Heleion Archives

Training Day IV.

“Wheer id wbweyone?” Vanynda stepped forth into the main hallway of the central headquarters leaning against the left hulking pillar near the entrance itself. Her sleek uniform seamlessly smooth but completely zipped down and swinging softly as she had a hard time balancing her body thanks to the four or six bottles of wine she downed while at the tavern.

“Neber mimd.” She waved her hand as she felt a hotness spreading in her abdomen down to her nether areas and above towards her beating heart while only the sizeable phallus of the aelfrith prisoner lingered in her mind as she stood completely alone in the dimly lit hallway awfully silent at that late hour of the night.

With a bit of magical aide, she stumbled to the center of the hallway and marched swiveling deeper into the building then after making two circles she finally found the stairs, though instead of going down she opted for the elevator a bit on the right as she realized that in her current state she will just stumble down and knock herself out relieving herself of the jolly time.

“Hrh?” The moment she stepped out from the elevator, Sasha grabbed her from behind and pressed a cloth dozed in a transparent solvent which emitted a phosphorescent glow if light fell on it, while also emanating a sweet, faintly acidic, burning scent which quickly induced unconsciousness for the victim if they had proper protection in the form of restorative enchantments.

With a gentle, enchanted shush Sasha calmed the vehemently struggling Vanynda who after a few seconds passed out in her stiff grip. “Let’s put you beside the stygian.” After a bit of consideration, Sasha dragged the murmuring, sleeping Vanynda into the nearest cell where she placed her besides Tihanath sitting in the single chair left behind.

Sealing tape glinting in the tender silvery light of the moon looped around each of her ankles, pressing them against the legs of the mahogany chair, her wrists resting atop the arms, bound to it at three intervals, one at each of her wrists, and two at each of her forearms while a wide streak circled around her abdomen and chest flattening her soft breasts under her uniform while restraining her torso to the back of the chair.

Her head slumped forward, into the soft embrace of her stiffly collapsing, buttoned out triangular blouse collars, the neck tie loosely smoothing over to the veiling placket under the confines of her corset-vest and high-collared coat. Her lips bulged out from the gleaming, wrinkled surface of the wide strip of silver sealing tape while her eyes were blindfolded by a blackish purple muffle scarf.

Sasha surveyed the room, hoping to notice a lone remaining chair in the thick shadowy corners of the room, but found none and instead just decided to place the unconscious Vanynda into the corner. “I guess you’ll have to make to with this I guess.” She said while using her sharpened nails to scrape off the end of the roll still clinging to the rest to her annoyance. 


Veronirth felt ever more tired when she finished the second round of her patrol on the fourth floor where the golputer room was located. Though initially she arrived to complete silence, during her first round she heard movement coming from the room itself and even saw the outline of one of her fellow Sisters.

Though now, once more silence nested in both the wooden-floored corridor and the room itself. A strange silence as the screen of one of the golputers still lit up the room inside, highlighting a blurry dark figure who was clearly not belonging there.

The figure was way higher, bulkier than the outline she saw earlier and more importantly lacked the long hair which was as golden as the meadows surrounding the fort, while still glinting with the same refined luster they possessed during the day. Instead, the figure behind seemed to lack any hair on their head and seemed to be with their back as there were no blurry outlines for eyes.

“Fuck it.” She murmured as her arms hardened up and gained the texture of dark earth with cracks branching all over it. With a swift strike, she broke through the window and sent the bulky man draped in all dark garments of lesser quality than the Black Roses over the table. The crashing of the golputer under the weight of the heavy, muscular body of the orc rang through the corridor and for a short moment Veronirth looked around expecting a few other guards to be alerted to the noise.

But to her slight surprise, the only sound she heard was the deep voice of the orc hurling curses as he slowly rose up behind the desk while spitting his greenish blood onto it. Veronirth heaved a sigh and grabbed her stave rifle which she quickly pointed at the angry orc who was taking a little nap after feeling too safe.

“Do not move or I’ll blow your head off.” She said in a deep, commandeering tone to which the orc smiled mockingly as he threw the table into the wall, gradually increasing his pace as his shadow slowly engulfed Veronirth.

A loud roar and an agonizing shriek coming from him filled the corridor and the room, even reached down to the floor below as a bullet of flame and earth exited the round barrel of her stave rifle and entered the chest of the orc. Spikes burst forth from under his body while flames consumed his insides, melting his eyes away, devouring his teeth and tusks which collapsed into charred pieces down to the floor, crushed by his body which shook the floor.

Veronirth looked at the grizzly remains with a puzzled expression occupying her silver eyes as she expected more from his opponent. Though in the end she felt glad as she rushed inside, hearing thumping and muffled moans coming from one of the large cupboards.

