Heleion Archives

Just My Luck III.

Bastiath’s – a grauburgian dragonkin – Fifth Symphony which was often referred as the Symphony if Inevitable Fate filled Titinida’s office as she finished her long bath to rid her short, muscular body of sweat she accumulated while enjoying the pleasantly warm rays of the setting sun.

She felt her senses calm as his voice reached its deepest point in the symphony – the part of the symphony where the main subject experiences a time in their lives’ when fate grants them calm, peaceful days, weeks.

Then at the sudden rise, her stomach started burning suddenly, transparent, pristine fluid condensed and cascaded down her forehead as fear grasped at her heart. Thoughts passed through her mind like lightning stroke.

Her gleaming soft full lips moved constantly as she whistled the major notes of the symphony while dancing around in her bright, gold silken toga that scraped the fine oaken floor. Similar to her now deceased brother – she possessed a fair complexion with a tingent of deep, emerald green metallic luster.

Unlike some of her fellow kin, she lacked in thick, prominent beard which she made up with her dark hair that cascaded down onto her massive shoulders with a few braids kept together by wide golden rings engraved with arcane runes and a high bun snuffed by a brass ring. Her once stubby, large nose changed, refined itself into a graceful, but still prominent nose. In the same vein, her mauve eyes shifted towards a lighter, amethyst hue with a faint glow.

With each step, she got closer to her desk to the right of the balcony entrance which itself stared at the vast grown forest behind the Radiant Keep. With her thick, log like arms she grabbed the chair and effortlessly lifted it in the air before she positioned it in its correct place.

While her mind got attuned to the symphony coming from behind her, she opened the drawers and started going through the letters. Each bore a ruby red gleaming seal that kept them tightly closed. The one she went for bore the crest that resembled a dancing skeleton with a flute in its ever grinning mouth.

Then she dropped it back in and shuffled it to the bottom of the top drawer as a knock sounded on the door with her vintage designed wand pistol dropped over them. The anxiety felt unbearable but a sense of calm also followed as she turned off the magrophone that emitted the thoughtfully written symphony.

“Tribune Kyrana, enter!” Yet she still blabbered out these words as her fingers tapped the top of the desk without a rhythm.


Arzhulenn – a Beathach Folk Centurion of the Radiant Daughters – walked through the corridor in the west wing of the third floor.

Beathach Folk were feyfolks whom possessed minimal animalistic characteristics – in her case it was sharp, lupine ears surrounded by her thick crown of light brown and grayish hair that flowed in twisting layers down her shoulder. They did possess normal set of ears where the other races do too, but their lupine ears allow them to hear the ethereal sound of magic.

Besides that, her arms under her sleeves were covered in fine, soft fur of the same hue as her hair. Claws that even in their natural state could cut through the finest of woods, yellow and dark lupine eyes that could see even in the darkness of the night almost perfectly. Atop her enhanced human beauty granted by the beautification potion of the Radiant Daughters.

Her uniform itself - Centurionii Type-III Jacket – followed the same patterns as her fellow auxiliaries, except for the neck that was slimmer in design, folded down with the blouse’s ruby red collars themselves layered over them.

“Hmm?” As she reached halfway, she was filled with a strange sensation in front of the wide doors leading into an office space. It was a buzzling feeling that was a slightly akin to when their enhanced senses picked up on a presence hiding from them. She found it strange enough to ignore it at first, but as soon as she stepped forward to continue on, the buzzing feeling turned into a jolt that was only a step away from a light pain.

Her barely bountiful chest rose out as she inhaled deeply then turned back and entered the room. Subconsciously her right hand moved to her wand pistol’s handle peeking out from the holster. With slow and careful steps she approached the open window looking out at the imposing walls. Her lupine ears twitched as they picked up on the soft creaking of the floor as Tawheeda approached from behind – ready to knock out the Beathach Centurion.

With out saying a word, Arzhulenn turned around with her wand pistol ready – mana converging into the mana crystals. Yet before she could shoot at Tawheeda, the thief’s legs swept the pistol from her hand, then with a downswing, sent her down to the carpet – with intricate avian patterns and a phoenix at the center – that covered most of the room. “Just a good advice. Never listen to His signals.”

