Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

A day off


The glare from the sunlight shined through my eyelids. I covered my eyes with my blanket, but I was already awake. 

“Fuck..” I threw the blanket off of me and sat up. 

I yawned and stretched and it was then that I noticed I was naked. “Wha..” 

Like a freight train, all of my memories from last night came crashing back to me. 

My cheeks were hot, and I now had a reason for morning wood. My lips curled into a thin smile, but my joy was over almost as soon as it started. 

Like a boulder, Jennifer’s apartment, flashes of old memories, and the guilt from what I did yesterday bore down on me. 

I told myself so many times that I wouldn’t use Saya! But! Everytime! 

I balled my fist up before a pathetic chuckle escaped from my lips. “What does it matter now?” 

I hopped out of bed and got dressed. Noting to myself to take another shower. 

As soon as I stepped into the hallway I made eye contact with Miyuki. My heart skipped a beat, and I sucked in a large breath. 

Miyuki’s eyes were red and she had bags underneath them. She looked me up and down as if she hadn’t a clue who I was. This lasted for an uncomfortable amount of time before she finally headed to her room, all the while silently staring at me with wide eyes. 

Her door closed behind her and I gulped. A bead of sweat rolled down my cheek and I finally exhaled. 

“What the fuck was that?” I murmured walking away. 

I eventually have to sit down and talk to Miyuki. At first I thought she was just pissed about Riri and Saya, but if the conversation we had the other day is any indication, it’s something much deeper. And I don’t think I’m ready to deal with it. 

As I made my way downstairs another horrifying thought crept into my head. 

If Jennifer is… that way. Then how are Riri and Hannah? Is this what he meant when he said it’s going to get harder? Are they being punished for my actions? 

I feel like I already know the answer to these questions, and that makes me scared. 

I went to the kitchen and it looked like breakfast was done a while ago. There were some leftovers on the table wrapped in plastic. French toast, fruit, eggs and a side of turkey bacon. I unwrapped it and grabbed a piece of bacon, but that was it. I wasn’t in the mood for food.

I was going to go back upstairs and grabbed some clothes for a shower, but I didn’t want to. Instead I found myself heading to Saya’s room. 

Once I made it to Saya's room, she was in the middle of packing. She was smiling ear to ear and happily humming along to a song and bobbing her head. I knocked on her door, but she didn’t hear me because she had earbuds in. 

I felt a complicated feeling bubbling inside of my chest, but I ignored it. I walked over to Saya before lightly touching her shoulder. She jumped before snapping her head around. She looked startled, but her expression softened once she saw it was me. 

“Sorry.” Saya took out her earbuds before putting them in her case. “What’s up?” 

“Nothing much. I just wanted to..hang out with you.” I looked over at a half empty box. “Do you need some help?”

Saya flashed a smile. “Sure. I’m almost done though.” 

“That’s okay.” I replied, picking up an empty box. “What were you listening to?” 

“Oh!” Saya pulled out her earbuds and handed one to me sheepishly with an embarrassed smile.

I raised an eyebrow, but nonetheless plopped the earbud in and soon after the beat of the song came on. 

“~and when I’m in your arms, I feel free. Falling. My heads up in the clouds. In-” 

I felt the soft feeling of Saya’s lips on mine. My eyes widened before Saya pulled back from the kiss. 

The song continued as I stared at her slightly averting her eyes with a furious blush. 

“Because I’ve fallen. Head over heels, I’ve fallen-”

“In love with you…” Saya finished the lyric as she gazed into my eyes. 

I could feel my cheeks turning red, and despite the guilty feeling I had, I couldn’t hide the smile appearing on my face. 

“~Baby… to let you get away is crazy~” 

The song continued playing as Saya rested her head into my chest, and sang along to the rest of the song. 

There was a fluffy mood floating about the room as we finished packing in silence.

While Saya and I were snacking on the leftovers of breakfast in the kitchen, Kenzie had finally returned from grocery shopping. 

“You two look happy?” Kenzie asked with a smirk. 

Before I could answer, Saya answered instead. “We are!” She grabbed my arm, but continued eating. 

Kenzie made an awe sound, which made things far more embarrassing than it needed to be. 

Luckily, this didn’t last for too long. 

There was a knock at the door and I jumped up to answer it.

