Hell Difficulty Tutorial

Chapter 4 – Manipulation

When I turn around, I see a few people getting out of the bus. The man with a handgun is one of them.

“I've never seen such a dumbass in my life,” he shook his head unbelievingly.

I just nod, totally agreeing with him.

I try to force a smile on my face, but it doesn't work. I just keep nodding instead of talking. Not like there are a lot of people who want to talk to bloodied guy who chased a wolf as big as a small car.

I can't see why.


"No, I am not suicidal," I answer one guy. Isn't it kind of rude to ask something like that?

"Yes, it was dumb," I answer an older lady. What are you, my mom?

"Yes, it hurts a lot.” No shit.

"I just thought I had to.” Let's act like a good little boy.

Blah, blah.


I just try to force out answers people want to hear and look as normal and harmless as possible. I am guessing we won't be coming back to Earth anytime soon, so it isn't bad to try to make some "friends". I just can't sleep with my eyes open, and there might be things other people are better at than me.

After a few minutes of questioning, I start feeling uncomfortable because of people surrounding me and asking questions. My energy drops even more than after a fight with a wolf.

I know I am not particularly social, but I try to not let it be too obvious, so I answer a few more questions, give a few pieces of advice, and then tell them about "status." That finally makes them shut up, and they just stare into the air a few centimeters in front of their face. As I thought, their windows are invisible to me.

I sneak away to the opposite side of the bus and sit down on the grass, resting my back against the tire.


Who knew that even in another world, surrounded by monsters, the most dangerous beings are extroverts.

A few minutes later, I feel much better without people surrounding me.

I slowly lift my shirt from my side, dried blood slightly gluing it to the wound. Fortunately, I am not bleeding anymore, and the wound doesn't seem as bad as I thought.

A sigh leaves my mouth as I put the shirt back on my wound. It could be worse. Much worse.

I should be able to find a first aid kit in the bus, but there is something more important now.

What was that?

What the hell was that?

I am not even talking about the giant wolf, nor about two suns in the sky, or these goddamn holographic windows and text over the wolf's head.

I am sure I can adapt and survive it. As always.


Once my decision-making goes the wrong way, I am dead. One small mistake can mean death.


Why did I do that?

I close my eyes and reflect on my actions.

Sure, I did feel some boredom back on Earth. Lack of excitement or change. Something to strive for.

But that doesn't sound like a good enough reason to charge a gigantic wolf.

It's not me. I don't act like that. I know myself well enough to say it with certainty.

So let's think about it.


Could it be some kind of mind manipulation? Is someone controlling my feelings or at least giving me impulses to charge at the wolf? I already noticed two new skills in my “status”, and I am more than sure that there are many more.


I look at the people around the bus. One of them?


I did get two skills at the start, so what if…

I try to replay the whole fight in my head, from the start to the end.

At first, I just wanted to get the wolf's attention so the guy could shoot it. That feels like something I would do as it's helpful for my survival and not too risky. Not for me. During that part of the fight, I started feeling strength filling my body as I increased my focus.I felt as if I could control my body to an unusual degree and even gain more strength from it than usual. bet that's a skill called focus. More testing is needed, but I am pretty sure of that.

It's possible that someone manipulated me during the fight. I have no way of knowing if it was just something like sending me some impulse to fight longer in hopes of killing the wolf or someone unable to control their skill. Some scared passenger sending me to my death.

Another option is them realizing the skills they have and using them on me while not caring if I die or live. That sounds also plausible.

Then there is also a chance that's its something the Wolf did, but looking how he ended up...

I sigh and open my eyes to look at the sky. I need more information, more testing, more time.

For now, it will be best to watch my feelings and impulses.

One mistake can lead to my death, so I would rather think twice and analyze everything I do.

I will find the responsible person, and if I can't use them, I will have to kill them.

Yes, let's do that.

My mind is mine and mine only.

I feel anger rising up deep from inside me, the anger I pushed to the back of my mind.

This time, I didn't even bother to think if this impulse is me or someone manipulating my feelings.

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