Tawheeda without wasting precious time kneeled down to the unconscious Arzhulenn and sent her into an even deeper sleep with a mind arcanum spell that wrapped around her index and middle finger that touched Arzhulenn’s forehead.

She quickly inspected the pockets on the leathery uniform of the centurion – that was made of Aqualenaud Leather that had this slight wet appearance to it.

In the pouch, she found a few coils of rope and a deep, ruby red silken muffle scarf. First, she rolled the unconscious guard onto her face and haphazardly stacked her wrists together before she bound them with the jet black enchanted rope. Then she moved down to her ankles and similarly tied them with the enchanted rope that already started sapping her mana and stamina. And finished by quickly knotting the muffle scarf around her mouth, completely covering it.

As she lifted the bound and gagged Arzhulenn over her left shoulder, she let out a soft muffled groan while she sniffed Tawheeda’s back instinctively. “Rest well.” Tawheeda whispered after she gently placed her inside a large cabinet and swiftly closed the door. A sigh escaped her as she turned invisible.


“You can go now Tribune Kyrana.” Titinida grabbed the letter from the brunette naurdian with a gaunt and glamorous beauty – Kyrene. As if waiting for her to read it out loud, Titinida looked at her with a frustrated look veiled in kindness before she ordered her to leave.

Titinida exhaled as she stood up from behind her desk. She popped open one of the wines in the nearby rack and poured to the brim. “Fuckin hells.” As soon as she gulped down the whole glass, she threw it against the opposing wall. It shattered just below the portrait of Myelia depicted in bright golden garments. Each layer of the garment was depicted in silken shapes of man and woman of exceptional beauty – that still dwarfed in Myelia’s – their arms cradled her body like yearning children’s.

“Everything’s fine. This is all going to work out. It just a confirmation letter.” She muttered to herself while walking back and forth as she grasped the wine bottle by its neck. At every turn she lifted it between her lips and it even cascaded down onto her own fine golden garments that exposed the area above her chest that were covered in runic dwarven tattoos.

“Fucking idiots. Should have used the pistol.” Then she could no longer contain it and opened up the letter that bore the imperial sigil of a phoenix spreading its majestic wings in the frame of a laurel wreath crown. Each word she read confirmed her fears that had been plaguing her mind since the death of his brother.

“Still, they won’t learn anything. There is still hope.” Titinida sat down and bit her lips before she whispered to herself. Her nostrils expanded as she slowly calmed herself down. “You will get what you deserve Titinida.” She added as she taciturnly stared at the door.


The sraudornian centurion Usha – blessed with warm beige hued smooth complexion and long dark brown franchoin braided hair – felt strange as she put down her book onto her large oval desk. She was posted on the fourth floor conjunction which usually was busy even in the late hours of the night. Yet there was no sound beside her leathery uniform stretching as she slowly got up.

She looked at her wand pistol left on the desk and pondered whether to bring it. But decided against it thinking that no one could infiltrate this deep into the Radiant Keep without the other’s noticing it. Although she did find it weird that this thought popped into her head – just after the previous erotic thought that brought her body in a low heat.

Still, she decided to at least check the nearby rooms, maybe the other’s were just resting as most of the staff on the top floor were at the end of their fourteen hour shifts end. She knew damn well that how tiresome those were – which made her sometimes regret joining up the Order, even if it brought her beauty she could never dream of as a street girl.

With each door closed, she felt a little anxious and a bit more excited in the bottom area of her body. The situation sort of felt like the spy thriller book she was reading in which a segment awfully matched her current situation. But her mind still won over the desire of getting captured and bound by a handsome spy, and decided that it catching them would bring her closer to promotion and better pay of course.

Which made her conclude that fetching her wand pistol was the correct course of action. As she reached the oval desk facing front corridor leading to the stairs, she stopped. A part of her sensed something and as she turned around, her beautiful face blessed with neatly lined features – upturned eyes with light green eyes, small cute nose and softly rounded lips – met with Tawheeda’s fist that was engulfed with inscriptions.

