Hell's Academy

Chapter 79: Becoming Evil

Three days later,

Howard and Barabin and Korlen laughed together, sharing some meat from a small Authoritarian back at the Ki Reservoir.

The Jarkales had spent two entire days hunting them, but once they got back to Korlen's territory the Authoritarians under his command were more than enough to scare them back to the other side of the Furnace.

"Heh, I didn't think they'd chase us so hard," Korlen smiled, feasting on the leg of the small Authoritarian. "It's a shame they would've brought nothing but death and destruction. Howard, you still haven't mentioned to us how you managed to escape from that Jarkales expert."

Howard had spent two days recalling that day in the cavern, and still didn't believe himself. In the heat of the moment, he'd let those flames swallow the entire cavern hole. The two grandsons of Jaclock most likely hadn't died, but if they ever walked again he'd be surprised.

In fact, he could've killed them if he unleashed his maximum power, but for some reason Jarlock's voice had made him restrain himself. They wouldn't have done the same for him.

"I-I got lucky. He had his grandsons there, and I attacked them and him at the same time," Howard sighed, crossing his arms. "Heh, he was going to kill me, so I had no trouble bursting his grandchildren into flames."

Howard smiled, trying not to tear up as he saw their faces. They had looked like him. They both had been around 1.8 meters tall, had black hair and were wearing white cloaks. Without an ounce of remorse, he'd hit them before they even got a chance to defend themselves.

"Heh, do I sound horrible? What do you think of Barabin?"

"I think you're not as bad as you think, Howard," Barabin patted him on the back. "His son is alive because of you, and at least for another year, the Jarkales won't be able to attack us."

"Howard, be proud of yourself," Korlen stood up, and sighed, looking out to see if his wife had returned yet. There had been a Ki storm in a nearby area, and his wife promised to get them something to drive back with. "Ugh, just where the hell is Meros' mother! She has no problem eating the food I find, but when I ask her for something!"

"I'm right here, honey. Maybe I shouldn't let you have another wife," A beautiful black haired woman that seemed prettier than any human Howard had ever seen walked over and spun a set of keys. "If I'm already so hard to deal with, maybe I can even quit and leave you with someone else?"

"I apologize!" Korlen gulped, bowing onto the floor. "I-I promise to hunt you something better tomorrow!"

"Heh, catch Howard," The beautiful lady smiled, gently touching the top of his head with an almost ethereal grace. "I happened to get lucky enough to catch a bus before it burst into flames. I think, Korlen, you should hunt for the next two days or else I'm not letting you sleep next to me."

"Heh, she got you," Howard smiled, shaking his head. "Anyways, what's next Barabin? Why have you seemed more worried the more time has passed."

"Howard, I have something to tell you," Barabin had been holding a secret about Monica and Zack in his heart for a while, and hadn't been willing to tell Howard. "However, you have to promise that you won't tell Monica. No matter what."

"What is it?" Howard smiled, eating a few more bites from the small Authoritarian wing he had in his hand. "It can't be that bad. She already got her brother back, and in my dream last night Zack told me the sooner we saw him the better. Why are all you adults always holding back information?"

"I-I'm the reason Zack went with Una," Barabin sighed, shaking his head. "I-I don't know if you know this, but there have been 10 massacres since Horned Nation was founded. And each massacre happened because of a single brother and sister pair."

"I-I asked Zack to explore the open Furnace because around this time of year Dark Ki can attract the most death and destruction. It tends to wake up the Night Lords like Necrolith, and even the Varlen's Dream Beasts grow crazy from it. "I-I asked Zack to go to the open Furnace, Howard, because him and Monica together will bring nothing but tragedy."

"Did you know the Aresoul were going to be there?" Howard said, raising his brow and nonchalantly eating his food. "If you didn't, is it really your fault for wanting to protect your students?" Howard took another bite, smiling and looking at Meros as he gently rested next to him. "Why do you look so upset?"

"Howard, I-I obviously didn't want Zack to die. I had no idea him and Una would run into each other. However, what I'm about to ask you, is going to be hard to hear. I need you to try and do something. If you're able to accomplish it, the 11th Massacre might never happen."

"Heh, what it is?" Howard said, raising his shoulders. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to become evil Howard. I want you to absorb the Dark Ki they emit and use it to destroy one of our enemies in such a fashion that it can be considered a massacre. I-i want you to rid us of that damn curse!" Barabin stood up, and instantly walked off, holding his chest tightly.

If he had Howard absorb the Dark Ki that Monica and Zack naturally released, he could delay the 11th massacre for at least 10 years by absorbing part of their Dark Ki. However, there was another way to end Dark Ki, and that was to feed it. If Howard managed to absorb Monica and Zack's Dark Ki and then wiped out the Jarkales, for instance, that energy would dissipate!

He expected for at least 100 years Monica and Zack would be safe if Howard unleashed bloodshed on one of their enemies! However, at the same time, Dark Ki could make him insane! He couldn't push something that on a young boy, but he also had to! It was the only way to save the Horned Nation from another massacre!

"I'll do it, obviously," Howard smiled. "For Monica, and for Una and even you teacher. Even if I have to massacre an entire valley, and leave nothing behind but corpses I'll do it. However, what is Dark Ki? Does this have something to do with Monica and Zack being brother and sister?"

"Hoh, you knew?" Barabin pointed at the bus. "Howard, I'm going to say goodbye to Korlen, but then we have to talk. By the time we get back to the West Branch, I expect you to fully understand how dangerous your girlfriend is at this very moment. In fact, if we don't see her in a month, I expect the entire West Branch will go up in flames."

"Howard, he'll miss you," Korlen said, waving with Meros rubbing against his leg. "Once he reaches the B rank, you can see his human form. He promises to train hard for you."

"I'll miss him too!" Howard laughed, seeing Meros running towards him. A second later, Meros dived into him, licking him uncontrollably before Barabin walked over to Korlen and shook his hand. "Heh, Meros! I'll see you again soon! Come and visit me and your sister okay?"

"Good luck," Korlen tossed a Canteen over to Howard, and crossed his arms. "Howard, it sounds like you have a great and dangerous road ahead of you. Try and drink that any time you can't think clearly. It's a special drink I only give to my children. However, remember, when you really can't think clearly, take a sip of that."

"You've been too kind," Barabin finally decided to hug Korlen. "It's a shame not all Authoritarians are like you. Maybe in the future we can even be allies."

"I'd like that, Meros," Howard smiled, standing up and patting the little Six Horned Lizard on the head. "Maybe someday we can fight the Aresoul together?"

"And it's now time to go," Barabin walked over to Howard and gently pushed him towards the new iron horse. "Howard, I forgot to tell you I can't drive. You mind we figure it out on the way?"

"Heh, I can!" Howard smiled. "My mother and I used to break the law all the time! Now let's go! I'm going to squeeze Monica so hard when I see her!"

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