Hell's Academy

Chapter 151: The Fifth Guardian

Warrior Simulations 58 - 99 went by like a breeze.

Howard and Priscilla took turns making plans to improve their leadership abilities. However, there was something special about the 100th Warrior Simulation. It was the same as the first, but also meant to be provide the most important lesson.

It was just Howard and Priscilla versus two Aresoul Magicians that were weaker then them. However, unlike the first time, the whole purpose of the challenge wasn't to win, but to lose. They had to think of five ways they could lose to someone weaker than them by making certain mistakes.

Basically, it was to teach humility. 

Howard had no trouble in this aspect, but for Priscilla she found it very challenging. She promised herself to never lose a battle again, and it was hard for her to try and think of the wrong moves to make. She only wanted victory, and felt her heart aching to destroy the Aresoul even if it would cause them to fail.

The simulation spawned two 18 year old youths that they fought in the Dream Room. Aside for being younger than her, they had crappy footwork, and regularly fell over if Howard attacked even once. 

The only way to lose to them deliberately would be to jump into one of their attacks. At least, that was what Priscilla thought.

They only had four doorways which meant they were in the C rank at best. 

However, Howard always had no trouble losing. He seemed to expect their moves and know how to do the wrong thing. One time, he even went as far as to stab himself with his own Ki Sword in a simple exchange with them.

"Come on, Priscilla! It's only 5 loses." Howard wiped the sweat off his head. "We just have to lose against them! It's not that difficult! Just think of the wrong thing to do!"

Priscilla smiled at Howard, but shook her head. 

It wasn't worth it for her to finish the Warrior Simulations and admit defeat.

She had gotten used to Howard touching her and rubbing her back and making her feel special, but she hadn't gotten used to teh scars on her body. When Howard tried to gently rub his finger up her arm the other night, following a scar to her shoulder, she almost snapped.

He had also suffered, but he didn't seem to care!

What was she missing?!

"Howard, do the Simulation by yourself. Once you complete it, I will take my time finishing it," Prisiclla pointed over at the bed. "I need to think, and get ready for bed. Today is our last day in here, so I'll do it quickly after taking a nap."

"Are you sure?" Howard looked at the dream council and shook his head. "I mean. Those teenagers may seem weak, but they can still blow up a car! They aren't that weak!"

Howard had gotten to the point that he could literally almost destroy the entire top of a mountain if his rage manifested to its fullest. However, it didn't mean when he got into the Furnace he was weak. In fact, he was strong enough that an army had to defend him in the F rank! However, his old attacks still would cause damage against his new attacks.

If he forgot to use his Ki to protect his body for one second, he could still get a grievous wound, or he closed his eyes and fell asleep! These were important things to know!

"Uhmmm, I only have on thing to defeat, and it's sadness," Priscilla smiled and kissed Howard on the forehead before moving down to his lips and snapping a kiss. "You-you are kind of helping, but I have a big hole in my heart that just gets bigger with time. You've only made a small dent."

"And! And I also feel guilty! Guilty that in the battle against the Jarkales Monica saved me! I-I should've finished that bastard off! However, look at me! I'm so scared of defeat I'm holding you back!"

"Defeat is not getting what you want. You can lose and get what you want," Howard smiled and pointed over at the bed. "Just think about it. I'm not a good leader in any sense, but I'm learning! Why don't you learn how to win and lose at the same time."

"Win and lose... " Priscilla smiled and laughed. Her coiled brown hair fell passed her shoulders while she let out a chuckle. Her golden eyes shimmered while her tube top shirt seemed to fluctuate with her stomach, and she just looked really pretty. "Hahaha! I like that, but I got real problems Howard. I didn't have an army of girls to make me feel better when the tortured me. Instead, they wanted me to feel pain to study my Ki Cells! You don't get it!"

"I-I got shot on my birthday," Howard said, "My family died in front of me, and I just grew horns out of my head." He could still see it happening. "My mother screamed and held out her hand to try and protect me even though I had horns."

"My father never cared about me, but even when he died he screamed for me to live. I-I know pain! I just was lucky enough to have people to care about! Care about me and help us win!"

Priscilla felt like something snapped inside of her and she walked over to the Dream Council and smiled before wiping a tear from her eye. Looking back at Howard, she felt like perhaps she was wrong. Her family hadn't died in front of her in such a viscious way, and in fact, they were still probably alive.

She huffed out a breath of fresh air and waved Howard over.

"Come on! Let me lose once so we can sleep together once more before all hell breaks loose."

"Okay!" Howard smiled! "Let's do it!"


The Aresoul in the C rank that Howard and Priscilla fought made virtually every mistake possible, but were still incredibly strong compared to a normal human.

One was tall and muscular with brown hair and the other thin with black dark eyes, and pale skin. When they fought together, however, they really did suck in battle. However, when Priscilla attacked them with only half her strength, she found that it only took a single doorway for her to die.


A large beam of light came out of the door from one of the Jarkales and she died for the 5th and final time. Her body plopped onto the floor while Howard also attacked with half strength. Even with King Fire Sprint activated, a single attack to his abdomen without his defenses sent him tumbling into the distance.

Both of them died, and revived 5 times in the Dream Room.

Finally, the book on the Dream Council closed, and a large shadow appeared in front of them. It was a woman with large white hair and beautiful eyes that seemed to be made out of starlight. Every move of her body seemed to cause her to seem more magnificent and hard to measure.

With a movement of her hand, a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm the first ever Fourth Gaurdian. I was known as the designer Guardian."

"There is usually one designer, one lover, one fighter, and one tortured Guardian. Barabin is the current tortured Guaridan, Annibell is the designer, Sally is the lover, and Reslan in the fighter."

"Both of you have proven that you are capable of being a Gaurdian. You have completely satisfied the requirement to become a Guardian, and I wish you well on your journey." The woman smiled and snapped her fingers before a small floating ball of light appeared in front of them. "Now, think a name for which of the type of Guardian you'd want to be, and you will gain access to a few skills that will help you on your journey." She had such a mellefluous voice that Howard almost fell to his knees in hopes of her staying a little bit longer.

"There is nothing you can do, and these skills were designed based on your progress. However, you must think carefully about which type of Gaurdian you are. The Tortured Guardian is actually extremely important because he's capable of taking the most pain. Do you understand/"

"I do," Howard said with a smile. "And that's why I chose the tortured Guardian! I want to take everyone's pain."

"That's me, idiot." Priscilla laughed and smacked Howard on the back. ��Why don't you be the lover, or the fighter," She smiled. "What do you say?"

"Hehe, I'll be everything" Howard touched on the ball, "From now on, I'll be the Fifth Gaurdian! The Guardian that will protect everyone no matter what! I will be the protector, the lover and the fighter! I will be everything that keeps you all alive!"

"Is that what you wish?" The beautiful lady smiled and started to disappear. "That is not against the rules, but it will be almost impossible to gain their approval. Good luck, Howard and Priscilla. Your greatest challenge has just begun."

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