Hello, Ms. Funina

Chapter 103

Why are people so different from each other?

When Alechino returned to the hotel with a feeling of loss, the other side, Finina and the other two got along very well.

Debo Hotel, second floor box.

Finina and Navilet entered the box.

When Krewei, who had been waiting in the box for a long time, saw the two people coming, she immediately stood up from her seat and walked towards Navilet and Finina.

"Sister Finina~ Mr. Navilet, you are here!"

Krewei smiled sweetly and came to hold Finina's arm.

However, Krewei was taller than Finina, and the scene of her holding Finina's arm might be a little awkward.

"Sorry to have kept little Vivi waiting for a long time, let's take a seat."

Fenina reached out to touch Krewei's head, even though she was not tall, she would tiptoe to touch it.

"It's okay, Sister Funina. I didn't wait long. Mr. Villette is so busy, but he still took time out to have dinner with me. I'm very satisfied."

Krewei shook her head gently and said very sensibly.

"Hehe...little Villette is so good~"

Funina smiled with narrowed eyes.

"I just did some work within my responsibility. Miss Funina, thank you for your praise." Villette said politely with a calm expression.

"Everyone, please eat first."

After the three of them sat down, the kitchen staff who had been waiting for a long time soon appeared in the box and served the cooked dishes.

So why did Krewei get together with Funina and Villette?

It turned out that after Krewei was discharged from the hospital a year ago, she was homeless and was taken in by Sols for a while.

Afterwards, Navilet met with Krevy in the name of comforting the victims of [Heart House], and asked in detail about [Heart House] and the evil deeds of the culprit Kugavina.

After collecting Krevy's testimony, Navilet immediately included Kugavina in Fontaine's wanted list. As long as Kugavina's trace was found in Fontaine, the elite Shadow Hunters of the Shadow Court would be dispatched to arrest Kugavina.

Then the trial was held and Kugavina was sent to Melo Petersburg.

It was a pity that Fontaine had not found any signs of Kugavina's activities in Fontaine. It was not until the news that Kugavina was killed by Alechino spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms that Navilet learned that Kugavina was dead.

Krevy also learned that the new executive [servant] Alechino killed Kugavina in order to usurp the throne, but she didn't know who Alechino was.

During this year, Krevie tried many jobs to survive. She worked as a newspaper deliveryman, diver, trainee reporter, bakery apprentice, etc.

But unfortunately, Krevie is best at killing people.

When delivering newspapers, Krevie always couldn't help but walk into the dark alleys. When she was a diver who went to the sea to retrieve things, Krevie would subconsciously consider the feasibility of killing people and sinking bodies here...

These thoughts also brought great inconvenience to Krevie's life.

Although Kugavina died, her influence on Krevie will always remain in Krevie's heart.

But fortunately, there is always a way out.

Krevie was taken in by Fernina, or Krevie became Fernina's assistant.

A new job.

We don't know why Fernina specifically asked Krevie to be her assistant.

Perhaps Fernina learned that there were survivors in [House of Hearth] and felt guilty. After all, she tried to save these poor, innocent children.

Or maybe Funina saw the quiet, taciturn, isolated, but clever, sensible and obedient little Pepe four years ago through Krevy?

I had clearly promised little Pepe that I would be there when she needed me.

On the night when [Heat House] was destroyed, little Pepe must have been desperate and scared... She was so thin, how could she survive from the other children?

Little Pepe... I'm sorry, sister didn't keep her promise and rush to your side when you needed her the most...

Funina felt very guilty about the children of [Heat House].

She hated her own incompetence.

Even on the night of the [Heat House] tragedy, Funina didn't know anything and slept soundly on the comfortable big bed.

One side was fighting in the [Heat House] that was like hell, while the other side could sleep comfortably.

What a terrible contrast!

May there be no more tragedies like the Hearth House in Teyvat, and may everyone sleep peacefully at night without worrying about whether they will die in their dreams.

The sun the next day should be visible to everyone, and no one can deprive us of it.The right to see the light!

Therefore, Fernina did not hesitate to keep Krevy by her side, and she wanted to make up for her mistakes.

Moreover, Fernina hated the Fatui organization even more.

In Fernina's cognition, if it were not for the Fatui, the [Heartland House] tragedy would not have happened, and if it were not for the Fatui, those children would not have fought each other for survival at an age when they should have been carefree.

In the end, only Krevy barely survived.

Therefore, Fernina is now very sensitive to the Fatui, and even Solstice has become wary.

At the dinner table, Fernina asked Violet casually.

"By the way, Violet. What did you discuss with the Solstice diplomat today? As the god of Fontaine, it is related to the diplomacy of the two countries. Is it not too much for me to ask?"

"Well... indeed, this matter still needs the nod of you, the water god, to pass."

Violet pondered for a moment and said.

"Today, I discussed with Ms. Alechino, the diplomat of Solstice, about the restoration of friendship between Fontaine and Solstice, the resumption of diplomacy, and the exchange of diplomats."

"Hmm, hm? Ah!?"

Funina's tone changed three times.

"Wait! Alechino? Is that the Alechino who killed the previous [servant] and ascended to the position?"

Krevy's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the conversation between Finnina and Navilet.

The next moment, Krevy realized that her remarks were very rude. Her current identity is Finnina's assistant. Although she is qualified to know some of Finnina and Navilet's conversation about Fontaine, she cannot interrupt at will.

So, Krevy immediately stood up and bowed her head to apologize.

"I'm sorry! Sister Fernina, I didn't mean to interrupt Mr. Villette, I just heard a name that shocked me."

"It's okay, don't worry about it, little Vivi. There are only three of us here, and we are just talking among friends, not about work. It's okay, it's okay."

Fernina waved her hand and comforted.

"As for the Arlechino you mentioned, I think it should be her."

"Arlechino, the madman who [killed the mother] and usurped the throne."

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