“I got it!” I rushed to the door as fast as I could. 

“Hell-” My words got stuck in my throat as I opened the door. 

Jason was standing in front of me with a big smile on his face. “Hey!” 

“Uh..” I had more than a few questions, but for some reason that came out. 

Jason placed me into a big bear hug, lifting me off of the ground in the process. “I was worried about you!” Jason nuzzled his face in my chest, and yet again I was dealing with another sus moment. 

“Please, put me down.” I asked, well more so told. 

Jason put me down after a few agonizing moments. He had tears in his eyes and a big dumb smile plastered on his face. I can’t say I didn’t have the same smile on my face. 

Though, I do feel bad about forgetting about him after everything happened. 

But before that..

“How did you find my house?” I quirked an eyebrow. 

I don’t think I’ve ever told him where I lived. 

“Your maps.” Jason pulled out my phone from his pocket and handed it to me. “You dropped this after everything that happened yesterday.” 

“Oh..” I should probably put a lock on my phone... “Thanks.” 

“No problem.” Jason responded. 

“So what happened after I left yesterday?” I asked a question that I was very curious to know. 

“Oh!” Jason perked up. “I woke up in the infirmary. The teachers somehow calmed everything down. Luckily, no one really got hurt. But, I got detention along with.. A lot of people. Which reminds me, you might have it as well. Sorry.” 

“Tch!” That’s going to be a pain in the ass!

Well, at least it didn’t end too bad. I’m kinda surprised that it ended the way that it did. “Well. I’m glad everyone is okay.” 

Jason nodded his head.

“Were you aware that you had a cult?” Once I asked this, Jason winced. “So that’s a yes.” 

“I mean.. I didn’t approve of it!” Jason quickly responded. “And calling them a cult is too far!” 

I raised an eyebrow. “They literally announced themselves as the, ‘Cult of Jason’.” 

Jason looked surprised before looking down at his feet. He didn’t say anything for a while, until… “I don’t know why I have.. A cult. I’m not that great.” 

I let out a laugh unintentionally. 

Jason looked up and frowned. “What?” 

“It’s just… “ I laughed again. “You’re definitely a dense anime protagonist.” 

Jason titled his head. “I don’t..”

“It’s nothing.” Must not watch much anime. “You’re awesome. Thanks for all of your help.” 

Jason blushed a little. “Thanks.” He murmured. “And you’re welcome.” 

 We talked a little more and I thought that would be all, but Jason still looked like he wanted to say something. 

“Are you busy?” Jason broke the silence. 

“Not..” I was trying to find an excuse for what I knew was inevitably coming. “Really.” Absolutely nothing. My crappy mind drew a blank. “Why?” 

Jason shuffled and looked at the ground. He inhaled a deep breath before exhaling loudly. “Do you want to hang out?” Jason answered exactly like I thought he would. 


“Who’s at the door?” Kenzie asked as she started walking towards me. 

“Is that your mom?” Jason asked as he tried to peek behind me. 

“Nobody!” I screamed as I closed the door behind me. 

I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling about letting him meet my family.

“Yeah! So how about we hang out another time?” I began to speak at a rapid rate, in hopes that it would dissuade Jason. 

Jason frowned and raised an eyebrow as he looked at the door behind me. “Why?” 


“Oh…” Kenzie was amused behind me and I jumped. “This is why you closed the door.” 

“H-hello!” Jason fixed his posture. “I’m Jason, nice to meet you!” And he raised his voice octaves higher. 

NO! NO! NO! 

Kenzie leaned against the door frame with a soft smile. “Kenzie.” She then pointed to me. “I’m his mom.” 

“So introductions are done. You can-” 

 Tried to usher Kenzie back in, but she brushed me off. “Aren’t you a cutie!” She pushed past me and pinched Jason’s cheek. And his eyes widened and he looked uncomfortable as his face turned red. “I almost thought you were a girl!” 

Jason blushed furiously and averted his eyes. 

“So!” I separated then. “We were about to leave-” 

“Pfft! What?!” Kenzie looked at me like I was crazy. “No! You and him are coming inside! I want to hear all about your new friend!” 


Kenzie ignored my pleas, and pushed me inside while ushering for Jason to follow after us. 

Fuck! Shit! DAMNIT!  


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