Hell Difficulty Tutorial

Chapter 226 – Hatched egg

First, I look at [Mana Manipulation]. It's probably the skill I use the most, and even though it's not as high-tiered as some others I have, I still hesitate. For someone like me, the skill is extremely important and I don't know what would happen if I got rid of it, so let's rather keep it.

That leaves me with 6 options.

[Perception] with [Mana Infusion] would probably vastly improve my detection of mana. Maybe even allow me to feel it better and, in the end, improve the way I use it.

[Perception] with [Tether] would most likely improve my placement of anchors. A new skill could straight up end up being some sort of teleport. That doesn't sound bad at all.

[Perception] with [Armament] would most likely end up being a skill that would make my mana creations “smarter”, and maybe even allow me to program some behavior? Or maybe not, it sounds weird.

Then there is [Mana Infusion] with [Tether]. So maybe something to create traps that I can infuse with more mana or some stronger ranged attack?

[Tether] with [Armament], I don't even know what to imagine. [Tether] is still a bit weird, so I have trouble with that.

And then, there is an option I like the most. Especially since I saw Maya using it and I used it on my own in the second Beyond trial.

[Mana Infusion] and [Armament]. I used both skills this way, to infuse mana into my armor, which made it much stronger. An improved version of that would make my mecha-like armor even stronger, projectiles as well.

To be honest, this might be the first time I could really use a lot of my mana. What I did before while fighting the beast is extremely mana-hungry but also really strong, especially against opponents who can ignore my ranged attacks. Weirdly, even with all that mana, getting up close and personal is a great option.

And then there is also an idea I have had for some time that might allow me to circumvent the system a bit.

For one more time, I look at [Perception] with [Tether]. It sure sounds like teleport. But who needs to teleport when I can create giant armor around myself, and just stomp an asshole? Plus I can just improve my [Tether] and [Mana Domain] for maybe even better results.

“I want to combine [Mana Infusion] and [Armament],” I say quietly, still careful not to wake up Biscuit.


Congratulations, you have successfully combined [Mana Infusion] and [Armament]! A new skill has been created.

You have acquired [Regalia].

[Regalia - lvl 0 > Regalia - lvl 6]


Damn, [Armament] was at 40 and [Mana Infusion] at 37, so this skill better be cool as heck. The name is a bit weird when comparing it to other skills, but not in a bad way.

I start creating a mana orb over the palm of my hand, and my mana moves there easily, the orb nearly instantly changing to dark blue with wisps of pale blue mana inside. Observing it tells me that I need to push just a little for it to turn into a tricolored orb. The speed is just that immense. The orb itself feels heavier than before and even denser. I would need to test it a bit more, but it feels much tougher while still listening to me as before and moving according to my will.

The best part of it is that the skill is at level 6 only, in comparison to [Armament] which used to be 40. I mean, I won't complain, but isn't this too much?

I reduce the density a bit, and the orb becomes a lighter, more transparent shade of light blue, but it moves much faster and changes shape however I want, expanding, shrinking, all according to my will.

Right now, I really want to pump more mana into it and try to create armor, but the cute corgi sleeping on my legs holds me back. I guess I will have to stay here for a while.

Now then, back to a little bit of scamming.

I expand the orb in my hand, turning it into a dagger, and then try to fill it with more mana. It obviously works, either using [Mana Manipulation] or [Regalia] to do so. But this is not what I want to do. I long since learned to infuse my creations with thermal or kinetic energy, and ever since the third floor, I was attempting to infuse them with my skills.

Even back then, my goal was to turn [Mana Infusion] into [Infusion], and now with the skill out of the way, it seems as good a time to try. I already made a lot of attempts over the past few months, even before the end of the 3rd floor.

I close my eyes, let's try it.



(Food?) I hear with my mind and open my eyes.

Biscuit is lying on my chest, with his front legs on my collarbones. When I look at him, he tilts his head, a pink tongue sticking out slightly. His eyes are still not fully open and he seems to be sleepy, as if he just woke up.

"Everything is fine."

(Food food?)

"Yes, I swear, it's fine now," I reach out and after touching his tongue, I ruffle the top of his head.


"Yes, I know, the next time I will try not to be away for that long."

Only after I say that he woofs and puts his head on my chest. Then, while listening to my heartbeat, he yawns and closes his eyes again.

Such a good boy.

I check the status, and [Infusion] is already at level 13, and even [Regalia] leveled up once.

In the end, it was easier than I thought, and I got [Infusion] nearly immediately after I started my attempts to get it. That makes me wonder if [Mana Infusion] held me back from acquiring it or if there is something else at work. But that doesn't sound right as before I evolved my [Mana Perception] into [Perception]. It could also be caused by me going through the second Beyond trial and my experience with the door and improvement of Mantle.

Carefully, I sit up and then stand up, holding Biscuit in my arms. He continues to sleep, and I move carefully, even using [Redistribution] to absorb some shocks as I walk to not wake him up.

Thankfully, I'm already wearing clothes. Someone also washed me while changing them, and at this point, I'm too worried to ask who. Neither of the options seem good, so I'd rather ignore it.

