Hell’s Handbook

Chapter 424

“Only a thousand points?” Su Jin looked at the points tabulation on his Handbook. He only gained the minimum number of points for clearing the Challenge. Then again, these points didn’t mean much to Su Jin anymore. He didn’t have much use for the items in the catalog and the most powerful weapons needed more than a few thousand points. These points were redundant to him.

After he returned to his world, he sat down to think carefully and finally decided to head to N City where the Nine-tailed Fox was participating in a reality TV show.

Ever since she debuted, the Nine-tailed Fox had become more popular than anybody could imagine, and it wasn’t an exaggeration to consider her a goddess of the country. But Su Jin totally expected that. She was the Nine-tailed Fox, after all. If even someone like her couldn’t get everyone to like her, then the problem definitely lay with the audience, not her.

“You said what? You want to meet Su Mei? HAHA! What a joke! There’s a long line waiting to meet her! Who do you think you are?” A security guard in front of the N City TV station blocked Su Jin from entering.

This was a rather awkward situation for Su Jin, who was there with a confused looking Su Wen. He tried to call the Nine-tailed Fox, but her phone was with her manager, so he couldn’t get through even after calling her a few times.

Just then, a luxury sports car parked in front of Su Jin. The man driving the car was a young and handsome lad who greeted the security guard, “Hello, Mr. Li! Which studio is Miss Su at now?”

“Oh! It’s Young Master Zhang! Miss Su is at Studio 7, you can follow the signs over there,” said the security guard with a huge smile on his face as he spoke to the young man in the car.

The young man nodded, glanced at Su Jin and Su Wen and frowned. “Are they your friends?”

“Not at all. They’re fans of Miss Su and I’m trying to get them to leave,” said the security guard with a tired smile.

The young man scoffed at Su Jin and said, “No fan of Miss Su should be behaving like that. Hurry up and chase them away. Miss Su is a kindhearted person, so if she ends up giving in to such fans, these undeserving people would stand to benefit!”

“Of course, of course, don’t worry, Young Master Zhang, I won’t let them get inside,” the security guard smiled ingratiatingly.

The young man nodded, then zoomed off into the TV station’s parking lot. The security guard turned around to chase Su Jin away, only to find that Su Jin had disappeared.

“He walked away by himself? Glad he knows what’s good for him!” muttered the security guard to himself. He did not see Su Jin and Su Wen walk away right in front of him.

“Sometimes, using my powers is easier than trying to explain myself,” Su Jin sighed. He had used his psychokinesis to alter the security guard’s vision, which was a troublesome thing to do. Su Jin tried to avoid breaking any of the rules of the real world unless he really had to. Of course, if he really wanted to, he could take over the world in no time like Natasha.

He followed the signs and they quickly reached studio 7. They walked in to see a reality TV program being filmed right in front of them. Such programs were all the rage among the cable networks recently, and the key to gaining viewership was in getting the most popular stars on the show.

N City’s TV station had excellent foresight and quickly signed a contract with the Nine-tailed Fox for their upcoming reality TV program when she just started getting popular. In the end, the Nine-tailed Fox became wildly popular in just a month’s time, which really shocked the entire entertainment industry.

Su Jin did not interrupt the filming and led Su Wen to where the live studio audience was seated. Su Wen had almost no understanding of this world, but he was very reliant on Su Jin and did not cry or throw tantrums. If Su Jin had the time to teach the boy, he didn’t mind just letting him tag along every day.

But after thinking it through, Su Jin decided that it was more appropriate to leave him with the Nine-tailed Fox. That way, Su Wen would get a chance to see the world and pick up some general knowledge and common sense.

Su Jin initially thought of leaving the boy with Situ Jin, but he didn’t want to always trouble Situ Jin with everything. He also thought about Xu Ran, but Xu Ran was a priest and he was also extremely busy, so Su Jin gave up that idea. Bifang was still in hibernation, and actually, Daitengu was quite a good choice. But Su Jin felt that it was easier for a female to bring Su Wen around, and the only female he could leave the boy with safely was the Nine-tailed Fox.

