mask. Before her the three clerks in fine elvish suits, pencil skirts and their snow silvery blouses started wavering, keeping themselves on foot by grasping onto the counter before collapsing behind it.

Rubyneth herself felt nauseous as the world wildly danced before her, then she too slid against the wall, and passed onto the lands of dreams. “I guess, we’ll have to hurry.” Faux Oyuun said after the last thud echoed through the building, and yells came from the outside, followed not long after by the distinct echoing roar of mana bullets flying left and right.

“Damn it. They must have caught up to us.” Ilsarei said anxiously as she walked past the columns, stepping over the few Black Roses littering the floor.

“Most likely. I’ll try to contact Kiri.” Faux Heithril said as she lifted her hand with two fingers locked, then pressed against her right temple.

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