On one hand, Tawheeda made her fist a bit softer feeling while strengthened the hit that sent the well-honed, slender Usha over the counter of the desk. Then she melded a mind arcanum spell over it that sent the unfortunate young centurion – a 149 years old at this point – deep into a dream.

“Damn it.” Tawheeda said in her husky voice as she felt tired after binding and gagging at least almost a dozen Radiant Daughters and a few maids who were on cleaning duty before the next day started. She exhaled deeply, then grabbed Usha over her shoulders and headed into the nearest room that Usha checked before she decided to return for her wand pistol.

Amidst the cacophony of Usha’s body hitting the ground and her leathery uniform stretching in tandem with the motion – Tawheeda exhaled. She first relieved Usha of her mana cuffs and a muffle scarf of the same red ruby silken kind the other’s had been carrying and were gagged with.

Tawheeda rolled Usha onto her right side facing the empty office’s wall, then the clicks of the dampening cuffs followed. With a leftover of black enchanted ropes, she bound Usha’s ankles. A muffled groan escaped Usha as Tawheeda tightened the knot of the scarf now that it served as her gag. “Please, be it the last.”


Kyrana after she delivered the letter from the Ministerium to Titinida went for a bath in her own office on the fourth floor. The rank of Consul and Tribunes came with their own office built with a bath.

The bath itself was quite enormous even for her – thanks to the space enchantments woven into the building materials. Half of the room was the bath itself that were warmed constantly so that even when she was out in civilian outfit – she would not melt in the extreme heat of the south.

Yet her mind remained on the past week’s events. The assassination of Legate Hostias to be perfectly precise. It was not a secret that some elements within the Empire itself wished to get rid of him – although she didn’t think they would resort to such measures as framing the colonies hostile elements. She was old enough to be aware that colonies come with rebels that often turn to acts of terror. But for the most part these acts remained within the borders of colonies.

Even on Eoran where she first joined the Radiant Daughters – under its first leader, the deceased Empress-Dowager – she experienced a few of such acts. Embassies exploded with innocent people in it targeted for the simple reason of being imperial sympathizers, convoys attacked with the survivors left behind trussed up and often claimed by the local fauna. But all these incidents remained within the borders and never spilled into the motherland of hers.

Which was why she knew the moment the letter arrived that the culprit came from their side. That it was someone who wished to usurp Legate Hostias as the ruler of these lands, and even within the military – but that was just a maybe yet in her mind. “No point overthinking things. For now at least they won’t make hasty moves.” She said to herself as she stood up from the steamy bath that had a sweet orchid and vanilla scent that attached to her slender, light brownish body blessed with round breasts not too large, but not too little either.

Kyrana herself born originally with a prominent, gaunt visage she inherited from his father – that now was a bit softer thanks to the beautification potion – while from her mother’s side she inherited the thick, rich, deep brown hair that currently bundled under a towel. Her right pupil was hued in deep mauve while the left was a hue of bluish silver.

As soon as she stepped out from the bathroom, she headed for her the expanded dressing room within the office – which’s door lied to the right side of her desk. First, she slipped into her feathery silken undergarments with the golden bra perfectly holding her breasts and ornated her body nicely.

Then, she slipped into her issued Aqualenaud Leather pants and boots that followed the same color scheme as her issued Tribunii Type-III jacket that extended beyond a bit of her hip. Next, she slid her arms into her slim blouse’s ruby red sleeves and started buttoning up at the jet black center that shifted into the ruby red hue a bit above her chest. With a simple tip of her index fingers, the popped up collars folded themselves down into sharp arches that scraped her sharp jawline.

And finally followed her Tribunii jacket that was prominently a golden hue at the lower and central torso areas. The top of the neck had sharper edges that bent slightly outwards with winged tips. As for her beret, she stared at it for a while, but then decided it won’t be needed as she just planned to go through a few documents before sleep.

As soon as she stepped out from her dressing room, a quarter staff with silver metallic handle and golden tips with feathery motifs appeared in her hand. Kyrana swiftly swung it in the air and it stopped when it hit Tawheeda’s forearm. A soft hiss escaped her full lips while the invisibility spell faded.

“Just as expected.” Tawheeda muttered to herself while her other arm raised and palm opened. An unseen force sent Kyrana a few steps back while waves appeared on the pristine golden surface of her uniform.