As they stood next to the live studio audience, they quickly started attracting attention. It wasn’t Su Jin who was attracting the attention, but Su Wen. He possessed a body that had been specially created, so both his constitution and his looks were perfect. He was the most handsome little boy to anybody who saw him, and because he didn’t know anything about this world, his expression was constantly dazed and slightly confused, which made him look even more adorable.

“Aren’t those two the fans at the entrance earlier? Tsk, Mr. Li actually let them in! He can forget about coming in tomorrow for work,” grumbled Young Master Zhang, who was also in the studio. He immediately marched briskly toward them.

“There’s a murderous aura in the air.” Su Jin was very sensitive to such things and he looked up at where it was coming from. His eye met with Young Master Zhang’s with the same accuracy and aggression as a sniper rifle, which actually frightened the young man instead.

When Su Jin realized it was just the rich young man from before, he put aside his aggression and the young man calmed down as well. He walked over and said, “How… who allowed you to come in? Wait, did you come in while I was talking to Mr. Li?!”

“That’s right! In fact, we should thank you,” Su Jin smiled before patting Su Wen’s head, “Wen, say thank you!”

“Thank you!” Su Wen said to Young Master Zhang. Su Jin had used psychokinesis to put Mandarin into the boy’s head, but he dared not impart too much to the boy because he was afraid it would affect his personality and life. So, even though Su Wen could speak fluently, his logic was not fully formed yet. But he had no trouble following Su Jin’s instructions.

Young Master Zhang couldn’t help but do a double take. He suddenly felt that… Su Wen was so cute! But he was immediately equally horrified by the feeling he had.

“Good heavens! How could I possibly think that a little boy is cute?! And… and this kid is a boy, right? How are his features so perfect?” thought Young Master Zhang.

“This is a filming studio and they’re filming right now, so you can’t enter without prior permission. Please leave!” For some reason, Young Master Zhang’s tone had suddenly softened and he couldn’t help but steal a couple of glances at Su Wen.

“Wen, plead with Young Master Zhang not to chase us away,” said Su Jin with a cheeky smile on his face.

“Please, sir, don’t chase us away? Please?” Su Wen’s big eyes blinked as he pleaded with the young man.

“I…” Young Master Zhang couldn’t help but take several steps back. He felt his heart rate increasing exponentially and there were goosebumps all over his skin. He couldn’t help but think, “Did I…did I hurt the little boy’s feelings? Oh no, how could I be so mean?!”

“The world is full of superficial people, alright,” thought Su Jin with a snort. Su Wen’s perfect body included the ability to charm others, which was a little like the Nine-tailed Fox’s ability. Initially, Su Jin thought that Su Wen had learned some skill of sorts, but later on, he guessed that the old man had included this aspect when creating this perfect body. The old man wanted perfection, and having the ability to charm ordinary people and make them do your bidding was a simple but valuable ability to have.

While Young Master Zhang was still reeling from self-blame and shock at his own emotions, the Nine-tailed Fox had finished filming. She took a glass of water from her manager, Lu Hang, and quickly spotted Su Jin after taking two sips.

“Why is he here?” She was pleasantly surprised and quickly ran toward Su Jin.

Young Master Zhang was facing her and when he saw her running toward him with a smile, he thought she was coming to talk to him. He threw all his confused thoughts out of his head and said to Su Jin, “Since you’ve already made your way in, I’ll let you stay here and meet your idol. But make sure you behave yourselves and don’t try anything funny.”

“Oh! Thank you so much! We’ll definitely behave ourselves!” said Su Jin with a smile. He chuckled and said to Su Wen, “Wen, thank Young Master Zhang!”

“Thank you, Young Master Zhang! You’re such a nice guy!” said Su Wen in an adorable voice.

“Oh my…” Young Master Zhang felt like his heart was about to stop. At the same time, the Nine-tailed Fox had reached them. She stretched her arms out and…hugged Su Jin.

“Wait, what?!” Young Master Zhang was completely bewildered!

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