Hello, Ms. Funina

Chapter 47

Is it over?

Isn't this all a bit too smooth?

Looking at Kugavina's familiar and disgusting face, that face with delicate makeup always has a fake smile.

Peruvian doesn't understand why someone can smile so hypocritically and exude a foul kindness.

She exudes a rotten smell all over her body, but pretends to be young and dresses herself up as a kind and gentle [mother].

Hypocrisy, deception, lies, slavery, brainwashing... This is the real Kugavina.

Pah pah pah.

"Congratulations, my dear children. You have successfully passed this [assessment]. Now, you are qualified to join the Fatui and serve the Ice Queen."

Kugavina clapped her hands and said with a smile.

"Oh, what a misfortune. I clearly remember that 90 flags were arranged, but how come only 54 of you passed the test?"

Kugavina put one hand on her forehead, and she stood on tiptoe, looking at the children gathered on the beach like an innocent girl.

Under her sinister gaze, all the children she saw lowered their heads and dared not look at her.

Especially the children who were separated to the other side and failed the [Test] because of the loss of teammates or insufficient flags, did not even have the courage to raise their heads.

They kept their heads down since the end of the [Test], and the sand under their feet was wet.

They were crying, despairing of their impending death.

But they did not dare to cry out loud, because Kugavina hated crying children the most.

If Kugavina knew that they were crying, they might not have such a simple end as welcoming death.

Legend has it that the children abandoned by Kugavina were sent to the forbidden land and tortured to death by the demons there!

That demon will let them watch their bodies disintegrate, and feel the powerlessness and despair of blood flowing out of their bodies bit by bit.

Children who come to the forbidden land will not die easily.

Therefore, they would rather die quickly than die after suffering torture.

No one wants to endure torture, especially inhuman torture.

But... dying like this is really hard...

Peruvian naturally noticed Kugavina's gaze, but she didn't care about it.

Let this vicious woman watch if she wants.

This [Assessment] is over, and they should be able to usher in a short period of light danger. At least in [Heartland House], they don't need to set up thousands of traps like on this island.

Is this [Assessment] easy?

Maybe it's a little easy. No, it may be perfunctory, but all this is based on Peruvian's efforts.

In order to ensure that the three of them can pass the [Assessment] smoothly, before the final melee on the seventh night begins.

From the moment she landed on the island, from the moment she looked for the commanding heights, Peruvili had already set up traps everywhere.

Hiding is not a solution after all. By the time the smart people among the many examinees react, it will be too late.

Therefore, the first step for Peruvili to do is to prevent them from reacting. She needs something that can attract others' attention.

Traps became Peruvili's best choice.

For this reason, Peruvili set up many traps for this kind of island.

Although this gourd-shaped island is a medium-sized island, its area is also very large for 427 children.

Peruvili didn't have much time and didn't have time to arm the entire island.

Therefore, even if she spent a lot of time, Peruvili only set up 2,371 traps, covering only a quarter of the area of ​​​​Gourd Island.

After the ten-day [Assessment] time, Peruvili didn't know how many of her traps were triggered, how many people were injured by her traps, and how many people died in her traps.

After the [Assessment] was over, Kugavina was about to take them away from here and return to the [House of Hearth] in Fontaine.

Peruvili had no time to check the harvest of his traps.

Until one day in the future, Arlechino, who had become a new [Servant], once again boarded this island full of memories because of passing by.

At that time, the traps Arlechino had set when he was young had long been abandoned, but Arlechino still saw them.

She saw that a total of 978 traps were triggered, of which 537 were triggered by humans, and the rest were triggered by wild beasts or monsters on the island.

In addition, she also found the skeletons of 23 human teenagers aged between 13 and 16, near the poison traps she left behind.

That is,It is said that just in this deserted island flag capture [assessment], Peruvian killed 126 people.

One quarter!

She killed a little more than one quarter of the people alone!

It is no longer accurate to describe Peruvian with blood on her hands, she is now covered in blood.

If you want to survive, is it only through killing?

Yes, only killing.

Or to be more precise, in [Heart House], only killing can survive.

Cruelty, right and wrong, good and evil, these are not what Peruvian should think about, she does not need to reflect on herself.

She just needs to live, as long as she lives.

With Krevi and Sophia, with these two friends, she can live together.

Kugavina is still painting a big pie for these children who have passed the [assessment].

It seems that joining the Fatui is like entering heaven.

But these children know very well what the actual situation is.

The Fatui is not a safe organization either.

But... compared to the murderous [Heartland House], the Fatui seems to be a good organization worth joining.

After all, people are all compromisers.

Just like if you think the house is too hot, if you directly ask them to open the window, they may not open it, but if you ask them to remove the roof, they will definitely refuse, and then you ask them to open the window, in order not to remove the roof, they will most likely agree to open the window.

These children are exactly the same.

Although the Fatui are not good, compared to the [Heartland House], the Fatui are indeed a paradise.

Fatui soldiers have salaries, holidays, and a little social status, and there is a certain degree of freedom there.

What does the [Heartland House] have?

Death assessment, death mission, death, death, death...

Except death, it's still death.

Kugavina doesn't seem to plan to give them a way out.

So, joining the [Fatui] is indeed a good choice.


It's that familiar private ship again.

But this time there are only 54 children on the deck.

Those children who failed the [assessment] but survived will be transported by other ships.

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