Without uttering a word, Kyrana swung once more – this time aimed it at Tawheeda’s neck joint while also pouring her mana into her weapon. Inscription woven into the metal awakened and this time feeling unease, Tawheeda dodged by a short distance teleportation then touched the ground with her right palm. Wooden tendrils appeared under Kyrana’s feet and wrapped around them.

Before Tawheeda could reach her though, the Tribune broke herself free and thrusted her weapon towards her abdomen. This time the strike hit and sent Tawheeda into the bookshelf that fell over her. Kyrana exhaled softly as she carefully approached her knocked out opponent. Then when the bookshelf seemingly rose back to its place, Tawheeda’s body evaporated into shadowy golden sands.

“Guh.” A soft yelp escaped Kyrana as Tawheeda stroke at her nape hidden in the embrace of her neylon collar and faux leather neck. As high grade inscriptions of sleep flowed through the materials, her lids quickly turned heavy and closed while she drifted into a deep sleep.

“Hope that was the last of you.” Tawheeda said to the unconscious Kyrana while she borrowed the Tribune’s bindings from her pouch. She used two coils of black enchanted rope to bind her wrists and elbows together before she slipped her arms under Kyrana’s armpits. With a bit of a struggle she placed the Tribune onto her chair and lifted her up and into the dressing room.

Inside she used the last few coils to bind her ankles together and connect them to the chair’s left leg. She looped the last coil around her chest and bound her to the chair – taking away the abilities of moving her arms and standing up from the chair itself. For the last touch, she took the ruby red silken muffle scarf and tied it around her desirable lips. The soft, shiny cloth tightened to her skin and lips as Tawheeda finished tightening the knot at the back.

“Just my luck.” She murmured to herself a bit tired and angry after going through desk’s drawers. She exhaled, then left the office hoping to not run into anymore of the Radiant Daughters or servants.


After she failed to fall asleep – Titinida decided to make a few rounds in the backgarden. But as soon as she stepped out into the empty corridors, her paranoia kicked in. She walked through the corridors and checked each room. With each room, her paranoia grew exponentially and peeked the moment she found three Centurions bound and gagged back to back in one of the storage rooms.

As she strode back to her office, she bit her fingers so hard that she had to apply restoration to them then followed up by conjuring a small bubble of water to clean off her own blood. She suddenly stopped in front of her office’s open door she left closed. At least that’s what she remembered. “You can take care of this.” Titinida muttered to herself as her chest puffed out as the pleasant air entered her lungs.

Then as she felt Tawheeda going up behind her and ready to strike – she teleported behind her desk and grabbed her vintage wand pistol. “Easy there.” Tawheeda said as she lifted her arms in the air to signal her surrender – and to bring herself some time.

“Who sent you?” Titinida asked with a frothing mouth as her mind worked overtime figuring if Tawheeda was sent by them, or by the Republic who may have realized her act of kinslaying.

“No one sent me.” Tawheeda answered calmly. “Also, I would put that down in your stead.” Then added as she felt the aching sensation that concentrated into her heart and with an invisible thread, connected to the wand pistol pointed at her.

“Do not tell me what to do.” Titinida yelled at her that made her flinch a little. “I bet they sent you to silence me. Yes. But I won’t be carried to Her embrace yet. Not until I get what I deserve.”

Titinida slowly walked out from behind her desk. The door closed behind the Tawheeda and the aching hardened as the thread shortened. “And you my dear is a godsend.” A wide smile curved onto Titinida’s face.

She felt a force wrap around the room, what little sound entered became distant and no longer hearable. “So thank you.” Then a loud bang followed as Titinida poured her mana into the mana crystals of the wand pistol. Yet instead of a mana bullet leaving its round barrel, it exploded in her hand and destroyed a good chunk of her upper body’s right side. She looked at Tawheeda one last time before her one remaining eye rolled up, her body went down to the floor where her blood formed a puddle.

“Just my luck.” Tawheeda muttered to herself really, really tired and confused. But with a deep inhale and exhale she retrieved the letter inside the Titinida’s desk and left – with a deep desire to drink herself to unconsciousness in a very safe location far away from the island.

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