Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

Back to School 2


It was lunchtime and I headed to the cafeteria to look for Hannah. But, surprise, surprise, she’s nowhere to be found. 

I took a seat at a table by myself as per usual. Or so I thought. 

“Hey ugly!” 

As I looked up, my eyes shot open. And my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. “Are you fucking serious??”

Standing in front of me was an all too familiar figure.

Light hazel eyes, plump juicy lips. Short black silky hair, brown mocha skin, and light freckles. A nice curvy and muscular figure, and long slender legs. A few inches taller than myself. Even her accent is the same.

“Gabriella?!” She actually found me?! Where the hell was she this whole time?! 

Gabriella made a face of disgust and clicked her tongue. “Don’t say my name like you know me!” 

My mouth hung open, and I couldn’t formulate a sentence. My mind kept coming back to one thing… “Why are you here?” 

Gabriella squinted her eyes and crossed her arms before taking a defensive stance. “Leave my man alone.”

People in the cafeteria started turning to see what was going on, and my anxiety started kicking in. 


“Of course! Dummy!” Gabriella leaned over the table, peering deep into my eyes. Her model-esque features were popping out at me, and the smell of fruit and sugar wafted off of her. 

My face heated up and my pulse quickened. I found myself unconsciously scooting away even though I was sitting with my back facing the wall. 

I don’t know if it was in my head or if I was actually seeing it. Gabriella’s eyes glowed, giving off the impression of a predator. Suddenly, she grabbed me by the collar and pushed me up against the wall. 

This is.. kinda hot. 

A strange concoction of fear and horniness swirled inside of me, and I found myself uncomfortably mesmerized.

Gabriella's eyes turned crazed and her voice was almost growling. “Leave Jason alone!” 

“Stop. Stop.” A somewhat familiar voice came from behind Gabriella. 

Gabriella let go of my collar and turned to face the newcomer. I looked to the side to see my would be savior, and my face instantly fell. 

Jason. I’m having huge reservations about being your friend right now. 

Another one of Jason’s fangirls has arrived. I never got her name, I just know her as the blond chick girl with the really nice ass. 

“Rebecca, stay out of this!” Gabriella barked back. 

Rebecca sighed as she carefully stepped next to Gabriella. She whispered something to her before bright blue eyes landed on me. She stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time before she opened her lips. “Jeff, right?” 

How does she know my name? “Uh.. yeah..” 

“Okay Jeff. This person here is..” Rebecca pointed to Gabriella, who in turn scowled at Rebecca. Rebecca turned back to me with an amiable smile. “An acquaintance. And as you can tell, she’s not very nice. So how about you save yourself and agree to leave Jason alone.” 

My skin crawled and alarm bells started blaring inside of my head. I had the sense that I was prey that was surrounded by predators. “I…I’” 

“What?!” Gabriella and Rebecca understandably responded with a question.

“Oh..” I thought that’s what they were worried about. I mean… I think Jason’s straight…at times?? Judging by the looks of the girls when I’m with him, and some of the rumors.. I unfortunately could see why some people may have that perception.

My mind raced for reasons as to why they chose to confront me, especially now. But, nothing really made sense to me. 

Does Jason really have some type of power or something? “Why do you want me to leave him alone?” 

Gabriella huffed before slamming her hands down on the table again, causing me to flinch. “You’re a bad influence on him!!” 

“B-bad influence???” I’ve barely had any interaction with Jason, and the few times that I have he’s been the aggressor! 

“Ever since he met you, all he does is talk about you! He blew me off to buy you a gift the other day!” Gabriella grabbed her hair, seemingly ready to pull it all out. “That’s not who Jason is! He’s kind and considerate! Until you! You!” Her eyes teared up, and her lip started quivering. 


This bitch is crazy.

Gabriella bellowed like a deranged banshee. “You don’t have anything to say?!” 

“How about this..” Rebecca fumbled around in her purse before pulling out a few large bills. Her soft delicate hands grabbed mine as she placed the bills in my hand. “I know how it feels not having access to Jason, hopefully this makes it a little bit easier.” 

I just have to tell them what they want to hear.. “I’ll leave him alone.” 

It appeared like a weight had been lifted off of their shoulders. 