Opening it up, she came face to face with the feyfolken drengriar, Viriciue a child of autumn evident from her fair toned skin with a light tinge of golden and the warmly dark root-like veins appearing at the edges of her pretty face adorned with a short, seamlessly even strip of black sealing tape while enchanted rope bound her wrists behind her back and forced her ankles and thighs into each other.

“Behind!” As soon as she ripped off the tape, Viriciue yelled and Veronirth turned swiftly around aiming at the female merfolk whom she saw with the merchants aiming an old looking wand pistol at her. The two shot at the same time, but the merfolk’s missed Veronirth by the breadth of her hair, while Veronirth’s mana bullet of a purer kind went through the center of her head and entered at the back, stopped only by the thick, enchanted brick wall.

“I’ll check the upper levels, you go down and free anyone else, then alert the taverns that we have been infiltrated!” Without saying any further words, Veronirth nodded in understanding and headed for the stairs leading down while amplifying her senses.


“What happened to him?” Sasha asked Drazbut while the orc comrade of hers helped the fully inert Sigvain up from the chair after the ropes binging him relentlessly to it had been cut lose finally. To an extent, she expected them to be glad to be freed, yet when she cut them loose, when she peeled off the tape from his face, he remained silent, his gaze sightless.

No longer she wore the faux visage, revealing her menacingly alluring visage adorned with a single scar running across beneath her eyes, above the gentle, angular slope of her nose. Her black-widow face framed by the strands of her moderately long lob of an umber brown hair reaching down into the confines of her borrowed coat’s imposing collars.

“I’ll explain later. After I’m dead drunk.” Drazbut said as she lifted up Sigvain still frozen in a cadaverous stiffness by his right arm which clung around her muscle ripped neck, sliding towards the left edge of her broad shoulder. Without digging any further, Sasha headed out first from the cell clutching the wand pistol she took in addition from her appearance donor.

Though she knew there was little use for it as most of the guards in the building had been neutralized by both her and the other comrades masquerading as the merchants after they attacked the caravan two days ago in the Malmroth forest while they were camping under the metallic foliage of the trees.

The few guards down in the cellars were resting tightly secured in the confines of the cells, which she initially expected to be more filled with her comrades. While they passed besides the cells, she peeked inside them once more, just to make sure those guards still rested all bound and gagged.

She helped Sigvain into the elevator as soon as the door opened, then stood in front of them when the door opened to reveal Veronirth and Venerated-Sister Sumevarina standing in front of them. Unlike the Drazbut and Sigvain who met their doom in that moment, Sasha managed to duck down from the incoming mana bullets while cursing all the deities whose name she could recount at that short moment.

With a swift move, she lunged at Sumevarina and tuckled her down to the floor, then evaded the second mana bullet coming from Veronirth aimed at the back of her head. As she tried to get up, a strange, nauseous sensation rocked her body while in her blurry sight she noticed the wooden floor swallowing her hands and legs.

The last sensation she felt was the sudden and strong impact of the wooden stock of Veronirth’s stave rifle against the back of her head, then she passed out while half-sunk into the floor itself while Milla gloated over her still a bit drunk.


Nabeela and Milla slowly reached the top of the stairs, stumbling into each other softly to which Nabeela constantly apologized while Milla herself did not mind it one bit. “Now which one it should be?” Milla murmured to herself as they stood at the center of the long hallway constructed with mahogany frames for the doors and windows, trims running at the bottom and top of the snow white wall.

While she was pondering which room the two must have taken, Nabeela closed down her eyes and felt numerous unmoving presences within behind each door. Though the one that picked out her interest was behind the middle door a bit ahead on their left. She quickly grabbed Milla by her coat’s sleeve and pulled her towards it.

“Excuse us!” She said reflexively the moment she opened the door wide open. To their mild surprise the snow-blonde aelfrith drengriar laid in the bed unconscious and stripped of her uniform except for the silken lingerie. Her arms stretched to the two towards each rising on the edges of the top rail, their tops like the roofs of the main buildings sculpted out to resemble blooming lotus roses.

Rope circled around each of her wrists while long lines connected it to the towers while her legs similarly stretched and were left open while the same thin enchanted ropes looped around each of her ankles while another six strings connected and held them in the air while secured to the footboards flat topped towers. A thin, glinting piece of cloth ran between her faultlessly white teeth serving as a quick gag which muffled her yelps and moans while a second piece of muffle scarf acted as a blindfold.

“Don’t look there.” Milla reflexively covered Nabeela’s inquiring eyes as they wandered to the leaf green silken panties stretching thanks to the vibrator gently inserted beyond their confines, into Radlianna’s oval orifice where it fidgeted around like infant Ropers’ tend to when they feed on their victim’s innards.

