Hell's Academy

Chapter 124: Fire Cadet's Sorrow

One month later,

Howard opened his eyes and activated the Ki Array from inside of his two hands. A large flame instantly birthed from his hands and seemed to set everything around him on fire. Luckily, Argatha had been prepared this time. She smiled and gently landed in front of Howard and raised her hands to begin clapping. 

"Quite impressive, you learned that technique in two months. Now you have two months left to learn how not to use it. Two hours has passed in the outside world since you entered into the Room of Sacred Chaos. What do you want to learn? I still have 95 powerful techniques I can teach you."

"When-when I activate even a small part of the array, I feel like my body can handle it, but it makes my body hurt so much after I use it. Why is that?" Howard stood up and shook the pain out of his throbbing, crisp hand. "Ow, I feel sore now! Heh, wasn't expecting that!"

"That's the backlash I told you about. You must never activate the entire array unless you're desperate. I'm guessing you figured out there are 8 layers right? The last layer is the technique called Fire King's Last Stand. The first 3 layers are called Fire Cadet's Sorrow. They will make your life miserable for a few days, but you can survive using them!"

"It really is a good technique. He made this by himself?" Howard shook his head in disbelief. "I could never do something like this. Jenny is smart, and Monica is brave. You are beautiful, but I… I just am good at something I don't understand!"

"Aren't you fifteen, Howard," Argatha patted him on the forehead and smiled. She seemed to shine brightly, and caused the entire space to fill up with her warmth. "Listen, there are plenty of good thing about you that are around the corner. Don't worry about measuring up to Earl. He's dead because he was a fool!"

"He saved your life. I'm proud of him," Howard pushed himself off the ground. "I eventually want to be able to do the same. You were saying he decreased his rank and was able to give you Horns. Where do I find that skill?"

'Earl hid that somewhere in the Jarlenson Abyss. He told me at the time, ""No one can ever be as dumb as me."" and I didn't ask. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll find it," Argatha rolled her shoulders and sat down by Howard's side. "However, I believe you will measure up to him someday. I promise."

"He-he's so impressive, and he did so much good." Howard had heard some stories from Argatha. He tried to portray himself as an evil man when he met Howard, but he clearly had a large heart. In fact, he usually did the opposite of what he said. It almost reminded him of himself. "However, he seems to want everyone to hate him. I wish everyone had to hate me! On the surface, I was probably the most hated person up there!"

"Howard, you're walking your own path. And the Exland Empire is responsible for that! If those people met you, the'd probably think you're a really nice guy."

"Vucky… Vicky thought I was a nice guy, but still killed me," Howard sighed and pushed himself off the cold black and green tiles and walked over to a plant called the Wilting Scattered Bud before gently rubbing it. "I mean, she killed me at least 100 times! I bet the demon king would've managed to escape! I-I'm so mad!"

"Howard, for the next two months, I just want you to spend time with Jenny and train for 6 hours a day. By the end of it, I want you to tell me how you're going to win the battle with the Jarkales. What you're willing to sacrifice, and how you're going to crush everything that gets in your way!" Argatha took a deep pause before she strangely gestured with her hand raised. "If Earl was here, he'd say, you're going to get better no matter what, or I'm going to kill you for not doing that! Do you understand!" 

"Heh, did he really say that to you?" Howard laughed and cracked his knuckles. He spotted Jenny studying a dagger carefully and snuck up to Argatha. At the same time, he stopped a few inches from Agath's lips and curiously leaned into look in her golden eyes "If he did, he sounds like a fun guy."

"Howard, get out of here. You're too close to my face." Argatha blushed and turned to look at the window. "Your girlfriend isn't watching. She'd be upset if you."

"I'm kissing it," Howard said with a smile before he leaned into Argatha. 

She immediately blushed and closed her eyes tightly. For some reason, nothing scared her more than affection, and Howard seemed to be breathing against her neck. A second later, she felt his lips touch against her forehead. She sighed and opened her eyes. At least he didn't take her first kiss.

"Your temperature is hot. Hehe, my mom used to check my temperature like that all the time!" Howard smiled and slammed the door open to the green house. Outside, the water droplets had gotten closer to the floor. Grasping a droplet in his hand, he turned around and looked at Argatha.

"I-I like you Argatha. And I promise to not disappoint you. I'll only use the 8th layer as a last result."

"Good," Argatha wanted to toss something at Howard. Now she kind of wished she kissed him on the lips! "When you leave this room, I'll turn back into stone. Hopefully,in five years you'll return."

"Yup, and then, I'll have to kiss a little lower," Howard smiled and rushed out the door. "However, for two more months, I have to get stronger. Don't hold anything back."

"You got it. Now go and train. In what will feel like a day, you'll be facing a terrifying enemy on the East Plains."

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