Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 007 Four Heavenly Emperors, Eight Ksitigarbha Bodhisattvas, Twelve Divine Generals, and One

For the first time in his life, Jiang Bai understood the truth that "men cannot be too fast".

Unfortunately, it was too late to understand, and the price was too painful.

The director quickly explained,

"You have already awakened the sequence ability during the third mysterious tide. This is not your first awakening.

For the second awakening, the stronger the sequence ability of the first awakening, the weaker the second awakening, because powerful sequence abilities are mutually exclusive.

This theory is still in the demonstration stage, and I was worried about affecting your mentality, so I didn’t say anything in advance..."

Listening to the director's explanation, Jiang Bai nodded slightly to express his understanding.

The sequence ability he had awakened before was indeed very strong.

From another perspective, the weaker Jiang Bai's awakening sequence ability is, the stronger he was before!

Although Lao Ma didn't have a good word to say about Jiang Bai, he emphasized one point in Jiang Bai's file.

Jiang Bai is optimistic by nature. No matter what happens, he can always adjust his mentality in the shortest time and respond positively.

Even though the Cicada plan is close to failure, Jiang Bai has been sleeping for 1,200 years. After waking up, he still eats and drinks as if he had never died.

Compared with the 1,200-year seal, awakening the penultimate sequence ability is not a big deal at all for Jiang Bai.

He quickly focused on his abilities, familiarized himself with them as quickly as possible, and maximized his combat power.

[Cun Zhi]: Can interrupt sequence abilities or behaviors. After the interruption is successful, a small amount of ability recovery and improvement will be obtained.

Jiang Bai is no stranger to sequence abilities, that is, superpowers.

1,200 years ago, he was the top superpower in this land.

If the sequence ability is regarded as a skill, the effect of Cun Zhi is to interrupt spell casting. Success will restore mana and increase the upper limit of mana.


Jiang Bai opened his eyes again, his eyes were very puzzled.

"According to my understanding, [Cun Zhi] should be considered a growable skill. Why is it ranked so low?"

As a senior player of the kobold bar, Jiang Bai would take a high look at any ability that could be grown.

This question happened to be about the director's area of ​​expertise. He put down the dictionary and answered fluently,

"Because the effort is not proportional to the benefits, releasing [Cun Zhi] consumes too much power, the success rate is too low, the power recovered is too little, and the increase in the upper limit of the power... is extremely weak. If you have this skill, it is better to watch more Think about it for a while and improve faster.”


Jiang Bai nodded and said to himself,

"It costs a lot of mana, has a long CD, has little improvement, and even a dog won't play with it."

Jiang Bai's evaluation is - not as good as Dog Head.

Jiang Bai quickly proposed a new idea,

"The effect of [Cun Zhi] is to interrupt spellcasting. What will happen if I use [Cun Zhi] at the same time as I use [Cun Zhi] on myself?"

Shan Hongyi:? ? ?

Director:? ? ?

The two stared at each other, speechless for a moment.

Shan Hongyi stumbled and asked, "You, how could you have such a crazy idea?"

Use your own sequence ability on yourself?

Picture what?


Is this guy still suicidal? !

The director lowered his head and flipped through the dictionary frantically, hoping to find some useful information.

Jiang Bai saw words like 'bug', 'crazy', 'take medicine regularly' appearing on it.

The final answer the director got was: [I read it from online articles. 】

Obviously, when Jiang Bai was reading some online articles, he saw the shameless behavior of the protagonist using skills to block bugs, and subconsciously wanted to imitate them.

The director said seriously,

"Jiang Bai, read less online articles..."

When it comes to online articles, Jiang Bai's eyes light up and he remembers one thing,

"I will fight against the sky with my back, do you want to see it?!"

1,200 years have passed, and many precious historical materials have been lost. This is both a loss and an opportunity!

Before entering the [Cicada] project, Jiang Bai read online articles all the time just for this moment!

Become a copycat, make a lot of money, lift the seal of supernatural powers, reach the pinnacle of life, and break through your own limitations!

The director smiled bitterly and said,

"The servers of several major web sites were dug up by archeology. People initially thought they contained secrets for cultivating supernatural powers. The forces from all sides fought hard, causing countless casualties.

It was not until the data was decrypted that people discovered that this was a mistake and the ground was in a mess.

As for the Battle of the Sky you mentioned, it is well-known in all major rankings. In order to compete for this book, hundreds of extraordinary people died, and even a god general fell..."

Jiang Bai:......

Taking this opportunity, the director just introduced Jiang Bai to the division of realms of superpowers.

People with superpowers are simply divided into:

Beginner level, intermediate level, advanced level, palace master, extraordinary strong person...

As for transcendence, it is not a field that Jiang Bai can touch for the time being.

However, the director specifically mentioned that there are some top experts who have been famous for many years and have great names. Jiang Bai needs to know:

"The Four Heavenly Emperors, the Eight Ksitigarbhas, and the Twelve Divine Generals, one is the king."

Just fourteen words made Jiang Bai raise his eyebrows, "Are there any masters?"

The Four Heavenly Emperors refer to the four top masters of heavenly powers. Each of them has at least two heavenly sequence abilities.

The Eight Ksitigarbha and the Twelve Divine Generals are the top experts of the earth and human systems respectively.

"One man is king, what do you mean?"

Shan Hongyi helped Jiang Bai solve his doubts.

"One person is the king, which means the Human King. The identity of the Human King is mysterious, and no one knows his true identity. According to rumors, the Human King should be a cross-system psychic who has mastered at least two systems of psychic powers. He has fought against the four Heavenly Emperors and has not been defeated..."

Human King?

There are a total of 25 top masters. The director did not introduce too much because these people are too far away from them.

At present, Jiang Bai has just entered the door and can barely be regarded as a beginner psychic.

Now that he has a direction to work hard, Jiang Bai immediately started to act.

In the next day, except for eating and taking a short break, Jiang Bai kept meditating and accumulating psychic powers.

Until the sun set in the west, the psychic power in his body was not enough to release [Inch Stop] once.

Jiang Bai has a new understanding of this sequence ability ranked 107.

It deserves its ranking!

Imagine that after three or five days of visualization and practice, it is hard to accumulate enough for one time, and then use it once in battle, it is gone!

Charge for three days and talk for three seconds!

Want to use [Inch Stop] again?

Please recharge for another three days...

What's the point of this!

What's the point of a dog head that can only stack Q once in three games?

However, after Jiang Bai told the director his experience, the director's expression was particularly complicated.

"Jiang Bai...Generally, a beginner psychic needs to practice for at least half a month to accumulate enough psychic power to release [Inch Stop]..."

Jiang Bai's practice speed is five times that of the same level, catching up with half of the intermediate psychic!

Jiang Bai was thoughtful and said, "It must be that the seal is loose, which allows me to absorb psychic power faster!"

When something goes wrong, the seal is blamed.

The director also agreed and nodded frequently.

After the sun went down, the three of them could finally return to the institute with electricity.

After a simple wash, the director gave Jiang Bai a small room, less than 20 square meters, with a bed, a wardrobe, and a desk.

Jiang Bai lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and recalled everything that happened today.

Soon, rhythmic breathing sounded in the room.

In Jiang Bai's mind, lines of golden fonts appeared one after another:

"Heaven system, sequence ability: [Destiny], sequence 0"

"Earth system, sequence ability: [Geographical advantage], sequence 0"

"Human system, sequence ability: [Human harmony], sequence 0..."

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