Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 100 Higher than the sky (1st update)

According to Wei Junjie's introduction, this ghost-type secret treasure was once extremely powerful, even more terrifying than some of the suppressed secret treasures in the Forbidden Land of Death.

But the more powerful the ghost-type secret treasure is, the more terrifying the price is, and the existence hidden behind the scenes desires more.

It was precisely after realizing this that the Ksitigarbha took action and forcibly dismantled the secret treasure.

Jiang Bai once dealt with [Ghost-019]. At that time, Jiang Bai lamented that the creator of [Ghost-019] had extraordinary skills and created a secret treasure of this level. On the contrary, the ghost contained in the wick seemed a bit weak and unworthy of it. No wick.

In fact, the secret treasure [Ghost-019] is not complete, and the ghost in the wick is not a native ghost, nor is it a real djinn!

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Bai was able to destroy [Ghost-019] so easily, with only the Ghost Hub wick remaining.

If Jiang Bai holds the wick, retrieves the ghost that was sealed by Ksitigarbha, and then finds the life candle, he may have a chance to reproduce the terrifying power of this secret treasure!

You know, [Ghost-019] made from the split wick is the treasure of the Fourth Research Institute!

One can only imagine how powerful the complete version of the secret treasure is.

Hearing this, Shan Qingyi asked,

"Wei Junjie, when you went to steal the lamp in the institute, was it ordered by the First Ksitigarbha?"

After hearing the other party's question, Wei Junjie retorted on the spot,

"Don't ask, I will never betray the First Ksitigarbha!"

Shan Qingyi: .....

Is there a possibility that you have betrayed the First Ksitigarbha?

"It's interesting. Everyone in the world knows the names of Emperor of Heaven, Ksitigarbha, and Divine Generals, but they don't know that there are some special distinctions between these existences."

Shan Qingyi clasped her fingers and said to herself,

"Among the emperors of heaven, the Emperor Wuyi Cekong has suppressed natural disasters in the world for hundreds of years. He is so powerful that no need to say more."

"The First Ksitigarbha, the head of Ksitigarbha, all Ksitigarbha's appointments must be approved by his nod, otherwise they will not be effective, and even the Forbidden City of Death will not recognize them."

"God General...the First God General, the Ninth God General, and the Twelfth God General. These three positions are all extremely special."

"The First Divine General is known as the weakest First Divine General in the past two hundred years. Even so, he has been guarding the Death Forbidden Land for ten years, and everything has been calm."

"The Forbidden Land of Death guarded by the Ninth God General is extraordinary. Each generation of the Ninth God General has an astonishing killing power. He once destroyed the burial ground single-handedly."

"The twelfth divine general...the reason why this position is special is not because of the special position, but because the person who once held it was too outstanding, and this position is in Biden's hands again..."

Shan Qingyi took stock of the many powerful people today and changed the subject.

"Wei Junjie, do you know what they all have in common?"

Listening to this proposition, Wei Junjie chose to play dumb and replied, "They all guard the forbidden land of death. They are existences that I respect and admire."

"Haha... guarding the forbidden land of death..."

Shan Qingyi sneered and said,

"This is a burial place. You might as well be bolder when you speak. What these strong men have in common is that they are the people closest to becoming gods in the world!"

"Everyone can feel that the fifth mysterious tide is about to climax soon. After the tide reaches its highest level, it will ebb..."

"If they can't complete the ritual of becoming a god before the tide recedes, they will all die!"

Shan Qingyi's words were equivalent to ringing the death knell. The top strong men in the world were all facing a countdown to death!

Wei Junjie retorted,

"This... there is no research to show that... if you don't become a god, you will definitely die..."

He didn't believe these words himself, he hesitated and said it with little confidence.

Shan Qingyi sneered and said bluntly,

"According to the research on the fourth mysterious tide, those who have not become the top of the [ghost system] and the extraordinary who have reached the peak will all die when the tide recedes!

Ordinary people can survive, and ordinary extraordinary people can take chances, but the top experts are all without exception. They must either reach the pinnacle of this generation or die. There is no third way! "

Shan Qingyi's statement is an important result of the Fourth Research Institute. It has not been made public to the world, but it is already a consensus among the top experts.

You must awaken the [God System] and become a god before the tide recedes, otherwise, you will definitely die!

Wei Junjie wanted to refute, but found that he could not find a strong argument.

If you really want to say evidence, there is, but Wei Junjie endured it and did not speak out.

Wei Junjie narrowed his eyes slightly, looked into the depths of the ice mist, and thought to himself, "Jiang Bai may have woken up in the fourth mysterious tide. With his qualifications, there is no doubt that he will become a strong man, but he survived... "

"Perhaps Jiang Bai has found a third way."

Of course, this is just a guess. It is a bit too extravagant to place hope on Jiang Bai.

Wei Junjie withdrew his gaze and asked via voice transmission,

"Is that guy really in there?"

Shan Qingyi replied, "I asked a few times, it seems like I'm inside."

Wei Junjie nodded, "Then I won't be here."

Based on Wei Junjie's understanding of Jiang Bai, for Jiang Bai, the sixth person, the more he pretends to be like him, the more fake he is!

If the real Jiang Bai is inside and Shan Qingyi talks to him, Jiang Bai will only have two responses:

One: Shut up.

Two: Roulette.

Jiang Bai would not be so polite. While busy with business, he would be distracted by chatting with Shan Qingyi.

Shan Qingyi chose to trust Wei Junjie's judgment and asked,

"Then where do you think Jiang Bai will go?"

Wei Junjie laughed and joked, "How would I know that? I just know this guy, hey~"

When the dagger was on his neck, Wei Junjie couldn't laugh anymore.

A drop of sweat appeared on his forehead and he swallowed his saliva.

Damn it, when Jiang Bai was here, he pointed a gun at me, and when Jiang Bai was not here, someone else pointed a knife at me, so didn't Jiang Bai go there in vain?

Wei Junjie suddenly felt powerless. He had an illusion that Jiang Bai had an infectious disease that would turn everyone around him crazy.

Maybe, Shan Qingyi had already gone crazy before she saw Jiang Bai.

In any case, don't get close to Jiang Bai, or you'll become unfortunate!

"I say, I say 1"

The knife was on his neck, Wei Junjie was very cooperative, and said in a voice transmission,

"Jiang Bai is definitely not in the ice fog. The one left in the ice fog is just a bait. He went to do the most important thing. Don't worry. Jiang Bai's logic is easy to infer. Whoever is the strongest will be the first to be killed. We are safe for the time being. By the way, did he make a deal with you to let you guard the ice fog? What price did he offer?"

It can be seen that Wei Junjie really knows Jiang Bai very well.

Shan Qingyi thought about it and said concisely,

"The price Jiang Bai offered is higher than the sky."

Hearing this, Wei Junjie's face turned pale, and he fell to the ground, his eyes were dull, and he muttered,

"It's broken!"

"This time I'm going to poke a hole in the sky!"

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