“Should we free her?” Nabeela asked hoping the answer was a firm no as she just had a revelation about herself as she just envisioned Veronith then Milla in the same situation, pose and bindings. Though Milla’s answer came without words as she rushed past her and quickly cut the unconscious Radlianna who emitted a moan from behind her cleave gag which carried some saddened undertones as her dream rich in pleasures came to a abrupt halt when Milla awakened her with a magic laden snap.

“Wait where is she?” As the memories slowly surged back into her mind, Radlianna inquired about the situation she was in as she first expected the auburn beauty to be staring back at her with feral delight instead of the two students whose cheeks were quite reddened.

“Probably in the main building. For now just stay here.” Milla after calming down spoke in her usual measured tone to which she replied with a soft nod realizing the situation as she noticed her uniform missing from where she put it down. Laying back in the bed, she listened as the two barged into the other rooms and slowly awakened the others.

As they headed down, Nabeela pondered whether they drunk too much, while Milla suspected that their drinks were roofied by the merchants and felt worried when will the poison in their drink will kick in. As they reached down to the ground floor of the tavern, they came face to face with the dwarf and the dusky man just about to secure a few of the knocked out guards.

The dwarf heaved a deep sigh while he massaged the bridge of his snubby nose. “Told you to unload the whole thing during the day.”  Those words of his slightly lessened the worry hastening the tempo of her heart.

Milla stood in front of Nabeela, shielding her from the incoming mana bullets of the dusky man’s wand pistol. A translucent bluish wall arose in front of the two neonates, though cracks appeared on its surface the moment the bullets impacted its ethereal surface.

As her still tipsy mind raced for a solution, Nabeela pressed her palm against her back and supplied her with her own mana. “Thanks.” The tickling sensation sobered her up completely and within the next moments she found her solution, though a bit risky she noted in her own mind.

“Hey what are you doing?” The dwarf said as his partner turned around with bland eyes, arms twitching as he tried his best to resist the control of his mind. Without a single doubt in his mind and heart, the corpulent dwarf raised his hand with palm open, a chunk of metallic rock flew out from the veiny, wrinkled palms straight into his partners’ stomach, kicking the air out from him wholly. 

“Nice trick.” He complimented the two as he began to bombard the weakening arcane shield, though the assault came to an end as he shrieked while the floor swallowed him completely.

“Will he be fine?” Nabeela asked then Milla shrugged her shoulders. “Probably. For now let’s wake the others.”


“Do not apologize Veronirth!” Venerated-Sister Sumevarina – who got freed by Milla and Nabeela after they awakened their Sisters in the tavern – said to her as she repeated Sorry! while standing at the elevator littered with the grizzly corpses of their prisoners.

“I doubt we would have gotten anything substantial out of these anyways.” Just as she said those words, she turned towards the main hallway as footsteps reached their ears. Milla and Nabeela standing over the counter where they quickly discovered two more drengriars bound together with tape stopped in freeing them and prepared for battle, though they quickly continued when Sumevarina signaled to them that it wasn’t hostiles approaching.

From the top of the stairs Viriciue appeared in tow with three other drengriars who ended up in the same situation as her a bit earlier. “Seems like this building is clear.” Viriciue stated after she was done saluting to Venerated-Sister Sumevarina.

Then she turned to Veronirth who was visibly tired after the events of the day. “Good job!” Though her compliment relieved her a little bit.

“Have you checked the walls?” Sumevarina shook her head in answer. “Not yet. Milla, Nabeela after you free those two, help Veronirth in securing this one. For now you can leave the uniform on her.” While Nabeela still a bit tipsy, just nodded at the command, Milla’s chiseled cheeks reddened as she envisioned the two of her friends strip down the quite eye-catching Sasha still out cold.

Veronirth took a deep breath then procured a dampening cuff from her waist pocket as she walked to Sasha laying on her stomach with her face turned towards the entrance. “Milla, could you free her arms?” She nodded then Sasha’s arms were spit out by the floor and in a sudden motion she hit the floor a second time, now slightly turned onto her right.

As Veronirth pulled her arms behind her back, as dragonid leather scraped against itself it gave it a slight swishing sound which was followed by the loudly soft clicks of the dampening cuffs locking into themselves around her wrists.

Without saying any further words, Milla freed Sasha’s legs too from the confinement of the floor, while Veronirth retrieved the roll of silver sealing tape from Sasha’s waist pocket and ripped it open, and then around her ankles and thighs.

As she finished wrapping it around her mouth quite hastily, the warm light of dawn shone right into her face just as the last of the infiltrating revolutionaries were mopped up by the now freed Black Roses across the fort.

Even after this whole day including the witnessing the so called benevolent interrogative technique, excitement surged her whole body, shotting her silver eyes wide open once more as she felt glad to be a part of the Black Rose Order, and with newfound anticipation awaited what the future held for her.

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