Hell's Academy

Chapter 83: Unclaimed Shrines

A month later, a lone dark cloud in the sky got torn through by the rays of sun.

In a mountainous area called the Harlock Passage, a small city called Bristol seemed full of life. Dozens of teenagers smiled and greeted each other while a small group of people met inside a tavern.

Bristol had been one of the only cities in the Furnace that the zombies didn't like to approach, so people with Ki Sensitivity, that had no true abilities to control Ki, lived there in small huts and tents.

The men hunted for food in the morning, and returned to check on their children almost everyday. However, today, all the villagers seemed especially happy and cheery.

Inside of a small mansion, three vehicles had been parked outside and a couple dream beasts. One green bus that had a dent on its side loomed taller over the other two vehicles. Inside the window of the mansion, Barabin crossed his arms and looked outside.

Howard and Monica could be seen smiling and talking with Zack. A month ago, he was certain today would be the day the 11th Massacre happened.

"It's so nice to be back in this peaceful place," A Varlen smiled, and gently placed his legs on the wooden oak table in the room.

The room had a round table, a few dozen chairs, and walls so black that the sun seemed to avoid grazing against it. It had a few somber paintings on the wall of a few heartwrenching battles. Including one where Barabin had been when 10 of his students died.

"So, today is the day we send 90 children into the trenches of the Furnace. A few might not come back. A few might burst into flames," The Varlen named Jkro slammed down a cup of wine, wiping off his mouth. "I take it since it's been 100 years since the last time we met, Barabin, you can tell me what tudents you wish to die?"

"Let's cut to the chase." Barabin took a swig of a glass of wine before letting it shatter on the floor. "The Aresoul have a student of mine named Una. If my students get to Nermasis Ridge first, I need you to agree you'll return her to me."

"Hoh, well then what do I get?" Respell said with an inccouragable smile. "You have a Ki Reservoir that's worth a lot of money? Are you willing to give back what you stole!"

Respell had been livid and beyond angry ever since the day that little monster killed four of his Magicians. It had been the first time he ever saw a Horned used Dream Ki, and since had made ample preparations. He even saw the brat outside, swooning over a girl which only made the anger inside his heart grow.

"Unless you're willing to risk that, you can forget about getting that prized girl named Una. She's very beautiful, and has Horned blood. I think before we kill her, we'll make sure we experiment on her until her body begins to fade!"

"Hmph, deal," Barabin cracked a smile. "I take it you're confident you'll win? However, you better give Una back to us if you lose. If not, I'll kill my way through the Sixth Station until I return either dead or alive."

"Well, you're forgetting about me again," An extremely tall Varlen smiled and sat down at the table. "I-I have a couple of extremely bizarre requests this year too. If my students win, I need help from both the Horned and the Aresoul in entering a dreamscape."

"Both of us? Help together?" Respell chuckled. "Have you forgotten we only made this little tournament because of the battle in Jarlon? We literally have this competition to kill our top stars! What makes you think anything would make us work together?"

Respell had became the second in command at the Sixth Station after one of the worst days of bloodshed and carnage. Jarlon, the place exactly between all three nations, formed a border that had six extremely important Unclaimed Shrines.

Unclaimed Shrines were basically areas with extremely high Ki Density, which basically meant the areas were highly suitable for training. If someone gathered enough rare materials, students that went to this Shrine could grow faster manifold than anyone else!

However, because of its location, none of the three nations had been willing to truly claim them. The Horned Nation set up the East Branch a few miles away, the Aresoul had set up their Second Station, and the Varlen created a dream reservoir.

Long story short, one day the Varlan had tried to lay claim to it before the entire world seemed to enter into the carnage. Thousands of Dream Beasts died, at least 10 members of Horned, and hundreds of Magicians.

From that day forward, they made an agreement, every 10 years the person who got to control the Unclaimed Shrines had to compete in a competition! After a long decade, it had finally become time for the Varlen to give up the territory. However, it also became the time for each nation to put their chips on the table.

"Listen, I know we don't often work together, in fact ever." The Varlan named Jsak said, gently standing and pointing out the window. "However, this one dreamscape… seems to have a new type of energy in it. It seems to be seeping in from another plain. We're afraid that if we don't explore it in the next 5 years, the Furnace might have a new nation. We're afraid someone from another part of the Furnace is trying to travel through that dreamscape, and they might be much more powerful than you could believe."

"Long story short, you're a coward?" Respell sighed, crossing his arms. "I won't work with them, but I can send 100 members of our Aresoul Royal Brigade. You Varlen have helped us kill many a Horned. Heh, I'd even gladly kill Barabin right now with you. Shall we?"

"Enough jokes," Jsak shook his head. "The Horned are Conjurers, and are the only Nation in the Furance with truly sustainable strength. Even in a dreamscape, our Dream Beasts Ki will get depleted. You will run out of magic. The Horned can protect us when we need to recharge."

"Well, how about we throw that back on the table when it's time," Barabin sighed, pointing out at a few young children gathering around their bus. "Anyways, I brought my three students. I mean what i said. Tomorrow, when we send our progeny to on their journey to Nermasis ridge, I want Una there if the Horned come out on topped. I agree to the Varlen's terms, and the Aresoul."


"I!" The two remaining leaders nodded their head in agreement. Respell smiled, standing gup and gently stretching his arms. He knew deep down inside his heart his monstrous student, who even exceeded him in strength, would decimate even the shadows of all the other students.

"Well then, tomorrow, We'll meet at Unclaimed Shrines." Jsak yawned, crossing his arms in place. "Tell your students to enjoy the last days of their youth. Because after tomorrow, all their hopes and dreams will be stained by blood."

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