Hell's Academy

Chapter 114: Midnight Chamber

Carelon Mountain Pass, Midnight Chamber 

At a round table, Howard sat across from Nellon. His entire body had been wrapped in white bandages and his black cape had been left neatly folded on the chair by his bedside. He had a large gash across his neck, and coughed every few minutes, but he was still alive.

He'd been snuck in by Founder Arista into the Mountain Pass, and been taken down a set of dark hidden tunnels to arrive at the small enclave. Founder Arista had an extremely precise control of Earth Ki, and designed the small room in a hurry. However, she'd had time to make small air ducts and create a few tables and beds made out of yellowish stone. 

When Howard had arrived, he'd found the Mocralin had already left to go 'hunting'. He guessed Alrok had planned for victory and also for defeat. The more he thought about it, the more he agreed with Founder Arista. In the future, Alrok could become a terrifying opponent. Howard sat down with his blue torn shirt tossed to the side, and looked down at his torn silver crest armor. 

Carter gave a set of silver self refined armor to all of his new students to protect them. It had. The silver armor had split open like a torn open metal can and warped in several directions. If not for the armor, he'd probably be dead, but he still couldn't stop worrying. 

"The Mocralin started to leave when you left this morning," Founder Arista spun out water from a washcloth and put it on Nellon's pale forehead. She looked at the large scar across his chest and then raised her finger before a small strand of Ki appeared with a needle. She sighed, and very carefully pointed at his chest before he began to be sewn back together.

She had underestimated Howard's strength and had followed him this morning just in case he needed to be saved. She had been in the Furnace for a 1000 years and had trained several monsters. However, no one had ever scared her or thrilled her as much as Howard. But what really terrified her about Howard was his control of Dark Ki. He almost seemed happy when he used it. What else could he do with the proper training, and what would happen if he lost control?

"Howard, you're quite a nice guy. I was certain you'd kill Nellon. What came over you?"

"Every part of my body told me not killing him was the best decision. I had to listen to it," Howard clutched his fist with a tiny shred of anger. "I don't like him, but that doesn't me he isn't useful. My instincts sometimes get the best of me. Should I have killed him?"

"Howard, that's not important." Arista pointed over at a glowing lantern carved out of stone with a small wick on it. Howard had lit the flame that burned whimsically above them, while she had carved the foundation for the wick. A gentle orange hue seemed to caress Howard's pale skin as Founder Arista leaned in to examine his attractive blue eyes "What's important is that you were stronger than he was. Everything in the Furnace comes down to power."

"The more powerful you are, the more decisions you'll be able to make. The more you work on your foundation, the more opportunities you'll have to save the Horned and stop the Exland Empire. Right now, I'm the only Founder in the SS rank, but I keep it a secret. I keep it a secret because I'm strong enough to decide to hide it. Do you understand?"

"I don't get it, though? Why?" Howard slumped over and tightened his brows. "Do you not trust the Founders?"

"Word gets around fast, Howard. I want to be a trump card," Founder Arista sighed and crossed her arms. "To be a leader, you have to think of things like your best friends getting captured by the Aresoul. Your friend turning into an enemy. And your best students turning into raving little lunatics that feast for blood."

"600 years ago. There was a powerful Horned that started killing all my students named Jameson. He tried to kill me too, however, I'd watched him carefully and made a decision. I poisoned ten of my students before he started his rampage."

"By the time he finished slaking his teeth in 9 of my girls…" Arista wiped a tear from his eye. "I-I was able to seal him in a hole! The monster had reached the peak of the SS Rank, and he's probably still alive right now! However because of my decision, he was taken care of!"

"You-you have to be a good leader Howard!" Arista gently brushed his black straight stands of hair to the side and poked him once in the chest. "You must expect everything! And you must take advantage of everything!"

"I get it," Howard quickly nodded his head, and smiled. "You made a choice that saved your students. I understand."

"I still regret it! Till this day, I see Nilla's face. She'd been my best student in a hundred years, but she volunteered to act as bait!"

"Her head, he'd tilted her head and pulled her beautiful pale arm behind her back before drinking her blood in front of me! I saw the white of her eyes dim as he held her hips and stopped her from struggling. At the same time, I was extremely afraid! I couldn't stop hoping for the poison to work!"

"Enough, I'll be down here taking care of Nellon," Arista wiped a tear from her eye and smiled. "You go tell Carter what happened. Tell him Nellon escaped. In a few weeks, I'll explain everything."

"Thank you, Founder," Howard got up and bowed. The last part of his blue shirt fell off and onto the floor. He sighed and suddenly felt a terrifying pain travel through his chest. He couldn't help but cough out, but still keep a smile on his face. "I-I need to train harder, and try and develop my leadership skills! Heh, I'll get stronger!"

"Good, now go see what Monica is doing. That girl is preparing some huge, strange birthday present for you, and I'm worried," Arista wiped a tear from her golden amber eyes and gently pulled up the blanket over Nellon. "I'll visit in a few hours once Nellon wakes up!"

"Crazy birthday present. I wonder what she wants to do?"


"You want to do what for Howard?" Harley and Reece coughed in disbelief at Monica's plan. They all sat down on Howard's bed and looked into her green eyes. She had on a pink shirt with a pair of black jumpers. She paced back and fourth while she thought of the plan. "Don't you think he'll find out?"

"Nope, I don't think he will. She's on her way right now, and she's perfect! I can't wait to see his reaction!"

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