Help! This savior is too stupid!

Chapter 102 The key to the burial ground, the Big Dipper! (Three more chapters)

After 1,200 years, Jiang Bai once again explored the burial site, and it seemed that there was no change from a thousand years ago.

A thousand years ago, Jiang Bai fought alone, and it will be the same a thousand years later.

He has long been accustomed to walking alone on this road.

This is also the reason why Jiang Bai seldom feels lonely when he wakes up after 1,200 years. He is very adaptable to acting alone.

He never approached anyone; people just kept coming towards him.

The deeper you go, the gray mist does not become thicker, but becomes thinner.

Jiang Bai tried it. Although the fog was thinner, the [geographical location] was still unusable. Fortunately, the effect of [Humanity] was still there.

"It's also Sequence Zero. Why is [Geographical Advantage] suppressed, but [Humanity] is effective?"

Jiang Bai recalled that he had a battle of wits and courage with a group of ghosts in the secret tomb of Star Picking Platform 03.

At that time, everyone had one thing in common - they all had earth sequence abilities.

Jiang Bai deduced,

"Wei Junjie has the [Silhouette] of the earth system. Although Shan Qingyi didn't say it, it is unlikely that he only has one series of abilities."

Shan Qingyi's [Fairness] visualized the object as a dragonfly, not a Yin-Yang fish. She at least still has a series of sequence abilities.

"In other words, this is the burial place of the [Earth Element], so why is the [Geographical Advantage] so restrained?"

The burial place of the earth system means that the strongest sequence ability of the owner of the burial place is also the [earth system].

"For earth-type burial sites, according to previous experience, the burial site will most likely be suspended in the air, and the disaster will begin after it lands on the ground..."

Jiang Bai remembered that a thousand years ago, he had seen an earth burial ground in the Western Region.

It was a hanging temple, looming in the clouds, emitting bright light, competing with the sun and the moon.

Jiang Bai just watched from a distance and did not get closer.

The Xuankong Temple only appears at certain times. Some people couldn't restrain their curiosity and broke into it, never coming out again.

Later, Xuankong Temple suddenly disappeared one day.

"I don't know what the relationship between the forbidden death area of ​​the Protectorate and this Hanging Temple is."

Jiang Bai suddenly stopped, his messy thoughts were swept away at this moment, and he was extremely alert.

Directly in front of him, a broken stone pillar appeared. The stone pillar was three meters high and less than one meter in diameter. It stood alone on the spot. A small opening was broken from the top. About one-third of the stone pillar disappeared. Starlight streamed from the fracture.

Jiang Bai did not approach the broken pillar rashly, but kept a distance from it and carefully looked around.

After half a circle around the broken pillar, Jiang Bai saw two large characters written on the side of the broken pillar: [Kaiyang]

Jiang Bai analyzed, "Kaiyang, one of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, Han Li... Could it be a burial place left by the Han Dynasty, right?"

There are seven star-catching platforms in total, and at this moment Jiang Bai saw the broken stone pillars engraved with the word "Kaiyang". Does it mean that there are seven stone pillars in the burial ground corresponding to the Big Dipper?

And the seven star-catching platforms, the so-called star-catching platforms, are facing the Big Dipper. Only in this way can the seven star-catching platforms become the entrance to the burial place and the key to the burial place!

The fragmentary clues gradually became complete, and the truth was restored bit by bit, but Jiang Bai couldn't be happy in his heart.

"Why does the painter know what is going on in the burial ground, and why does he know how to open the burial ground?"

The conditions of the burial site are absolutely inaccessible to the outside world. If you want to obtain this information, there are only three ways:

Creator of the Burial Ground.

Everything about the burial place was created by him, needless to say.

The existence of a burial ground.

Over the long years, some beings would occasionally wake up and even escape from the burial place. These beings knew how to get in and out of the burial place.

Someone who has entered a burial place by mistake and escaped.

Only these three types of existence can master this information and provide it to the painter!

"The first possibility is ruled out directly."

Jiang Bai calculated in his heart,

"If you are the creator of the burial ground, you don't need to go to such trouble at all. Laying out the layout, to put it nicely, is called planning and then acting, strategizing from thousands of miles away. To put it worse, it means that the strength is not enough, and you can't take it by force, you can only outsmart it. ”

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Bai also ruled out the third possibility,

"The possibility of someone accidentally entering a burial place and escaping later is also unlikely."

If you want to open this burial place, you need to build seven star-catching platforms in special directions. At special times, seven living creatures and seven ghosts will fight on the star-catching platforms, and the final winner can enter the burial place.

With such complex opening conditions, the possibility of entering by mistake is almost zero.

Even if you get in, it's even harder to get out!

Jiang Bai looked gloomy after using the elimination method skillfully.

"In other words, another being buried in this burial ground woke up. After escaping from the burial ground, he gave the information to [the painter] for some reason. If it goes further, [the painter] may have escaped from the burial ground. Get out of existence!”

"What kind of existence has awakened, and what is the purpose of escaping from the burial ground after awakening?"

"Is it to release the owner of the burial ground?"

Jiang Bai felt more and more pressure as he explored the burial ground and gained more secrets.

He approached the [Kaiyang] stone pillar and carefully observed the fracture, and his expression suddenly changed.

"This isn't Starlight!"

"This is an almost substantial death force!"

"I've seen this happen in burial grounds..."

"There was once a [dead ghost] sealed in the stone pillar!"

Under Jiang Bai's careful observation, a hidden line of small words was engraved on the bottom of the [Kaiyang] stone pillar: [Don't look at anything inappropriate]

Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows and immediately remembered that Shan Qingyi had encountered a fleeing [Dead Ghost]. If he was seen by it, he would die. This was an irresistible law of death.

"The [Dead Ghost] is sealed in the stone pillar as the guardian of the burial ground. At the same time, the killing method of the dead ghost is engraved at the bottom of the stone pillar as a reminder..."

"Once the burial ground is opened, the stone pillar will break and the sealed [Dead Ghost] will be released. If you don't know the death law of the dead ghost, you will die if you rashly face the [Dead Ghost]!"

The text at the bottom of the stone pillar gave this situation, which was originally a dead end, a glimmer of hope, and turned it into a dead end!

Jiang Bai wrote down this information, made sure he didn't miss anything, and found a direction to continue exploring.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Bai encountered another stone pillar with the words [Yu Heng] written in Han Li.

Like [Kaiyang], the [Yuheng] stone pillar also broke apart, and one-third of the stone pillar disappeared, leaving only the dead qi, and the dead ghost inside was nowhere to be found.

At the bottom of [Yuheng], there was a line of small characters: "Don't listen to anything indecent."

"Will you die if you hear the sound?"

Jiang Bai frowned. According to the literal meaning, the dead ghost should make a certain sound, and once heard, he will die.

After staying at the [Yuheng] stone pillar for a few minutes, Jiang Bai set off again and soon found the third stone pillar.

The moment he saw the stone pillar, Jiang Bai's face suddenly changed.

The two characters [Yaoguang] were written in Han Li on the stone pillar, and a line of small characters was engraved at the bottom: [Don't move without courtesy].

These are just details.

What really shocked Jiang Bai was that the stone pillar in this place was intact!

The [Yaoguang] stone pillar was full of cracks, and the cracks were even expanding, but it was still a complete stone pillar, and a dead ghost was sealed inside, which could rush out at any time!


At the top, a piece of rubble fell to the ground, and deadly energy surged out...

Seeing this scene, Jiang Bai resisted the urge to turn around and leave, and silently said in his heart,

"Don't touch without permission...Don't touch without permission..."

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