“Thank you! Rebecca smiled brightly before turning around to leave. But, at the last second, just for a moment, I saw a look of utter disgust mar her angelic face. 

Gabriella deflated like a popped balloon, and for a moment I saw an ounce of relief blossom on her face. But, she quickly put back on her angry face. “You better!” 

For a few uncomfortable moments, Gabriella and I had an awkward staring contest. 

I looked around and people were starting to turn away and eat their food. “Anything else?” 

Gabriella suddenly screamed and pointed her finger in my face. “You’re not in charge! We’re done when I say we are!” 

I blinked a few times before I stammered out a response. “O..okay???” 

“Stop looking like that! You’re the annoying one!” Gabriella got frustrated and knocked over a half carton of milk that I had left and stormed off.

I looked at the spilled milk, but I quickly ignored it. I heaved a huge sigh of relief as I slumped in my chair. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a petite brunette girl with freckles and green eyes hiding behind a pillar. Once her eyes met with mine, she quickly hid behind the pillar. As if I didn't just see her... 

School is finally over, so that’s great! Now I can think about how fucked everything is right now in the comfort and safety of my home! 

“Jeff!” Jason’s voice entered my ears. 

I unconsciously flinched and my heart nearly exploded.

Before I could turn around, I felt Jason’s body crashing into mine. He wrapped his arm around my neck, crushing any hopes I had of escaping. “Are.. you.. shaking?”  

“No!” I think I might have some form of ptsd now thanks to Jason. But, I can’t appear weak. 

“Hey..umm..” Jason leaned in close to my face and I could feel his breath on the side of my face. The smell of flowers entered my nose, and I was made uncomfortably aware of his body heat and how we were touching skin. “I’m sorry about earlier.” 

This is so sus. 

Jason’s eyebrows creased and he hugged me a bit too tight for my comfort. “Everything okay?”

As I looked at Jason’s pretty face, my mind went back to the incident in the cafeteria.

I grabbed Jason’s hand and ripped his arm off of me. “Get your fucking hands off me!” 

Jason’s eyes started watering and turned big like saucers. “I didn’t mean to. I just really missed you.” 

Damnit! Now I’m starting to feel bad! This has to be a joke! “I.. nevermind. It’s fine. Just forget what I said.”

I don’t even have the energy to be angry right now. 

I started walking away, but Jason quickly ran beside me. “Where are you going?!” 

Please, just let this day end… “Home.” 

Jason bit his lip, then opened his mouth before quickly closing it. His face turned crimson red and he clutched his chest as he took a deep breath. “I mean.. You don’t have to.. if you don't want to.. But, if you want to hang out.. then..”  

I could feel my own face turning red from embarrassment. Why? I don’t know? “M-Maybe some other time.” 

Jason's face fell, but his eyes lit up after a few seconds. The puppy dog effect in full form once again. “Promise?” 

“Sure.” Damnit! I didn’t mean to agree to that! Damn those puppy dog eyes! 

“Yes!” Jason jumped high into the air with a big smile going ear to ear. 

Damn he can jump high. 

Once Jason landed, he attempted to give me a hug. 

“No.” I can’t keep letting him hug me. It feels dangerous in an uncomfortable way. 

Jason looked a little hurt but stopped himself nonetheless. He scratched his cheek with an embarrassing red face. “Sorry. I’m just really happy right now.”

..I can’t believe this guy is cucking me? How Sway?! How?! I’m not even sure if he likes women! I’m not even sure if he knows either!  

A small laugh escaped my mouth, before I busted out laughing. Jason looked confused and his face started turning even redder. 

I wiped my eyes as tears had begun to form in them. “I feel so bad for those girls..” 

Jason frowned and looked puzzled. “Huh?”

“Oh right!” I snapped my fingers. “Your fangirls confronted me in the cafeteria. They told me that I was a bad influence on you, and to leave you alone.” 

Jason’s entire demeanor shifted. His eyes turned sharp, and he turned rigid. “…Who?”

Goosebumps popped up all over my skin, and I hesitated to answer. “Uhh.. Rebecca and Gabriella. It’s not-“

“That won’t happen again.” Jason interrupted me with an icy tone. 

Jason quickly turned around and started walking away before I had the chance to say anything else. 

…Did I just do something bad?


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