Outside of my room, I send my sense through the house and detect the twins.

When I get to the kitchen, Aaron and Dennis are sitting on the couch, as always, both close to each other and drawing something on a bunch of papers in front of them, seemingly theorizing about the uses of their skills and weaknesses of the monsters they hunt.

As they see me, they wave and, noticing sleeping Biscuit, stay quiet. Both of them pretend to be normal, but I long since noticed that no matter how friendly they look or how much they joke or talk with me, there is still a hint of carefulness.

Unlike Min-Jae, they don't like me that much. It's most likely caused by the impression I gave them on the first floor, or they just don't have as trusting a personality as Min-Jae. To be honest, I don't mind it. They have a reason why they act the way they do, and it's not something that bothers me too much. I don't need people to like me or anything.

I sit on the couch with Biscuit still in my arms and look at them.

“How was the second trial?” Dennis asks quietly, and I use [Resonance] to cut off the sound around Biscuit so we won't wake him up.

Then, I shortly and without too much description, tell them about the second trial. Like everyone in the group, they also already know about Beyond, yet showed not even a tiny bit of interest in going there. They are just curious, and as I talk, they listen carefully, asking once in a while. It all reminds me of someone watching an action movie; that's how it feels.

Aaron and Dennis are both really similar. By similar, I mean nearly the same. Their personality and behavior are nearly identical, a sentiment confirmed by both of them having exactly the same skills.

The only way I can tell them apart is by their mana, but here I also noticed that they are trying to work on that. They know I distinguish them by mana, so they work on a way to confuse me, trying to duplicate signatures.

I still don't know if they do it as training or just to troll me. With them, either of the options could be it.

“I heard ants were seen close to the city,” I say at one point.

"Yup, lynthari didn't like it at all, and I didn't see them hissing and nya-ing so much ever since we came here. Ants didn't attack or anything, not yet, but apparently, in a few weeks, they should be here with their speed," Dennis says.

Aaron also joins in, "Obelia was also looking for you. Something about an expedition and auction. Myrra also came," he giggles, "Lily was so mad."

"What is this bitch doing here again. Nathaniel should clearly tell her he is not interested in old women," Dennis mimics Lily's voice, and that makes Aaron laugh even more, yet he does it quietly, still worried about not waking up the best doggo.

But damn, Lily sure has no chill. Obelia looks barely thirty.

"I must never become weaker than Lily," not surely knowing why I say it out loud instead of keeping it in my mind.

Even the twins seem surprised, but soon they smile.

"I never thought of that. I wonder what would happen to you if you were weaker." Dennis's quiet laugh sounds in the room.

"I'm more and more sure Lily is an Initiate of Lust," Aaron joins in without hesitation.

Then the twins continue to joke with me. It's barely noticeable, but their laugh seems a tiny bit more real than before.



Later that night, Sophie and Izzy return first, followed by Maya.

Maya greets me first and tells me about the spot where she hid good snacks, and then she disappears to take a shower.

I'm already impatient to show off my new skill to her, but this will wait.

Biscuit is awake and well, floating around and annoying people to get some food. As if offering a sacrifice to keep their souls, everyone gives him something and the corgi floats to another target. Who would want to mess with a divine beast with one of the rare Primordial energies? Me, for sure not.

I notice that Izzy is holding her arms behind her back as if hiding something, and when I try to probe with my mana, she shouts angrily, "No, don't look!" and stomps. That sends a weak pulse of mana from her that blocks my vision.

It only makes me more curious.

"The egg has hatched," Sophie tells me while putting away their gear.

My curiosity grows even bigger. What could be inside the egg that cost five thousand shards? An amount close to an epic passive.

"Izzy?" I say carefully, but she seems to be waiting for something. "Please?" I add.

She seems to hesitate but still shakes her head, "You will have to tell Biscuit to be more friendly with..." she pauses, "with mine and Sophie's pet!"

Just tell me the name already, you silly girl, "I will tell him that, I promise," I say, still curious about what kind of beast it is that Biscuit apparently doesn't like.

For Izzy, such a promise is enough, and she runs to me, taking her hand from behind her back and showing me an animal. It is a beautifully white snake with emerald green eyes that have a surprisingly intelligent look in them.

The snake looks towards me, sticks out its tongue, and I can feel it, tasting my mana? That's the best way I can describe it. Then the snake tries to move closer to me.

"Oh, he really likes you! He didn't do it with anyone else," Izzy says, surprised but also a bit annoyed.

The snake seems to like my mana, not me, you silly girl, I want to say. There is no text over its head, and the creature still feels somewhat weak.

"Izzy, I have a few ideas for a name," I can't help myself. The snake looks cool, even though it's still small and wrapped around Isabella's arm. "Maybe something like Hissarion, Whitey, Emeraldie, Snek, Jörmungandr."

"Oh, you don't have to. We already have a name!" Izzy stops me.

"Izzy picked it," Sophie joins in the conversation.

I already know where this is going.

"We call him Noodle!" the little girl says proudly.

Noodle looks first at her and then at me. It might be only me, but his eyes seem tired.


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